Showing posts with label 60's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 60's. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nisei stretched between USA & Japan security

I'm writing this to help inform the public about what it means that I am writing to the United Nations. This is a reality for me, and I do need help to finish my work especially since my father;- has riled up people to attack me.
He was USAF Intelligence and Jet engine mechanic who was also and Certified by Eastman Kodak in Graphic arts and printing back in the '60s. This means he worked on Operations and printed Classified information before the internet. I can write bout some of it now because he was declassified in 2001. Though, USA perpetrators have been doctoring documents, even my own birth certificate in order to strip me of my identity and life.
Despite having a lot of fun meeting others who are more diverse in Hawaii over the past 10 years. I'm working independently on these international issues of being born in the USA yet being a niece to a top-secret Japanese national security family. So, if anyone is wondering why I am making torture communications to the UN. The USA intel community has caused harm. This isn't EVERYONE who is/was a US government employee;- however, it is MOSTLY those who worked at various levels of USA government including public schools and township planning and police, DHS, all the way to the federal level.
As a targeted Individual of Japanese-American Asian descent;- At&t, Icloud, Itunes, Verizon, and early on in 2000's Tmobile have allowed the USA state actors in security to track, harass, and harm my livelihood, abduct, assault and harass me with threats of harm. I have tried to communicate to UNESCO about this issue since my life also involves other 1st generation Americans with relatives who are foreign nationals non-USA citizenship and our personal safety.
I went through great lengths to keep a record clean to attend the APEC International Summit. However, this means I also live in destitute in the USA due to their laws because of my family relation in Japan infrastructure, a Top secret issue of Japanese National security. The USA flagrantly humiliates me here for being of blood relations and has committed multiple acts of Torture since I was born.
In my case;- this is very serious since many billionaires (who have Nazi-like values) exploited their access to international security and targeted those of us from NON-EUROPEAN nations.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Differences MK Delta to MK Uktra

There seems to be a generational difference that is noticible between the more recent and natural MK Ultra and the drug submerged MK DELTAs.
The MK Deltas seem to have had more active and criminal past in drug use and distribution. They seem more accustomed to the doors being held open for them and their indulgences met as long as they complied. Some MK Deltas did literally go insane with the LSD and or PCP taking them to a restful suicide. Others survived the drugs and programming with proud stories to tell. 

MK Ultra isn't the same, at least not from my perspective. MK ultra isn't just about  the loud, willing, and compliant slew of USA monarch celebrities who draw public sympathy. Some lesser known MK Ultra subjects have been groomed for civilian Intel collection and have family profiles with clout outside the USA. Some of these MK Ultra types have been put through the Alice protocol. I know this one is in my past, definately. 
One unique feature of the Alice protocol is the use of the MK subject's mother in administering physical abuse. I am uncertain how many Mind Kontrol protocols use the mother rather than another adult. Sometimes the mother is also a victim having undergone Nazi-like surgeries to disturb the brain stem. Some cases, the mother is left the widow of an intelligence agent. The violence the mother inflicts is more psychologically binding a relationship than normal. And, the Alice protocol inflicts and exposes its subjects to timed deaths of companion animals, loved ones, and many other atrocities against human rights. There were only two paths to succeed the Alice protocol. The most common and expected path was for the Alice protocol subject to die from inflicted physical injuries, or by suicide from depression of continual and regular assaults. The other is that the MK subject is able to overcome the emotional and mental states of the assaults and to attain a hyper-vigilante persona. And even if this hyper-vigilante persona is achieved past puberty, a resulting factor with the Alice protocol is a suicide command at age 26 or 27 for some.