Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Last night COF meeting

"People have withdrawn from nature, going over to culture. That means people have raised themselves only to be lowered. But we cannot manage without nature. Man doesn't have the right to withdrawal from it. Nature  is God." ~ Bruno Groening, "I give you a little wisdom of life on your way", pg. 40

Last night I received one "Schoolingletter" publication from our spiritual healing group leader. I have a lot to learn about going through this most difficult time politically, as I have been on the edge of having a suicidal bout the past week that stems from my knowing I will no longer influence my family's decisions, as I cease to exist in physicality. 
The onslaught of Hawaii being the American crossroads for international & domestic civilian, criminal, & military cultures is tremendous. And of course sorting political attacks against an American versus plain jealousy Amidst the novelty thefts by those from less criminally advantaged cultures is additional & unneeded adversity.