Thursday, November 01, 2018

Recipe Sweet potatos & tarragon

I made this carb loaded dish many times as it started while building a garden for a professor. It became a favorite to compliment dinner & for breakfast potatoes to reheat. The last time I cooked it was at a billionaire's estate party for a Mish mash of NYC elites.

Sweet Potato Tarragon

2/3 Jewel yams to 1/3 russet potatoes.

3-6 stems of fresh Tarragon
3-6 leaves (Pineapple) Sage preferred
1-2 Basil leaves chiffonade
Rosemary to taste.
1/4- 1/2 cup Apple wine (or apple jack)
Avocado or sunflower Oil

Mix marinade ingredients in non-plastic bowl & let sit for 1hr.

Heat oven to 450F or broil.
Mix in potatoes cubed appx 1" for even cooking. Put potatoes in 2" deep or deeper pyrex glass baking dish & pour over marinade. Potatoes will be swimming. Bake or broil for 30 min. Checking on potatoes 2-3 times & turn. At 30min pour off most of excess liquid (can use for soup stock) leaving potatoes in glass pan.
Return the glass pan with potatoes to hot oven or broiler until crispy.

This is somewhat high maintenance recipe. The potatoes should be crispy on outside & sweet & softer on inside. DO NOT use acv or apple cider or apple juice as a replacement for wine or spirits. The combination of apples & potatoes causes extreme gas, & is a technique to ripen unripe fruit. Not recommended for any cooking.