Sunday, October 08, 2023
Reporting USA persecution
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
re: USA, I'm Over it.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Deep state Dining
Monday, February 07, 2022
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
By Angela ‘Kikuchi’ Kneale
Feb. 2022
International familial diplomacy is no longer a ‘welcome’ freedom in the USA. The emergence of a Department of Defense surveillance manual, active since the 1980s, is only one of the horrendous tortures modern USA persecution has to offer. The lives of many 1st generation Americans who legally immigrated and for those connected – born in the USA to one US military parent – have changed drastically since 2001. For the American relatives of ‘foreign official’ families affiliated abroad in ally nations such as Japan;- the USA’s been about as friendly as ‘vegan friendly’ is in a Hawaii steakhouse.
Or as Japanese-American friendly as an Abomb terrorist nation, the USA can be to a new generation that existed to bridge informal diplomacy.
Yes, there have been deaths, torture, and persecution. That is to say, over the past 50 years in addition to the targeted global hate crimes rally of Asian-American persecution and Asian persecution by former U.S. President Donald Trump. Other state actors still find reasons to use the deaths against the family members as a form of blackmail and extortion –meaning the threat of unwarranted and arbitrary conviction of the family members looms overhead, while corrupt State Actors coordinate their narrative. Their slanderous accusations stand with congruency to the DoD 5240.1R manual. This Defense manual alerted and made an impact on the perception of the condoned violations of basic human rights since the 1980s.
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
One US Parent and One foreign national at the time of birth
Only a cutting-edge international legal challenge remains for some of us born in the USA to only 1 USA national parent at the time of our birth– to challenge the USA military’s involvement in a new-old form of human trafficking of foreign nationals and children through marriage and childbirth. And to purposely force many into the USA sex industry (albeit domestically legal with a huge slippery slope). It’s not only a form of entrapment, but a form of hostage-taking, and for some torture. A place where minority women from highly respected international families have been paraded at the typical USA meat markets, naked for the world to see America’s dominance. A place where state-sanctioned rape is protected by impunity, corporate and state-funded birth control and abortions. Where ethnic minority women are told by “Don’t be a statistic” as a threat to lowering our already low quality of living for non-compliance with the USA social methodology for ethnic subservience.
A place where police and most Americans turn the blind eye so the other eye can get a better view of the torture and persecution. It’s a place where the Military man and his attorney have used the legal system to feign superiority by committing embezzlement and forced technical trafficking of their spouse and children. The America that changes swiftly based on mainstream media (MSM) alerting its public agents to attack minority groups to affect foreign policy – RICO ACT racketeering violations in plain view. And a place where men on public buses have talked about taking away a woman’s bed given as a gift after frequenting her multiple times. Capitalism became a form of politically tearing people and persecuting them in the United States. And it’s a silent battle that pushes souls to total destruction.
Community abuse exists in small USA heritage towns like in Bucks County, PA seated near the Delaware River. It’s a place where the average American plays their fantasy of
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
Japanese conquest by repeatedly attacking a Loving Day family and picking off the children over decades so that there is no next generation. There is barely a fine shroud between white supremacy and patriots. And other minorities gain a foothold by participating in persecuting and torturing descendants of USA’s only domestic adversary, Japanese-Americans.
It’s the dark side of the Patriot Act and the flip side to early FISA implementation in a world where the International Court of Justice doesn’t accept cases prior to1999 at its inception. And, a world where no one has heralded a tribunal to address the USA’s persecution of people and spread of racism and discrimination to leverage wars and defense sales.– Being born to a foreign national who married a US military person;- it is why the ‘gray area’ or being technically stateless despite being barely ‘functional’ USA citizens exists.
To tackle FISA surveillance and cyber-attacks issues with expertise, single-handedly as an ordinary citizen is an enormous task. Most US domestic family lawyers ignore all
foreign or international laws in relation to US civil rights as common practice. Transnational normalization of human rights-related law is scant and insufficient for
many individuals to find support within the United States. Tackling the international legal realm of cyber-attacks through satellite (space-based) and modern signals intelligence (SigInt) methods is nearly impossible to find for domestic issues.
The pandemic shut many civilians out of business and safe employment that accommodates international business requirements and expectations.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) employees have had their own agenda by refusing, stalking, and targeting Asian-American minorities to affect the supply chain with other locals. Their behavior is similar to how some Human Services benefits for 1st generation Americans and immigrants were denied, or lost by persecutory state actors
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
in Pennsylvania since at least the 1970s. It’s a type of malfeasance that is intended to force new citizens into FISA monitoring and/or participation as unregistered foreign agents.
These typical patriots engage in widespread “not American enough” persecution amidst handing ICE paperwork to American-born jus soli and jus sanguinis Americans who had one military parent and one foreign parent. Recently, in late 2021 after contacting my senator’s office;- his office staff who decided not to understand what I said urged me to fill out an N-600 form – a form for non-Americans who are not born in the USA to get citizenship– This is how icy cold local and state governments are today. They basically shout, “Don’t contact us, we’ll mess up your paperwork and your life” to those of us who would otherwise have opportunities to create peaceable international commerce from the USA.
While writing to the United Nations is “a last resort”, there are few if any remedies to correct and end the impunity and malfeasance by state actors. These state actors only need to drop an email to a state office or notary tag to delete our plates out of malice and get us killed at a traffic stop.
Why? One possibility is to sell our identities to private military contractors, traffickers, or others seeking a smooth entry to the USA and exit to our foreign nation. The money they are paid makes their private operations lucrative to anyone willing to take the job.
Many first-generation Americans are heavily targeted due to the FISA surveillance abuse. And, the types of FISA abuse vary in magnitude from text surveillance bots to full-on gang stalking and ambient backscatter communications inundating the auditory spectrum. There are Americans who adversely impact civil rights because they are
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
against the new generation of American immigrants and their children. There is no end to the misuse of patented cyber methodologies to harass the targets during political shifts in USA’s foreign policy and trade. Consider this patent for example that has a possible direct link to Bill Clinton’s supporters:
Patent No. 0272906A1- Intelligent Technologies International, Inc.- "Vehicle Monitoring Using Cellular Phones" - Oct. 30, 2007, November 06, 2008.
"[0043] The cellular phone system, ubiquitous internet, or other telematics communication device, is shown schematically in FIG. 2 of the parent '363 application and outputs to an antenna. The phone system or telematics communication device (34) can be coupled to the vehicle interior monitoring system in accordance with any of the embodiments disclosed herein and serves to establish a communications channel with one or more remote assistance facilities, such as an EMS facility or dispatch facility from which emergency response personnel are dispatched. The telematics system can also be a satellite-based system such as provided by Skybitz."
This crescendos to actual developments in modern hostage-taking in a world where the coined term “Electronic Concentration Camp” has become a widely accepted concept – amidst a variety of human trafficking and electronic warfare attacks that afflict the public suspect to be carried out by outsourced companies or private military contractors.
"American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687 Hostage taking - whoever whether inside or outside the United States, seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure, or to continue to detain another person in order to compel a third person or a governmental organization to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the person detained, or attempts or conspires to do so, will be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life and, if the death of any person results, will be punished by death or life imprisonment...." page 569.
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
Hostage-taking like this only gains federal prosecution when done to a foreign national or alien. Yet again, impunity and malfeasance stand in the way. What is commonly known as “The targeted individuals' program” acknowledges the foreign surveillance attribute through the Patriot Act 2001 pertaining to all 1st generation Americans. Some Japanese attorneys interpreted the law to insinuate a form of statelessness for Japanese-Americans born to only one parent who was a foreign national of Japan, in an early review of the Patriot Act of 2001. It is a tactic used by US State Actors to coerce US extended family members of foreign officials– brother and sister in-laws, grandchildren, nieces & nephews.
The United States on every level of its democratic government has demonstrated complete impunity, malfeasance, intentional destruction of security agreements and international treaties, and denial of rule of law for many of its first-generation Americans over half a century. And the stories extend well before the Silent Generation.
This impunity and malfeasance is practically synonymous with European terrorist cells and trickled down to the nuevo rich and their progressive political influencers. Intertwining functional impunity with foreign intelligence legal contortions that sides largely with white supremacy and or unite minorities who adopt Anti-Asian stances as a form of patriotism.
It’s easy for any of these typical Americans to destroy or install USA attorneys and manipulate USA laws. Their discriminatory actions and blatant persecution protected state actors who commit crimes of humanities. Sometimes, in some small communities where brotherhoods and cults seek to set precedents through their conspiracies– it is coupled with rather fast if not early enforcement of laws that officially, have not been signed into law. Whereas the court date for the enforcement of such anticipated laws will be effective. The exact targeted actions, scenarios, are made in anticipation of
Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?
those court dates. And, the DoD manual 5240.1 of 1982 was all the justification many of them needed after the RICO Act was passed.
Cyber and electronic surveillance Laws– USCA 50 are also tied to Patriot Act, Freedom Act, FISA 1978 and FISA in its revisions among other acts and laws such as:
* USCA 50 Section 1805 5g: Chapter 36 War and national Defense (g) Testing of electronic equipment; discovering unauthorized electronic surveillance; training of intelligence personnel
* USCA 50 1811. Authorization during time of war.
* USCA 50 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communication may be conducted.
* USCA 50 1813. Procedures for the retention of incidentally acquired communications.
* USCA 50 1822 Authorization of physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes
* Executive Order No.12949 February 9th, 1995, to October 7, 2009 Research summary
* American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687
To be continued:

This is not legal advice. .
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Nisei stretched between USA & Japan security
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Training Seal style as a woman
Rare Hawaiian Monk Seal near my home. |
Cost Comparison;- Definitely for the average business person and to share;
I found Unbeatable Mind is a bargain near $1200 upfront by 1st Q of the program in $349.00 installments and is geared towards building up overall fitness and injury or
overuse maintenance. Place to walk and do cardio, Yoga mat, kettlebell, I picked up a cheap remote outdoor speaker to do yoga without earbuds in Hawaii's tropical heat, and I splurged on an Unbeatable Mind coffee cup. No extra stuff afterwards (unless I really wanted to add it;- ie., Creatine reccomended in the Nutritionist module that I stacked in my morning ritual),
No extra injuries, yet lonely and peaceable, while flexible and a break from the divas. Just a really straightforward class to go with my internet phone plan or USB on a tablet. Not only is it easy to take along to do by the beach park as fun training, but it is also scalable. There's even a nice nutrition guide for those too embarrassed to go to a nutritionist to do on their own. However, I'm vegan and the nutrition portion "lightened up" my routine too much, and I learned a couple things to adjust my Keto-Vegan supplement stacking to feel better. Even though I kept a gym membership while I did the course, The gym was mostly for machine cardio to use the helix, sauna, jacuzzi, steam room, and showering.
This was me in between regular training.
Downtime after the Private Trainer |
Still fairly fit and going to the gym and after the Vegan-Keto switch I made with my own nutritionist due to Toxic Mold. However, I could only do cardio for 20-30 min max as a workout and I'd drop in an occasional hot yoga class.
The other personal trainer with a small class size;
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Me in my mid 30's , on the far left. I'm definitely not Navy Seal sized. |
The other issue I wasn't ready to cope with, was kicking down non-vegan pizza (being offered a piece of crust to share), other food, and gas money for the guys, aside from other martial arts related items, etc. Basically, it became life in between sleeping and hitting the club to make much-needed cash. Nothing was left. It was life. I spent up to 50hrs a week at the dojo or training and supported everyone as the lowly petite civilian female peaceful piano instructor who really wasn't welcomed in there despite instructor interventions. It didn't prevent the guys from lashing out at me either. And, real EXTRA fees of recovering from injury, chiropractic adjustments, trips to other dojos and ingredients for secret djao recipes from full-on hits and just sheer overuse came into play. So, luckily, this trainer was also skilled with several healing modalities as a professional sports trainer and international paramedic. When I initially totaled the receipts - food expenses alone came to about $3000 for them in 2-3 months. All other supported acts of kindness were in $20-$80 out of the blue increments. So, it does become a lifestyle and an expensive one. Just keep in mind, I brought my own gi, my dingy white belt, and a duffel bag to Oahu. I got regular training and some self-confidence building of showing up even if I was dragged out of bed or my tired body was dumped at the room I rented, Total: 1 yellow belt, 1 orange belt after 7 months. My Krav 1 diploma came a year or later. Little kids in dojos across the world will laugh at me for my 2 belts forever. I get the difference. They say this stuff should help me somewhere along the way. Yet, I'm missing something a bit less uncertain in training.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Science Fiction with Bio-Warfare
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Biotoxin attacks a cell (not malaria) Photo by Angela M, 'Kikuchi' Kneale |
Biological warfare technicians are cloaked in the secrecy of vaccine development and pharmacological industry. Outwardly, it doesn't look fancy. If you can see it at all.
2013 inundated with pure Rainforest Bio-toxic mold |
At the latter portion of 2019, the newly christened CoV19 coronavirus evolved and emerged from a decade of antibiotic resistant superbugs and publically downgraded biotoxins like the Toxic mold epidemic that now plagues the mortuary;- where cause of death is now influenza, ulcers, and other health complications that humans simply used to survive.
The Ace 2 receptor is not just a unique protein chain to Asian genetics. It spans lifeforms across the planet and is also a forgotten and relatively dormant protein in several microscopic fungus, molds, and yeast forms.
1. Adhesion to surfaces and ability to penetrate skin - rash & months out joint, bone, lung, muscle infections
2. A Secondary Fungal Biotoxin used as aerial contamination method for biological warfare- naturally weaponizes itself with chlorine molecules. Ig engineered bio-warfare, its possible it weaponizes itself with CoV19 through its dormant Ace2 receptor.
3. After Chlorine and disinfectant spraying, the City is now prepped and primed for a second round of Biological warfare. The Chlorine lends itself for fungal/aerial transport modality to proliferate.
Is this really possible? That labs which previously classified toxic black mold stachybotrys as a biotoxin capable of overwhelming a human host never explained to the public how. Rather the dawn of Ketogenic and Paleo diets becoming mainstream are here without explanation. The Ace2 receptor of the bio-toxin stachybotrys may have been exploited, however there are dozens of mold, fungal, and yeast forms that can lend themselves to airborne behavior and adhesion for a virus such as CoV19 while possibly prolonging suface life cycle. This would pose 2 problems;- 1 that acids such as chlorine molecules will kill the CoV19 and community spraying as seen in China's Wuhan will create an acid bed for the attached biotoxic fungal-mold strain. This would in essence propogate a biotoxin mold strain not only to proliferate with the acid bed of chlorine, but to also AGAIN weaponize itself with the chlorine molecule to create more complex tumors and cancerous growths in hosts long after a bio-weapon viral outbreak. This would and will increase long term susceptibility of the population for everything from eating sugary and acidic noodles to other flu and virus. This fungal biotoxin aka black mold thrives in acidic environments within the human body. Once it propogates it signals the human brain with biotoxins to change behavior in order to continue proliferating and overwhelming the human body.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
JSDF Trade Wars affecting my personal safety
My United Nations complaint due to emminent danger threats & experiencing another theft in NY (likely) or MD of some of my identification information to obtain a new passport.
I did speak with someone through a call I MADE TO THE FBI in March/April. For this reason, I am uncertain if the thefts of my phone & ID, including a portfolio that held my overseas family information in Japan was civilian or Federal or Police. #JSDF
This is more than 50 thefts I have experienced of sensitive personal ID, information of mine.
It is not safe for me in Mainland USA with POTUS current immigration issues, DHS, and trade wars.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Start of my United Nations Complaint
Main contents of my Complaint Letter in short to
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
July 31, 2019
I was born in the USA in 1974, to a Japanese National mother who remained a Japanese National until the late 1980's after Japanese Nationality laws changed. . The USAF instructed my mother she was not permitted to name me with any cultural indicators. I was registered at birth in USA as Angela Meredith Kneale, and I am the aggreived complainant & last survivor of my known siblings who were murdered in the town of Quakertown, Pennsylvania in Bucks County, USA. Recently I filed a complaint at your United Nations form website where I completed the form to the best of my ability at a public computer at the Congressional Law Library. It is my individual complaint where I want to assert the United States of America & United States Air Force as well as individuals I name specifically, violated the following Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR);
Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, (9?), 12, 13, 15, (16?), 17, (18?), 20, 22, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 25, 26 (2), 27, 29(1), 29(2).
My purpose is to bring light to the abuses in an international setting. I am a grand-daughter and neice of well known Japanese Nationals who are or were involved with Japanese Security & infrastructure and/ or employed in Japanese government.
This is in addition to other articles where it seems USA violated my rights specifically to ensure Surveillance monitoring of my life & family such as;
Articles of the UN Convention against torture Art.4
Declaration of Right to Development Art 2 (4)
USCA 50 s1886 , 1881a(f)(2)
As well as forcing me into statelessness as perceived supranationally upon legal reading of the USA Patriot Act after the events of 9/11.
My complaint is extensive and spans my life to date of 44years.
One of the goals of my complaint is to present the United States of America as a non-benign & benevolent society who is likely criminal since they brought my mother to the USA via their military personnel and with ATS clearance. I also will refute that USA intended to entrap me with it's nationality laws so that I would be tortured and unable to choose & obtain my Japanese Nationality at any point within reasonable, natural, and normal means given my family relation also to my uncle Takenaka, Yoshitomo a now retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation. I fully believe that the United States of America trafficked my mother from Japan in order to torture her. And, that I was born an attachment to her as an additional trafficking victim.
My complaint against the United States, USAF, NASA, CIA, and it's state agents will also include normal tortures under war Tribunals as well as the illegal non-consensual testing of humans in CIA MKultra program protocol(s). This is of course after the basic fact that I was denied so many basic human rights due to my unique DNA which has, by some tests 10HVR1 mutations that span 10 distinct European, Asian, protected indigenous Asian, and Japanese markers. I feel They violated me in every way possible.
I do not have choice but to file this complaint independently due to the high number of CIA & Yakuza & MI5, MI6 perpetrators who have taken advantage of the weak USA public and further causing harm to my personal life. I hope you can understand that my Japanese family relation made me a target by USA since birth.
I will appreciate any assistance since I have been forced out of normal housing for safety liability, and financial reasons largely since my attendance at APEC 2011 in Honolulu, HI.
I was again threatened in 2019 by perpetrators & my father and my tortured mother who does not seem to understand legal complexities any longer.
I have little recourse and defense against the State of Pennsylvania or any other USA domestic perpetrator.
I have contacted Ithaca, NY Human rights organization however they have never had such a case. So, I am decidedly better off independently working with minimal need to know information I received from Japan years ago.
In light of the death threats I received since leaving Oahu, I am making my situation known publically online.
Angela M. Kneale
Friday, November 02, 2018
Racism in Pennsylvania
Racism runs rampant in Bucks County Pennsylvania.
There are very few people who can handle friendship & business relationships with minorities.
I was reflecting on my return here, and recent violent racist attacks. It hasn't stopped since before I was born.
This past weekend, I was again reminded why. I attended an interfaith church, with an aging congregation & predominantly white. The speaker, also Caucasian was telling them about the idea of not just having "a token" minority.
I suddenly understood my "place" in the community again. I was one of the token minorities, with my family, somewhat isolated from other minorities (let alone dual-nationals). And, it was followed up by persuasion into that I must need therapy from someone white in the community. They attacked my mindset & credibility IMMEDIATELY because I'm not white.
Yet, in this community;- I was shoved out of a faculty position by an artistic director who also is a choral coach of one of the most elite operatic choirs in New York.
Her words to me were;- we have one of you Asians. We don't need you.
This was 2002/03. From a Caucasian woman with a North American illuminati surname who was running an artistic conservatory that I helped rebuild.
Again, no written job recommendation. Nothing in writing.
So imagine the social interactions of the parents & remaining & new faculty at the school. For a pool of over 3,000 students & parents it is a largely affected place under the mindset of token minority racism.
A couple years later, my 26year old brother was killed in a horrific way near the end of the school year.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Leave Hawaii;- Considerations.
There is a dramatic increase in crimes & violent crime all over Oahu.
There are many of us, Hawaii State Residents, Kamaaina who have parents and relatives on the mainland USA. However, when these incidents of crime occur that involve us;- the State Law does not allow (victims) to leave if the State Prosecutes a criminal. This is an unfair, Unconstitutional, practice in our eyes.
I have already lost years of my life, professional career to having to work in hospitality and remain on Oahu. I was afraid, to even go into Honolulu my last weeks in order to avoid being the target of more theft (which i also didn't report for the same reason) & random violence that has increased.
I think, in hindsight, due to the process, many people on island leave crimes unreported in order to keep the option of Leaving Hawaii state open. And, since the police make biased decisions that the crime has actually increased.
So, in leaving Hawaii;-
I learned many things from my own hypothesis.
When my plane was late & delayed by 5 hrs & also rebooked to get to the East Coast 30 hrs after arriving for Airport Checkin;-
I realized that flights out of Hawaii originate from many areas Japan, Alaska, California that may be affected by natural disaster (due to increased earthquake & volcano activity). So, the increased earth activity will also impede any type of evacuation of Hawaii.
The number I heard in June was that 9 people (permanent residents) leave Hawaii a day.
Also, I booked a flight in between 2 hurricanes. So even our very foggy landing in Boston was approached again.
I left Hawaii with very inconvenient circumstances that don't allow me to settle on East Coast now at a level where I can have respect. So, I have tried to do my best here. I'm praying alot and asking for a path so I can move forward. I decided I need to move to a place where I can use public transportation too. I don't have any understanding partner who can assist me so I am very grateful for the financial support of my friends.
Monday, September 17, 2018
1st week back on East Coast 9/2018
The USA, still, after 9 years with Clinton Boys pushing me into poverty by their direct presence, coupled with the PA Cabal's following slaughtering my siblings & attacking me... is leaving me jobless and more disparaged as a Japanese-American born female with a college degree.
The Latino & African American & SE Asian crowds have pushed their human trafficking and prostitution ideas of employment on me. They are largely sex traffickers coupled with a White Privileged crowd who largely cannot & would not be at all respectful of me as Japanese-American and reasonably afford me time & pay to maintain my relationship with my relatives in Japan. The USA freedom" is entirely a farce to me at this point in my life.
I'm realizing that after being forced to "cool off" and "sort through the Hawaii riff Raff" for appx. 8 yrs. unwillfully.
Despite being here for one week and doing a short resume drop over the past 4 days;- I'm waking up with my precognition filled with condescending views of my Japanese-American heritage in yet another American neighborhood filled with DOD & Military related views of harming me & bulldozing me on every level.
After 22 long years of being held hostage by the United States & in rough shape;-
I'm not at all enthusiastic as I was a week ago.
Especially having to apply for manual labor waitress jobs after representing the USA at Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in 2011 for the international symposium.
I also tried to explain to someone the legalities of Japan which affect my status with my family that the USA has interferred with with full intention of harming the quality of my life since I was a child.
Week one is nearly here at 1:30AM Tuesday morning & I have lost ALL confidence in this trip already. It has been at great personal expense that I have tolerated & afforded the bulldozing by USA from multiple states and levels of its society. And, that being born a dual citizen;- the USA has violated most of my basic rights and should be challenged under ICJ or UNI due to not only gross negligence, but with full intent to murder me and my siblings who are extended family of a Japanese Infrastructure & Security relation.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Hawaii State intended to harm me.
The flagrant abuse or torture of my family in the USA has been an issue for my Japanese National relatives in Japan for quute some time. Hawaii has many Japanese who like to harm me & claim that the Steel industry of Japan had nothing to do with Hiroshima & Nagasaki being bombed. They basically try to add harm & give depth to the USA attacks that they approve of by their outright acts of sexual harassment, community abuse & other instances against me. This is despite my Aunt who uses our abuse & deaths as her neices and nephew as justification of being anti-USA.
This example which is sadly very real has torn me apart to no end over the past few years. I tried to contain it, however the huge disgrace Hawaii has caused internationally is not my choice and is not in my ability to fight alone. Regardless of my family's international relations.
So to be fair, and before I am forced suicided by anyone in Hawaii I am posting this traumatic story.
I had no choice but to file a Human Rights Complaint to leave a minor paper trail to denote the death threats from two millionaires of 4 different agents directed at me at the time. The collective actions of
Hawaii State & it's security/law enforcement, Liquor Commission, & Korean Israeli business woman had crossed way beyond a simple minor violation of my human rights. They not only threatened my life, but coerced & paid for the abortion of a child I was carrying near the 12th week.
It was not only painful, but I was also further abused.
The Human Rights commission in Honolulu switched investigators, never really interviewed me either and I assumed took a payoff from those being directly investigated.
This did involve:- A male Hawaii Business owner and ATF/HPD agent who later claimed he was looking for a big drug dealer in NY. This had Nothing to do with me, especially since I had left NY State 4years before my encounter with this HPD Nacotics agent. Also, a female Korean- Israeli Strip Club and Church owner who was known to run a full sting operation at her club. And outside, a male former personal assistant to Johnny Depp as well as another ex Federal agent of some branch I cannot mention.
The other male apparently had gone to rehab and reappeared months later giving a spoken visual facial recognition tour of Honolulu to some MS-13 looking tattooed friend of his from the rehab.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
AMK projects
Some catch phrases & odds & ends
I remember...from my upbringing.
"Bring it back."
I was able to integrate, at least for a short time, my memory of being in quantum body conciousness & returning to human body conciousness. Also, I was able to retain some instructions given to me under programming)handler command from my subconcious to my concious state of being. This eventually was called defiance disorder by Dr. Joel Elkes of John Hopkins since i frequently would not act upon their instruction.
Part of my upbringing was overall different than other MK Ultra victims. I am conciously aware of the female presence of handler NOT installing Marionette altar and being quite specific that I was not to be a puppet. I was taken aside & this was explained to me. Additionally, I was able to sometimes use chi in my bedroom to move objects to me. Though I actually perceived it as extending my reach with my photonic energy to grasp an object as heavy as a book. This eventually went away.
The Psychotronic induced/entrained skill sets were how I "safely" worked out my quantum perception.
The ritual physical abuse I had daily was something that I learned to be non-reactive to. It had become a routine part of my day at varying degrees. & From different people.
It was physical abuse to the point of blackout or sometimes till I learned to stop crying. After years of this I understood crying or emotional reaction to the beatings only prolonged the abuse. So it was my fault if I cried.
Some resemble what Mossad deemed as so called illegal & I experienced as an adult in Hawaii from a Krav Maga Instrructor who is also a Ninjitsu instructor. Basically severe rocking of my neck by hair jerking & being dragged down stairs by my hair, or as in Hawaii having my head beaten into a truck seat.
My parents mentioned that it was to bring me up in the harshest environment possible. That they somewhat agreed with the experience is the only way to create a survival instinct. This obviously spills into becoming a precog or having precognative abilities develop.
As a child I was also given the reasoning as to why they did what they did to me. I didn't sleep at my parents house many nights either. I was woken up late at night and had a small suitcase packed to take with me. I only remember being dropped off at my neighbor's home, where the Grandson of Rosacrucianer AMORC Clymer now resides. The reason was because my mom was hospitalized & my dad worked night shift since he sold his printing business when my mother was diagnosed with "terminal" cancer, though she was tortured and misdiagnosed & probably experimented on due to location of her scars & her behavior:- now that I am aware of this CIA/USAF type illegal MK program. Dr. Mangan was the only doctor's name I heard during that time and my father told me he was instructed to tell me my mother had already died, before slamming a door in my face and leaving me to myself. My brother was still a toddler, so I was 6-7yrs old.
Later in elementary school my parents explained to me through story about my name. That they were given my initials & my mother was upset she was not allowed to give me a Japanese name. And, they told me Noone would help me & It was to defer any special privledge. So instead we were set up by USAF/CIA for illegal mind control experimentation & execution, as my older sister before me was murdered at the Quakertown Hospital & buried in Valley Forge in 1970's before my birth. My brother sustained several injuries & attempts on his life for the 26 years he was alive, the earliest leg cast he had was at age 3. None of these people in my community have ever had any regard for my well being too much, especially not how I feel and if I'm happy. They have always talked to me as a "mud" which is racially derogatory as much as their hatred of Japan.
"Communicate without communicating" was a common theme. So was my father attempting to empower me with a photographic memory with number sets. I used to flagrantly fail at some tasks just because I had no other control in my life. I had a regular schedule & had to staand up for & defend my brother at the babysitter's because she hated us quite livid, but liked getting paid. She was quite racist & abusive to both of us. I had become suicidal by age 10 and my mom explained that if I couldn't take the abuse I shouldn't complain & kill myself since I also served my Emporer in Japan. I was aware of my duty as a family member & Umare no nihonjin at a young age 4.
I deliberated my suicide with the large vegetable knife while sitting on the daybed my Obasan & Ogesan used when they had visited us in Bucks County. So, I basically took alot of beatings from the various adults I & my brother encountered so much that I decided I could only continue my young life if it meant my brother would not have such punishment. So, for him, I didn't seppuka at age 10. He was the only happy soul in my family.
At age 7 I tried to make my parents get a divorce just to cut my punishments in half. I thought my mom would have had a better chance finding someone or return to Japan if my parents got divorced. So, in some sense, I quadrupled my punishment & my mom's wrath.
My father, at Dr. Mangan's instruction, told me she had died so I didn't recognize her when she returned from the hospital. She had gone through chemo & other strange operations that made her unable to stand up well. So, in bad form as a kid I told her she wasn't my mom. She was enraged. And, the punishments against me only worsened as I was perceived to be an unappreciative child. It wasn't until my brother's death that I shared what my father said to me when she was at the hospital. I don't think she had Naturalized to the USA at that point. Me, my brother, And my mom were all Japanese citizens and prevented from communicating in our Japanese Language. They even came into my bedroom one day and took my Japanese story books away that I loved. I liked the story of two men with the bumps on their faces. And the coy with three wishes.
But they replaced these stories with American stories. "Could be worse" was the book I got to justify the bad treatment from everyone.
There were no kids my age either. Not near where I lived. So I was quite isolated from a normal USA upbringing.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Conspiracy I am targeted in Hawaii
Most of my time in Hawaii has been consensual only due to extreme diress. And they changed laws to make severe contractors a "weapon". Hawaii state Oahu has been using me to make a political statement to the international world.
Also, Shane Kai Li an IMDB & internationally know martial arts choreographer & world champion associated with Mossad. He & his cousins, like many singing families in Hawaii attribute Bing Crosby to their associations in USA music & belittle everyone else.
He had spread a rumor to make a mockery of me & my USA DIY lifestyle;- that I am the great-grand daughter of Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco, under the supposition that my great grandmother's identity was concealed in the USA. I believe it was due to my close proximity of the Rosacrucians. It is a fact that my Great-grandmother Eva Kelly was from Ohio & a singer, voice teacher, & pre-madonna in Philadelphia at the same time and died approximately the same time as the Princess. However, my great-grandmother married my grandfather Kneale who installed the new sound revolution in silent movie theaters & had been US Navy & commended in memory by the late President John F. Kennedy. After my grandfather's passing it came forth that she had a "lover" everyone called Rice.
And so to make a mockery of me in Hawaii state after Shane Kai Li's knowledge of my brother's untimely death at age 26. This is aside from my actuality of being born a dual national of Japan & the granddaughter of a "govenor like" grandfather & the niece of a now retired Japanese infrastructure & steel executive.
My grandmother in Japan is a known National Artist first as a woman, in the likes of Basho, as a Haiku poet.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Retaliation by HPD in addition to driving me into destitute.
In addition to many other violations of my free will. I have not made a formal complaint to the HPD head as they have a history of harassment & poor conduct, as well as retaliate against women. However, they are retaliating anyway due to the changes on Oahu, past friendships, & damage done to my livelihood & career & social life from some of their relationships.
They have been bulldozing me with their new state system since the department changed it's leadership. And, I have recently just seen the tip of the iceberg in retaliation while someone else is demanding their record be cleared of ANY court matters that passed. This is current & of this past month and a half. I am writing since I am fearing for my life at this point. I am also unwilling to work in their industry they had pushed me into & kept me in due to insurmountable cost of damages on a regular basis to my body, person, and any belongings and or rental issues, which does not exclude the Trainer which one PD referred to as a pimp nearly 7 years ago. This is real, and should anything more adverse happen to me due to some respect if any left for Japan-USA security agreement & or Export Import politics; this last part lies in the hand of the State of Hawaii by the United States for attempted murder of me, especially after learning I attended APEC 2011. They are proud to harm me, I have no doubt NOT to put trust in those people who have resided in this state for decades.
Two examples of minor police harassment are as follows;-
To sue Hawaii State for police harassment on 2 occasions when I had a temporary restraining order to serve and they ignored the TRO ansd conversely
Harassed me for NOT driving a parked & not removed from the owners possession vehicle in a Grand theft auto charge made by the TRO recipient, a male. His vehicle was parked at his home that we shared.
The 2nd at a later date after a landlord had sexually harassed, coerced, & threatened me if I tried to leave & also stole some of my valuables in addition to attempting to keep my other posessions.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
USA harbors a diversity of Domestic Terrorists
I have been inundated with Asian (Korean & Japanese predominantly), Asian-American & SE Asian terrorists in Hawaii of the same caliber as the white supremacy groups & European racists that were on the East Coast. They generally seek opportunity to capitalize of racial exploitation & stigma.
I find these people are intertwined with the sex trafficking trade.
Today, I'm getting wary of the vast number of money hungry Asian families that moved to the USA.
I feel that they see attacking me as an extension of the power that USA bestows on them as free citizens. They realize the USA didn't protect me from White Supremacy. They seek to attack vulnerabilities because Japanese didn't move to USA in families after Hawaii was overthrown & especially after Hiroshima.
I do not see how maintaining a security agreement with the United States of America is feasible.
These same terrorists in their free-time & hobby time can covertly be US Domestic Terrorists due to freedom of speech & association. I am not against the Constitutional rights.
I am AGAINST this turning into active hate crimes, domestic terrorrism, financial terrorism, and jeporadizing my life, and the lives of others who are more reasonable. Many of these people are employed in Government, Military, Security & technology industries of the USA.
I do not reccomend that Japan continue to supply USA with metals & minerals that are part of USA's 33% hold in military weapons manufacturing.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Intro Background Interview with Ramola D
Angela: Hi, Thank you Ramola, thank you for your time & your dedication
Interviewer Ramola: And you're on a bigger island out there. (you're on one of the bigger islands in Hawaii 1:48)
Angela: I'm on Oahu. It's really beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D: Yeah it certainly looks it. And look at the weather my goodness, Everybody/Everyone on the East Coast is dreaming of Spring and you're full blown Summer.
Angela: Yeah it's beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D.: So/And
Angela: Yeah it's very different than 2:29
Interviewer Ramola D: That's great, that's great, that's wonderful. A very outdoorsy kind of place it sounds like. Whales & Dolphins in the Ocean, do you see them?
Angela: Oh yes definitely, and the Turtles, every body's favorite.
Interviewer Ramola D.: Oh brilliant brilliant wonderful. So, Angela where did you want to start? Do you want to talk a little about 3:05 Your background in Pennsylvania & growing up there & your family.
So, your family is kind of a biracial family, right?
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale
Ramola D.: Great.
Angela M. Kneale: And so they lived out there.
Ramola D: Yeah and so Hawaii was a stop to get there. And your mother comes from a very fairly well known Japanese family?
Angela M. Kneale: Yeah, I don't get allot of information becaus, obviously with Hiroshima & the A bombings there's allot of sensitivity. So, my mom's family had been involved with National Security in a sense (trying to translate it the best that I can) for a very long time. I guess putting the word "merchants" on the family name. also merchants (5:02) mom's side also. guess the more modern part of it has evolved into my uncle being a retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation, his last name being Takenaka Ta-Ke-Na-Ka and founding family and he was a steel broker / steel purchaser also grew up in Pennsylvania near Bethlehem Steel, and I grew up around Bethlehem Steel Executives and people hauling the steel. (signal cutting out)
Angela: Because, Yeah, We're at about the same Latitude.
Interviewer Ramola D. : That's amazing, so you've Touched on a wide variety of neighborhood, and the fact they belonged to a cult, and perhaps maybe not the Rosacrucians you're talking about in your neighborhood, you know not that specific branch of the cult. There is some information on-line (11:27)I think about them. But you also talked about your brother being killed in 2005, did you want to talk about that? talk about that alittle bit.
Angela:(hesitant) Riight
Angela M. Kneale: So I knew
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale: they weren't even keeping my voting record private.
ramola D.: It's not hard to Follow, We can keep up with you. I thinkth kind of the stream of the Story over here. ok so I understand, So you were really drawn to stay away from Pennsylvania because of the Racism. from what you experienced (16:10) as a child, even as a child in Elementary school , and so forth.
Angela Kneale: no matter how severe
Ramola D: yeah yeah so you had a kind of a busy moving kind of life that sounds like. And, and what about the rest of your family?
I'm a little kid trying to grow up & I've got these two sets of family, families one on one side, one on the other side, that were like oil & water, literally. And, they told me not to get married or there would be a war. And, not to have children because somebody would kill them on one side or the other, or somebody else. And, I'm not anti, not completely anti-American. (21:50) But there is alot of BS out there with people fantasizing about who they are, you know they're not the people who killed at Iwo Jima, I know they're not my uncle, my Great-Uncle, who took me for a cheese steak. Either you know the person who pulled the trigger on the Japanse and my uncle was trying to make amends in a sense, you know and give me space from my dad's relatives. So, my personal perception is very different from the general American Public.
CIA's split apparently and the Rosicrucians people and the white supremacist had gotten so (22:31)aggressive They followed me home from one of the jobs that I had at a Telecom Company and up the driveway. And, I had gone in the house but I didn't know my mom was around the other side of the hous and they actually threatened my mother. I mean this is somebody on a motorcycle with confederate flag who was a service tech at the company Eastcom. And he came up our driveway and my mother & dad just told me I had to leave because I was atttracting the negative attention directly.
Ramola D.: 26:34 So there's opportunity you're saying for all sorts of entrenched Occultic Secret Society Abuse and Masonic Abuse perhaps and police who are not really on the up & up.
No, The police hacked my Facebook.They have done that I had posted an officer card because I had called the police on somebody in my family the last time I returned home. And, they hacked my facebook. I can't say that it was the police directly but most everyone I went to High School with, most of the ones who are kind of safer are on my facebook. um. and it got hacked and they took that information down.
Ramola D.: So alot of small town politics & intruige and entrenched secret society stuff going on.
Angela M. Kneale: Well yeah, I had also had bee.
one little part of it, but Bucks County going towards Doylestown where I worked & Newtown is one percenter community. So, there's also a very elite boarding school in that area. I mean the top notch elite go to that boarding school so I had worked on a customhome for somebody who had gone to that school and the buyers were somebody who Vice President of the probably largest cosmetics firm in the United States. We're not talking about a small stupid crowd of people.
Ramola D.: Right RIght, it wasn't rednecks so much as elitist and yet, very Occultic.
Angela M. Kneale: .Yeah I don't know all of the occult stuff because I feel I was somewhat kept out of it. I mean I have to unravel my own abuse, but everybody knew I was abused by the time I was in Jr. High. by th time I was in Jr. Hight.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: I didn't grow up like a normal Japanese girl. I was beatenup at school pretty much daily and in my elementary school years with the teachers watching. They approved it. I'd get really brown every summer, you know from being outside. So I pretty much got beaten up every single day. And then by the time I went to Jr. High & High School, um, the abuse coming from my parents it was kind of like all day, you know rrecess was abuse, verbal abuse from the teachers, i had every single day, it got worse at High school my US cultures teacher, Everybody knew was a ravist, h used to make fun of the Jewish
they did hire a jewish professor and they would make fun of that teacher as well as me infront of the entire class. So, i wasn't treated with any respect. It wasn't even being left alone or not causeing harm, it was intended, it was intentional. for a long time.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: So if it weren't for piano I wouldn't have gotten through it, that was my sacntuary.
Ramola D.: MMhmmm.
80's to early 90's