Showing posts with label Violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Violence. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2018

$50/hr living wage @ Hawaii

Many Hawaii state citizens live with poor living standards due to one of the top 5 highest costs of Living in the USA. Many professional men & women are paid "cash" when the hourly rate is below $50/hour.  For men, they have to be selective with side jobs they take on in construction or otherwise unionized worker industry. For women, sometimes the same standard exists even with the plethora of cleaning businesses and service related industries on the main island of Oahu. Most people remain on food stamps throughout employment even over $25/hr with debt. Though something more concerning is the number of women who are part time or full time prostitutes.

Hawaiian islands are overrated for luxury due to the sheer expense of American style spas of the remote pacific. The number of Caucasians living independently on the islands has increased dramatically due to their rarity at the crossroads of Asia & the South Pacific. Though newer USA  prostitutes and escorts flock from Washington, Oregon, California, and the south west from their voluntary segregated neighborhoods to  normal bars Looking for cash or secure money. There are multigenerational Caucasian looking families built on a matriarchal prostitute who can provide support and protection and elimination of competition.
Some of the white women have already served time in jail and in Hawaii State for misdemeanor  and felony offenses. They are frequently capable of having their family on the mainland provide a seperate address for them to operate from an outside state. This way they can "attend" school elsewhere and while remaining a resident of Hawaii. Since some of Hawaii's prostitutes are encroaching on 70, they have brought up or brough in a new generation of young white women to refer out to new & prior clients. And, more cunning and cut throat as ever, they have seduced boyfriends and local men to do their bidding. The road block of white trash women turned neuvo riche by Hawaii's men & tourists is abashing the intelligent women who complete college and university along a more radical thought that women have intelligence.

 I have learned that Hawaii's I culture is very open with prostitution being spoken about at a high level. Mothers and in some cases families jointly participate in prostitution or pimping out women. And once they destroy a woman's vacation, finances, and vocation ...there is nowhere to work for pay near that $50/hr mark In order to leave the islands. They also target "women from good families" for hopes of extortion money. 

Most women, even in low cost multigenerational housing can't afford to leave due to shipping costs + normal relocation costs. IoW:-

Ship personal items
Ship car
Attempts to sell vehicle frequently thwarted as it is a legality to leave, 180parking tickets X a fine $50+/each. Makes it more difficult to leave the "industry".
Plane ticket 
Rental car on arrival
Deposit, escrow, down payment on apartment.
Job search

Thursday, September 14, 2017

What Hawaii State does after THEIR pimps attack a tourist.

The thing that really got to me last night, is the disrespect from Hawaii's social workers. I wonder that they even realize they promote human trafficking?!!!
At a domestic violence help network;- they informed me that Hawaii state would have me arrested like many others if I boarded the plane. And they offered me what is called a "Freedom train Flight" Basically, a one way plane ticket out of Hawaii to another Destination. 
However they wanted me to have someone "SIGN" for me like a package and "Take responsibility for me" Like a pimp. I NEVER HAD A PIMP interfere in my life and jeporadize my career & work UNTIL I arrived at the Honolulu airport. So it was 100% Hawaii's astute Federal type Pimp.
So OBVIOUSLY none of my friends or family wanted anything to do with such a legal transaction.
Basically, they disrespected my now 40year old single adult opinion to return to MY LIFE. MY STUDIO. MY OFFICE. and other things that supported MY LIFE as an independent private individual who was raised to work on EXIM matters that were loosely connected to APEC 2011 which I attended despite my situation. This isn't an issue I scream out at collegues.  If you want to be humiliated and thrown in the gutter internationally as a 1st generation American- Japanese citizen;- going on vacation here is one way to do it. 
Now that my life is ruined, and virtually unsalvageable due to INANE Hawaii. I'm not sure what to do due to the international EMBARASSMENT & HUMILIATION their local gangstalkers and martial arts followers impressed. 
There's not much I can accomplish with jeering bank tellers, police harassers, and their run of mill men who are accustomed to "Purchasing" women's time in a variety of otherwise standard "unprofessional ways" in bars.
Additionally, after I was fighting for my life a 2nd time and cops watched ( if you follow my blog posts) I was forced to fill out a police report according to Officers words and threatened to be arrested if I didn't accept the Ambulence services. Being in a really bad financial situation already;- the Hospitals attempted to extort money from my relatives. By the way, the HPD officer did not make any attempt to STOP my attacker and WATCHED in entirety with a door WIDE OPEN.
Hawaii State denied me the full extent of my human rights. Including refusing to meet with me for social services. This is not just a light Targeted Individual situation in one of the most difficult places to live financially. They can't afford their own SECURITY personnel.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

My Akashic Record of Violence

I'm still deciding on a title, for my "book".

(My) Akashic Record of Violence
Once, I shared an MK Ultra peace pipe with someone I "summoned" as I was told near g6.
I spent an afternoon at the beach opening the Akashic Records of that area
through the coded light. I sat on my beach towel I witnessed many atrocious acts of humanity that occurred in that area. I was raised MK Ultra Stargate. I have abilities to access particular knowledge about humanity, past and present. With or without human hardware devices.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Hillary vs. Trump

The deconstructionist movement is humoresque in the future of an American nation lead by Donald Trump. It is frightening. Hawaii is a hub for gangs and some of them are agreeing that under Donald Trump, they would be able to become establishments that are uncontested in their communities:- especially when working jointly.

Hillary Clinton is a woman, yet our more stand and appropriate politician type with little hype coming from the "underground". She is a mother and has been a protector of the USA constitution for decades. Even with overseas faith in the TPP crumbling quickly;- the USA will still benefit internally from a standard American platform.  

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Hawaii guys- "Community Leader" type

The "Community Leader" 
He is respected by his community through a variety of organizations. Not all of these men are bad to date, however, watch out for the bad ones. Underneath their strong & statured posturing as a role model;- the stress will be vented somewhere where he thinks no one is looking. Every type of abuse can be dished out freely financial, physical, emotional. Usually the financial & physical abuse are firsts and he considers your emotional response to him "your problem alone" because His feelings are superior and more worthy of attention.  He may be single & seem baggage free. However, because of his position, he firmly believes that the social organizations for abused women exist specifically so he CAN abuse women and not feel bad about it because "someone" will take care of them. 
If you can't handle making a community spectacle of your disaster, you will suffer silently & alone.

Monday, February 29, 2016

The Adult Oahu Community at large

There is a plethora of under disciplined and psychologically under developed parents of children in Hawaii. These parents seem to target people (women) who attended colleges & universities. They target the educated and more worldly, for ridicule, abuse, and outright assault.  These HS graduated parents ridicule the educated because to them it isn't "money". They ridicule those who completed higher education because their personalities are like high school bullies. Yet the Hawaii state communities promote more children in Martial arts than anything. It seems with such low Higher education attendance and completion Most people in Hawaii want to do everything for Money only.

 It is lacking in cultured "music" and fun things to do that are intellectual ( science museums, art museums, affordable and frequent Theater & live non-tourist oriented shows) because most of the residents feel they should be payed for everything. This attitude creates a negative environment for the children. 

Adults playing in "paid" ensembles only have credibility with the local crowd. Obviously without an overall educated and cultured crowd;- the actual global quality is Highly questionable. 
This small & main island of Oahu has approximately 960,000 people. Now please tell me that their children Have enough things to do to prevent them from becoming criminally inclined to prevent boredom. i doubt it. Instead the locals have historically promoted "buy me drinkie bars" where patrons spend $20-$80 per drink to sit with a woman who resides on the island. This is favored over programs for children that would afford group lessons in music or art with someone who is at very least degreed, which would be a small fee in exchange for the expense of time and money to learn the art the instructor could share if desired. There are less than a handful, if any local and 501c3 Music & Art schools that are on the islands. Little to no appreciation exists out here. The disrespect of persons is equated with them throwing away a luxury handbag. 

It's clear and visibly obvious  that the community is small and closed, that they appreciate tattoos, military funding, and making embarrassing international spectacles or Incidents of some newcomers or vacationers. The rest of everyone I've met seem to be extremist in their religion, sexism, and what I consider to be display of emotionally Unevolved high school mentality. 

Monday, February 11, 2008

Rambo & Untraceable- Please don't support Violence

Over the weekend I caught up on movies with the wretchedly disgusting Untraceable only paralelled by the recent release of Rambo in grotesque violence. Though even after being invited to and attending a talk given by a Burmese monk on Burma at Cornell University (approximately the same time when Japanese reporter Kenji Nagai was killed); - at least Rambo is somewhat progressive in communicating how brutal Burma can be. see an example of real-life footage on Kenji Nagai Though, my Japanese upbringing still tells me that I should not support violence. It is still a hyper politically charged issue to financially support violence in any way. It's not a matter of "turning-away" so much as it is a matter of cutting of financial support that sustains that environment.
Boycotts are normal in the consumer world. In the political & financial world of global commerce the same type of "boycott" action is taking by cutting funding to those terse and ill regions. There is still more that can be done; - none of which is a humane approach to solving the problem. Like rat poison;- people are affected by everything they come in contact with. Weather it kills the enemy or weakens them;- everything is fair in war. Cutting funding to the plight is the best action in entirety. I can also speak from personal experience on that here in the U.S. however- it is an entirely different and seperate matter from attending a talk on Burma. During the talk provided by the Burmese monk, I was thankful that my exposure to Asian languages helped me understand the talk more than what the translator presented to us in English. Somehow all those nuances are lost and people get the "soundbite"version of what is going on without the descript storytelling impacting them at the time of the talk. Then you couple that with some photos after a 2 hr. session and you have one long-arse version of a Cnn report. I'll clean up this article in a bit.