Showing posts with label USAF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USAF. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nisei stretched between USA & Japan security

I'm writing this to help inform the public about what it means that I am writing to the United Nations. This is a reality for me, and I do need help to finish my work especially since my father;- has riled up people to attack me.
He was USAF Intelligence and Jet engine mechanic who was also and Certified by Eastman Kodak in Graphic arts and printing back in the '60s. This means he worked on Operations and printed Classified information before the internet. I can write bout some of it now because he was declassified in 2001. Though, USA perpetrators have been doctoring documents, even my own birth certificate in order to strip me of my identity and life.
Despite having a lot of fun meeting others who are more diverse in Hawaii over the past 10 years. I'm working independently on these international issues of being born in the USA yet being a niece to a top-secret Japanese national security family. So, if anyone is wondering why I am making torture communications to the UN. The USA intel community has caused harm. This isn't EVERYONE who is/was a US government employee;- however, it is MOSTLY those who worked at various levels of USA government including public schools and township planning and police, DHS, all the way to the federal level.
As a targeted Individual of Japanese-American Asian descent;- At&t, Icloud, Itunes, Verizon, and early on in 2000's Tmobile have allowed the USA state actors in security to track, harass, and harm my livelihood, abduct, assault and harass me with threats of harm. I have tried to communicate to UNESCO about this issue since my life also involves other 1st generation Americans with relatives who are foreign nationals non-USA citizenship and our personal safety.
I went through great lengths to keep a record clean to attend the APEC International Summit. However, this means I also live in destitute in the USA due to their laws because of my family relation in Japan infrastructure, a Top secret issue of Japanese National security. The USA flagrantly humiliates me here for being of blood relations and has committed multiple acts of Torture since I was born.
In my case;- this is very serious since many billionaires (who have Nazi-like values) exploited their access to international security and targeted those of us from NON-EUROPEAN nations.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Alice programming; my dream experiences

Alice programming; my dream experiences 

For those who are unaware of mind control protocols, it is a lifelong schedule of administered torture level traumas; mental, physical, emotional throughout a mind control test victim's life. Typically, this trauma begins in the womb. However, I have not gone under hypnosis like other victims due to extreme circumstances & erosion of trust in USA, to uncover possible locked memories in my subconscious.  To this day, I believe that my childhood nightmares were induced as result of illegal psychotronic technologies. 

  • Remote Viewing
  • Martial Arts training 
  • No Cry - beaten daily till I stopped crying while being beaten or blacked out.
  • Alien Invasion - Technology induced dream
  • USMC style problems (supernatural answer) - Technology induced dream

Vigilante altar programming that I believe I underwent as a non-consensual test victim (within the bounds of MK ULTRA/ Monarch Program related sub projects),  I experienced through what I  identified later in life as a subset program emulating elements of Project Stargate.  My immediate childhood environments from 1974-1990 didn't have or allow much more than 30min television or other Hollywood film viewing daily. came across the Alice programming aka Alice in Wonderland protocol in my late 20's and it matched up with several major traumas I experienced In childhood. 
My experience awakening to the realization of extensive mind control affecting my life decisions  caused major issues for me in my sense of trust. 
My Dreamworld was where I have other known & related protocol/programming memories. In other words, my dreams were induced by handler(s). One night when I was 7-8yrs old, I woke to my father administering some sex kitten altar next to me at my bed. As a veteran, He was not declassified from USAF until 2001. His typical command to me was to always 'bring it back'.

I experienced repeat terrifying nightmares for years of my childhood that remain clear in my conscious memory.  I was able to identify as (1) militant alien invasion of armed humanoid aliens in body armor with an alien looking helmet or head (2) and one repeat dream closely resembling a house of pain USMC military question/drill that evolved each time It occurred. I also had other dreams of being hunted and shot at by military dressed men.  

I will however list a few of my dream experiences with less detail;
  1. My Alice Door
I used what I named my Alice door, a tiny door for me to crawl through, in my dream visualization world. The hallway I followed lead me to the altar or dream where I viewed martial arts training in a large hall. Typically, I used this Alice door to also remote view Japan & my Ojiisan. My Ojisan was a high level kendo practitioner, Judan or higher rank in Japan. So, once I used the Alice door and he caught me entering and made me sit in the upper walkway to watch the kendo practice on the floor below me. 
This dojo, was a place I visited frequently and also viewed the same place with a large stunt air bag in it. So, this also was not a small Dojo.
  1. Technology or Psychotronically induced (US) military training. 
Normally these nightmares began with me in bed laying awake. 

A  Mr. Potato Head toy dressed as a doctor walked across my pillow with a needle and other faceless potato heads. I felt pin pricking pain all over my body, which I can only compare to the tingling pain of nerve damage or pinched nerves. It is possible I was drugged or my nerves were tingling from some Electromagnetic frequency of known illegal mind control technologies developed after being banned in Russia after the Russo-Japanese war.
After I passed out, I was in either the dream USMC type problem where they forced me to hide from armed soldiers in an empty white room with soldiers entering from a flush sliding door. This dream changed in number of soldiers, and the angle of the floor. This was my Dreamworld for as long as I remember dreaming till age 12. Though largely between ages 7-9 since I woke screaming and my mother was in the hospital. Once during this dream, they told me I was in my home. This changed my normal blackout reaction so that I ran out through the wall since I realized it wasn't concrete block. The soldiers chased me shooting at me. It took many years of repeating this terrifying dream till I was able to "hide" from the soldiers in plain view. The answer, I do remember. However, the solution to this problem is not a typical answer. My answer that ended this dream s in having developed a supernatural ability.
I had this dream linked up to Godzilla who started appearing outside my window watching me. They included that I was responsible for Godzilla's well being. Godzilla is a metaphor for nuclear war of course. There was one time, I don't remember where I returned from, yet my brother had a strange friend over at the house. I was instructed by my mother that I couldn't play Ultra Man with them (despite a lack of appropriate toys)and that I had Godzilla to take care of(though I didn't have a single Godzilla related toy).
I also had alien invasion repeat nightmares. There are 2 versions I remember repeated.

Draft Quantum Blood & DNA genetic memory

I am certain that my genetics, not only my national origins of Japan, are a central part of discrimination and persecution I experience in my life. I possess some blood quantum of two tribal Asian indigenous DNA with Hyper Variable Region 1 (HVR1) of 10 different HVR1 mutations. While still in grade school my parents informed me that my DNA was patented. Also their attorney, the late Samuel Litzenberger, ESQ of Philadelphia, PA, communicated that I was considered property less than cattle in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. My parents swore by Litzenberger's word and justified the MK ULTRA ALICE protocol torture by his legal analysis. They viciously informed me of not having any rights within the United States while making me aware of my helplessness in MK ULTRA program from 1974-Present.  In any case, my DNA may have been used without my consent as a child, to the development of biological warfare. Due to a more resilient natural state of my DNA at 10 HVR1 mutations, I overcome disease quickly and or frequently encapsulate foreign invaders to my biological system. However, I was an unwilling test subject under the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) MK Ultra at birth.

I am a stolen and persecuted generation of innocents after USA A-bombed Japan. The US government would never explain my family ancestry as it has been published in Asian history books.  I am not the persecuted generation of Japanese Americans who lived through internment. I am a different and separate generation founded in the United States whether I like this fact or not, . And my persecution occurred before I was born, due to CIA and/or US Air Force that sought particular genetic lines to bring into United States and cultivate in such projects as MK Ultra and/or Military Abductions (MILABS) . I was well aware in childhood of the conversation my father and mother shared of different
U.S. military members or related cult members attempting to bring women in from places like the Congo to capture DNA from the coveted Dan Tribe among others. Tribes that were known to have psychic powers and long range tribal communications without modern technologies. 

So whether or not this was a United States covert and illegal trafficking of humans for their experiments remains to be tested. CIA & USAF were genetic hunters long before I was born. My mother and her family possess some of the last generation of pure Japanese Ainu bloodline. My Ojiisan ( grandfather) had given the Japanese government the extensive records another relative in Japan documented on the Japanese Ainu tribe. 

So, I may not have the cultural upbringing of Ainu people as one of the tribes within my family lineage, however it was a well-known fact that my Ojiisan gave family records to the Japanese government. It may be to this day why Ainu people are being protected in 2019 in Japan and are largely addressed as having affluent backgrounds despite this discrimination.

I am having issues laying claim to being Japanese within the USA, this is due to the United States interference in my Japanese language since age 10 and due to their tampering with records of my mother's immigration to the United States. To date, the Department of Homeland Security & Immigration and SBA refused my access or information of these records from them since 2006 and through 2011. This may be due to my 1997 discovery of being blacked out in the Social Security system with the attribute BLACK PLUMBER as my name. Additionally, my family in Japan is documented as merchants for over 3000 years in human history. For this reason, I believe the United States government targeted my mother specifically.

And, once I was born in the United States they delivered me & asserted any and all brainwashing activities on me through their MK Ultra program. This includes giving my name the initial based attribute of MK Ultra as, AMK for Alpha Mind Kontrol, the particular program that I mention started approximately 1978 and was connected to MK Ultra's Stargate sub project. I was still a toddler at this time. I overheard talks about Uri Geller in my highchair while eating dinner in the Chesapeake Bay.  Later in 1999, in Venice Florida, I met my elderly handler while concious, the late Dr. Joel Elkes , who was a prominent in modern psychiatry & headed up Neurosciences department at John Hopkins University.  

Though, the famed publicized stars of Stargate subproject generated swooning by the American women, mothers of a few of the children I knew, and an impenetrable front for the subproject. They had to the best of my knowledge, cultivated those of us with genetic lines linked to tribal or traditional marital arts long for experiments and long range psychic communication. They approached Asian martial arts training and spirituality in a supernatural European sense of thinking. They transposed non-European warring and spiritual arts to their supernatural and new age way to approach and understand phenomenon. Largely, it seems that CIA and its MKULTRA project subordinates lay claim to owning the cultural appropriation of Asian cultural traditions in the United States. They translated the cultural traditions to their predominantly Eurocentric languages and American mindset. And, they allow prolific practice of gross motor movement without requiring the average spiritual or martial arts practitioner to approach a level of communication that is highly literate in Asian writing and speech at any time.

Regardless of how much Quantum blood I have from a single indigenous Asian tribe, I possess Quantum blood from two Asian indigenous tribes of a natural state. when I say a natural state, I mean that my DNA came into being without medical DNA manipulation in a laboratory.  I think my blood Quantum is arguable since I should have 25% from one or both  tribes respectively; Sakha from Yakutia, Siberia and Ainu from Kurils, in normal human generational biology. However my high number of HVR1 mutations may reduce that expected percentage of Blood Quantum. And conversely my DNA does not prove that my parents are accurate since I am over 50% different genetically from each of them. The numbers unfold in a scary tale against my life.

Yet a single fact remains,  

I do not carry less genetic information of these expressions encoded in my DNA.

I am in a volatile position since the United States government has already done irreversible harm to my family and to violated my human rights in every sense that makes life precious. 

During college I became a animal rights organizer in 1993, due to severe infractions of my own human rights that continued in both the dormitory and classrooms. I was subject to multiple sex assaults in my 1st dormitory when I was 17yrs old in 1992. I was prevented from reporting to police by the Resident Assistant in the closed dormitory environment.  I think this was deliberate action somehow and a continuation of the Alice protocol.

In the mid 90's I met members of the Onondaga Nation who identified me as one of  'the old ones'. I did not completely understand what 'the old ones' at the time because I knew little about the cultures behind my  prolific genetic history on a conscious level.  I met them at a time when the US government the New York State Police had done a media blackout after sending hundreds of police officers to beat and harm people on their tribal land in upstate New York. Later in 2007 I met a Tibetan monk at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's monastery in Ithaca, New York. He addressed me from my other indigenous tribal lineage of being Sakha from Yakutia in Siberia. As in the similar frequency to Shakyamuni Buddha or Guantanamo Buddha. I also have ancient genetic history from Northern China where there was an extraordinary Buddhist monastery.  I also am genetically Japanese. I know that my family and ancestors, traded from China through to Japan the best wintering horses, weapons, fish. They relocated from China to a political sanctuary known as Akita  and remained separate from the Chinese & Japanese governments for over 600 years.

 So it is my understanding that Indigenous peoples of Asia and North America understand my presence. I can only guess that they participated in a conversation about my genetic tribal history and were aware of my presence from a young age, yet I have no single tribe with which I identify.
I have known persecution from the United States of America for the duration of my life due to my genetic history and USA's perception of the Japanese and United States union of my parents being offensive to them. And despite good people in the United States, those who are actively against my existence have already murdered my only siblings.

/////edited to here/////

August 2019

My notes of International Concern for Japanese Nationals in the USA, particularly East Coast: 

The human rights organizations I contacted in USA are inexperienced or discriminatory against Japan. The consequences are severe as I have witnessed my brother's suffering and torture that included American Civil Liberties Union in his life upon white supremacist attacks on him for receipt of a Scholarship to University of Pennsylvania. The loss of this case placed him in rural Susquehanna University in central Pennsylvania where he was clobbered with white supremacist attacks. He was stonewalled there and stayed with me in Ithaca, NY when he was in eminent danger. This ACLU intervention impacted his role in family business internationally and ultimately led to his depression, further persecution in Pennsylvania, and his unnatural death by age 26.
USA's East Coast,  New York and Pennsylvania severely lacks Japanese translators.  The USA attempts to recruit noone and shows little to no value for Japanese nationals lives. That is independent of those people who came to the United States to represent Japan politically. The United States encourages lawsuits against individuals, like my mother,  who do speak Japanese as their natural language by attempting to recruit them as translators and create multiple lawsuits abroad by USA ignorance of Japanese domestic laws. The United States has never provided a translator and has severely impaired my communications with my Japanese relatives and the Consulate of Japan.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Start of my United Nations Complaint

Main contents of my Complaint Letter in short to

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva

July 31, 2019

I was born in the USA in 1974, to a Japanese National mother who remained a Japanese National until the late 1980's after Japanese Nationality laws changed. .  The USAF instructed my mother she was not permitted to name me with any cultural indicators. I was registered at birth in USA as  Angela Meredith Kneale, and I am the aggreived complainant & last survivor of my known siblings who were murdered in the town of Quakertown, Pennsylvania in Bucks County, USA. Recently I filed a complaint at your United Nations form website where I completed the form to the best of my ability at a public computer at the Congressional Law Library. It is my individual complaint where I want to assert the United States of America & United States Air Force as well as individuals I name specifically, violated the following Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR);

Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, (9?), 12, 13, 15, (16?), 17, (18?), 20, 22, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 25, 26 (2), 27, 29(1), 29(2).

My purpose is to bring light to the abuses in an international setting.  I am a grand-daughter and neice of well known Japanese Nationals who are or were involved with Japanese Security & infrastructure and/ or employed in Japanese government.

This is in addition to other articles where it seems USA violated my rights specifically to ensure Surveillance monitoring of my life & family such as;

Articles of the UN Convention against torture Art.4

Declaration of Right to Development Art 2 (4)

USCA 50  s1886 , 1881a(f)(2)

As well as forcing me into statelessness as perceived supranationally upon legal reading of the  USA Patriot Act after the events of 9/11. 

My complaint is extensive and spans my life to date of 44years. 

One of the goals of my complaint is to present the United States of America as a non-benign & benevolent society who is likely criminal since they brought my mother to the USA via their military personnel and with ATS clearance. I also will refute that USA intended to entrap me with it's nationality laws so that I would be tortured and unable to choose & obtain my Japanese Nationality at any point within reasonable, natural, and normal means given my family relation also to my uncle Takenaka, Yoshitomo a now retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation. I fully believe that the United States of America trafficked my mother from Japan in order to torture her. And, that I was born an attachment to her as an additional trafficking victim. 

My complaint against the United States, USAF, NASA, CIA, and it's state agents will also include normal tortures under war Tribunals as well as the illegal non-consensual testing of humans in CIA MKultra program protocol(s). This is of course after the basic fact that I was denied so many basic human rights due to my unique DNA which has, by some tests 10HVR1 mutations that span 10 distinct European, Asian, protected indigenous Asian, and Japanese markers. I feel They violated me in every way possible. 

I do not have choice but to file this complaint independently due to the high number of CIA & Yakuza & MI5, MI6 perpetrators who have taken advantage of the weak USA public and further causing harm to my personal life. I hope you can understand that my Japanese family relation made me a target by USA since birth.

I will appreciate any assistance since I have been forced out  of normal housing for safety liability, and financial reasons largely since my attendance at APEC 2011 in Honolulu, HI. 

I was again threatened in 2019 by perpetrators & my father and my tortured mother who does not seem to understand legal complexities any longer.

I have little recourse and defense against the State of Pennsylvania or any other USA domestic perpetrator.

I have contacted Ithaca, NY Human rights organization however they have never had such a case. So, I am decidedly better off independently working with minimal need to know information I received from Japan years ago.

In light of the death threats I received since leaving Oahu, I am making my situation known publically online. 


Angela M. Kneale

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Examples of Abuse I endured k-6 in Quakertown, PA

Top & Bottom left: Angela Kneale age 2
Bottom Right adult Mrs. Light's Pre-school
This was some of the daily & normal abuse I endured. The community was aware of it.
Elementary School:
             Spanked with: Long wooden paddles with holes till grade 6
             5-6 Caucasian girls would grab me by my hair and try to swing my head around done in the teacher's sight standing maybe 10-15' away.
             Extra threats & separation from the class by the teachers.
             speech therapy to embarrass & humiliate & abuse me for being bi-lingual till age 10
             Excluded & told to sit out of activities due to non-cooperative schoolmates
             Beaten up extra after my mother did a cultural presentation & wrote kids names in Kanji - some of the parents told their kids to harm me.

Home:  Leather belt - spankings till red or blackout since toddler
Angela Kneale, age 5-6, Right
Richard Kneale age 2-3, Front
Japanese-Americans, Nisei
             Chased with a large knife
             thrown out in the snow for hours with whatever I had on at the moment
             dragged down the stairs by my hair

Church:  Strangled in Confirmation class
               screamed at & yelled at as an example of a brown thing mud to go to hell & derogatory words that shouldn't exist
               Hearing my little brother crying when they hurt him (his leg broken by church boys at age
               Possibly abduction attempt by a summer school church teacher, I refused to get in a van she was in with men.          
Pre-school Photo with Mrs. Light appx '76-'77
Paletown Rd. 

Wednesday, February 01, 2017


Though there is controversy about the existence of Stargate by some in the "non-entertainment world";-I have a few things to say from direct personal Experience. 
1. I got to train on the mat for a little with a retired US Navy veteran of 25years who judged the Stargate & CSI TV series screenplays. 

2. My childhood home was a riddled with stargates and everything from large spiders that watched over me in the sky. It was 20 min outside of Willow Grove Naval airbase and I was able to pick up on illegal Us military use of subsonic aircraft at the onset of a kid and  In all fairness, small trainer fighters would breeze atop the tree line and I could wave to the pilot waving at me on my bicycle. In my l8r years 29-32 I could drive on a local highway and see the stealth bomber flying in just over head.

3. U know that movie "Signs" with the fields and aliens-- that was within the area Where I grew up.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Mk Uktra - Pennsylvania

In reflection, it seems that my parents attorneys, our family doctors, definately the pastor who initially baptized my brother and I, basically conspired against my life at all critical levels. However, there seems to be no definition of the crimes that they committed against me to report for MK Ultra style torture. 
This USA based Pennsylvania, NY, and Canada operation went well beyond the bounds of simple child abuse, international human rights violations, and normal legal conspiracy.
MK Ultra style in Pennsylvania --:
The Pennsylvania State laws failed me as a dual citizen of Japan(jus Sanguis) and USA. United Nations regulations (they say) did not apply prior to Japan joining the UNited Nations.
•Pennsyvania State laws that women are legally treated like livestock 1974-2014
•Pennsylvania State laws allow corporal punishment & included minors.

My parents were trained by their attorney and friends to behave more like drug addicts who don't care for their own children. I'm very certain my father was  my handler most of my child hood. And that he was responsible for the kitten alter.
My parents had little to no concern my health care and well being for most of my life. this includes a trip to the doctor where I had thought I was a ninja and had several razor blades shoved into the roof of my mouth as a child. They only noticed after it seemed that I refused to eat food after a couple days. When they forced my mouth open, they discovered the razor blades I had hidden, playing ninja.
I had several repeat childhood elementary school dreams that I found out resemble Marine Corps training drills problems by age 9 this Alter door was open to an empty room with a 45angle on the standing slope, several armed soldiers entering with fully auto machine guns to shoot at me. I was frequently "divergent" in this exercise that lasted many years until I discovered a solution.

I additionally grew up in dream world learning kendo from my Ogesan, in a mental dojo accessed through an Alice altar door.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Reason I have not spoken about MK Stargate

Though I cannot prove that there is any correlation to the MK Ultra or MK Search & Stargate programs run by the CIA to my life;- I can list several "coincidences" amidst the flurry of attacks that my parents and I are aware of upon my life directly in the USA. My parents have, for many years, encouraged to sue me and complicate my life so that I cannot find work by the participating organization

Dual Nationalities, Pennsylvania women are cattle legalities, Easy access by programmers till 2009+
  • I & my brother were born a dual-national of Japan & USA
  • My mother was a Japanese National citizen at the time of my birth and did not become a USA citizen until well after Japanese Nationality jus sanguis requirements changed in 1986. 
  • My father was USAF OSI warrant officer for a 4 year enlistment with ATS (Above Top Secret) clearance. He was not declassified until 2001.
  • My mother's family still today are Japanese Nationalists with involvement in Japanese National Security. To my knowledge, my mother was not issued a Diplomatic Passport for appearances of any peaceful mission to the USA post Hiroshima. In fact, while attempting to obtain my mother's records with parental permission for SBA use;- the DHS claimed no knowledge of my mother in the USA database.
  • I grew up, to my memory, in Rural Quakertown, PA in Richlandtownship
  • Our multigenerational family home was located appx 1.2 miles from the Rosacrucians Ceremonial Grounds on Clymer Road.
  • For my higher education at age 17, I was sent to Ithaca, NY and my parents had no legal requirement to remain present in my life after my 18th Birthday. I was sexually assaulted frequently at the private College "Experimental Co-ed  dormitory" before my 18th birthday. I was relocated late into my 2nd semester to a normal dormitory. I also had to beg for my parents to intervene as I became extremely ill on the dining hall food. My "alice" vigilante altar manifested as I formed an Animal Rights organization on the Campus. It took me over 7 years to complete my undergraduate degree at the College. Due to poor grades I was unable to transfer to any other institution to get away from the situation. In contrast to Ithaca, I was able to achieve a 3.86-4.0 for coursework in the Western Conference Universities 1996 & 2004.
  • 1993-10/1996 My college boyfriend I met in Music school, was D.R. Hauptli and I broke up despite most people expecting us to marry. 
  • 10/26/1996 - My suicide programming took hold at an animal rights protest as non-violent action, a friend saved my life and my body from being critically damaged.
  • 10/30/1996 Still on crutches from the suicide programming trauma, I met my partner/boyfriend for the next 9 years. Over the holidays introduced me to his business family which included several Clinton Boys and threatened to kill me if I left the relationship, due to the security of his business family identity. Some of his friends included owners of American heritage type business families and Founding family member of USA based private security company.
  • 1999-2000 was taken to Sarasota, Florida where I met late Joe Elkes, M.D. while I lived with Sally Lucke for a brief time prior to working for 2 different companies & directly for original founder of Peoplesoft.   
  •  8/2000 - I returned to Quakertown, PA and taught piano for 2-3 years in Doylestown, PA and Central/Lower Bucks county as well as commuting to Ithaca, NY where I had a home & worked with my partner/ boyfriend.
  • 200I had for most of our relationship till the company was founded. He controlled all of my money, and did not have my financial best interest in mind. It took me until 2007 to leave him.
  • 12/2002 - Abducted by Todd Hawthorne of Oregon & Tina Kim - Locked in basement at the home of Tina Kim then a WB17 news reporter with ties to North Korea.
  • 1/2007- 3/2007 trip/stays @ Washington, DC, Langley, Va, and Baie Finn, ON, CA. - this was official split from my 9 year relationship.
  • 1/2005 -2/2005 - Trip to Thailand with K. Gesslein - Business recon after Tsunami 
  • 5/2005  - Death of my brother @ 27.  "suicide programming" forced by his Valley Precision employer/owner directly connected to the Rosacrucians.
  • 2006 - Buckingham, PA - Abducted by James Brasted & Knight Engineering @ Ernie Knight's empty apt for appx 1week, I was subsequently stalked and harassed under death threat.Police rescued me/ intervened but did not pursue charges. I had been hired to work for the engineering office through a Doylestown, PA based temporary agency. I was later abducted by the employer and assaulted repeatedly aside from the engineer who lost his mind spilling his guts for faulty drainage plans & payoff from Toll Brothers that in total compromise the Delaware Dam integrity. 
  • late 2005/06 - returned to Ithaca, NY with assistance from Tibetan govt. in exile.
  • 2/2009 -