Saturday, December 18, 2021

Finally, a drafted script/story

This past week, I meditated on my writing abilities. 
And, finally, I have a draft of my sci-fi psychodrama. Surprised by the patience and focus I had to write 10 pages of story, setting, characters, and some dialogue before stopping. 

Amazingly, my drive brought up an old 2018 attempt at making a script in Hawaii while embattled with surveillance virus issues on my auto word. I had been prodded to try writing or something to get out of the bar scene crowd by a customer (a film director) who worked on Hollywood films in Hawaii. That was before I got a call about a family situation on the mainland, and left Hawaii not knowing what my future would be. If I would return to Hawaii, or take the solo role to be my elderly parents' support team. My 3-year plan was also financially stunted by the pandemic.

 This is what I need to learn to try, simply to attempt a part-time job career change. But in 2021, that career change looks bleak. For some reason, I forgot that I "registered" my 1st 12 pages of bad scriptwriting -- only to see if I could use the online process. With ill-fated confidence for the virus-ridden and badly structured screenplay dialogue- I plunged it through to the registry.  Laughing at utter humiliation and embarrassment, I read through that old script this week. Noting EVERY SINGLE mistake and confusion in the scenes.

This wasn't like my freshman year at my alma mater as a Music major living with a Communications major and filming her 1st student film project almost entirely in our dorm room with a view. I being the main actor in her film-- that I've still never seen to this day. And it definitely wasn't my first independent computer stylus - hand-drawn (hand painted computer) animation that took dozens of sleepless days to render on a Power-Mac. That senior year rando computer art project I entitled "In the Blue" lasted a whopping few seconds as a naked blue woman emerged from a black box as college TV channel aired seconds of the classes projects. The 1st production I named under "Green Ondine Productions" was blessed with a few weeks extension to finish it as a class project as I got private access to my boyfriends' brand new G3 he used to daytrade on when I wasn't working on the animation at our condo where we split rent. I was so grateful for the processing upgrade. My creative work ended that summer without a direction. And the work - oh yes, my first endeavors of full-color computer painting and rotoscoping drills-  is locked away on a VHS tape and zip disk somewhere. VHS? yes, on VHS. 

So, I'm still overwhelmed with the diversity and seriousness of the research I've done in 2019-2021. Another 3 full years wiped away. And, far away from the positive social crowd that lifts my mood; I can't even anticipate where my life will be headed in 2022.

This year 2021 was fairly unproductive: 
I wrote 1 song, some random other lyrics, several blogposts, and did research about my human rights case. And now, I can just eek out 1 draft of a script/ story.