So, today I went to the North Shore with my old Krav Instructor who has a decadently Chinese HawAiian background since his grandfather donated the land for the Chinese cultural plaza inChinatown Honolulu. I have always felt he works against me because he hates Japan, despite out easygoing outward appearances together. And he asked me about the time I met Someone who was close to Ai Queda. I was in Thailand at the time;- a friend had asked me to go
The vicious cycle that supports Ai Queda and like organizations makes money from outsourced US business to China. Ai Queda members will kill others running business for American companies and then take the funds to support their terrorist organizations. Shutting down USA EXIM in 2005 and forcing Americans to "make due with what got" for even a year or two back then would have cut funding to these terrorist groups. Instead they make money from our own "greed" and hit us in the back with military actions in the Middle East. I learned this from a Chinese -French Muslim business man who sent soft goods(mostly clothing) to the USA and told me he feared for his life since his best friend was murdered by Ai Queda in a business hit. Try telling the American public to go without for a little while? Sacrifice the "cheap goods from China" for sparing American taxpayers what we've had to go through in raising the debt ceiling, more military expenses that lead to military reduction, now ISIS (in Crowley terms "ISIS rides on the back of the Beast" and other independent terrorist groups that can and may ensue... Just embargoing China until security measures are refined and executed may not be enough. shutting down the EXIM Bank of the USA for a while will help diffuse the attAcks in the next 5 years.
After the big tsunami.
So the just of it was;- I was left on my own for 25 days. During that time I had few problems, got in hiking, kayaking, and regular partying and game playing. One day I was out looking for some sunscreen and lotion at a store. The stir clerk had gotten a phone call and I understood someone was asking questions about what I was doing inside the store. That day I had also worn my PETA shirt I cut up for the beach. So I attracted a lot of attention from the Muslims on the island. Due to the tsunami I was instructed to being clothes I could leave behind, for sanitation and disease control.
I brought a lot of volunteer work tees.
Anyway, when I left the store, I was approached by a man on a moped/scooted who offered a ride to me. I had been walking kilometers each day from my secluded homey resort. He persisted and so I finally accepted a ride. I climbed on the back of his scooter.
He took me back to the preserve where. I stayed most of my alone 25days.
So, since the island I stayed on had a few backpacker places and then a plethora of international 5 star hotels without much in between;- I believes his story about being a business man from China who was born French-Muslim.