Showing posts with label feminism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feminism. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2017

What Hawaii State does after THEIR pimps attack a tourist.

The thing that really got to me last night, is the disrespect from Hawaii's social workers. I wonder that they even realize they promote human trafficking?!!!
At a domestic violence help network;- they informed me that Hawaii state would have me arrested like many others if I boarded the plane. And they offered me what is called a "Freedom train Flight" Basically, a one way plane ticket out of Hawaii to another Destination. 
However they wanted me to have someone "SIGN" for me like a package and "Take responsibility for me" Like a pimp. I NEVER HAD A PIMP interfere in my life and jeporadize my career & work UNTIL I arrived at the Honolulu airport. So it was 100% Hawaii's astute Federal type Pimp.
So OBVIOUSLY none of my friends or family wanted anything to do with such a legal transaction.
Basically, they disrespected my now 40year old single adult opinion to return to MY LIFE. MY STUDIO. MY OFFICE. and other things that supported MY LIFE as an independent private individual who was raised to work on EXIM matters that were loosely connected to APEC 2011 which I attended despite my situation. This isn't an issue I scream out at collegues.  If you want to be humiliated and thrown in the gutter internationally as a 1st generation American- Japanese citizen;- going on vacation here is one way to do it. 
Now that my life is ruined, and virtually unsalvageable due to INANE Hawaii. I'm not sure what to do due to the international EMBARASSMENT & HUMILIATION their local gangstalkers and martial arts followers impressed. 
There's not much I can accomplish with jeering bank tellers, police harassers, and their run of mill men who are accustomed to "Purchasing" women's time in a variety of otherwise standard "unprofessional ways" in bars.
Additionally, after I was fighting for my life a 2nd time and cops watched ( if you follow my blog posts) I was forced to fill out a police report according to Officers words and threatened to be arrested if I didn't accept the Ambulence services. Being in a really bad financial situation already;- the Hospitals attempted to extort money from my relatives. By the way, the HPD officer did not make any attempt to STOP my attacker and WATCHED in entirety with a door WIDE OPEN.
Hawaii State denied me the full extent of my human rights. Including refusing to meet with me for social services. This is not just a light Targeted Individual situation in one of the most difficult places to live financially. They can't afford their own SECURITY personnel.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Male activists & Hawaii Feminism

Something that still irks me to this day, is the number of men who are activists and womanizers consistently. In 1997 I briefly held a part time job (Hawaii will kill me) with United Poultry Concerns, working for feminist Karen Davis. While working for her, it was the first time I protested within 12' of Frank Perdue, then the 214th richest USA citizen with a then $825mil net worth (without security rushing me). We had a table and UPC's "too neat to eat" chicken T-shirts on amidst the conglomerate of factory farm workers and hearing some of their daily gripes much to my surprise. It wasn't a happy scene. 
I just still fail to see why the activist men still don't get it. Some of them play "womanizer" after posturing a broke, snag persona. It doesn't work on me. In fact, I can see through it clearly. It's repulsive. I understand that men are a plague of machismo that takes many different forms. It's simply repulsive.

Those were the days.
In 1996 I read Karen Davis' article In the compilation book "Women and Animals".  
The articles really spoke to me much beyond any other feminist theory book. It gave me real life perspective, rather than ideology. In 2005 my life changed again, and again in 2009. So almost 2 decades later, I'm wondering what happened to those who care about women. I know I'm seeing the remaining remnants of Hawaii's past sex trade tied to the local judges and police since Hawaii finally passed an anti-human trafficking law. 
There is still poverty in the educational system that is compounded by immigrant greed for money. Thus cock fighting still holds a significant role in survival and luxury. The laws of "cultural relativism" apply in Hawaii to protect monetary interest. The Economy here on Oahu is still not geared to United States Individual rights.  And whereas animal slaughter is disallowed for religion, Hawaii keeps fighting and abuse current for human economy of 3rd world cultures. There is a lack of English improvement classes.  There is a lack of caring about others. Hawaii in my eyes is worse than a factory farm full of pigs being raised for slaughter.

The rent is too high for "decent" women's rights those who prefer decency to public prostitution (which has a broad definition in Hawaii). The locals socially attack visiting women to add to the local sex trade/ aka. "The industry". Financial decimation happens and there are no safe holds that seem functional. The number of fight schools & bars ratio per capita to educational institutions and organizations is low. The more legislators allow expensive business, the more "industry" is needed to support the tax base to cater to rich Sex Tourism from around the globe.

The richer sex tourists and vacation home owners set the tone on the island of how women are spoken to. The men are vile. Not even appropriate by Spanish from Spain standards.
I can't quite express in entirety how I feel about my social surroundings for the past 6 years. Trying to navigate through pods of Seals, surfers, Vietnamese sex traffickers, Black African-American pimps, and all the underlying gangs has not been remotely normal. 6 years and my nerves are exhausted. They said they thought id have a better time here because I look like them. They were wrong, as it has made it easier for them to isolate me. And, I no longer trust anyone much, if any. Relationship is definitely not here for me. I hope this sums up a little without the nitty gritty.

Monday, March 07, 2016

Feminism, tampons,& Hawaii

There has got to be a way. Oahu, isn't the Mecca of untamed Brazilian bikinis after Big Wave season and the surfers leave North Shore by March.  
So rest of the year, women- are heavyset housewives, pastey, untanned, skinny, can't stand on the beach when white water washes in after the low tide shore break Tourists and residing foreigners. 
I hope u get the picture. 
So for the rest of the local women who are exotic prey to the men visiting the islands 366/24/7;- maybe the others don't understand we can't ALWAYS keep a stock of emergency tampons!!!
Since they ELImINaTeD almost all tampon dispensers in every restroom, local women ask for tampons from each other...there goes emergency stock. Then for those of us who are active and use soft. Cups or diva cups- accidents accumulated blood to happen and 1 tampon isn't enough backup to have in Just lucky it's not in the Sharkie waters of O beach.
Plus;- they stopped selling TRaVEL size packs. So, no shopping, no events, and only the slimmist evening  bag. For those of us who like natural plan, taking pills to stop The Flo isn't a good option.
Ugh...prices are ridiculous!!!!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Overnight Geniuses

Some boys or men become geniuses overnight, because they took the ignored reccommendations of an intelligent woman. 


This happens to sometimes create the "overnight success" as well.