Showing posts with label companies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label companies. Show all posts

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Hypothetical Legal @ Hawaii Hotels & Airlines.

I have had 7 years, or 5 from the time of APEC 2011 Honolulu, to move through security issues on Oahu.  Something I want more research on ;- aside from the general international perception that Hawaii State is a Criminal money laundering operation if not just so poorly run its un
believeable. Hawaii State is a nightmare.
Those in Hospitality need to make about $50/hr in order to live comfortably.

One of the goals of APEC 2011 was to stop "payoff payments to criminal organizations" that are in effect a large part of the money LOST in business transaction. Hawaii state being the center of my 5 year commitment from the time of APEC 2011 and Japan's entry to TPP in 2012. It is now 2017. I  am nearly finished as enough construction has been completed.

Issues that stem from Hawaii's hospitality and employees- several possible spy/ agent/ crafts persons who are accepting tips from international sources. 
  • access to personal data & information, address, mobile phone number at POP end user interface.
  • issues with workers who do not speak English and use  Hawaiian Pidgin language as well as "Asian language affected speech impetement." 
    • Companies who/that hire & employ workers expecting native English speakers to try and figure out what they are saying
To be continued: 
idea: Have a billing system that is run by app in shopping centers with personal bag check at exit.

How the Airlines are liable for Non-USA criminal entrants to the Island State
How the Hotels are liable for aiding and abetting a foreign criminal or terrorist
Where the line to injuring an American citizen is drawn;- even with masked & foreign crafted intent
How the Native Hawaii State population is ill prepared to support USA.
How the Native Hawaii State population including politicians choose to intentionally harm gross USA planning

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Spring cleaning:- Makeup bag

Hawaii Cruelty free elements
Vegan makeup bag: Tahiti
Products to replace:-
Danielle naturals - synthetic brushes
Cover FX compact
Ellen Tracy - shadow, bronzer, lip gloss
Urban Decay - pencil eyeliners 
NYX - glitter pigment roll ins
Aveda - concealers 
Lush - pigment 
Japanese blotting papers
Revlon waterproof mascara
Tahiti spray vanilla oil (light fragrance)
Kauai Kiss lip balm
Mineral Fusion -pink nail polish
Green 2o - fulvic mineral alkaline drink
Emergen-C MSM drink
-Paul Mitchell shampoo & conditioner
- Paya shampoo, bath gel, lotion from Aqua Aloha Surf Hotel
Gorilla glue - just because Hawaiian heat trashes regular adhesives & plastics

Walk on the Dark side- cruelty free forgotten due to China opening yet culturally accepting colours for my skin.-- MAC ugh.
Not sure how I feel about it, vegan looks pasty, chalky, grey or muddy. isn't all it for my Hapa skin tone.