Monday, June 19, 2006

My Brother's b. Feb 18, 1978 -d. May 2005

Some photos from his notebook:
He complained of severe racism directed at him at his last place of employment. He hated working at the beer distributor and being my father's beer boy.
He was extremely intelligent, talented, and athletic.
He and I shared music, grew up in the countryside of BucksCounty; virtually isolated aside from School & piano lessons.

He was my best friend for the duration of my childhood years. And, remained my beloved brother on this planet until his departure May 2005.
I hope to add his music to some posts.

I miss his prescence greatly; as, he handled the majority of internal family conflict caused by our parents of 2 different cultures. I miss him dearly. I wish he would have left Pennsylvania.
The culture of this state was so violent that he stopped his Drum and Bass DJ gigs in Philadelphia due to the violence. He didn't like the violence and partying.
Before his death he told my father about the Rosacrucians people approaching him on his last travels in the month before his death. He didn't like the Rosacrucians at all, and feared for my safety. His friend's siblings used to brutalize him due to his race. I was extremely offended by many of his friend's who attended the memorial service as they acted like they owned him and I was treated like a piece of dirt by them. I cannot be objective about all of his friendships because I have heard what they did to my brother, in my brother's words.

Survivor Of Racism and School Abuse- H.S.period


18951 High School period: 1988-1995

My little brother scored extremely high (perfect score) on the math portion of the SAT’s and PSAT's. He competed on piano at an international level at the International Stravinsky Awards at age 9 and qualified for the final round;- that was the first time he attended . He additionally was a very excellent soccer player and track relay team member. He practiced his soccer moves in the backyard for afternoons. My father laughs about how people on the field would call my brother a “gook”, how it would anger my brother and then he would inevitably “take them out”. My brother was recruited by University of Pennsylvania for his academic success and high SAT marks as well as his team participation.
The principle of the 18951 High School (Mr. James Bearrr) made phone calls and succeeded in destroying my brother’s opportunities at U. Penn. He granted undue academic suspensions and fabricated lies about my brother's actions outside of school at a very crucial time for my brother’s academic success. The ACLU became involved briefly; but to no positive avail for my brother. It is known that the ACLU supports the rights of the KKK; however, they have yet to prove that they will support the rights of a minority in a predominantly Caucasian environment. At that time, only I and my brother were Asian in a H.S. population of appx. 500.

My personal experiences were quite different from my brother’s. I was not on the soccer field often, I did not run track, and I spent more time in the Piano world outside of H.S. In part because; I was subject to Mr. Pfiepher’s stark racism in U.S. Cuture; In class he frequently shouted the derogatory JAP comment at me in front of the class while everyone laughed at me, and they would chime in for brownie points. I was humiliated due to my race and mother's national background. My mother told me why my sister died on June 10, 1970; and, what racism was, is, and what white supremicist racists do, and why I was not allowed to spend time with people in the community on my own, unsupervised. My knowledge began from the time I was speaking my first words.

In the 18951 High School, people like Al Rensler and Shell Malachisky and Bickky Wassper were trying to get me to attend hardcore neo-nazi and White Aryan Supremacy concerts with them (aside from trying to make me attend various area churches). I remember once when A. Rensler said, "well why aren’t you going?” My reply was "I’m not white"
She responed with laughter. I left her presence immediately. They considered themselves to be “Born-Again Christians" and spent time with me because they were trying to save my soul. Though they said I was going to hell because of my color. It was racial humiliation that I tolerated nearly every day I attended High School. They were all in the Choir; a choir where I was unpaid for my accompanying time. It was no cost for them to coerce me to do so; and it took away from my academics; they taunted me and made fun of me; and blamed me for anything that went wrong. Though they gave me no credit at a Talent Show based on popularity where an aryan girl named Heidi was the piano portion winner. High School was virtually unbearable. I was brutalized at school; even my senior year; I was given detention systematically because the Schoolbus was tardy on it’s arrival. They said it was my fault that the schoolbus was late. If they didn't have to pick me up it wouldn't have been late. I was fortunate to even graduate. I did receive my diploma. It disgusts me that I had to attend that school. I graduated with the Japanese SERC course that they targeted me for. I am half Japanese descent. The School istrict forced my mother to stop teaching Japanese And speaking Japanese with me ( I wasn’t allowed to read my favorite Japanese story books because my father was an enforcer of the White rule and took them away from me). They did not want me to communicate with my grandparents; Aunts, uncles, and Cousins in Japan. The school district did everything in their power to destroy my sense of family. They made me take a Japanese course with G. Shwaghopher who did well with the course; and then they made a mockery of me because I could only do as well as my classmate in the room. I frequently had nervous breakdowns where I was crying in school; and people would sit and laugh at me and make more taunting fun of me. That was aside from school lunch where the popular boys would make fun of my Onigiri and Wakame salad with rice lunches. They all loved to make fun of me.

I have no liking for these ugly, square-headed, fat-headed, or block-headed people.
There is much more that I endured; but the community thinks that it’s funny. I can never be right because they choose to ignore my rights as an individual. To these Caucasian Suburbites it is a joke and simple to constantly abuse those of us who are of color. They are only nice when they know that a parent has money for them. They attempt to blackmail parents and keep their white claws in making minorities here impoverished. I have learned as an adult, I’m 31 now,. That teaching as an independent teacher only lends itself to my demise. The parents take pride in running my business into the ground and not paying for all the time due to me, not volunteering for my studio and other non-profit organizational events, and for the most part; not even treating me as someone who has rights. They gave me an opportunity to try and teach. They see themselves as all knowing due to their race. It disgusts me that I have to put up with such ill remarks. It would not be to my benefit to secure a minority and socially disadvantage grant because the people here are so racist; It costs me a great deal personally to just stay alive. And;- I detest my miserable life here in Bucks County because of the miserable people who think that doing such actions creates a great story for me to write; so I may demonstrate my literacy.

Though, the area has not changed too much in nearly 1 decade of my absence from this place.
Now there are more confederate flags displayed on trucks. There are more instances of Asian middle school exchange students being thrown out on the streets by their American host families in this area.

18951 Elementary School Playground Beatings 1980-1984
18951 Middle School Humiliation & beatings 1984-1986

Milk What? Conglomerate campaign

Milk What? is a campaign against Dioxin, against racist nutrition practices, against government funding of milk subsidies.
Milk What? is for Healthful, organic, and Dioxin free Soy products, Diverse nutrition practices from many cultures, pro:-- funding of environmentally sound and containable Soy products.


Lactose Intolerant Groups:
  • African, Asian, Hispanic, Italian, Jewish, Greek

Lactose persistent (tolerant) Groups:
  • Caucasian

  • Animal Protein (such as Milk, Cheese, Meat, Eggs, Butter, Whey)
  • Sodium (found in Salt)
  • Caffeine (found in Coffee, Tea, Soda pop)
  • Tobacco
  • The Couch Lizard lifestyle


  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Peas & Beans
  • Tofu
  • Enriched Soy Products
  • Sprouted Grain Bread (such as Ezekiel Bread)

Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine
Please see web article


  1. How my animal rights/ vegan group started at Ithaca College; I am multi-ethnic Halvsie who got sick on the food that was offered in the dining halls (not my normal japanese diet my mother made for me).
  2. Schools and Institutions are segregated based on dietary needs and constraints
  3. Allergic to Malic Acid? (apples, sour bears and the like)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Asian Women in the United States

It's not what you think Women~!

Once you are here: What they don't tell you: What we women of Asian descent try to hide from our respectable families in my case Japan.

1. The number of times we have been restrained and raped in some Caucasian man's home/dormatory/apartment since age 17 or prior physically and against our will.
2. The number of times we have been refused assistance in using the legal system to "punish" an assailant.
3. The number of times they let a stalker/assaulter/ etc. go to wreach havoc on other asian women (we are petite in comparison to most Caucasian or African-American American Women and Children).
4. The number of times people say that they won't help because of our race; we must stay silent Asians and behave.
5. That women of Asian descent are attacked due to our lack of family ties and support in the United States; we are easy targets for them to hit without retribution.
6. There is a lack of understanding for our situation in a country full of very eager men who are only eager to harm and go away; rather than address us as respectable others.
7. Because we have little family here: there is noone to catch us when we face utter despair.
8. Those who try to help us only exploit our situation; leaving us with nothing. ( I have never met a suvivor of violence who has done well in her life and achieved any personal happiness.)
9. Many of us try to hide our hurt. We know there is little to no help. There is not even punishment in some areas due to the "hoochie mama" mentality that American men posess collectively; as a result of the Vietnam war era.
10. They will always try to blame us; even saying- "you're pulling a race card on me" when they fully know that we are seeing the deck of race cards that they are stacking against us.

Exchanging Views

Lately; I have been working on some things for the Church's Africa Fund. It has been a meager and only source of work for me. After all; I did go to a University for grassroots organizing and bear the brunt of understanding social responsibility for a while. However; today I am reflecting on that experience...and quite noticably; I'm not white looking enough. It's amazing how people in social movements use reverse racism to pigeon-hole people who are like me. We can do no right as far as they are concerned because their view of racism and minorities is the only correct view that should exist.

It is tragically the reason that Wars start in the world. It is a matter of control. Even today; i read a local/regional magazine about environment. It pigeon holes those of us with families in Other countries as "exotic foreign visitors." My family lives in Japan. I have seen my Obasan (grandmother) only once in my lifetime that I remember. Today; she is dying of cancer in her Akita-ken home. I am extremely sad. Dualy; I have received an emil from a schoolmate who assisted in dishing out school abuse to me while I was in Elementary school. He wrote that he is in Osaka. I replied in effect that I don't want my childhood memories in my adult life; and please, don't write to me again.

My Japanese family members think that I live in a ghetto. It is a place full of hateful Americans who are primarily of Caucasian descent. These people not only steal from me; pay me worse than an immigrant mexican worker; destroy my reputation; try to build me up as a blasphemous and disgusting ethnic female; disrespect all of my years of private training from American and European teachers for Piano, disrepect me and the laws that exist to protect me, disrespect me further by slandering me....

I understand that I am outnumbered on a daily basis. I understand that noone is willing to enforce the laws that did exist to protect me. I understand that ganging up on 1 minority female and her family is cake for them to build up their own "white pretensiousness."

I am disgusted with the country that I live in. It is not a pleasant place for me to inhabit in the least part. I felt more comfortable leaving my posessions in my tent in a campground in Thailand (not excluding my sleeping person at night); than I do sleeping in my own room/apartment/dormitory that I have slept in here in the U.S.A. (primarily Bucks County, PA and then Ithaca, NY). My opinion of course stands alone. I live amidst an overdeveloped clan of neanderthalish caucasianoids of disinherited European descent here in the States.

I only wish; I could give my Obasan a hug while she is still alive.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ice Covered!

50% gets all pixelated...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

From the Crossroads

I’m sitting at the Crossroads Bakery and drinking a cup of Rishi’s Lime Rooibos tea while looking through a copy of Creating Community. I heard some of the passing customers talking about their reiki experiences, and self-reflecting as bi-racial person, that “reiki is fakie” (a comment made by my mother who emigrated from Japan in the late 1960's.) This isn’t to discount the credibility of other holistic healing methods. And, what works for one doesn’t work for all, which is why the world is so multi-faceted. Every culture has their scams; every mind has its selling points.

How are people to see beyond their differences? When someone is born into the world they don’t have a clue as to the system or the rules. People do not immediately punish the child for not understanding the ways of their newly adopted culture. It takes many years of understanding and experiences to form a person’s perception. It’s amazing here in the U.S. that there are so many distorted perceptions of different Asian cultures and why things are the way they are. Is it really about mindset and people and traditions?

Some personal Bi-racial/ multi-cultural views…

A child who is raised in 2 different cultures is subject to a rainbow of stereotypes and prejudices, more so than; positive compliments and support. It doesn’t seem to matter what social network people do belong to. Each individual’s level of tolerance is tempered to the amount of ill experiences they receive. This is to the point where those experiences become “normal”. Over many decades the people in the United States have not had to wake up to the simple sentences that they say that are so offensive. Someone who makes ill racial comments or extremely inaccurate statements easily call me insulting when I try to defend my person or part of my culture. From their point of view I am still some sort of strange visitor who has no understanding of anything.

I’m haafu; a person who is half Japanese descent. I was raised and lived in the USA for the majority of my life. No matter where I go, or what I do… people treat me like I’m just some oddity to look at. Like somehow I’ll survive without any caring, kind compliments, positive treatment, and basic respect. From my point of view, living here in the US has been way too expensive. It’s cost me more than anything that the good old’ US dollar can buy to try and preserve some decent and good memories of my family. My life has been stripped of many positive family interactions due to the blatantly racist environment around me.

There is no replacement for everything, all the wholesome positive family interactions that I lost by being born here. Nor, is there anything that I can ask for to have it replaced.
I lost knowing my older sister. I lost having my younger brother with me through life. Even my Undergrad Alma Mater called me 6 years later to say that they have made improvements to the multicultural understanding, but did not have any means for me then. My closest friend, who is also bi-racial, in college and I stuck together for the first years of college. Even the Asian-American society ridiculed me for not having 2 parents of Asian descent. They felt justified in their comments that, “I wasn’t Asian enough” despite sharing commonalities of being raised in the U.S.A. And, my friends who are Caucasian really didn’t care enough to ask me about Japan; they found it interesting, but would more quickly assume that their own understanding of Japan is more valid than any actual account of Japan. A country that they had not even visited. So I suppose that I should find some way to find a way to give thanks to them for being my friends and opening my mind to how absolutely insulting this country called the USA is.

I am a small drop of water in the sea of humanity. And, there is and should be room for improvement with the overall mindset of people in communities. People should not take such offense or shudder if they are introduced to someone like me who has a multi- cultural background. When they are speaking to me, in part, I am the physical embodiment of many different cultures and 2 distinct races. For me to take a side is to disrespect half of myself. That is something I am unable to do. So, I sit on the bleachers until suitable team members present themselves. I want to be where I am not immediately negated for my being, for my viewpoints, and for the fabric of my soul that has intertwined West and East in me. How I present things and define myself is sometimes simply for convenience of explanation in their terms. Too many people refuse to listen if I do otherwise, and explain the intricacies of my inherited Japanese culture.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Stolen Miller Questions?!

Today, this article about Miller Beer theft in Wisconsin was posted.
Urge Miller Beer to make a statement for the theives to Recycle those containers!!!
(see phone numbers below)

I wonder about the validity of the entire article. Being that, they can't find the 26,000 dollars worth of beer inventory. How much beer could the theives move in such a short period of time?? And then, was it on the virge of going flat?! I mean, really, to move it... isn't it illegal for them to simply throw out the containers that are 1's and 2's in Wisconsin! Hmm think they stopped to look to see if they aren't recyclable 5's on the bottom? see;

I'm am wondering the validity of such a grand beer theft. However, I do think that the Recycling community should take a further look into the smallest portion of the load that was packaged in plastic potentials: 100,080 Miller Genuine Draft 12 ounce bottles (unknown material), and 960 Miller Light plastic bottles.

Here's a little release from the Recycling community about Miller's Plastic Bottles: - Basically this article summarizes the Plastic Recycling industry's inability to sort through recycling to eliminate the bottles. This was at the onset of the Miller Plastic bottles being testmarketed. Urge Miller to continue to make recycleable bottles in accordance with PET recycling industry standards. They have been attempting improvements for aluminum and glass recycling. Stay on the positive side!!!

The cost will be passed on to taxpayers for the $26,000 of stolen merchandise. So write to Letters today!!! Urge Miller to make a statement for the theives to Recycle those containers!!!
letter writing Quote from

1. WRITE A LETTER TO MILLER BREWING COMPANY: Let Miller know that it should not roll out the new package, and that you will not buy it, until the company takes responsibility for its impacts on the waste stream. Address your concerns to:
John N. MacDonough Phone: (414) 931-2000Chief Executive Officer Fax: (414) 931-3735Miller Brewing Company3939 W. Highland Blvd.Milwaukee, WI 53201-0482
Send copies of your letter to:* Dan Barthold, Director of Environmental & Energy Engineering, Miller Brewing Co.(same address).* GrassRoots Recycling Network, P.O. Box 49283, Athens, GA 30604.* Plastics News, 814 National Press Blvd, Washington, DC 20046.* Beverage World, 226 26th Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10001.* Your local newspaper.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Dictionary


A-hole = the current state of the American (USA) economy until 2080


Boundary check = self check to see if one is devoid of all morals and guilt before proceeding through one's daily life


Corporate Cannibal (C.C.) = The entity that absorbs other entities to survive. the C.C. creates a bleak wasteland of non-permeable surface area, storage warehouses, and low paying jobs. The Corporate Cannibal Survives on the planet without recourse for the effects of the environmental devestation they create. Tally all the 'Big block' stores = acreage, parkinglot, warehouse, and store space on the planet + all the floodplains that their stores are sinking on for a better planetary perspective.

Capitalist Cannibal (c.c.) = the individual person who lives off of others' misery to collect a paycheck, particularly media photographers, lawyers, government workers, doctors.


Divine Intervention = When church funding is used to purchase new X-boxes for the congregation


Elevated Morale = A new anti-depressant that pharmecuticals will sporatically dump in a community's water system. "A period of elevated morale..."


F = the new standard for economists' transcripts
Please post comments...

Changing Economy

Changing our Economy for a respectable society means an Economy based on Humanitarian principles of respect for life;

  1. No racism towards anyone- to support multicultural people of all backgrounds, ethnicities and colors (ie., including pink punk)
  2. No economy based on violence- don't allow violence to become a means to an end
  3. No media portraying violent images- where cameras are like guns that shoot, but don't lend a helping hand.
  4. No social rewards for bodily or other harmful acts- those stemming from practical jokes, juvenille behavior, or adult irresponsibility

Our "culturally advanced" society is now comprised of some 6.5 billion people (6,499,535,853 click for current number). People are capatalist cannibals with their current behavior and treatment of others; psychologically, physically, and socially. I fail to see human compassion reaching out to those in need from the people who have the ability to help. There is no "humanitarian responsibility" that private individuals give to aid those in need outside of self interest groups. This is much like the formation of some PAC's (political action committees) that are funded by corporate money and fueled by the same corporate thought. They also cannot quantify the volunteer help that happens regardless of their ill giving. Nor, do they seem appreciative for the whole of society for volunteer help, whom they scorn.

Perspecitve 1

In my lifetime, I intended to return here, to my hometown of Quakertown,PA and Bucks County, and make positive change. However, despite my training and knowing full well what to expect as an activist; I did not perceive this level of hostility until it manifested after 9-11. I have learned a few things from the little bit of organizing that I have done.

  • Racism:
  • That people here are unreceptive to having "minority male" presence.
  • That Racists avidly seek to destroy men due to procreative factors in that 1 man can spawn several other beings, and that makes it easier to rape (cause harm to) the women.
  • My mother who is of Japanese descent spoke to me about this at a very young age. And, it has proven unfortunately true in to my adulthood. My parents taught me that we, as a bi-racial family in the 1970’s, 80’s, 90’s, were only tolerated because we aren’t black or African american. I fail to see how we were tolerated due to school, community and church abuse in the physical, psychological, and other senses. Today in the 21st century things have only worsened.
  • It is not difficult for me to believe that people here live with FT stable employment, and have their own homes and such. I nearly made that point with 2 mos. 2 go before 9-11 happened. After 9-11 my business diminished rapidly. People spread ill rumors, and became suspicious. Even the Chinese Restaurant in Doylestown closed; in part due to legal judgments passed that it's o.k. to harass Asian females because that's what we're for. (I hear this through the grapevine from a reliable source.
  • Caucasian families here then hire their teenagers for positions rather than adults. So, many jobs require only H.S. education and they easily dismiss me as overqualified.

At a young age I did not realize the entire meaning of the Rosicrucian, Illuminati, and all that is less than 1 mile from me as well as surrounding KKK. They contributed greatly to my childhood abuse from the community that I somehow survived. In adulthood, life is terribly difficult post 9-11 due to the racist minds around me. They make daily interactions unbearable. Sadly, my brother did not survive all of the abuse.

Breaking Down Racism

I also just want to break down the racism a little. Now that everyone's trying to change me into some sort of blonde asian with colored contacts. The population here I think it's something like 142 asian people out of a population of over 50,000 ...I, a minority female, have experienced all of the below :

1. Taunting and racial slurs
2. Physical harm to people of other backgrounds; based namely on appearances
3. Academic Damage and unfair grading based on skincolor/ race. Also, allowance of academic success and then public humiliation and social destruction of the individual by the racist teachers. In my brother's case, he was offered a near full ride to U.Penn. The school found out and destroyed him the following week... via expelled from school for talking to kids across the street from the H.S. before a practice. My parents called the ACLU... no help.
4. Destruction of family; disrespect of cultural backgrounds due to a person's ethnicity.
5. Particular harm caused by members of a different race to the "racial or bi-racial" family due to lack of family support (in case of an immigrant)
6. More Physical harm, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, Rape, murder attempts/ excessive beatings, social humiliation that is directed at the minority citizen.
7. Financial damage to minority citizen and family via taxes, court costs, ill advice and unnecessary charges, funeral expenses (for loss of loved one), damage to personal property, hospital costs, extra charges beyond what a "normal" customer would pay.
8. Rape of minority women without any punishment for the assailant. Destruction of evidence permitted by the law to protect the assailant and harm the minority woman.
9. Stalking of minority women allowed by law. Legal authorities making up their own interpretation of the law while taking police reports/refusing to take police report or taking it to the DA due to racism.
10. Further slander of the minority woman and her family for the preceeding actions that were taken against them.
11. Further bludgeoning and social humiliation of the minority woman and/or her family due to racism of the area.
12. That the local Lutherans (who I was raised with and who are still here) acknowledge that people from 2 different races who marry are unacceptable. That they will go to hell and that their children are abominations that should be destroyed. Unfortunately, this includes me and my parents, and I've reached my psychological threshold for abuse.
13. White supremacy groups function under the protection of Freedom of Religion and 1st amendment rights.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Swiped off W's Desk...

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UAE guarding US Ports...

I was thinking about it,'s finally dawned on me.
We, the US, can't trust our government. So, we obviously need to hire people of another government to protect us.
Quite brilliant actually. (sarcasm at it's finest)

Photo of Security at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, PA 7/2005

And, closer to home, Philadelphia having UAE guarding the ports is actually a huge improvement. People will have role models who aren't maffia, sports oriented, or gang/drug dealers. The UAE may even be copasetic with the 3 Chinese maffia families in the Philadelphia area. Then, we may have political relations that improve across the planet.

I don't think that we actually would want to know what would happen with more of our own guarding the port. Philadelphia is already so corrupt. Any international presence beyond -- who is there now --will definately affect the people of Philadelphia;- in the sense that they may be able to actually read our Declaration of Independence ( which was printed there in Philadelphia).
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Sproutfuel...needs help


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Illuminati Rosacrucians #7

Evil militia types.

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Illuminati Rosacrucians #4 set

Name...there's one of the GrandMaster

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Illuminati Rosacrucians #4

I hate this place, It's so creepy... stinkberry bushes and all.

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Illuminati Rosacrucians Locale #3

More from Yours Truly,

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Illuminati Rosacrucians #2

Photos by Oko_ne

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Side of Illuminati Rosacrucians

Photos taken in Bucks County, PA Richland Township

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Gooey Loaf dare

Gooey loaf
ingredients list 1 (mix together until consistancy is smooth)
2 mashed ripe bananas
half cup crushed pineapple
2 cups flour
1tsp non-aluminum baking powder
1tbsp molasses
1cup vanilla soymilk
1/8 cup cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves
Get Gooey!
  • bake at 350 in a large glass dish until bottom is cooked...
  • pull pan out of the oven
  • take 2 scoops Ultimate meal & 4 oz. water mix & spread on top of the thin bread.
  • roll the cake-like layer into a "log" (like a yule log)
  • bake roll for another 25 min or until inserted chopstick pulls out clean.
  • remove pan with Gooey loaf from oven.
  • Let cool before cutting.

Correct result: 1/8inch of crispy crust and gooey on the inside when out of the oven...

very dense and moist, near gooey but not quite after cooled ...just satisfyingly moist & tastes great...breakfast snack.

Do not cut this loaf before it cools!!! It will seep out gooeyness!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Snowstorm Feb. 12, 2006

Bartend's Recipie #1

Here's a drink recipe... a friend at the time was wondering what the concoction was & was squemish until it was tried... Low cal!!!

In a short glass (rocks glass) on ice drink with a straw (like a Mind Eraser)

The Sexy Sprite
1. 2 oz Vodka
2. Balance: Diet Berry Sprite (now Berry Clear)
3. Top with Very Vanilla Silk Soy (fortified w/ calcium!)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Icon: No Fur

Hi... me again.. please no fur for Valentines Day or any day!!! Save a heart.

Eating Kiwi's

KIWI for 1....

Do you eat kiwi with the fuzzy stuff on or the fuzzy stuff off? Do you suck out the center? or just pop the whole thing in your mouth? I've learned that any of the above is possible... and only Organic Kiwi's should be eaten with the fuzzy stuff on.

Still looking for Golden Austrailian Kiwi... somewhere near here?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Field of Canadian Geese

Unique in their glory... I didn't know if I should name this;
sh*tz and gaggles" or "To Canada we Go!