Showing posts with label imperial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imperial. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

My Akashic Record of Violence

I'm still deciding on a title, for my "book".

(My) Akashic Record of Violence
Once, I shared an MK Ultra peace pipe with someone I "summoned" as I was told near g6.
I spent an afternoon at the beach opening the Akashic Records of that area
through the coded light. I sat on my beach towel I witnessed many atrocious acts of humanity that occurred in that area. I was raised MK Ultra Stargate. I have abilities to access particular knowledge about humanity, past and present. With or without human hardware devices.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Japan:-USA MK Ultra Hawaii

The events of the past few months have put me in close quarters with an aryan US Marine Corps Colonel, who recently transplanted to Hawaii from the Pentagon. And, a practicing Krishna person who claims to be a victim of direct Rothschild gemstone programming in Oaklahoma, and approached me with hope to share knowledge of their family involvement in Aritchoke & Doormouse. I have to say it has been a grueling 3 months for me.
It's really difficult to try to exist for me here in Hawaii with the onslaught of MK program victims.
The Colonel, wouldn't communicate with me directly and instead took to hiding at least a handful of my personal belongings rather than returning them to me directly. Odd behavior for someone with a higher rank. The practicing Krishna is one of many who gaze onward at the Ford legacy. Both are mostly self motivated and not worldly motivated. Both have deeply insulted me as a woman of born Japanese nationality and descent. Both have admonished my Buddhist family history with repugnance of being equal to Satan worshipers. One deliberately placed dirty laundry over my Kalachakra (time Wheel or representation of OM in one glyph). The other again trying to force me into belonging to the Krishna cult and mindset (not the 1st time for ISKON in Hawaii).
I'm still lacking a safe home for myself as renting solo is extremely difficult, and is coupled with the plethora of Delta altar US military personnel and contractors, as well as the trained snipers and assassins that the USA MK Ultra Program has left on the Hawaiian islands. The islands seem to be a catch all for MK Ultra and related Mind Kontrol program victims whose families were promised some sanctuary for submitting their children (now encroaching on 50 years old). Most of the Mind Kontrol victims or participants I have met are approximately 50 years old, give or take a few years.

Some of them have definative altar changes and lack control and composure to stop and engage in a 2 way conversation. Others simply submerge themselves in their work at times, yet do not live normal family life and opt for partying daily on US military pay.

These programmed individuals do not claim responsibility for their actions. They do not show any remorse for their offensive actions. Rather, they make immediate attachment to the Rothschilds and the Military as excuse and refute their own individual freedoms as a form of denial. These people are very unlike those who are not programmed. Or, for those who were programmed and choose to make public through interviews the societal impact of the research that was conducted on them.

Regardless of any involvement my family may or may not have had. Most of the USA MK victims are quick to attach a "satanic" attribute to the program. They refuse to seperate the US military installation from the Rothschilds agenda.    They also remain defensive of their family members particularly if they feel that they have a "special"  or desirable European lineage that has potential to carry white Aryan (blonde hair, blue eyes, or light colored eyes & light hair as a dissapointing second). The use of India's Krishna religion is just one place where the tortured women reside, yet I am still uncertain if it is a choice or if it is the only religion that will give these women independent sanctuary and breeding partners (as it seems there are no marriages yet more "unfortunate children").

Seperate issue from the above and my living situation;- is that the USAF Stargate program is set to be a business and military industry standard acceptable conciousness (remote viewing & personal safety intuition) in 10-15 years.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Reflection:- My Sakah line

The Americans are infatuated with the trivial monetary cost of Asian cultures. And, they hype as well as rave about those areas where they have spent time. To them, there is value in setting an American flag in their birthing in foreign lands, largely despite nationality laws, as a further American Spiritual war on the world. 
Today is The Christian Christmas Eve as I sit alone in Hawaii. I'm reflecting on the losses that I have incurred and on the sanctity of thought the infinite timeline gives me in knowing at some point in time, I became stateless with my Sakah genetics mixed with many Asian genetics. I always treated myself in the way that my DNA is a frequency modulator where I feel more in tune with others along my self contained person. 
Most Americans and their foreign contingents like to make a spectacle of their visual imagination and "race" impressions while making light of me as an individual. Very few Americans care to even engage me at a reasonable friendship level of conversation before delving into stereo types that their large egos need to have compliance with,- compliance from numb parties nearby.
So today, I further deepened my understanding of my role to my family and related DNA this life time.
I have a deeper appreciation of Asia, and Sakah-muni Buddha a genetically possible distant ancestry to my existance. 
I also understand: 
the volitility of the United States public and mass opinion. 
The carefully threaded sound/homonym type associations that splatter through USA media culture.
 How, the French impressionists Dada movement distorted the visual mass medium. Distorted it conciously so that modern race and human political issues can be admonished to a space for multiple realities rather than the actuality of the present plane.
How volatile adding information to an entire nation of Christians who like to believe a NaZi fantasy version of Jesus their savior, whose God is infinitely forgiving of all misdeeds.
How, US Americans who came from slavery mindsets, immigrant mindsets,&  lackadaisical White privledge only serves them to gain footing collectively of accessible mindsets for waging mental wars abroad and to bend the socio-economic game play interaction between nations.

It's difficult for me to believe that I am alone today. That I have humbled myself so much with the brutal US American and Hawaiian attitudes that want to own Asia. 
Yesterday I really thought about Buddha. How communist workers were used in China to make a toxic industry that supports the "American beer gut Buddha  who quells about owning the Asian spirit of a warrior deep within them. How Asia doesn't deserve to exist except as servants places well beneath their African-American counterparts. This mind reel that has come to my mental forefront only angers me. 
To be edited...fresh from the heart💔:this Sakah mix Asia Buddha protector with tears flowing freely.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Chrysanthemums & Rose Petals for USS Langley - 75th Pearl Harbor

My personal hero, who took me to Philly lunch many weekends, Pearl Harbor Survivor remembered.
Yesterday, I made the trip to visit Pearl Harbor's Arizona Memorial and the USS Missouri.  I went, for my late "American Grandpa", who is my father's uncle. Since I am over 10 years younger than all of my cousins, I was like an only child on the weekends with him, his brother, mom, sister, and my the other hateful aunts that he instructed to "try to be nice to her" for as long as I could remember. Uncle Eddie, told me about that day at Pearl Harbor and his duty on the USS Langley gunner that avoided getting hit that day. And that he could only return to clean up while referring me to the framed full crew photograph on the wall of his Upper Darby home. So, yesterday December 7, 2016, I scattered the rose petals and yellow mums at the Arizona Memorial, heartfelt.

Despite Uncle Eddie being a gunner, having only two silver stars from Iwo Jima and the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. My mom, fearing for my life, let me go to lunch with him & to the candy shop. It was a regular weekend at great-grand mom's to hear the fight that he'd been through too much and should stay away from me (offensive names withheld).  Instead, he argued that he'd done the fighting so he could do what he wanted to do. My mom, being Japanese, was someone Uncle Eddie visited with and they would talk in our living room many Sundays. Later 2009, before I came to Hawaii;- he dropped off his Langley mission cards for me to check out. He also was the biggest motivating piano teacher in hindsight, since he "brought me up" not naive about my musical studies and shared his love of music with me.

Yesterday, I didn't know what to say to the living treasured Pearl Harbor Survivors. I remember Uncle Eddie telling me that, "Yeah they want me to come out there, but I don't, nah, dont wanna make the trip." It was like an indicator that he was always pressing to be forward thinking. I remember days he'd show up at the house from cleaning up 9-11 with the FDR hat on. He lived a life of service to the USA, even though he parted from the US Navy so long ago. I always was in awe of him and his inner strength.

I, being born a dual national of Japan and USA,  rarely received a gift of any kind (no graduation cards either) from my father's family members since they would fight and bicker  and cause headaches for Uncle Eddie because they hate me, even as a 6yr old. So I always felt that his time was more precious to me and my late brother. He'd give me a few bucks here and there where he could sneak it in and tell me to hang onto it. That, at this level, it was more individual healing and learning for past events as our interpersonal way of making amends. 
I hope, that there are more of us who choose to honor our fallen appropriately (like Uncle Eddie did every weekend). And, that we can move forward to make peace.

On December 7, 2016
I stopped by a local florist who gave rose petals and the mus to me for my visit. I am grateful for her kindness. The Arizona Memorial ticket was free. I did make some small purchases for momentos of the day since it has always been a family weekend topic in the USA. The box of Cracker Jacks I ate at the USS Missouri was the only one I saw, but it was expired by a couple weeks. Thanks to da Braddah for kamaaina water. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

the Feng Shui of 2017 President to be.

The feng shui of the 2017 President to be in relation to me/family ;- will create a ton of Ghosts.
It should be however, reciprocated for balance. 
His team is worse than Yakuza, and is using them to further his USA business enterprise.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Arigato gosaimashita!!! TPP JAPAN

5 years from Tomorrow, Hawaii Time;- the expendable of the Family walked in the middle of a situation. USA & M-16 armed gunners aimed at protesters holding signs written in Chinese. It was an intense little 20' stroll in front of the Halekulani. The next day, on Nov. 12, 2011,  Japan made the announcement that they would join the TPP agreement. It took 5 years from that day Nov. 11, 2011 till Today Nov. 10 (hawaii time), 2016 for Japan to sign the TPP.

Minasan, (ChoO) Arigato Gosaimashita!!!

I cried when I read the news. It has been totemo ChoO muzukashii here in the USA.
Arigato Gosaimashita, TPP. 
I hope I (we) die(d) here for family.

いとこ  -- 有我と 
ITOKO san - Arigato Gosaimashita, Abelia/ JT "death knell"... down with the jibe.
my pocket,  still empty.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Issues with modern day Seppuku

The Being 1st generation Japanese-American has brought many troubling issues for me. The one that is outstanding is how my American father sold the swords my ofesan gave to him. So pathetic I don't know where to begin.
Next is that in the USA, it's illegal to behead a person, perhaps even after they bleed out. 
Then, because the United States has so many discrepancies, I would want a clean and understood death. 
I won't even mention that I wanted to commit suicide when I was 9years old. The abuse from the Quakertown community was too much then. I only stayed alive to take the relentless beatings that my brother would have had to endure if I didn't accept blame for his mistakes. Thus, I was beyond upset when they found him dead with his brains blown out with a gun all over the area near where clam bake stove was.

I feel sorry for my mother that she came to the United States at all. 

I grew up with the story of how the white nurses at Quakertown Hospital in 1970 killed my sister after her first breaths and told her 
how she didn't deserve to have children. children. That story was one I heard nearly every night. And as young as I can remember, my mother educated me that the men at my church and school would probably rape me, and how my parents could not afford a lawsuit for such a matter. However, when things got so bad in the USA I was to kill myself, as no one in the family overseas had time to try and solve problems. There are no lawsuits, only war and preferably peace with the Americans. As Japanese I have a duty to the Emporer to exist so that American people meet a little bit of Japan. There were very few Japanese on the east Coast USA living with their families at that time. So I was to represent Japan as well.

Dying a macaroni and cheese death is not something I want in the USA. Tibet helped me through the last round of murder attempts on my life in the east Coast USA.

I have very little in common or that I like of the people I have met in Hawaii. Many are 3-4th generation and are not very classy, missing the Hepburn mark by more than a few republican elephant turds.

The Caucasian security dillemma

Disclaimer: I was raised in a very objective household. That is Being that there is no time for lawsuits and the USA attorneys are incompetent to handle the multiple attacks made against me as a lucid family member of the Japanese Imperial Security House. It also came with a duty to kill myself when things are so bad for me in The USA. My family never estimated a good outcome since USA prefers to do business with Japanese gangsters. This has held true with the death of my brother and sister. I still do not feel that a suicide on American soil is meaningful. Though, life here is not meaningful either as I can only witness those around me & their attitudes. I do not expect my life to continue much longer in Hawaii and it is why I write this.

 The point was that regardless of my 2 born blood nationalities, I had to learn to live with the surrounding community. That meant attending the churches they attended and making some, minimal friends due to the heavy racism and hatred of Japanese people I experienced. I went to school in a small town, for the American school year in a town that had helped hide the Liberty Bell that is a United States icon.

United States Citizens do not identify citizenship by blood;- rather, they identify by land, because they are American and want more land in other countries.

United States Citizens do not have respect for people, like me, who are born with an American parent and on USA soil especially while living on land that was in the American family for 3 generations.
This is not about Hawaii, which is a special case due to higher rate of the Asian-descent minorities who are 3rd and 4th generation Americans.

So, Americans have little exposure to multiple religions in Church, public school, or in any religious or World Cultures class. The amount of misinformation is huge and stagnates because Americans are rewarded by laziness and being easily controlled. This is why many of the Hate crimes that occur go unreported (also due to racially and nationally biased police forces). The hate crimes only insure that the old Caucasian cultural norms are maintained in the USA. Aside from US businessmen and military members hiring hookers, prostitutes of varying levels of intimacy, and "saving money" by shopping in other nations;- there is not much to be liked about mainstream USA men and the women who uphold and enable them generation after generation. The Caucasian American women as I have learned, teach their children to harm other girls who are not Caucasian as a method of promoting Caucasian hate crimes. Legally, the Caucasian hate families loose less by having a child do this because 1. they are supported by the rest of the Caucasian majority community and 2. even if anyone chose to tell them its wrong, a delinquent child would have less of a sentence than the parent.

Modern America still thinks INTER-RACIAL people aren't appropriate role models.
I have met many inter-racial (IR) couples who have fled cities like Philadelphia and their smaller hometowns in various states due to mass culture enforcing hate crimes on IR families. Many IR couples flee to New York City. So, this tells me that there are additional issues within the African-American community. A community that I have minimal interaction with because they have constantly expressed to me that they don't see me,
a half-Japanese woman as an appropriate role model when I was a Piano instructor at a Conservatory. The other reason being they send very large black men at me towering over 6' to try and force me into prostitution in the USA. I have had some African-American friends whose presence has allowed me to have some protection from this.

Donald Trump is like a maddened Diva or Buddha of some sense. What I have seen of his speech and behavior is in part a representation of different USA domestic mindsets from many different levels. He has been outspoken. He is only one person;- of the millions who have different facets and mindsets that he has portrayed in various speeches.

Another issue, is that people act offended if I choose not to respond to them in public. Typically they start by asking questions that are too personal to me and have security issues attached to them. They ask where I'm from, where I live, what part of the Island;- all of which have resulted in a barrage of thefts over the 7 years in Oahu;- not including numerous issues of Caucasian people stealing everything down to my college textbooks, music on CD's, and anything I needed for daily use such as shampoo and makeup when I was attending Ithaca College for Music.

From my point of view, most USA caucasian men are rapists and the women are enablers. Because they have a high opinion of themselves they mentally shield themselves from the fact that I do not even have a friendship with them. At Ithaca College, I was asked to be a speaker for a women's event for survivors of sexual assault on campus. "Loving and Surviving" had many posters up with speaker and contributor names. At that point I had survived over 26 on campus mandatory dormitory sexual assaults that the private college effectively hid from outside police enforcement. The president JJ Whalen was known for slandering Japanese women as even Professor Miecowski and his Japanese wife filed a lawsuit against the President for slander at a professional event.    I was unable to retain an attorney because the attorneys viewed me as a worthless minority in their social sphere and still a Japanese and USA citizen at the time before the Patriot Act.
I was 17 when I entered college, and had to beg to have a new dormitory that was not Co-ed. I was sexually assaulted many times before I turned 18 at Ithaca College. I was dragged by my hair across the boys side floor, dragged by my feet sometimes. One of my assailants was from Hawaii and told me i look like the scum he grew up with so I deserve it. Sometimes, my older roommates would just let guys in the room when I was trying to sleep. I was failing my 1st semester on Academic probation and begged my father to let me leave by the 1st fall break at the College. I was supposed to be one of the top 3 students at the Music School.

Monday, August 08, 2016

No Japanese language to select to receive email

So, someone hacked my settings and rerouted things. However, I can't receive Email in Japanese.
Japanese is not even a choice. It was so faint in the lightest grey. I found it This is like another death threat sent to me, among many.
Death Threats that Included a Chinese-Hawaiian Navy Seal Trainer in Ninjitsu.
I guess Google thinks WW3 is better than peace.

Friday, June 24, 2016

USA Racism - my brother's memorial

After the not accidental death of my brother in 2005, we held a memorial service for him. The memorial service room was packed with his white so-called friends. His closest friend(s) not white showed up after most of the room cleared. We then had several people who knew him at our home. My father forced me to refrain from starting a physical altercation as the people he knew unleashed their laughter about how they had him beat up, stalked, dosed with drugs & left laying on the ground only to be kicked and hurt by their brothers and friends. Some of the instigators were the girls/young women he knew because they were making closer ties to the guys he knew. It was community racism. 
After the memorial service, I was stalked and threatened by white people with weapons and those who claimed they were at our home to mourn my brother's death. 
They were rotten people underneath the friendly" exterior for years since many were his friends in High school. 
It still angers me to the core of my being to this day. 

Monday, April 25, 2016

I am very concerned. I need help to leave Hawaii safely.

So, I'm learning from ex-US military who was involved with Yamaguchi-gumi Inakawa-Kai that Hawaii syndicate runs the Hawaiian shipyards and docks and also vice in Chinatown. I don't know how outdated the story is. 
However, it's getting unbearably uncomfortable for me to try and remain in Hawaii, I was told they are patched in with the Chinese and Vietnamese communities;- stuff I just speculated before. So, it feels like death is breathing down my neck after yesterday. I'm not ok with this Hawaii State anymore. It's too stressful and I hate.
They try to kill my relatives In Japan who already do international trade;- and they have decimated any hope of me having a secure life in Hawaii and USA now.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Forget Hawaii Security

People in 👘Japan are well aware that Yamaguchi-gumi & Yakuza gang factions are practically sworn enemies to my relatives. The fact that Hawaii is full of these legitimate United States Yakuza business people is not a hidden fact. Why anyone would think I'm doing "Great" since I landed in Hawaii is beyond me. I have to work in Hawaii's legitimate night clubs, where I am "allowed" by different Asian-Americans who choose to accept me. The money I make is barely what I made as a Part-time non-profit piano teacher and the hours are longer & tiring, especially since I have reached my 40's. I don't have energy for 2more jobs or the patience as those around me continuously take to creating "issues" and try to instigate legal issues. 
Twice, men who identified themselves to me as Yamaguchi-gumi tipped me $12 each time they warned me to stay out of Waikiki when they had meeting/outing, and to stay away from their end of Waikiki since Yakuza war began, a year prior to media acknowledgement. 

Everyone else, especially US military, remains numb to the actuality of what is going on. My life here is difficult, very poor in fact for Hawaii's multimillionaire scene. The US military pays rent here for the soldiers so they have nothing to fear.

Those are some of my issues with other Japanese alone. Then there is everyone else who terrorized me, especially From Phillipines who are like Yakuza gangs & are knowingly are jealous of my family relation that already brokers steel & builds infrastructure. Tell me how these people aren't terrorists? How am I to do USA Ex-IM in this insecure environment. That discludes the high level clearance US Military men who have tried to kill me while the local Honolulu Police stand by idle and Prosecutor succumbs to cheap tips from the other side, never contacting me.

I have no life left here in Hawaii, or the USA for that matter. I do hope for something better for me  than the people whom I have already met, in all fairness. 
This was a tough gig for this lifetime. 

Ps. Just an afterthought about how my treacherous 1month vacation in Hawaii ruined most of my financial life in the USA. How could he, The Martial arts security person with 31+ black belts including 5-6 Grandmaster titles, not understand that staying in Hawaii was a bad idea to force on me. He hisself told me that all the "Gangs" in Hawaii had asked them to train him. So someone please tell me where he gets away with involving federal & local law enforcement to in essence "pimp me out". Left me with bad credit, I wasn't able to pay bills once I landed here, ransacked what was possible out of my Social security number and His federal and local buddy ties at the banks & DOE. 
Now he's at wits end trying to save his parent's home (so he says). So how am I really supposed to trust him? I can't. I'm just wondering who's going to kill me first here in Hawaii. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

my Similie for my being on the East Coast

It's like trying to start your own golf course in the middle of the Gobi (desert).
You need water to make a green;- yet it keeps evaporating. --- AMK