Saturday, June 22, 2019

My Lifestyle;- Low Impact Living

I've spent 4+yrs cutting back on my personal footprint. I've honestly it to the point I'm on the edge of society.
Pushed my body and mind to be able to live the impossible; vegan-keto low impact with help of a world-class nutritionist & world class supplements.

Saving water & Earth in the future with widespead low impact living;- The majority would have to adopt my extreme diet. 2x body weight Water in ounces daily, 1/2lb salad, some nuts or tofu, rest is supplements for protein & fueling. Keto Vegan. I use 1 disposable paper cup a day, don't do dishes. Trying to find a way not to use plates or bowls. Just a pair of metal chopstix. Use wipes to wash face & reuse to clean surfaces. Don't have a home. Don't poo much. Don't shower much, yet love being in water enough. Use oils to clean & spray down with H20/ EO's after yoga/workout. Wash hair once in a while with shampoo & reuse shampoo on body. Mostly use oil to condition. Keep it that simple. Don't buy clothes that are too thick. Rinse & hang clothes. Looks live/sleep out of a small storage pod or vehicle with an air filter & solar charging & provides EM shielding. Has AC & heated seat/bed.
If u want to live, you go out and join the community. No use for multiple personally owned chairs and lounges.
My personal low impact living project.
It's not easy to do against the current mainstream;- but I did it for most of 4+yrs. Revised. And still going, despite societal pressure to "act normal" and wasteful.

Can you make your "daily trash/ waste stream" literally fit in a cup you drink out do you think of water?
After touring a Nuclear Submarine, I decided to do just that above ground.
After all, there are billions of humans taking liberties with the Earth while we kill each other for it's dwindling resources.