Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Security. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

Global Construction Titans: Prominent Firms Shaping Infrastructure Outside Europe and North America

1. **Samsung C&T Corporation (South Korea):** A key player with a global influence, particularly in construction and engineering.

2. **China State Construction Engineering Corporation (China):** One of the largest construction companies globally, actively involved in diverse projects.

3. **Reliance Industries (India):** While diversified, Reliance has a significant impact on India's business landscape.

4. **Grupo Carso (Mexico):** Led by Carlos Slim's family, operates across various industries, including construction.

5. **Shimizu Corporation (Japan):** A major construction company contributing to Japan's infrastructure projects.

6. **Obayashi Corporation (Japan):** Prominent in construction and engineering, with a substantial role in Japan.

7. **Kajima Corporation (Japan):** Known for construction and engineering services, playing a significant role in the industry.

8. **Taisei Corporation (Japan):** Engaged in construction and civil engineering, with domestic and international projects.

9. **Takenaka Corporation (Japan):** One of Japan's oldest construction firms with historical significance.

10. **Acciona (Spain):** While headquartered in Spain, Acciona operates globally and is involved in diverse sectors, including construction.


1. **サムスンC&Tコーポレーション(韓国):** グローバルに影響力を持つ主要企業で、特に建設およびエンジニアリング分野で注目されています。

2. **中国建設工程総公司(中国):** グローバルで最大の建設企業の一つで、さまざまなプロジェクトに積極的に参加しています。

3. **リライアンスインダストリーズ(インド):** 多様な事業を展開していますが、リライアンスはインドのビジネスランドスケープに重要な影響を与えています。

4. **グルーポ・カルソ(メキシコ):** カルロス・スリム家族が率いる企業で、建設を含むさまざまな産業で活動しています。

5. **清水建設(日本):** 日本のインフラプロジェクトに貢献している主要な建設企業の一つです。

6. **大林組(日本):** 建設およびエンジニアリング分野で注目すべき役割を果たしている、日本の主要企業の一つです。

7. **鹿島建設(日本):** 建設およびエンジニアリングサービスで知られ、産業で重要な役割を果たしています。

8. **大成建設(日本):** 建設および土木工学分野で、国内外のプロジェクトに関与しています。

9. **竹中工務店(日本):** 日本で最も古い建設会社の一つで、歴史的な重要性を持っています。

10. **アシオナ(スペイン):** スペインに本社を置いていますが、アシオナは建設を含むさまざまな分野で国際的に活動しています。

Monday, September 17, 2018

1st week back on East Coast 9/2018

This morning, my first week in Massachusetts after leaving Hawaii State, I am feeling the push of the American Economy. It's like a disgruntled economy willing to help those only from nations that do not challenge the American Economy;- AKA Japan is too high on the Economic Roster.
The USA, still, after 9 years with Clinton Boys pushing me into poverty by their direct presence, coupled with the PA Cabal's following slaughtering my siblings & attacking me... is leaving me jobless and more disparaged as a  Japanese-American born female with a college degree.
The Latino & African American & SE Asian crowds have pushed their human trafficking and prostitution ideas of employment on me. They are largely sex traffickers coupled with a White Privileged crowd who largely cannot & would not be at all respectful of me as Japanese-American and reasonably afford me time & pay to maintain my relationship with my relatives in Japan. The USA freedom" is entirely a farce to me at this point in my life.
I'm realizing that after being forced to "cool off" and "sort through the Hawaii riff Raff" for appx. 8 yrs. unwillfully.

Despite being here for one week and doing a short resume drop over the past 4 days;- I'm waking up with my precognition filled with condescending views of my Japanese-American heritage in yet another American neighborhood filled with DOD & Military related views of harming me & bulldozing me on every level.
After 22 long years of being held hostage by the United States & in rough shape;-
I'm not at all enthusiastic as I was a week ago.
Especially having to apply for manual labor waitress jobs after representing the USA at Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in 2011 for the international symposium.

I also tried to explain to someone the legalities of Japan which affect my status with my family that the USA has interferred with with full intention of harming the quality of my life since I was a child.
Week one is nearly here at 1:30AM Tuesday morning & I have lost ALL confidence in this trip already. It has been at great personal expense that I have tolerated & afforded the bulldozing by USA from multiple states and levels of its society. And, that being born a dual citizen;- the USA has violated most of my basic rights and should be challenged under ICJ or UNI due to not only gross negligence, but with full intent to murder me and my siblings who are extended family of a Japanese Infrastructure & Security relation.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dual Nationa Targeted Individual - Japan/USA

The United States of America has NEVER respected my individual rights. After 42 years, they continue to torture, harass, and deny me basic human rights. It is not because I was lazy. i worked over 80 hrs. a week for decades and was not paid. I was targeted in Childhood and my Parents' attorneys saw to it that I was dehumanized to DNA that my parents were legally allowed to terminate.
By Junior High School, I was given a choice to Foster Care in the Highly abusive and White Supremacist Bucks County community where I was physically abused and on all levels of abuse by the teachers, students, students parents and church leaders to set the EXAMPLE for appropriate treatment of an indigent ethnic Japanese.  It has been 42 years and I and my brother suffered through their unrelenting DAILY targeting and Abuse by Department of Defense and other Military Contractor employees, Veterans, and other PATRIOTIC USA inhabitants from Doylestown, PA, Quakertown, PA and connected and surrounding areas.
In 2009 I arrived in Hawaii for a much needed vacation. I was abducted by a Federal Agent immediately and prohibited from leaving his presence to wait to pick up my rental car on my own.  Since that day, my life has been changed with my relatives with Japanese National Security conections  watching some while seeing me suffer without intervening in Oahu & the United States.

There is a vast amount of racism in Hawaii that I have had to endure. It made me a GAGGED PERSON where everyone involved lead others to believe that I was their family and did not need assistance. I was not permitted to speak freely for quite some time without physical harm being done to me.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

T.I. technology basics survival

July 13, 2017
Cypress Shaman

Hey good morning
I'm doing my breakfast now, still here at Green World.
I did this, this morning. I'm a trained organizer and so I have gone through all
sorts of things. Anyway I posted the picture of that on my Twitter @imperial News J.
And so, I wanted to talk about this a bit, was the
online and technologies.
see how fast I can get through here so the purpose of
used and the online anything online
obviously things of interest forums like
I belong to a half Japanese forum
I was targeted with a bunch of other half Japanese on the forum.
(I think  'which was worse of the two because obviously Hawaii has
problems, okay, so yeah, they targeted me.')
The contact through YouTube by dropping a message I didn't even know
about the forum so they, you know, tried to
bring up my interest and I had exclusively stuck to a half Japanese forum
where there were other people like me who are multinational born, dual national
born Japanese. I'm not too exploratory anymore with meeting people online that way.
Those networks were prone to social media hacker's, you know, of the kind that are known.
There's this one guy, his names AI, I won't say his full name but A.I. are his actual initials.
He is based out of Helsinki, Finland so he was going around hacking.
They keep I just got to the point where I became friendly towards
the hackers because they communicate with me. So, they're obviously trying to get attention
and so everything got hacked...into my email, for more of my personal info.
Old School is the untraceable re mailer back in 2000.
I was being stalked and we couldn't trace the email at all, but they were sending harassing
photos and I was in Florida at that point. And, they were sending photos of Hawaiian women in movies and hotel rooms
looking really messed up. Anyway, I hadn't even been to Hawaii at that point so, unless that was something to do it
back then Breed Industries, I don't know what would have come from so newer is the E/M weapon
so I heard reports from different people who are also Japanese
but their cars got hit with a EM
their cars got hit with an electromagnetic energy supposedly from a solar flare. But, I think if the solar flare hit the entire garage
and your cars in a covered garage, somebody probably walked through there with an e/M weapon
So that you would have to go back to the dealership. Obviously that gets really expensive. My car personally is older. I haven't  hadthat issue
with the computer in it yet, yet but for the newer models where they're very computer reliant and software reliant, it is entirely possible for them to
completely disable the vehicle. i mean completely like you're not driving it anywhere so that is a concern. It has happened in Hawaii. Um most of something I thought I'd throw in there.
 stuffs mine. It's what I've been around but the car thing is something I thought I'd throw in there.

Hack the unshakable phones proprietal phone and clouds I tried using those networks.
I missed meetings, they locked me out of my email repeatedly, obviously different screens popping up
gathering my password information. No phone calls and things. Obviously that has to do with my emotional well being, my phone calls I got like five phone calls (in a year)
and I used to like talk to tons of people anyway, and I really isolated from that also for my safety the delay in text messages was a huge
problem even in the parking lot. The longest delay I had on text messages was about an hour or so and mascara and they wanted me to wind up at in this case in
Hawaii back at the mall because that's where the store is to service those phones. So, each time I had to physically drive to that location
obvious in the coffee shop. Free Wi-Fi and stuff they can cut the Wi-Fi also to our cellular
they've done that to me, they all can also make it static and interfere with phone calls so,
whether its the unmarked police cars in Honolulu, they're supposed to carry blue lights on them,
yeah it's hard to track and they can push you into a gray area that has 2 problems with the
gray area or not problems, but you're vulnerable right,
and you can't call 9 1 1 (emergency number) but at the same time if you know somebody around or it can find some safety
they wont be able to find you too quickly so, before you head to gray area
if you have a contact let them know you're going there and maybe
 you have a safe spot or something
but if you're afraid people you know are being infiltrated, so to speak, and uh, you know;- trust yourself
and your skills ground game... the perp service is that service provider. I learned this one the hard way in Doylestown while I was working for a Verizon service provider. They hired me
to get my personal information meaning, my social security everything okay. Everything and then they also followed me home and I was an employee for a very brief period. But they
can also send out the same type of people who caused issues for me in the company to your home. So I mean; I was followed by a guy off duty with his Confederate flag on his bike. Right, doesn't
belong at my place, doesn't belong harassing my mother who was outside.

The perp sends, this is a recent story in Hawaii (past month June/July 2017), a perp = a man or woman
to drug you gain access to all phone and financial data so um,
I heard us, I personally have felt that my well being has been compromised in the past two weeks, and I heard another story from somebody else and 
his case was a woman. My case is a man I was introduced to. I'm not completely trustworthy or not some super paranoid but hey, if I'm passed out for 24 hours and see pink and purple
before I pass out, that's not a good sign.
They basically get through your phone, get through all your contacts
can get to a credit card financial data keys to everything everything you have with you.
they have access to, so we all know it's really hard to, you know have a biometric lock on
your vehicle. But if you can if you can do the biometric lock ...
I've opted for the old school way. My car's old it's almost twenty years old now. But, if you're new school and you have the biometric locks just remember that
EM weapons can be used on your vehicle so you can't get in.
-3- And, I did that little tiny thing on the vehicle.-
But getting you stranded in an area and then having somebody, just conveniently (you know) appearing is part of their goals. So anyway, spyware at public networks and all that basic basic basic stuff for grandma, grandpa. So that that's it.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Introduction APEC 2011-TPP2017 my wrap up

Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday July 12, 2017 ... 16:25/ 4:25pm Hawaii time
Personal account of Angela M. Kneale born dual national of Japan & Usa, granddaughter of Kikuchi, Hirokatsu (diplomatic mission),
EX-IM representative for public &
non-military initiative shipping channels

I feel I did my best for everyone involved. At this level there are few lawyers and legal actions that can remedy the political and economic effects of those attempting to build a full scale World War 3.
Since 1996, and again in 2005 with my brother's unnatural death, I myself have lost trust in nearly full international business capacity of those in the USA who have entered my life.
The events that occurred in early 1970's prior to my birth in this USA nation, and as a dual national, I reported to police in Hawaii and were brought to light;- slightly. That is, I reported the alleged murder of my sister after her birth by Nurses of a hospital in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.

In 1980's my Japanese nationality & my brother's Japanese nationality changed to dual citizen status.

In 2001 my Japanese nationality and possibly that of my brother's changed outside the USA to being stateless and trafficked individuals by the USAF. This is due to the contents of the Patriot Act and based on revision of first generation American status, despite the United States Constitution.

In 2005 my brother was killed at my parents' family home. I feel this is related to the anonymous ATF call I made due to our neighbors' possibly illegal activity where they forced my brother to manufacture cnc guns as part of his employment at their company. His paychecks from them were approximately $600 per week. I personally made the anonymous whistleblowing call. This is part of the reason I do not think he committed suicide. That is in addition to other things he shared with me as he played along frequently to obtain such information. There was also video footage I was supposed to receive after his memorial service. The person who spoke with me did not make it home from the memorial service and was in a coma for a month or so from that day. I was told that it was evidence of possible racist and hate crimes from the United States action against him.
His so called friends were very racist and even laughing about how they had their brothers and kin assault my brother on multiple occasions. They made these statements in front of me after the memorial service. There were approximately 100+ people in attendance of his memorial service at the funeral home. In addition, there were several attempts made on my life and 1 abduction that included assault and battery within the year from his death. One indirect threat made at me came from the pastor who baptised me and he told my my father to kill me.  The cults, churches, and other white supremacy and (false) patriot organizations in Quakertown, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas including Doylestown, PA and Allentown, PA targeted me and I quickly ran out of my invested money trying to stay alive there.

Despite my upbringing to open for the  United States based export-import shipping channels in countries across the planet;- the United States and any and all its actors and citizens of the public democracy, as well as the military branches, local and federal governments have knowingly and/or unknowingly acted against me. This includes agents and police in the state of Hawaii. The Hawaii state government and its services, judges, and agents and actors have deliberately intended to harm me due to my overseas Japan family relation as niece to Takenaka, Yoshitomo who, at the time was an executive at the 5th largest construction firm that has since grown to be the most okii construction firm on the planet in 2017.
As a founding family member, my uncle Yoshitomo and my Obaasan his wife communicated from Japan to express Japan would be restarting military forces. 

Shortly after that our USA family phones cell phones and mobile phones were tapped by the US government and other military services. We were also monitored by the service provider and, there still is interference even this week, July 2017 when I attempted to speak with my mother who is going for some unknown surgery at a non-hospital location.

  In 2007 I had a studio in Ithaca, New York . Someone,  likely to be Caucasian, attempted to burn down my studio that was located in historic building named Clinton Hall. At the same time my aunt and uncle traveled from Japan and purchase Brazilian iron ore/Steel at 20% more than the USA iron ore/steel bid . After that deal was made, the targeting on my life and death threats to take my life (aka attempted murder) intensified .

  I was still targeted when I arrived in the Hawaiian Islands in 2009. I did not leave the airport property without a federal agent intervening in my entire vacation. But despite everything I was barely able to manage attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Honolulu in 2011. My financial state was very compromised despite my agreeing to attend the meeting.

These actions seem to be actions of USA steel industry, USA infrastructure attacking founding family niece as a political statement to Japan security and infrastructure.
The USA & its States have given virtually no remedy to any of the situations. The USA and its States have given no financial remedy that patches past damage and allows me to move forward with reasonable respect in an international and respectable capacity. Also, federal agent/military trainer I went to family court with also acted as a pimp in a sense and was directly responsible for extracting most all money (cash & credit repot) from me from 2009-2013 though mostly 2009-2011. He did so with cooperation of a Hawaii strip club(s). I was left with some money to pay basic bills to appear normal. Though my financial status severely crippled after identity theft occured with (his accomplices in the banking industry).

Any and all other private USA businesses, which include landlords of rental property, have interfered directly with my financial well being, so as to make it difficult to maintain basic living conditions.
To be continued....

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Re: racism @ Bucks County& Philadelphia

Is must say that over my lifetime
The racism in Pennsylvania specifically has included my small immediate family and a couple of visiting cousins from Japan. We were attacked assaulted by Whites Mostly the 1% housewives and their kids along with their hired and domineering lower class Caucasian neighbors and churchgoers, as well as African Americans and Latinos from Philadelphia and Allentown. Though not extremely close friends other Asians from South Korea and China offered the most reliable and safe acquaintence  relationships.
It is not safe for me. I was also attacked by over 15 KKK members in Hegins, PA. As well as death threats coming from Rosacrucians and ex Luthern Church pastor who baptised me, in addition to both Quakertown and Richlandtown police departments. All police departments in Pennsylvania state failed to investigate the times I was abducted because I am a minority female.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

My 1 thing = Global Paradigm

This is my one thing: GLOBAL PARADIGM. I make this my focus

after taking 12 months of Mark Divine's Unbeatablemind Platinum  course at

Honolulu ISIL

Based on one of my last would be a safe ballpark then to put Hawaii Syndicate, as possible landlord;- in the mix of aiding a mix of greencard, foreign, and other Asian influence from Vietnam & Phillipines in 2015 Google Executive attack. The one who was left in Ala Moana park.
I heard he was hit with a M.yacht club flag
Then again I also heard BP famous actor who busted pedophiles 6/2017 was sleeping in Ala Moana beach park under some foliage.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hypothetical Legal @ Hawaii Hotels & Airlines.

I have had 7 years, or 5 from the time of APEC 2011 Honolulu, to move through security issues on Oahu.  Something I want more research on ;- aside from the general international perception that Hawaii State is a Criminal money laundering operation if not just so poorly run its un
believeable. Hawaii State is a nightmare.
Those in Hospitality need to make about $50/hr in order to live comfortably.

One of the goals of APEC 2011 was to stop "payoff payments to criminal organizations" that are in effect a large part of the money LOST in business transaction. Hawaii state being the center of my 5 year commitment from the time of APEC 2011 and Japan's entry to TPP in 2012. It is now 2017. I  am nearly finished as enough construction has been completed.

Issues that stem from Hawaii's hospitality and employees- several possible spy/ agent/ crafts persons who are accepting tips from international sources. 
  • access to personal data & information, address, mobile phone number at POP end user interface.
  • issues with workers who do not speak English and use  Hawaiian Pidgin language as well as "Asian language affected speech impetement." 
    • Companies who/that hire & employ workers expecting native English speakers to try and figure out what they are saying
To be continued: 
idea: Have a billing system that is run by app in shopping centers with personal bag check at exit.

How the Airlines are liable for Non-USA criminal entrants to the Island State
How the Hotels are liable for aiding and abetting a foreign criminal or terrorist
Where the line to injuring an American citizen is drawn;- even with masked & foreign crafted intent
How the Native Hawaii State population is ill prepared to support USA.
How the Native Hawaii State population including politicians choose to intentionally harm gross USA planning

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Update: Security Concerns Hawaii

Hawaiian Islands: personal security concerns Update for the Spring of 2017.
Best USA English Apps :  WAZE   [  }
  • 03/17 *New* USA Patriotism & Racism directed at Asian/ Green Card Workers 
      • Largely unreported, some clubs, bars are being targeted by Caucasian Conservatives. Does not matter if you are Asian and Pro Trump. They aim to rid the USA of non-native workers & business owners.
  • Airport inter-island travel security - 
    • Fingerprinting (possible detainment) of non-white travellers
    • Unjustified Baggage confiscation by Airport Security
  • gang stalking
  • driving personal vehicle at night from clubs - DUI checkpoint
Generally, most of the International Asian Organizations (Gangs & Masons) tend to keep to themselves in their own territory on the island of Oahu. The Honolulu Police Department is subjective to each town/local area where they are connected to local community (HPD is not objective in its conduct).
  •  Pearl City/ Pearl Ridge/ Aiea / Salt lake - I have had most life threatening incidents here with the Honolulu Police Department . Police standing to watch the incident of attacks on my life.
    • Filipino & Caucasian influenced policing. Additionally, some Filipino-Americans are afraid to go to clubs in Honolulu due to police targeting.
  • Honolulu Business district / Red light districts
    • Chinatown - Many residents stay away from Chinatown at night, despite worker & student attended early Happy Hours.
    • Kapiolani & Keeaumoku Street area - 
        •  Ongoing: Late night robberies of women's purses & ATM has become increasingly violent with gun  involvement
      • 600- 700 Block Queen Street (near Ala Moana Blvd. mall area & Ward St)- 
        • After Hours Clubs open till 6AM
        • Gun violence/ Shootings likely due to drug dealers
        • known area for Bloods (red) gang related - despite general positive presence of "wear your red" or don't wear red or light blue (Cryp)
        • Still under impression that it is a sniper are ( US military influenced)
    • Kakaako (zipcode 96797)
      • Homeless Tent Camps - families, children, civilian toxic mold survivors with apartments camp in the concrete industrial area of Kakaako.
  • Waikiki Tourist District - 
    • "false prostitutes" aka women working together Taser men to steal money at Hotelroom.
    • prostitutes - generally on the street level 
    • men who solicit random local women for prostitution
    • sexual harassment 
  • Kalihi - 
    • harassment
    • low-end drug addicts and homeless
    • police involvement in distribution of hard narcotics (stay away from police as residents are afraid of police here)
    •  Hostess Bars & policing for drunk driving DUI
  • The Pali, Pauoa Valley & Pacific Heights (NUUANU)-
    • Toxic Black Mold -  especially when rains & windy
    • also known for spiritual activity from Ancient Hawaii
  •  Kaimuki - Seems SAFER
    • Residential Area & University & Schools

Friday, May 05, 2017

Will the U.N. Expire the Japan-Usa security agreement?

North Korea's missile antics should raise a question that most USA news channels are not discussing. It seems that 1950's The Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan 日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の安全保障条約.  Or also known as Japan-US  Security Treaty can be  by the United Nations in Order to maintain peace within the Asia region. see screenshot photo of Article 4

Photo from

Saturday, April 08, 2017

USA agencies at fault- Japan EXIM 2017

USA government Agencies that have held and demonstrated  lethal intention towards me;
1. Quakertown Police Department (PA)
2. Richlandtownship Police Department (PA)
3. Department of Homeland Security
4. Central Intelligence Agency
5. Honolulu Police Department
6. Secret Service
7. Department of Education - Navy Seal Trainer, Marine Corps Martial Arts Program trainer
8. U.S. Navy & NCIS
9. USAF OSI (since my birth)

None of these agencies allow for me the requirement of safety that under the Vienna Convention I am not required to appear in court for any matter. Obviously this is due to EXIM political security. Most agencies threaten my arrest, even as a victim of lethal intentions within the USA and by any individual employed by the above listed government agencies.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Allowance for my dead body?

Today, I was paying for a Japanese my diet plan --Tofu,
on sale for $1.39/lb. A grey haired Local man and a younger woman barged by me in about 2 ft. Of space including where I stood at the checkout station. I reacted by yelling because I was startled. And since the door they came through was an exit where more than a dozen registers were located with small 2" wide aisles, it was enough to cause concern that they may have intended to harm me. When I yelled, they stopped.  They apologized.

I screamed something to the affect about how rude people are in Hawaii and if everyone is this way its no wonder we had so many m-16's at the meeting.

As I left, unbeknownst to them and many people who think I should be college aged late 20's... I went to APEC in 2011 for EXIM a representing the USA. I vent here on this blog about my Hawaii experiences and security perceptions.

During the 2011 meeting in Honolulu a lot of fun, honest, and some criminal minded  partiers left the area and their apartments temporarily due to the presence of m-16's and security.  One local & Hawaii man was shot at a famous American fast food restaurant. Many local Hawaii residents were upset. While the trial was still in public eye,  a sniper/lawyer introduced himself to me as an attorney working kon the shooter's case. I never thought it was right, but the risk of international incidents being put on USA ground is serious.

In hindsight, the sniper/lawyer had his own business plans and really never intended to assist me. Especially since the issues that held me up and  had me crawling in to the  meeting instead of being 110% are too much for me to handle alone while still being barrages daily with local torture. So a sniper took down a local

  However, it makes me realize something about security, why is it ok for Hawaii State to allow such ill behaved local residents on a daily basis?

I felt very threatened by the couple at the checkout line. It felt  like they planned a dry run to kill me. I typically stay out of main public areas and it leaves for a dull an unproductive life in Hawaii. There have already been 3 attempts on my life that the immensely corrupt Honolulu Police Department didn't investigate properly to protect the local & military men involved. That does not include the 2009 abduction report that I need to file since I have low confidence in the HPD and have seen how they handled and assisted my assailants. I'm tempted to handle it in a more social way, not to air dirty laundry.

I'm writing not just because I'm upset, 6years after the 2011 APEC meeting I was prepped for in 2005/2006. But because Hawaii is clearly bent on controlling the world by being socially askew at every corner. Including the "couple doing a dry run" scenario at the checkout intending to slash my guts out.

Ugh... More stress, for me everyday.
I did come to Hawaii to vacation. I came to see if I could live here and "blend" a little more. I just absolutely hate a lot about how the people decide to be here. I now face an additional set back of  about 8years and more than politics have changed. I am fearing for my life, for my future, because I have played out this farce for 12 years in the USA. A lot needs to change in Hawaii State and the USA to ensure security. Its virtually impossible to demands that from the USA.
Just in my own immediate USA family - the hospital killed my sister, several attempts on my brothers life from kids breaking his leg at church to hit &run to his university mates dosing him, to his whites girlfriends coaxing him into gettinf jumped and beaten up by their white brothers and friends. Some days it would be the black neighborhoods and he would return home with bruises on his throat and face. Then there was his white Quakertown employer at Valley Precisio  telling my father my brother is "best off dead", a conversation I will never forget.

I am blogging this today, because I see the state of the world and USA. If I do wind up dead soon, as racist and nationalistic hostilities are becoming more prevalent from whites in Honolulu... I hope someone gets a small glimpse. I'm trying to survive the onslaught, while providing my viewpoint without pay or reward.
I have always believed that NOONE should have to live through these things like we did with my Mother being from a Japanese national security family from the Emporer's house. My parents ran the real rule book of legalities. I got noone who loves me my entire life...and all those who try to offer solace are weaker for not looking at what USA does and Change it to make it safer for more people.

Complete and utter emptiness as I read about the North Korean Nuclear threat.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Banking Security issue USA

My - banking security issue
🔺Physical address in bank database ok
🔺Bank Teller requests new physical address to find out real residence = physical security threat
🔺Bank Teller creates issue with account to further flag my account. If not shut down account.
🔺 Bank calls to settle $2 difference created by teller. Instigates issue.
🔺Bank Teller = security threat due to supply of information at teller window

Monday, March 06, 2017

Paranoia or Police use of Frequency weapon?

Today, March 6, 2017,  I was driving in Honolulu on Hobron Road and a cop car (civilian car with blue lights) crept up in back of me. I felt noticeable body temperature rise heat in two places, like a Sound frequency weapon was aimed at my head as well as specifically the back of my heart. 
Could it be that those in the vehicle are targeting me, or just the run of mill unsuspecting citizen?

This was not the 1st time this week high frequency of any type affected me. While at a movie theatre, similar pain & body heat rise to the brain near my ear. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

DHS? listening to Prior phone calls

Can hear DHS & man listening to recordings of my previous phone converstion with my friend/landlord who I live with. In Waikiki. They're on the sidewalk or nearby.
Super invasive and annoying.
Looks like a nightmare. 
Feels like they're going to kill me.

Monday, January 16, 2017

EXIM bank closes for Trump?

If the EXIM bank is shut down, will there be a USA export market? Canada & Mexico cannot rival the magnitude of re-negotiating with Asia, almost in entirety. 
Does Trump plan to purchase Japanese Steel in quantities enough to rebuild decaying infrastructures set in place from the 1920's? It's difficult to see such a huge overhaul in this manner. I wonder if he would have his ex-companies self I sure shipments just to own stake in all land/underground infrastructure overhauls.
It has been planned well before Bush's win in early 2001. That 9-11 was staged by their private security companies by trading on the Public stock exchanges.
Now, with the migration south mostly over, I sit and wonder if Trump is taking on bankruptcy for USA national debt resolution. Not exactly a reset.
Or, will there be a outright backlash on the USA public by outsourced military police?

Saturday, January 07, 2017

USA& Vietnam to replace Japan

Heard through grapevine that the USA cannot afford to maintain its security agreement with Japan. As recourse to Pentagon budget cuts, the USA will be making preparation to settle into Vietnam as a crucial Asian logistical & strategic move. 
The USA is not in support of TPP and Japanese business as of now.

Friday, December 30, 2016

DEc 2016 Update Hawaii Nightclub- Syndicate

Hawaii Night Club scene becoming increasingly unsafe 
The notorious Hawaii Syndicate and any related US military and US Military veterans are rampantly pushing cocaine in the open with Honolulu Liquor Commission seeming to turn a blind eye to any illegal activities as well as  and drug sales in their nightclubs. 
It has become unbearable to even attempt being in the Honolulu night scene for me. It's almost like it's a horribly flagrant  backlash to the Phillipine Dictator Duarte's executions of drug dealers. 
One nighttime patron, stated an EX-IM shipping accountant recounted the vast amounts of cocaine that the Dock workers/ Hawaii Syndicate bring in through Honolulu. Additionally, how that despite some bender partying, that drug tests for Shipping & EX-IM conveniently came up negative when tested for the drug during regular employee screenings. 
Additionally noted is the US military personnel have bragging rights to pay off the drug-test labs in exchange for a clean drug-test in order to maintain rank, security clearance, and employment. 
Granted, the night clubs have not shut down as they are maintained as "helping people in need" from all walks of life.
One anonomous person who is more familiar said;- Once the Hawaii Syndicate hates you, you won't be able to work or drink anywhere in Hawaii. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

the Feng Shui of 2017 President to be.

The feng shui of the 2017 President to be in relation to me/family ;- will create a ton of Ghosts.
It should be however, reciprocated for balance. 
His team is worse than Yakuza, and is using them to further his USA business enterprise.