Monday, May 27, 2024

unsolvable problem by Angela Kikuchi Kneale

Having an immigrant mom whose first language is Asian and during a time when the great generation was still alive is extremely problematic. There is no sympathy or understanding for me as her only living and surviving child.
But I am faced with an elderly person who has become essentially the community fool. Even though she is functional, her isolation and the toxic persecution of others teaching her English has left me with a mom who has onset of dementia and is unable to communicate with me for more than 30 seconds to a minute. That means she has been terrorized by my father and others for speaking at all to me. And the community members who interact with her are equally toxic, and after the gang stalk me they go and target my mom. If she doesn't comply with them and attack me verbally and sometimes physically, they refuse to help her in any way to even buy a small perennial or flower from her flea market stand for under $10. My mom has basically never had a salary as an American since she naturalized. When I returned in 2018 things were calm and I thought they were reasonable enough to put some trust in my parents who had already had a very arguous issue with the community. But I was wrong, it was an act that we're off very quickly after I changed my residency from Hawaii state to Pennsylvania again. My parents had a cocktail of hate ready for me because my father who has been a long time abuser and who I'm writing into my torture complaint as both of victim and a perpetrator, had not saved enough for their retirement. This made my life something that the community and the insurance agents who lived in the neighborhood part of a community hate crime against me. They justified harming me and killing me because my mother realized she would lose her face because she needs money to be housed as an elderly Japanese immigrant in a largely anti Japanese community. So she participated and for solid years I was terrorized by those in Bucks County who had gone to the extent of gangstalking me all the way to the Canadian border in the past. In the past I have tried to maintain silence through the shame since that is what my mom has done. Especially while my father repeatedly tried to kill me in front of her while she was still a Japanese citizen. This is part of what was a constructed conspiracy with him and his attorney with him taking orders through the attorney Samuel litzenberger. I don't know how many other people were involved but I do know that it was an intelligence and community conspiracy against my life in order to impact my mother and her family in Japan. So by age two and a half or three for my first ballet recital costume I was nearly killed in the place where my brother's ash is now rest. My father brutally beat me until I was unconscious numerous times that constitute about 3,000 or 4,000 beatings during my time and my youth. He was very good at not leaving physical marks, but that didn't matter for the pedophiles at the elementary school. I reported some of this to the department of Justice once President by I didn't open the AAPI hate crimes reporting portal. The reason I did so was because I was already three years into formalizing a torture affidavit in a cutting edge concept of lifelong tortured by intelligence agencies. So, I felt I had to report to the United States despite the United States of America enabling these men and women to cause such egregious harm for such a long period of time. The racketeering circles that my father intersected with were known to me. His confidiing in me, was the reasoning behind his extreme abuse and physical battery of me. What he told me it was not something I could share with my mom. Which she saw and witnessed was his nearly killing me in front of her numerous times. And for some life she tried to take over the punishment from him. But she didn't know was that he was beating me in order to silence me permanently after telling me about some of his trafficking stories prior to the CIA attempting to recruit him before he met my mother in Japan. My brother, was an infant. So my mom had other concerns. And for me, the Bucks County community still has the remnants of the former Americans and Europeans who intentionally cause harm to me. And they continue to maintain that control through today as a way to manipulate geopolitics with Japan. In this perspective of life long torture I have had one choice, the choice to stay alive.