I realize that many of the People who reside in my surrounding community, that is less than 100,000 people, do not accept me. It has gone as far as being my physically being attacked in public, receiving broken items of mine in the mail, my car being broken into numerous times, items that I purchased (not inexpensive - like my glasses) being stolen, being told by other teachers/ collegues that I should become a prostitute; despite my daily professional dress in suits and like professional wear. All of which wouldn't happen if I were to retain a position with a reputable and diverse corporation. I have barely been hanging on financially. And, yes my life has been threatened. My independent charitable work has been squandered by other individuals including non-acceptable reprints in the newspapers where other organizations take credit for all of my work; and I get stiffed with the bill. I realize that the world isn't fair, however, they have decimated my person to no end. Many of the progressive minded people left the area last election because they could not take anymore. I have not made any money here in Bucks county; and, they have reported false incomes for me in several townships where I do not reside, nor have ever. Additionally; Many of the businesses that I have interviewed with or worked for claim their diversity because of their ability to hire Russians and that they retain minimal representatives of ethnic groups. They also slander me because of my name which sounds Celtic though, I am of 1/2 Japanese descent and look more Japanese.
This is what they call; good people, and they do everything in their power and ignorance to harm my life. They think that my Japanese family will send me money; when there are strict rules that they will not due to the further problems the people here will create in my life with more money in it. The same happened with my brother; everytime he made money through his jobs; someone would create a problem for that required funding a local lawyer. And, at one point I had to chip in too. Enough for now; vent over.