everything I worked for, learned from private entrepreneurs on my time unpaid, and all else is flushed down the toilet by Bank of Hawaii. Though they had help from Honolulu Police Department's finest trainer for guns and martial arts, as well as a very well to do Narc & e-cig company owner. That doesn't include the Navy brightest who attempted to kill me in front of An HPD officer without any intervention in a 20min struggle for my life. Nor does it include the US Army and MI unit asking me to take the HPD trainer -also to court for abuses after HPD "lost" police reports and renumbered them. This is because the trainer raped me several times and held me against my will--though I have to comply to live-- and essentially threw me in the sex trade after robbing me of my money with physical threats and punishment included. This five years in Hawaii ends for me in 4.5 days. It has left me in destitute, homeless, and though I've sought assistance to leave here;- it is undesirable to stay. I have nothing & nowhere safe remaining in the USA.
law Enforcement here in Hawaii as well as possible mob linked Military members/civilian contractors sought to hurt and destroy private EX-IM (as in export import )they have gone above and beyond their call of duty. I hope these forces are destroyed in return for their 3rd world politics in running Hawaii under the flag of the USA.