Showing posts with label Vegilogi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegilogi. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2019

My Lifestyle;- Low Impact Living

I've spent 4+yrs cutting back on my personal footprint. I've honestly it to the point I'm on the edge of society.
Pushed my body and mind to be able to live the impossible; vegan-keto low impact with help of a world-class nutritionist & world class supplements.

Saving water & Earth in the future with widespead low impact living;- The majority would have to adopt my extreme diet. 2x body weight Water in ounces daily, 1/2lb salad, some nuts or tofu, rest is supplements for protein & fueling. Keto Vegan. I use 1 disposable paper cup a day, don't do dishes. Trying to find a way not to use plates or bowls. Just a pair of metal chopstix. Use wipes to wash face & reuse to clean surfaces. Don't have a home. Don't poo much. Don't shower much, yet love being in water enough. Use oils to clean & spray down with H20/ EO's after yoga/workout. Wash hair once in a while with shampoo & reuse shampoo on body. Mostly use oil to condition. Keep it that simple. Don't buy clothes that are too thick. Rinse & hang clothes. Looks live/sleep out of a small storage pod or vehicle with an air filter & solar charging & provides EM shielding. Has AC & heated seat/bed.
If u want to live, you go out and join the community. No use for multiple personally owned chairs and lounges.
My personal low impact living project.
It's not easy to do against the current mainstream;- but I did it for most of 4+yrs. Revised. And still going, despite societal pressure to "act normal" and wasteful.

Can you make your "daily trash/ waste stream" literally fit in a cup you drink out do you think of water?
After touring a Nuclear Submarine, I decided to do just that above ground.
After all, there are billions of humans taking liberties with the Earth while we kill each other for it's dwindling resources.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Liability Security on EXIM Hawaii

If I were to give a general assessment of Hawaii, and the liability of having EXIM shipping company staffed here:--
🔼 Displayed Anti-American behavior with violence or weapons.
      Even humanitarian volunteers are politically biased and harbor personal angst. They knowingly enjoy the American freedom of criminal justice system and can exploit situations without significant repercussions even if caught. This adds to untrustworthy human support services after an attack on an individual in Hawaii on all levels.  Many favor certain groups, collectives, or gangs and harm individuals on a no-questions-asked basis. The prices to harm individuals ranges @ $50 to $3,000 USA on oahu. Due to island economics and preservation of existing business groups, it seems there is little to discourage the behavior of the The State.

🔼Lack of educated & clear English speaking immigrants and minorities in many employment positions.
   Creates unsafe environment from
Zero food labeling in Asian restaraunts to thefts of all and any personal and business data and information.

🔼No top notch NGO University or College with boarding school housing- ivy league
Lack of Ivy League higher education in the State of Hawaii does not bring the global intellectual culture to the island.

🔼After targeted attack, Hawaii agencies attempt to obtain sensitive contact information & location of EXIM family.

🔼Intended violation of professional women's Human Rights WITH COERCION AND FORCE from Federal, State, and local security/law employees.

🔼Most serious: Severe lack of political maturity or intent to do political harm to EXIM agent:- High number of service based immigrants view thise who visit the islands with EXIM contacts or family connections as an individual Cash cow  for their use. Group participation in extortion/ abduction/ blackmail are employed by the community after the person has been robbed or entrapment is en force. With dismay, individuals employed in Law enforcement or military are typically heads of small teams that cooperate in this manner where Immigrants and under educated can participate and retain social favor.

 🔼Military assailant attacks political target physically & or legally (with group of supportive military members)
🔼 Honolulu Police department allows the attack to happen while witnessing the event in entirety and without attempted intervention. Iowa they guard the door from any security help for EXIM agent.
🔼Honolulu police department threatens arrest of victim/ political target if they do not comply and fill out police report verbatim as dictated from police and then force victim to afford huge expense of unnecessary medical team.
🔼Hawaii Hospital attempted to extort relatives of adult  victim/ political target for payment of hospital bills.( extortion of other adult legal entities after obtaini g private contact information.)
Additionally hospital wanted life insurance policy of victim in full upon Emergency Room admission.
🔼🔼🔼🔼Victim is left out of investigative process and plaintiff is left to walk despite attempted felony offense of murder. 🔼🔼🔼🔼

✈Security officer has access to flight information of EXIM target arriving in Hawaii.

✈EXIM target is contacted prior to arrival in Hawaii by security officer & law enforcement.

✈🚅🚗Hawaii police/feds/law enforcement contact other organized crime groups in Hawaii to participate in harming EXIM agent/representative.

✈🚅🚗Further coercion of EXIM agent by HPD and connected individuals who stalk/ Entrap EXIM agent to be arrested if leaving Hawaii State to attend business matters.

✈🚨Social devastation and humiliation of female EXIM agent in front of international community through being forced out of legitimate work and steered towards strip clubs and coercion by local pimps and Madame who have legitimate contacts and properties in the Honolulu Community.

Local Hawaii State Residents approach:
Because Hawaii is a diverse community, many able bodied residents expect money to speak louder than anything. They want fast money constantly and use people, tourists, incoming business people as a means to their financial end to maintain life outside their otherwise legitimate means including security clearances.

There is immense sexism and high disrespect of professional women from outside of Hawaii.
USA Strip clubs would often enable a woman to afford to leave the island. They do not actually enforce the liquor commission laws and do not care the emotional and psychological damage that women who are trapped in Hawaii encur. Rather, it is a mix of drug afflicted American strip clubs, used to politically humiliate some women, and coerced prostitution due to punishment of the women rather than maintaining any sexual assault and harassment boundaries (not only in the strip clubs, but island wide in public & private)

Local Hawaii law enforcement supports of the local people who are anti-American and are involved in breaking Hawaii & US Federal laws that goes all the way to the court judges who attempt to enforce unconstitutional laws.

On the flip side, the law enforcement from the mainland and who are Caucasian, exhibit racist/ nationalistic bias due to EXIM agent/ business representative.

Drug Testing is a farce:-
In forming a company, the Hawaiian islands has educated me that the cocaine and drug use is hidden by both US military and local residents. This is due to the ease of paying off the drug labs in order to maintain their employment. Shipping employees from accounting to docks express the ease of life if they participate in drug use in the shipping & island industry. They claim it makes them trustworthy.

Court System
I have had issues with federal security secret service agent divulging my family connections to the Hawaii Organized Crime families. Near 2013  the US military prompted me with security to file a Temporary Restraining Order. Over 6 months the secret service agent fought the TRO due to employment conflict. In that 6 months the secret service agent filed lawsuit against my attorney for a name change when she married. Hawaii State family court judge refused to close the TRO unless I signed an unconstitutional document against my 1st amendment rights as an American born citizen.
Due to the severity of the Secret Service agent and financial devastation caused without reparations paid to me;- Hawaii State, its law enforcement and international organized crime forced me to be completely indigent. I have mostly survived from assistance of those from the East Coast USA.  I was no longer function as a decent Japanese woman due to the security conflict they caused collectively, starting 2009. My 1st call to police in May 2009.
Instead they have pushed me to the fringe where I undergo unwanted daily assaults in order to make minimal payments for my bills and food.
The open social humiliation has angered some in the Japanese Navy and other business and military who know my relation to modern Japan. They have made it clear to me, and as a result of other intervention I have been physically  attacked by others at the last places I have had to make money with some safety on Oahu without being forced off grid into Honolulu prostitution, which is illegal and intensely damaging to any EXIM position in future.

It is not that I survive to anger my family. I survive and Hawaii enjoys to humiliate me and try to force me into other unsuitable social/ political relationship with its legitimized crime members or those too inept to allow me to regain any EXIM business standing as I once acted as Expeditor as a step to my future role.
Since Donald Trump has been elected, and the most recent events since March 1st 2017;- I do not have secure basic housing that is clear of known biological agents.
Rules: maintain visual contact, etc...still hold since 2015 warning about attacks on my life from USA or Asia to affect the future EXIM politics.

The maturity of those around me in general public lends itself to elementary school politics rather than suitable business contacts. Hawaii state actually does not create a positive environment that I require for EXIM for me to live in any capacity.
It is known that my more engaged relatives are pushing to end Human trafficking in EXIM at a high level to protect Shipping liabilities due to terrorist concerns. Hawaii State and its private individuals have shown me they collectively refuse to participate at this level to prevent acts of  terrorism & prevent import or export of weapons of mass destruction.

I strongly believe that the old Hawaii State way of doing things has created numerous bad habits that are terrorist concerns. Despite my love of freedom of association, employing an independent  U.N. police force and some military force with immigration may assist in reducing terrorist threats and weapons of mass destruction from exit or entry through Hawaii State. Additionally suitable housing structure or accountability for the large number of homeless or displaced people due to biological agents in their homes who camp in tent communities near the shipping docks.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Deconstruct the Modern American Kitchen Refrigerator

When, I mean when is Tiger  or Samsung  or GE going to design a refrigerator for people like me who need a hydroponic watering system to keep our fresh herbs and greens more live?

Vegilogi Specialty Products Needed;
3 types of singles refrigerators
  • Vegan Live foods fridge with Hydroponic water system (with or without lights) for herbs and fresher greens, sprouting drawer/shelf, filtered water, seperate potato & root crop storage, no dairy storage, prepared salad pull out tray like a mini salad bar, and wine rack.  
i believe the following 2 would sell if designed properly;- 
  • Beer & Power/Protein/Granola bar fridge - maybe hold 1-2 bottles of wine
  • 2x Pizza boxes refrigerator or marinade ribs compartment with Beer & Powerbar storage with slush, ice & water dispenser, freezer bottle bar for vodka.
Long gone are the days of the American frontier Iceblock cellar dug into the earth and stocked with
large natural icecubes that slowly melt underground through the summer months. The modern refrigerator and it's glorified  ice box companion has staked it's way throughout North America, in nearly every home x2 or x3.

 I visited my friends over the years, and made note of the refrigerators, size, number, and stock. Most of them are single. Only one or two people living at the residence. Most of them have at least 2 refrigerators (fridge/freezer combo) or one Fridge and 1 Freezer.  From the East Coast to Hawaii - The average healthier, astute, busy profesional single man over 30yrs. old generally keeps beer in the fridge, with granola bars or power/protein bars- low maintenance, that's it & eats out. By 40's - Some singles, who do eat in and make mixed drinks & coffee at home keep gallon juices, milk or creamer, leftover pizza, and sometimes bacon.
Those in 20's or 1-2 a ploace with men who train/ hit the gym regularly seem to keep a more rounded and healthier diet than their restraunt going elders-  includes large containers of perishing premix salad & untouched fruits and grillable paleo food and BEER. Maybe this is what the men in their 30's figure out that those in their 20's haven't. Find a way to eat the grillables at a friend or neighbor's cause they are single anyway.

They seemed unlike me, at times sharing 1 kitchen with 4-5 people where we divided the refrigerator into personal sections like specialty sections of a supermarket cooler.  Or, in my Upstate NY vegan days- cooking for 3-20 people for potlucks, or so everyone could share the kitchen to potluck. Due to the lack of space, fresh veggies and refrigeration items were usually purchased the day of, or the night before cooking or salad building needed to happen. That way we would seek out our best veggie source and hit up the local farmers market asap as a first choice for ingredients. Any veggies and fresh herbs that could be kept out, went in a partially filled & sturdy glass of water close to a window.

The problem of personal Home kitchens is a huge environmental, health, and  one in most American homes. I no longer believe every home needs a fridge or 2 just to keep beer and sugary drinks, or a full kitchen for that matter.
  • Overuse of clean water to wash dishes & get really clean (no crud)
  • Waste of Food/ food animals due to undesirable cooked meals 
  • Continuous energy utilities use (appx $80/mo) in Hawaii to run refrigerator/freezer alone
  • Complex cooking appliances to aid cooking - cooking isn't basic anymore
    • use of mined metals increased
  • Unsanitary homes - accumulation of mold on used dishes & in refrigerators 
    • Contaminated foods stored in refrigerator affects all foods
    • results in wasted pots, pans, appliances (fridge)
    • metals are not meant to be like toilet paper
  • Fat Squirrel syndrome; - Unnecessary stockpiling & consumption of food 
    • it's not winter all year (in most places) 
    • no need to hibernate
  • Storage of high sugar & fatty sauces
    • Medical costs due to poor diets
    • Use of pharmeceuticals 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bugging OUt

Bugging Out:- Belongings are critical and leaving them is not a good option. This can include the Car/ Vehicle as a solid and/or mobile Home base.

Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
Summer to Tropical Climate - Key is to Stay HYDRATED & Maintain Body temperature
  4. UNPLUG ALL USB/CHARGER DEVICES WHEN NOT IN THE VEHICLE  Can drain Car battery or start electrical fire.
  6.  KEEP A SUPPLY OF EXTRA FUSES in glovebox
Small Car Vs. Large Car/Truck
  • Using Bugout Vehicle - Limited Gas/Fuel Supply - Hybrid offers alternative power option.
  • A/C & Heating Valuable
    • Running AC/Heater - Need more fuel for Large Compartment
    • Tints are key in keeping temperature down & for sun protection
  • Small Vehicle- Offers an efficient way to save energy and stay mobile. 
    • Issue- Body Cramps from being in same position
      • Supplement supply that has Arginine 

  • Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
  • Sub-Zero Bug Out Car Camping
    • 2" Thick Acrylic Faux Fur Blanket (Queen Sized) - top single layer for sleep. Can be 2 Thinner 1/2"-1" Faux Fur Blankets Sewn Together. 
    •  Warm Clothes with 1 absorbent wicking layer closest to skin - from head to toes.
  • Sub-Zero Freeze temperature can be deadly. Even with a specialized  snowmobile, handwarmers, and layers of Extreme temperature gear, the ability to quickly make fires, and frequently is crucial when attempting to be on the move.

     Thick Walled Plastic Containers for Storage
      Metal Buckets can be set by a fireplace/ fire if the water freezes

Hot Tropical:
Plastic Deteriorates Fast in 3-6Mos of Constant Heat (despite Shade)
Use Bottled H20 sources 1st if no cool storage
if storage temp < Outdoor temp
Water Evaporates in Heat & Is difficult to cool without refridgeration or electricity

FACIAL WIPES:  help to reduce water use. They can be Dethawed with Body Heat. Have multiple uses and can be cut in half/ smaller pieces to prolong use.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: Sprayed on Seats/ Carpet to keep mold down (hot-tropical climate).
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV)- Sprayed on Carpets & Seats also kills microrganisms (possible ringworm, mites, mold, keeps away cockroaches) in Heat. It will stink for 1-2 days until it dries out;- However the end result is amazingly Positive and Fresh smelling (hot-tropical climate). Also good for cleaning windows with a cloth.

Activated Charcoal pills - Can also use charcoal from burned out fire
Silver Gel
(Hydrogen Peroxide - see above/ Hygeine)
(Apple Cider Vinegar ACV - see above/Hygeine)
Bandaids small to larger sized.
EO Myrhh
Gauze & Tape
KT Tape

Bugging OUt

Bugging Out:- Belongings are critical and leaving them is not a good option. This can include the Car/ Vehicle as a solid and/or mobile Home base.

Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
Summer to Tropical Climate - Key is to Stay HYDRATED & Maintain Body temperature
  4. UNPLUG ALL USB/CHARGER DEVICES WHEN NOT IN THE VEHICLE  Can drain Car battery or start electrical fire.
  6.  KEEP A SUPPLY OF EXTRA FUSES in glovebox
Small Car Vs. Large Car/Truck
  • Using Bugout Vehicle - Limited Gas/Fuel Supply - Hybrid offers alternative power option.
  • A/C & Heating Valuable
    • Running AC/Heater - Need more fuel for Large Compartment
    • Tints are key in keeping temperature down & for sun protection
  • Small Vehicle- Offers an efficient way to save energy and stay mobile. 
    • Issue- Body Cramps from being in same position
      • Supplement supply that has Arginine 

  • Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
  • Sub-Zero Bug Out Car Camping
    • 2" Thick Acrylic Faux Fur Blanket (Queen Sized) - top single layer
  • Sub-Zero Freeze temperature can be deadly. Even with a specialized  snowmobile, handwarmers, and layers of Extreme temperature gear, the ability to quickly make fires, and frequently is crucial when attempting to be on the move.

     Thick Walled Plastic Containers for Storage
      Metal Buckets can be set by a fireplace/ fire if the water freezes

Hot Tropical:
Plastic Deteriorates Fast in 3-6Mos of Constant Heat (despite Shade)
Use Bottled H20 sources 1st if no cool storage
if storage temp < Outdoor temp
Water Evaporates in Heat & Is difficult to cool without refridgeration or electricity