Saturday, July 06, 2019

My parents in MKULTRA

I don't think the Japan community or the Japanese-Americans who are not "all Asian" understand where im at in my thinking or what I am fighting, let alone who.

My story begins with said "my biological parents" one Japanese woman on Visa to the USA from 1968-1990, before she naturalized as a disabled USA citizen after horrendous surgeries performed by a well known Philadelphia hospital.
My father, now a USAF Veteran & former intelligence & recon officer, told me she was "dead", when I was 6yrs old, in his evil altar. My brother was too little to know what ordeals I had with both of my parents till he was older and eventually forcibly suicided by a neighborhood conspiracy involving the Police department cover up 100% in 2005. I have been fighting my own parents who claimed that they need help yet have threatened to murder me and also blame me for the death of my brother in order to live comfortably into older age.

You see, they have always viewed me as 'property' as does the US intelligence community. I have 10 hvr1 mutations and am in .02% of the global human population. My biological parents claimed that "they" patented my genes when I was a child. This was what I was told in childhood well before the internet became public & gene patenting was a common news item. My biological parents personalities are not living, and very evil & contorted even back then. Especially at home for me. So, I was rarely allowed to have friends to be at the house of the rare friends I had made on my own.
Once in middle school, I had a friend over and it resulted in the Middle school principle making a foster care threat that would not have placed me with my grandparents or aunt's & uncle's in Japan or the USA. In fact due to FISA being new in 1978 when my grandparents & aunt visited from Japan;- my mother adopted a language probably from the US attorney of referring to her own family as "those people". It was a tactful step above being called mongrels for my grandparents & relatives from Japan, but not much of a step away from how they were referred to by my neighbors and community. In anycase, I sat at the principal's office and had to weigh out my options. I quickly questioned him and figured out I would be subjected to more unknown abuse from white supremacists who had already attacked my toddler brother & murdered my sister in 1970, a fact my mother brought me up knowing as a middle child toddler, before her heinous surgeries.
You see, my parents did the bidding of their handlers, lawyers, and occult friends in order to harm me. Both of my parents worked for USAF/ NASA as either intelligence operators &/or handling sensitive components.  They rarely acted of their own independent volition and followed a daily protocol of extreme physical abuse known as MKULTRA Alice (in Wonderland) protocol.
The protocol they still implement is & was designed to use me as an information mule, even in childhood. It is designed to break a person, meaning to force me to become a vigilante or suicide from the extreme abuses that are defined as torture even by Mossad. I was subject to this abuse daily for most of my life, In Addition to being ridiculed and physically abused at elementary & nursery school for my Japanese nationality;- by both students & teachers.

So this is another facet of my attempts at summarizing 40long years of abuse I endured in the USA. Futility though, I still seek the legalities that could potentially unravel this disaster. I expect restitution, however it may no longer be in normal orderly and social forms due to the lengthy stonewalling by USA local security & courts to expire statutes of limitations.

This is what I live for each day. Proving and fighting to show the world what USA I have experienced. My family has lived and been documented over 3000yrs of human history. The USA is a small percentage of that time in Earth's trade/ merchant history.

I forgave my parents, yet I cannot condone any of their continued willful or coerced actions against me.