Showing posts with label detox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label detox. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Facial Scrub for Face Yoga

premixed masks (in packet or tube)
Moisturizing:  Body Shop British Rose
Daily Exfoliant: Freeman feelingbeautiful Cleansing Apple cider vinegar Clay Mask + Scrub
After makeup and workouts: Nature Republic Bamboo Charcoal mud pack

I stopped to get toothpaste the other day and paroozed the discount bin near the register.
So, since my Clarisonic went m.i.a. with a phone I had in Upstate, NY, I've been out of my usual exfoliating treatment for a while. It's really tough to fight aging now that I'm in my 40's and everyone still looks at me strange because they wish I were a 20 year old. Sadly, the white genetics in my Hapa mix aren't working in my favor at my age. Even as a still photo extra in makeup on Hawaii 5-0 I got the lecture about the eyebagssetting in. (see photo in same color-pop outfit I used for stills)
My work done- due to the eyebags see above.
Surgery not recommended due to "a lot of mess-ups" the Industry has seen. 
No amount of Vitamin C flush or Saltwaterflushes are working. The Beautiful Hawaii Hapa girls at the Club bars tell me what makeup solutions their moms use. And, yet, I still don't look as old as my white counterparts.

There was this mask... now fully finished that I used gently for 3 scrubs.
It's a Freeman feelingbeautiful Cleansing apple cider vinegar Clay Mask + Scrub.
I applied 1/2 of it the first time and let it dry. It has a color like calamine lotion when it's dry. And, it's super viscous when I go to wash it off.  So the last 1/2 I split into two thin applications. And, it says that it's for daily use too. Remembering that most face yoga and stretches require about 50 strokes in each direction, I upped it to 75 with this scrub at each part of my face. Keeping in mind that it takes about a minute for the old face brush to go over my face and clean up makeup. I'm trading off for the traditional self-care face wash moves with actual pressure from my hands.
On the third wash, my skin feels extremely smooth.
So this is a surprising addition I'll definitely pick up again to pack in my bag.

Monday, February 10, 2020

My Bloodcells #MKstArgate with Toxic Mold...2+years of agony end? 12/2016?

Angela Kneale at Comicon Honolulu 2016
Toxic Mold Stachyobotrys Biotoxin under microscope
Photo and blood of Angela M. Kneale 2014 copyright
25 August 2017 from Oahu, Hawaii original post just uploaded 10 February 2020 from Pennsylvania       
                                       Biotoxin - last exposure was possibly 3/1/2017 I had reexposure in August 2016 definately. Another reexposure from a different location in Waikiki 11/2016
1st exposure In June 2013? These photos from Spring 2014 1st time at homeopath.

Photo by Angela M. Kneale
Cluster of dead Red blood cells due to biotoxin with 2 trapped white bloodcells
This causes brain fog, and other issues such as stroke or joint pain.

web of dead red blood cells with trapped white blood cells
damaged by Toxic Mold aka Stachyobotrys under microscope see photo below.
Photo by Angela M. Kneale

Toxic Mold Stachyobactrus in Angela M. Kikuchi Kneale's Bloodstream under microscope 2014

Sunday, January 20, 2019

2019 Vegan ideal & Keto Vegan lifestyle

I'm working on how to explain the vegan-keto diet I lived on for 2yrs before reintroducing normal food meals 15% of the year.
And, what breatharian meant when other suggested I'm able, the mind games for willpower to do it, etc.
It's a different world today!
If anyone needs help fasting...this was very comprehensive for reducing my footprint. And I've read enough articles about how others are Afraid to do vegan- keto.
No, this isn't a 30day master cleanse either. Or a Vitamin C & Saltwater flush routine. Nor is it Krisna's calendar of diet adjustments. NOR DID I HAVE MUCH OF ANY JUICE!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Protein powder in Ketchup/mustard bottle

So, I can't find a good way to keep my protein powder easy to dispense without doing a little work. The old skool red or yellow ketchup and mustard bottles are handy to put powder in and put a few Squeezes, through the wide enough nozzle, and into my coffee or ice water.
I got one 1/2 size (not so tall) and clear to carry around my organic cacao powder.
Looks like I need a bigger one for my Protein Powder.( currently Vega Sport performance protein) 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

My Vegan Original Toxic Mold Elimination Diet

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016

I published the following on August 28, 2014 as part of what I did as a human being surviving the debilitating effects of Toxic Mold invasion to my human body. This was my actual start Vegan Detox diet plan, immediate, without extra oils until after the 1st month to make it more ketogenic.

1. Drank 3-4 sticks of fulvic minerals with chlorophyllins each day in  3 liters of H20
2. Eliminated major sugar intake;- No grains including corn & heirloom & trendy health grains, No Fruit at all, No Dessert
3. Allowed cacao or nearly pure dark chocolate for dessert
4. Ate  appx. 3/4lb  Organic salad no  lettuce;- bed is sunflower sprouts, shredded beets, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds topped with olive oil and salt. (do not use Pink Salt!!!) 
   4b. No vinegar & no salad dressing due to acidity
5. Allowed 1 - 16oz cup of coffee a day 
6. Drank an additional 48oz of H20 to offset the Acid PH
7. My in between & later meals consisted of a vegetable curry broth with 1 potato (or less) with some carrot, cabbage, and broccoli in it. Or, eat celery with an avocado and salt, handful of Macadamia or Almond nuts too for fresh oils and calories
8. I added a vegan/ vegetarian friendly digestive enzyme supplement regime I increased from 2 enzymes per meal to taking up to 10 a day at various intervals throughout the day.

After months of detoxing I gave blood 2x despite Japanese spiritualists telling me that giving blood is likened to commiting suicide. I was never informed that the blood donation facilities tested for Mycotoxins after I did the detox. I felt it would assist my body to produce newer healthier cells after the Mycotoxin exposure. Just a thought, I'm suprised they don't test for mold;- even under a microscope. But, I was told they throw away the donations every 6 months.

Though I was never formally diagnosed, due to doctors in Hawaii attempting to harm me deliberately;- I consulted with the people of the rainforest. I took some photos of the mold present in my bloodstream and the particular strain is unidentified, and could have been a fungal infection;- though I was definately suffering from extreme Mycotoxin exposure.
____________________________________________________________________________The Original Post from follows:

Things about the World today;- have changed drastically. I don't recommend that ANYONE attempt what I have been doing over the past 5 months in order to get rid of Toxic Mold that entered my bloodstream that follows. It is extreme and takes extreme self discipline to follow. In order to follow it, I had to virtually separate myself from regular socialization.

The following (see below list) is a guideline to my own "Doctor heal thyself natural mold elimination protocol" while on a still vegan diet. This are components of the natural protocol I followed to reduce the Toxic Mold in my bloodstream as a vegan. I had little to No candida due to my strict vegan diet, so some speculate that the mold entered my bloodstream through a contaminated water or ice machine supply. Because eating fruit and grain adds to "feeding" the toxic mold that thrives in an acid environment;- I had to eliminate these vegan components of my daily diet.

1. Drink about 3-4 sticks of fulvic minerals with chlorophyllins each day in about 3 liters of H20
2. Eliminate sugar intake;- No grains including corn, No Fruit at all, No other dessert
3. Allow cacao or nearly pure dark chocolate for dessert
4. Eat about 3/4lb  organic salad without lettuce;- mostly bed is sunflower sprouts, shredded beets, shredded carrots, sunflower seeds topped with olive oil and salt. 
   4b. No vinegar & no salad dressing due to acidity
5. Allowed 1 - 16oz cup of coffee a day and drank an additional 48oz of H20 to offset the Acid Ph.
6. My in between & later meals consisted of a vegetable curry broth with 1 potato and some carrot, cabbage, and broccoli in it. Or, eat celery with an avocado and salt, handful of Macadamia or Almond nuts too for fresh oils and calories
7. I added a vegan/ vegetarian friendly digestive enzyme supplement regime I increased from 2 enzymes per meal to taking up to 10 a day at various intervals throughout the day.

The problems I experience while still on this diet;- are that my oils intake from nuts and avocados is the most crucial to keeping my heart from having pain. I've had to keep both fresh avocado & macadamia on hand in case as I was told (paraphrased) 'my body will start looking for oils to consume and your heart has plenty of fat and oils'.  I'm going to put this diet on the fringes and DON'T recommend it to anyone!!! Even for me a vegan of 30 years now, this diet is on the extreme and I'm using it to "starve out" the debilitating toxic mold that entered my bloodstream and had a nearly crippling effect on me. Toxic mold made my skin break out, extreme fatigue so I looked like a 90year old trying to walk up a stair or two. The protocol I followed for myself only, has mostly cleared my blood of the mold and under a high powered microscope has reduced the size of the mold groupings to being smaller than my red blood cells. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I am a Toxic Mold Survivor - Vegan Alkaline Ketogenic

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
After 3.5mos August 28, 2014
Angela M. Kneale 

Photos of my blood sample (2 slides/ pin prick) on the monitor under 
a microscope July 2014

Zoom Out;- look to odd formation 2/3 to right
Angela M. Kneale

Magnified area - July 22, 2014
Angela M. Kikuchi 菊池 Kneale

Vegan Hydrated for Toxic Mold Detox

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
While on my Vegan Toxic Mold Detox, I still had to hydrate properly.
Another thing that I learned was that my hydration level as a vegan is naturally higher (up to 15% higher) than an omnivore or vegetarian the same size. Though, this is a good thing, the Toxic Mold Detox I did required me to drink more water and alkaline minerals drink than normal to balance to Alkaline.

So, for example;- my 16oz Americano in the morning needed to be balanced with 2x16oz of H20.
That's 2x the water to 1 drink of ANYTHING that isn't water or alkaline. The list of acidic drinks is off the chart;- Coffees, teas, soda, juices, beer, smoothies, etc. So, I scaled my coffee intake to 1 coffee drink. I started having doppio machiattos just because the volume of acid was less around 4oz.
It is pretty much everything except clean purified water and the mineral energy drink I had added to my diet by April/May of 2014. Still having  hot or cold lemon water was O.K.

The other thing really important piece I added to my H20 intake was alot of water. Just water.
I weighed in around 118lbs and so 118/2= 59oz of water I needed to drink (mandatory) each day.
This was hard for me to do at first. Finally I just got used to purchasing 2-3 1.5L bottles of water to drink for the entire day. And, I'd get an extra 32oz to make up for the coffee I drank.

The formula is body weight divided by 2 equals number of ounces of water to drink daily.

Yes, this sounds ludicrous. But, I did it while taking alot of digestive enzymes throughout the day (never exceeding 5-6 enzyme caps at once). And, within 3-5 mos. my blood looked cleaner at a microscopic level to the point where I was encouraged to go for picture perfect blood.


Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
Though the United States is beautiful because the USA has outsourced toxic manufacturing to China. I do agree that the WORLD needs to start making adjustments in a better direction.  USA importing oil and use of private, personal automobiles and the heavy use of Lightbulbs and dryers is enough energy drain and byproducts to change the PH of rainfall to being ACID. Though a conversation with the last generation of major importers to the USA;- putting an end to the importation of OIL for public use would change life on this planet for the better.

1. Use of cars that pollute the environment and lead to Acid Rain
2. Consumes diets high in grains, sugars, and acid forming foods.

If toxic Mold is designed to and wants to rid the planet of a large number of humans;- the United States and China have created a formula for certain population deterioration. It only takes 6-8hours for mold to form a significant layer on an acid coffee drink with some sugar/ non dairy creamer in Hawaii.

I suppose this is just a slight nudge, if anyone is reading this. It's a slight nudge to think about the consequences of how deadly toxic mold is.
Even a master cleanse diet of maple syrup water has too many carbs that are easy for the mold to use, in competition with my body's digestive process kicking in to use those fast carbs. Fast Carbs vs. Slow Carbs is something that makes quite a bit of difference with functioning with this toxic mold.

Even here in Hawaii;- Living in a tent is cleaner. I have met several people who have developed tumors from toxic mold more recently. Some people have gone perceptibly insane from toxic mold, exhibiting no cognitive control whatsoever.

I keep finding mold varieties growing in public places. And, I wonder if my own battle with toxic mold that started 2 years ago is only "bringing it up" as I'm on the fringe of not eating anything.

Just a thought;- the USA diet on average is too acidic.

Water H20 and Vegan Toxic Mold Detox

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
I got a reminder of the importance water has in our daily lives yesterday. A friend recently reached out because of flooding in their living space. And, in conversation, I wonder if anyone really processes the crippling effect of toxic mold that can lead to death.

I needed to adopt a protocol for where I'd get my water.
These were the rules I had about water, especially here in Hawaii.
  1. Bottled water that is purified 
  2. A water filter on the personal water bottle
  3. Do not drink anything from any restaurant's soda hose.
  4. I do not drink anything  Local with a blue cap on it as I got a sediment contaminated bottle of Hawaii sourced water.
Water. We do take it for granted. 
When I was told that toxic mold was in my bloodstream without candida (I've been very vegan for most of 30 some years), they told me that it probably entered through a water source. Although alkaline, water is a carrier for mold (yes the Acid Rain lightbulb should go off in your head and do the math if you can). I decided to alkalize more with minerals (almost too much and not on any one's advice) because of this fact to try and drop my blood PH.  I also did it because I felt better from the mold symptoms. I alkalize heavily when I have times where I may be more likely to be contaminated with the toxic mold spores. 

So, in the mold stricken environment look around;- 
1. Shower heads can be contaminated with toxic mold
2. Ice box systems at home can be contaminated with toxic mold
3. Restaurant Ice can be contaminated with toxic mold (especially in Hawaii) - new or old.
4. Water drippings off awnings
5. Local grown fruit definitely harbors a variety of mold.
6. Mold in random spots like the Soap container at the gym, mold & dust in vents above shower stalls

In any case, during this time and having moved out immediately;- I showered at places that seemed mold free. And, the interesting learning part I experienced was an eye opener. There were several Hawaii homeowners who shower at the gym and bring a barrage of products. They sometimes have apologized (I take shorter civilian showers) for hogging the area because they have a bathroom they can't use at home. It's not just one or two people, the numbers are much higher. Homeowners who have neglected Water damage, tile damage, or plumbing issues that signal MOLD issue to me.

Purchasing water for drinking (I didn't do much of any cooking during the Detox) and can be a hefty bill. So, there are water filtration systems like LifeStraw that are proven to filter out the most possible.


Vegan in Toxic Mold Detox

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016
Vegan Will power, the is one valuable asset that I learned to completely appreciate. Being vegan with toxic mold required me to push way beyond any no compromise boundaries that I ever had in my activist days and amped up to a whole new level. My diet didn't have a name though so I still say I'm vegan. My diet was/is extremely alkaline + ketogenic style;- mine toxic mold intruders left multiple trainwrecks in traffic of dead blood cells clumping in my bloodstream. It was an ugly picture to look at.

VEGAN ALKALINE & KETOGENIC for Mold Detox means:

No Fruits except avocados & olives.
Zero Grains, not even organic and mold free rice pasta quinoa chia . -
Zero  GMO -- not to chance it even eating tofu or grain
Maintain Alkaline Balance -
      -Body weight divided by 2 = number of ounces of water to drink each day.
- Alkalize with minerals throughout the day. Sip on a premade bottle of mineral supplemented water with chlorophyllin= broken down chlorophyll

One thing I learned when attempting to fight the mold;- that essential oils don't work. I rarely mention brand names since my other (more successful) blog was under attack by a large MLM essential oils company during my Toxic mold detox.It's extremely dangerous if there are toxic mold strains rooting in your living space while you pamper them by cleaning with acidic essential oils. The prior tenants used bleach & chemicals to clean, and told me the mold spots kept returning. Not only does bleach equip the mold molecules to include a chlorine gas element that can cause brain tumors & cancer, But bleach actually promotes mold growth of some strains. I tried to clean bathroom ceiling mold with grapefruit essential oil on it and it still returned. I later learned that Mold likes acidic environments. 

The list of surface cleaners uSed to kill different mold strains(there are dozens of strains of mold) with;- 
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Concrobium
  • Melaleuca Company's Sol-U-Guard & Sol-U-Mel- laundry detergent 
  • Ammonia
Cleaning products in the closet, moving on to my diet changes.

Many mold survival nutrition sites say they don't recommend doing a vegan toxic mold detox diet. I don't condone or condem what any vegan puts in their mouths; but I had a seriously supportive dietary babysitters during this process. I am grateful for their support. I had the most difficult time the first month giving up my 1 packet of oatmeal for breakfast. But, when I ridded my diet of the grain in entirety, I began to feel better. Below, was the general guidelines for a protocol I began to follow. Though I did not know what ketogenic was when i started, the carbohydrate intake I had was lowered as much as possible to below 50g carbs. I had many days of eating about 1 lb of  organic salad for the day. That was my solid food and I mostly used the salad in conjunction with my protein and enzymes. I took alot of digestive enzymes to assist in breaking down the mold. I took digestive enzymes any time food or nourishment entered my body. And, if I felt particularly tired (mold symptoms) as the trainwreck of dead blood cells travelled through my bloodstream;- I took more enzymes (up to 5-6 at a time). That is, I was eating more enzymes than olive pieces on my salad.

On this diet, I learned to eliminate lettuce. Though the leafy greens are nice;- they provide little nutrition for the carbs in them. The other thing hard to learn is to eliminate eating vinegar as it's in many, many sauce's & dressings. Vinegar isn't high enough on the alkaline side of foods when they are digested. Lemon juice however, become alkaline in the body when digested.

This is only 1 salad for the entire day whether eaten in one sitting or broken up into several smaller meals.
My 1/2 (half) pound morning/afternoon detox salad: bed of sunflower sprouts topped with shredded beets, a little shredded carrots, 2 tiny roma cherry tomato, a level tbsp of black olives, and 2 roasted cubes (1/8) of an organic baked potato, with avocado topped with a tbsp pumpkin or sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast flakes, and a spritz or two of organic olive oil. Some days I would add a slice of cucumber or two. Or, opt for a tbsp or two tbsp of premade veganaise laden cabbage salad.

Also, for the alkaline portion;- not drinking alkaline water, but drinking mineralized water with chlorophyllins is best for my body to alkalize. Alkaline water itself can cause digestive tract issues since there is nothing for the body to actually digest in it. Adding minerals and chlorphyll  to water with or without lemon juice is a good substitute to expensive, better tasting alkaline mineral energy drink mixes.

Still working on this site so I'll update till finished.
Vegan Meal Plan: