Showing posts with label ASEAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASEAN. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

International Law & Legalities between HIC USA & Japan

Despite the High income Country classifications of both Japan & USA;- the USA and it's States of Pennsylvania & New York largely refused me legal right to report the following; assaults, abduction, rapes & many other human rights issues that forced me into destitution and homelessness. In fact, the United States & it's intelligence community, and some of its Military & it's actors have also made me an isolated, social outcast over my lifetime.
On these grounds collectively, they and the discriminating public treat me as a Japanese enemy of their Nation since birth. This is torture in every tier of my human development, not to feign my perceived torture of my mother & torture & state sanctioned murders of my 2 late siblings.
The USA and a sufficient number of it's actors & citizens have and still condemn me as a torture victim, whereas I am subject to perceived aleotoric violations of my human rights with Physical Financial, Societal, and Legal entrapment well within USA domestic borders. I feel that this is in violation of my US Constitutional Rights as  US born citizen by land and jus sanguis in order to reinforce that I am not actually a US citizen entitled to human rights even under International Declarations of Human Rights for the type of HICs I was born into dually USA & Japan. It seems the overriding issue for the United States itself was to torture me, and to torture my mother on Japanese Visa well until I was 15yrs of age.
Later, I learned that some, not all of the  torture I endured, fit into the macro structure of a CIA MKUltra protocol under "Alice in Wonderland" that was designed to suicide the torture victim or hinge the personality to a vigilante. The protocol itself included repeated sexual assaults over a long duration of time in order to normalize it. In USA this is not only "rape" but also statutory rape of a minor. It was not child trafficking from my perspective as I did not Witness any exchange of money. The heavy daily physical abuse I endured was not any type of martial arts program. In fact, when I attempted to defend myself or retaliate from the abuse with a single word, I was beaten till I stopped crying or blacked out. And, once I retaliated at age 14and was beaten till unconscious and was sent to school with half of my face black & blue. Since it was state sanctioned as many other freedom of speech violations occurred which prevented me from speaking to my mother or grandparents & cousins in Japanese over the phone or at home.
In anycase, Noone in the Pennsylvania community where I lived in Bucks County did anything to help me. They in fact were delighted that I was beaten up Japanese girl all of 5'2 and appx 108lbs.
I strongly feel and assert that at no point in time, I was considered an American citizen to my school teachers and that it was simply a farce so they could torture me. They also made the students patriotic by making fun of me and teaching my schoolmates that Japan and I am evil enemy that deserved death. This is well known from my time in US Cultures/History class in 9th/10th grade at high school.
Aside from this, FISA allowed my father who was veteran USAF & OSI which is USAF intelligence officer to justify my torture usually implicating my mother as she was the Non-US Citizen for most of my childhood. She was tortured also with invasive surgeries my father told me "destroyed her". Before these surgeries took place and I lost touch with the person/personality who was my caring mother;- she had told me that the USA was going to experiment on us. She also reminded me that I'm Japanese and should serve my Emporer, as well as telling me by age 4 that I would be raped by Americans and that I should suicide when I could not handle anymore. Those were my real instructions from my mother.

I am currently compiling my perspective with the reality of unenforced international laws between nations. This is with and without Japan's changed nationality laws and the fact that things have worsened for me with USA civilian & military population in interpersonal & court interactions from assaults made on me over the past 5 years.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

APEC WW3 & USA Immigration - my perspective (draft)

'They won't meet me 1/2 way. They meet me to kill the Export Import (EX-IM) Project.' - A.M.K

Immigrant Marriage in the USA is like a “Study Abroad” or Foreign University experience.
I don’t think this is a good use of USA legal Procedure no matter how good the intent.

Today in the  21st century, bringing immigrant wives to the USA is similar to Slave trade fantasies the men have. USA Male pimps & sex traffickers.
These men are generally disrespectful of Ethnic minority women in the USA because of the same mentality. If it is a social improvement, a global status, less abusive improvement for a woman of their culture;- then for USA political face make it a mandatory prolonged citizenship status. Don't bring them here to the USA to ruin American families, by divorce, welfare assistance, & Child CPS services.
That wasn't the contract they signed up for prior to arriving in the USA. The man is at fault as much as the woman. If US Military when he is on deployment- she is out hoeing or honey-potting for Intel control. It is standard for military in Hawaii to have promiscuous wives on base in order to afford to keep a roof over their heads with USA military Base Housing Allowance. It is a Hawaii State standard.
Why BRING THEM HERE TO NOSE AROUND AND DAMAGE CIVILIAN< CIVILIAN National security. I mean that in the fullest sense for the Private individuals who are being groomed or HAVE been groomed for US National Interests. And,  that ARE politically relevant OUTSIDE the USA, AND affect FOREIGN POLICY of Other nations with regards to the U.S.A.
Am I to think that the USA IS SO PHENOMENALLY POOR AT THIS POINT that attacking their own interests in order to start a war to keep their government paying them and housing them?
Men politically tear women and acquaintance rape is an undeniable fact of women’s lies mostly ¾ unspoken &
Whether married or not.

That really is something to consider. And, don't get me wrong, it does not exclude the CIA or NSA partitioning into different factions to handle ILLUMINATI FOREIGN POLICY MYTHS.
It sounds like it is similar in California since this Jumps between Sand Diego & Pearl Harbor - Then expands from there.
It affects BUSINESS.
They literally don't let those of us with ##Predetermined'' oles, live long enough to enact them. Then,--they want people in ASIA to kiss their arses to do business. It is the USA's way to assassinate close to extended family in a foreign nation - then turn around & blame Vietnam? Thailand? China? in front of their shameful domestic USA citizens? Really?
that is shameful, even for a toddler psyop.
It is the USA's way to assassinate close to extended family in a foreign nation - then turn around & blame
NO. --
I had a friend who helped me from LEGIT Chinese-AMERICAN (BY AMERICAN I MEAN PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN AROUND THE LIBERTY BELL) Philadelphia families. This problem -IS THE USA.
Security agreement
We knew the TPP was BS in attempt to include the USA - due to security perameters. Japan, Russia, China, EVERY NATION did their own security research for this agreement & published it WELL BEFORE, like a DECADE before, the 2011 Meeting.
The American public was all wrapped up in protesting the TPP due to big pharma & other issues.
Have they, the American USA public lobbied their own government? Probably not.
They got out there and held signs when they heard nations of ASIA are involved.
Do they look at it (the emergence of Big Pharma) as their Fault? OF COURSE NOT!
The TPP bought, MORE TIME for the USA.
Japan & China had been in War negotiations intensely 14yrs ago when I was "brought in" to the conversation.
This TPP AGREEMENT with or without public approval got them the USA public, 5-6 years of Peace with China.
Even the CIA / was searching for intel on the Chinese Islands being built a few years ago, I know, because about 6 of them asked me. And today, we all have NORTH KOREA NORTH KOREA that has been developed with a real or somewhat fake military armorment. We don't really know what they have that WORKS when it comes to ICBM's. The USA is pushing the world to find out on and otherwise harmonious setting and on  the financial & emotional  bill of ASIA'S CITIZENS.
Hawaii as a USA State is REALLY REALLY dirty. For just over 50 years. Hawaii State has found a way to bring back the Nastiness of Asia's sex trade and made it a public, internationally known display, of community, & multi-generational, sexual abuse of ASIAN WOMEN.
Phrases like @you're a girl are meant to demote women of any background to a social status that is open to being forced into the sex trade;- REGARDLESS of prior career or nationality. f
American Stigma is harmful
Even my Japanese Family name was repeatedly soiled by this. It is an ancient Asian Continent name meaning Chrysanthemum LAND.
Instead, you know what I had to put up with from the contrite US Public? (Including Hawaii's Japanese and Asian Immigrant families?)Being likened to a pimp's prostitute. that's what they did with my family name. And since there is no excuse for the American humor and degredation of Japan, I will refrain from re-iterating this continued occurance.
It's time now.
I tried, I mean I literally put my nose to the grindstone & hung in for dear life for the past 8 years in Hawaii. We knew Hawaii, from a security standpoint, was and is a security threat on multiple levels.
I don't have time to get into that. Though, I have done my own investigating given the precarious social terrain for the past 8 years due to the overall  UNWANTED AND UNWELCOME treatment of Hawaii's local residents & business owners.
Now, the clock is ticking down to WW3. IT IS a very real thing now.
The USA, the side I live on and was to represent for disaster recovery politics & EX-IM Efforts has literally attempted to murder me/ assassinate me 3 times here in Hawaii. I don't mean character assassination that is in war terms considered IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT for war influence.
(check on Military Public Relations TERMS IN USE FOR "impression management@ school of Mason University, Langley)
There is NO WAY, I mean NO WAY, I could have my own family in the USA. That's aside from S 702 and the CIA division PRIOR TO S.702 partially responsible for driving me into a very precarious business position. Plus, from 96'-2007 (until I stayed in Langley, VA & Baie FInn for a break) I was trapped with daily death threats from NY's {{finest business--clarify}} for most of 9 years of my youth from age 22-33.
THAT is what America is to me, in how I've been "manhandled" for the USA's NATIONAL POLITICAL GAIN. IT IS NOT ONLY DETRIMENTAL TO MY LIFE on multiple levels, IT HAS ENCOURAGED WAR against the USA.

What can we do to turn this around?
Cleaning up the "Riff Raff" some more isn't enough in itself at this point.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

What Hawaii State does after THEIR pimps attack a tourist.

The thing that really got to me last night, is the disrespect from Hawaii's social workers. I wonder that they even realize they promote human trafficking?!!!
At a domestic violence help network;- they informed me that Hawaii state would have me arrested like many others if I boarded the plane. And they offered me what is called a "Freedom train Flight" Basically, a one way plane ticket out of Hawaii to another Destination. 
However they wanted me to have someone "SIGN" for me like a package and "Take responsibility for me" Like a pimp. I NEVER HAD A PIMP interfere in my life and jeporadize my career & work UNTIL I arrived at the Honolulu airport. So it was 100% Hawaii's astute Federal type Pimp.
So OBVIOUSLY none of my friends or family wanted anything to do with such a legal transaction.
Basically, they disrespected my now 40year old single adult opinion to return to MY LIFE. MY STUDIO. MY OFFICE. and other things that supported MY LIFE as an independent private individual who was raised to work on EXIM matters that were loosely connected to APEC 2011 which I attended despite my situation. This isn't an issue I scream out at collegues.  If you want to be humiliated and thrown in the gutter internationally as a 1st generation American- Japanese citizen;- going on vacation here is one way to do it. 
Now that my life is ruined, and virtually unsalvageable due to INANE Hawaii. I'm not sure what to do due to the international EMBARASSMENT & HUMILIATION their local gangstalkers and martial arts followers impressed. 
There's not much I can accomplish with jeering bank tellers, police harassers, and their run of mill men who are accustomed to "Purchasing" women's time in a variety of otherwise standard "unprofessional ways" in bars.
Additionally, after I was fighting for my life a 2nd time and cops watched ( if you follow my blog posts) I was forced to fill out a police report according to Officers words and threatened to be arrested if I didn't accept the Ambulence services. Being in a really bad financial situation already;- the Hospitals attempted to extort money from my relatives. By the way, the HPD officer did not make any attempt to STOP my attacker and WATCHED in entirety with a door WIDE OPEN.
Hawaii State denied me the full extent of my human rights. Including refusing to meet with me for social services. This is not just a light Targeted Individual situation in one of the most difficult places to live financially. They can't afford their own SECURITY personnel.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

My thoughts today about Hawaii

Hawaii local & govt employees and others have become annoying as I hear them discuss what they are going to do with my life. Just like tsa & federal employees blacklisted me and stole my phone equipment claiming that I'm not white so my belongings aren't mine since I have a Caucasian name. And because they wanted to classify me as a terrorist per my father ex USAF Osi warrant officer to create slow kill and international incident.
They have harassed and terrorized me throughout my life. Hawaii State is no exception as many Asian-Americans and Japan haters attack me, gang stalk me, and add to the already hateful USA govt and military behaviors aimed at destroying me due to my Japanese national heritage from Japanese politics and infrastructure. The USA wants another Hiroshima & Nagasaki the way they act & reparations were insincere.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Japan Defense Minister & North Korea

A few hours ago the American style campaigner, Defense Minister Tomomi  Inada resigned from her position.
The impending crisis of North Korean Nukes and ICBM's looms over Japan. Despite new North Korea sanctions from USA & Japan the use of North Korean underground nukes may be ongoing. There is concern that North Korea is  hypothetically approaching Hiroshima 15 kiloton size in nuclear weapons designed yield. If the yield estimates are actual and in possession by North Korea they are 1/3 of the way to a Hiroshima size warhead.
And, on the off chance North Korea is superior with nuclear missile rocket telemetry in conjunction with a magnified solar climate, the design yield of those smaller nukes may be magnified. That means a nuclear warhead of only 7.5kiloton design yield would be needed to create a 21st century Hiroshima sized catastrophe, that killed over 180,000 Japanese civilians.

However, beyond scalar weaponry:- it seems to be a scientist's fantasy that North Korea may be capable of using Nuclear weapons & sun, bomb, earth dynamic telemetry to embattle USA's secretive tectonic weaponry.

This writer proposes that some EMP capable ally disable North Korean nuclear progress if there is a way to spare Japan another nuclear winter.

Info derived from English & USA news reports and interviews.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Layers - Hawaiian Islands

Peeling through the Layers of the Hawaiian Islands.
How Honolulu County residents contribute to War impression management. Aka Clandestine ops/ Clandestine warfare. 
As well as, perception of key USA assets in the International Asian Showcase that Hawaii represents. More at:

Layers I am peeling through

Using my skills and training to sift through the American Quagmire. more at:

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

AT&T discrimination

AT&T has allowed my service to be tampered with over the past several years.
Icloud also could not and had workers who would not remedy my accounts being hacked. So unbeknownst to me multiple payments were made each time I tapped any app icon.
Now, my phone bill is being I crementally increases app $20/month and I am having multiple issues with the LG

Friday, June 16, 2017

Ban plastics, Chinese plastics ban

Living the Plastic Coated Life

It was over a decade ago that I first heard of the Chinese making dense plastics that mimic the hardest stone;- in weight, density, texture, color. Something a fine arts insurance appraisal could overlook in an otherwise catastrophic fire.

Today, make that life. The Life of American dreams formed in material reality as a  Wasteland of toxic contaminants and suffocating molecules. All that waft in the jetstream across the Sea of Japan, and trickles into the Pacific. Greenish toxic snow that falls silently in the otherwise pristine northern Japan islands and Siberia.

The Inexpensive takeover of such cruel human labor is mechanized in the Simple forms of plastic coated lenses of artificial intelligence.

Dreams must be put to rest. Plastic must be boycotted.

Ban plastics, Chinese plastics ban

Living the Plastic Coated Life

It was over a decade ago that I first heard of the Chinese making dense plastics that mimic the hardest stone;- in weight, density, texture, color. Something a fine arts insurance appraisal could overlook in an otherwise catastrophic fire.

Today, make that life. The Life of American dreams formed in material reality as a  Wasteland of toxic contaminants and suffocating molecules. All that waft in the jetstream across the Sea of Japan, and trickles into the Pacific. Greenish toxic snow that falls silently in the otherwise pristine northern Japan islands and Siberia.

The Inexpensive takeover of such cruel human labor is mechanized in the Simple forms of plastic coated lenses of artificial intelligence.

Dreams must be put to rest. Plastic must be boycotted.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The post I hate

Apparently, Japanese threw a lot of money at the Hawaii favor that even makes a humble meal or a cup of coffee is returned this direction. Probably the most Humiliating post I'm making.
Do what my needs to be done to decimate the continuation of money flowing out of Japan to make American military & syndicate millionaire who are worse than Yakuza.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hypothetical Legal @ Hawaii Hotels & Airlines.

I have had 7 years, or 5 from the time of APEC 2011 Honolulu, to move through security issues on Oahu.  Something I want more research on ;- aside from the general international perception that Hawaii State is a Criminal money laundering operation if not just so poorly run its un
believeable. Hawaii State is a nightmare.
Those in Hospitality need to make about $50/hr in order to live comfortably.

One of the goals of APEC 2011 was to stop "payoff payments to criminal organizations" that are in effect a large part of the money LOST in business transaction. Hawaii state being the center of my 5 year commitment from the time of APEC 2011 and Japan's entry to TPP in 2012. It is now 2017. I  am nearly finished as enough construction has been completed.

Issues that stem from Hawaii's hospitality and employees- several possible spy/ agent/ crafts persons who are accepting tips from international sources. 
  • access to personal data & information, address, mobile phone number at POP end user interface.
  • issues with workers who do not speak English and use  Hawaiian Pidgin language as well as "Asian language affected speech impetement." 
    • Companies who/that hire & employ workers expecting native English speakers to try and figure out what they are saying
To be continued: 
idea: Have a billing system that is run by app in shopping centers with personal bag check at exit.

How the Airlines are liable for Non-USA criminal entrants to the Island State
How the Hotels are liable for aiding and abetting a foreign criminal or terrorist
Where the line to injuring an American citizen is drawn;- even with masked & foreign crafted intent
How the Native Hawaii State population is ill prepared to support USA.
How the Native Hawaii State population including politicians choose to intentionally harm gross USA planning

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Get Hawahi out of Shipping

7 years of being abused by Hawaii state doesn't go unnoticed. To even thibgd out or to level the playing field;- play Hawaii local rules in Japan and beat them up, throw them in Job to negate their shipping and EXIM related employment.
issue felonies to those who have any connection to Hawaii and support those who are encouraged hurtful practices and create complications for those in Hawaii.
Hawaiian like to be America's pet to wreck Asia.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Banking Security issue USA

My - banking security issue
🔺Physical address in bank database ok
🔺Bank Teller requests new physical address to find out real residence = physical security threat
🔺Bank Teller creates issue with account to further flag my account. If not shut down account.
🔺 Bank calls to settle $2 difference created by teller. Instigates issue.
🔺Bank Teller = security threat due to supply of information at teller window

Monday, March 13, 2017

Asian American Business leader- in Hawaii

In 2011 I attended a conference for Asia related Business leaders in And or for the USA. 
It took me everything to walk through that door as there was such heightened security threats on my life to that point.
Today, most every American I meet-- Military, Civilian, corporate, or housewife continue to undermine and disrespect me in, Especially in Hawaii.
The list is a long one;- 
1. Military members who drink excessively and are dependent on or sell illegal natcotixs.
2. Civilians who exert opposing political force at their workplace.
3. Aggressive men and women who are misguided politically, yet have trust in whoever it is they are listening. To.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

USA owns Taiwan

There is no long term stable relationship for me with anyone USA based/ citizen. Confirmation. 
latest Rumor:- It seems USA has more confidence To Secure Asian funds through Taiwan, than to continue to do business military or ngo through Japan.
Americans believe in real money-- translation is arms deals and ATF related industry. 
Americans feel they profit from deliberately circumventing Japan. Japan is not admired. Also influenced by Vietnamese green card & American & US military DLI  /special forces 

Friday, December 30, 2016

DEc 2016 Update Hawaii Nightclub- Syndicate

Hawaii Night Club scene becoming increasingly unsafe 
The notorious Hawaii Syndicate and any related US military and US Military veterans are rampantly pushing cocaine in the open with Honolulu Liquor Commission seeming to turn a blind eye to any illegal activities as well as  and drug sales in their nightclubs. 
It has become unbearable to even attempt being in the Honolulu night scene for me. It's almost like it's a horribly flagrant  backlash to the Phillipine Dictator Duarte's executions of drug dealers. 
One nighttime patron, stated an EX-IM shipping accountant recounted the vast amounts of cocaine that the Dock workers/ Hawaii Syndicate bring in through Honolulu. Additionally, how that despite some bender partying, that drug tests for Shipping & EX-IM conveniently came up negative when tested for the drug during regular employee screenings. 
Additionally noted is the US military personnel have bragging rights to pay off the drug-test labs in exchange for a clean drug-test in order to maintain rank, security clearance, and employment. 
Granted, the night clubs have not shut down as they are maintained as "helping people in need" from all walks of life.
One anonomous person who is more familiar said;- Once the Hawaii Syndicate hates you, you won't be able to work or drink anywhere in Hawaii. 

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

affecting international market with PEACE

1. United Nations POLICING: Make violations especially against women (of Asian descent) connected to larger EX-IM punishable as Attempted murder charge rather than local police categorization of common domestic violence incidents.

2.  Kill all shipments not connected directly a person of dual-nationality, Asian descent (biz USA).

3. Eliminate the rule of Foreign Agency ( Foreign  Agents act) in the USA when EXPORT-IMPORT shipment is concerned. 

  • USA clouds the issue and manipulates the EX-IM scene by requiring a 3rd party intermediary
  • USA admonishes the potential Foreign Agent due to USA lack of cooperation and USA actions that total international security agreement breaches and cumulative acts of war. 
    • Some of these actions are taken against the Agent as private interest under USA politicians where other individual is seeking to cause reason to retain employment.
    • Some of these actions are taken against the Agent as private interest for other than USA nation.
    • Some of these actions taken against the Agent are acts of domestic terrorism;- particularly personal agendas hidden within the U.S. Military officers & enlisted person's private creed.
    • Allow dual-national persons with exceptional families to receive funds directly without confiscation of funds and unquestionable jail time;-  as USA has assassinated my family members of Japanese nationality through local policing. And USA has created easy fail financial systems in event of such personal tragedy.
      •  -provide: secured joint USA federal and Foreign Nations banking option. 
3. Stop chain of command enforce (no questions asked);- that creates "impression management scenarios" by temporary secret services workers and other high level security officers with access to manipulate such private/personal information.   &;/;Or white  majority  (with understanding that all people of primary European descent qualify as 'White" ie., case of American Italians & Jews), --revision needed--

Monday, October 24, 2016

Japan perspective

This is my perspective from the East Coast where the competition for the "normal America" that is not saturated with Asian culture like West Coast business dynamics.

1. Another issue for Japan's public perception is online and in English. The constant historical banter & speculation that is published to the public as random internet address links within political and military articles.  A slippery slope appears to be aimed at taking the ground out from under Japan  since the overall balance of wartime articles is heavy in comparison with other nations globally. Such a stack of vague Japan militaristic knowledge affects modern perceptions and interactions in the political arena and business environment. The articles are aimed at emotional justification for causing economic and socio-political damage to Japanese abroad in the USA and NY City (a crucial global business environment). Ground level talks that have resolved are difficult to find in the internet haystack about international issues involving comfort women, and past war time atrocities in other nations aside from Japan. At UNESCO, a globally comprehensive report to view the humanitarian and gender based issue of comfort women is not isolated to Japan alone.

2. WW3 looks more like USA/India/Korea VS. China/Russia/Japan 
The United States is responsible for endangering Japanese born nationals within the USA Homeland. The US has jeopardized and pushed out standard business and family safety for Japan in key areas from the US Homeland in county courts in small locales. Instead, the USA business elite has embraced the family presences of Korean nationals and Indian nationals in particular while collaborating to create a facade of Japanese business relationship to the US public. In fact, most of the Korean & Indian linked business presence on the East Coast is aimed at destroying the Japanese image and presence in the larger US public at the ground level.

In the past decade and a half, before the talks of TPP vs. ASEAN;- it was more common to find micro level business & friendships between Japanese and Chinese within the USA homeland. There is still a huge lack of respect from the Korean and Indian communities/neighborhoods towards Japan in the USA. Of course this disrespect is only carried out politically with the help of the usual in charge USA white majority (that includes anyone of European descent who appears more caucasian). The dual national Israelis nearly top the list of foreigners pouring on sexual violence on Japanese in the USA and have no positive ASEAN interest.

3. The TPP vs the ASEAN allies.
The Philippines is going through growing pains with the rebuilding of their nation's infrastructure. Some new choices can be made, and so rebuilding seems to take on a plan-of-action that needs to be in line with the complete failure of the TPP, once promoted by their greatest ally. The past weeks have pressed the TPP issue to a new edge with 2017's USA Presidency to be a voided agreement. Donald Trump touted a revision of NAFTA/GATT from the 90's, while Hillary Clinton directly stood opposed to carrying the TPP torch. Neither US Presidential candidate shows intention of successful completion of the TPP. The ASEAN allies may be going through expected growing pains, arguments, to secure its trade routes and boundaries that the USA once considered crucial to its future survival and growth. This does not mean an internal War is imminent.  

Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Tohoku Community

Just from my dreams and my ideas without any computer simulation;- The idea for a new coastal Tohoku community is different concept than normal home building.
Each of the coastal home's & office buildings are built to add security to buildings further inland in the event of another Tsunami. The larger buildings should have a concave wall that locks up with pressure facing potential wave direction to absorb more of the wave energy. I don't imagine anyone building a reinforced, concave, drystone wall over 22 meters that can withstand a tsunami wave. The harder the wave pushes on such a wall, if anchored correctly;- the wall should create force that holds the wave back for even up to 5 min. However, the use of Flat walls is not absorbing or deflecting any wave energy to make significant impact.
  • Features of new homes/offices (inner temporary wave container of space):
  •   2 -3 meter wide staircase up to 10'.
  •  There is a upstairs landing area that is another 2.5-3 meters
  •  1-2 meter wide walks off the landing
  •  banisters on each side of the staircase
  •  The ceiling height of this interior wave container reaches up to 4.5 meters
  •   The construction of the rear wall (perpendicular to shoreline) is thicker and more sturdy to withstand a water fill of the inner wave container.
  • Part of the idea is to build & stagger homes to slow down a Tsunami wave by creating interior building and exterior pockets.

The pockets are created by allowing water to enter homes or office buildings that have an interior vault with a reinforced rear wall. Of course there is no guarantee that the sides of the structure will keep integrity.  The concept is to make an initial minimal 3-5% impact in decreasing wave strength. One of the noted instances in the Tohoku tsunami is that the buildings were obstacles that did not allow for water flow through them. This allowed the wave to push and use the building mass to level other
existing structures further in the wave path.
It is counter-intuitive, to allow water damage through building openings.
However, I think that it can be used in some small sense to allow for a decrease in wave strenght.
And, for larger buildings to collapse from interior water pressure and changing wave direction before the building is shoved like a bulldozer.

The other issue is the amount of water receding and the possibility of survivors from first instance of flooding. The time/length of the tsunami pushing through may be a matter of an hour or so. Having a reasonable anchor position with a purified air tank & where there is less debris would potentially enable survival even with black-out from wave pressure. It may be a ridiculous investment.
However, with certain loss of building structures in large tsunami waves;- even a small percentage change in wave strength and temporary re-direction or disruption due to staggered building structures that capture water (with front doors and windows that collapse inward at a certain pressure) may create time for survivors further inland.