Showing posts with label Abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abuse. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stargate, Alice, MK Ultra, MRA's & Shaman Dna

Angela Meredith Kneale
July 19, 2017

I was born in the 70's.  My mother came from Japan because she is a Japanese National.
My Birth certificate:
So, Found a birth certificate with my baby stuff. It was the one they write your name on before it gets registered with the government. Mine read "Angela Merideath Knell".
Interesting ; -  at first I thought it was Philadelphia Experiment related.
Thought it was because of Knell. And, I had more reason to think that it was due to Philadelphia Experiment. My Great Uncle who had served on the USS Langley as a gunner and did battle at Iwo Jima, was like my United States grandpa. And, I saw him  almost every weekend, if not every other weekend for most of my entire childhood, Except for when I was in college.
And up until a year or so ago when he passed away. 

Um. So that's 2017 now so we're talking from the 70's till 2017.
But I didn't know about the MK Ultra program.
I was oblivious to it.  I Discovered MK Ultra programming in my late 20's.
But my parent's had frequently told me the story about how they were not permitted by the US government to name me how they wanted to name me.  My mom was very upset about this because she begged with them to give me a Japanese name, and they refused to let her.
I think my mom was already traumatized from when my sister was murdered at the hospital in front of her.  My mom was more apt to comply with them. Yeah, so
Both of my parents told me the story of how they were required to use the initials A.M.K.
And, yeah. my dad's family name does end in a K. But, yeah somehow, or other they were required to use those initials. And how they came to decide what my name would be. So I do remember that from early in childhood.

I guess that was of their way of communicating with me that they didn't completely agree with how I was to be raised. And um, that was part of my being raised and the MK  (Mind Kontrol) attribute.
And, the other problem with my name. I came across later in employment issues. Was in the Social Security database, when I went to receive unemployment, had my name as
'black plumber' (1997). So I found that out at the unemployment office in Ithaca, NY sometime in college. And I just, attributed that to my dad's time in the USAF. So, I just kind of blew it off and there wasn't much that I could do about it. And, I realized that I was marked and the US system,
um But then later when I discovered the program and then even later yet, that this Mengele guy was alive. And, I remember my mom telling me that she chose my name Angela and my brother's name Richard because she wanted to take us to Brazil. I don't know if that was a coincidence or if it actually because there is a high rate of Japanese in Brazil, mixed race in Brazil. So um, I know its not Argentina, but she wanted us in South America at some point. And,
she reminded me after my brother died (got killed in 2005) that was she had wanted. She even apologized to me knowing  I had wanted to grow up in Japan. Since I had a very, unfriendly childhood. I didn't have many if any friends.
My mom's friends' kids. They were Some friends to me, but not because they willingly wanted to be around me. Because, they seemed more embarrassed to be around me because I am not white. So it was really difficult and, um, those friendships were not there for me when I left the community and went to school. I didn't make plans to study or go to university with any of these people I went to High School with or anything. I mean things that are pretty much common (in friendship) anyplace on the planet.
Comes back to the Angel of Death himself (Mengele). My first name, Angela as in Angel
and my middle name being explained to me in the Disney sense. I used to watch the movie Sleeping Beauty. And there was MeriWeather, and there were the little fairy godmother in the Death sense so, MeriDeath, D-E-A-T-H. And so, if you do the numerology on it, it's a master builder number. so at the same time because I was learning a bit more about // I was growing up with my "kooky" neighbors, I mean when you grow up in a neighborhood that is just inundated with this
(6:53). craziness, you just think its normal. And you just get used to handling it and not making such a big deal out of it I suppose. So, my kooky neighbors also known as the Rosicrucian of the East Coast. Some of our Founding Fathers of the United States belonged to the Philadelphia Rosacrucians.
The one in my neighborhood is not the California branch, most likely fourth Reich.

My brother and I would get into fights with certain people in or hometown
There were 5-6 girls who would beat me up all the time. They would call me Donkey, which I don't know where it came from but it sounds kind of like MULE to me (elementary school).  I was a very innocent little girl as far as I can remember. And I had daily beatings at the playground and the teachers would watch and didn't have a problem with it because of their racism. & Then I would also get beaten at home and in the Program. And so, my mother did most of the but they also did a surgery on my mother that tampered with her spinal cord. An area near her spinal chord and it tampered with the anger rage control part of her brain. She still has a scar  She was gone a long time.
She came back, she told me she had neck tumors.
I remember I got a warning from my dad telling me she wasn't the same mom I knew anymore.
And she immediately started flying into rage states that got very dangerous for me.
So, I think they did something to her back then. Because this wasn't (10:17)
a normal mom who used to take me for walks and I would sing songs, make up songs. And my father said that they destroyed her. But, I was the only one in the house who was in danger. So, I think she was programmed. So, whatever they did to my mom The doctor who had been in PA to do the cancer surgery is supposed to have moved to Hawaii. So, I don't know what the connection is to Hawaii but I'm sure there is a reason. OK
So that part's about my name & Stuff.
So the other part the MK Ultra Resume.

I grew up in Bucks County, PA outside of Philadelphia. Where Mengele might have been there but there were other Nazi doctors definitely.  In the summertime,(11:31) cause of the piano institute and everything I was taken to Canada each summer in elementary school. Later, late, later I would be going to Langley and then to McGregor bay. I only remember 1 of those trips. And then when I was growing up in Bucks County, I guess I fought with my parents immensely about going to
this teacher  instructor, Dr. Kiszely, in the Mainline and he had invited me to his studio. And now in retrospect now I understand...
Even though both my parents are mixed race themselves.
My dad being Russian-Pole & European
My mom being mixed with the Siberian Genetics that the Native American tribes know we have.
Dr. Kiszely had been a double agent for the United States fighting Nazi Germany. Much time for my lessons was him telling me about his time as a double agent fighting the Nazi's. So he was kind of like a dad to me for a while, since neither of my parents performed like regular parents do. They were not attached to what I did and not involved. They facilitated me making money so that I could do the things that I actually wanted to do (mow lawns, dog sit, cat sit, horse sit, teach piano). They actually refused to pay for alot of things that I wanted to do and instead put the efforts into my brother.
When I was 17, when I went to go graduate from H.S., my mother and father decided I should go to  Ithaca, NY another place where there are MK Ultra handlers controllers in psychology. Some were at  Ithaca  College and  Cornell University.  I remember starting an animal rights group (you know that whole PETA connection too). In 1994-1999 my Alice altar overrode my suicide programming, I guess. Well that's the whole "compete" part of the personality in the Alice Altar is that
they pile so much abuse on you that you either develop a vigilante personality or you' re going to self destruct and commit suicide. I mean, that's just how it works. I was assaulted. I had gone through many problems in the Co-ed experimental dorm that they put me in. I was not allowed to file/report anything. Of course its a private college with private police. They didn't want to deal with me directly they wanted to talk to  my parents.

After I crossed the age 18 barrier in the USA my parent's didn't want any legal obligations to do anything. So the college refused to acknowledge my legal standing;- and in fact ignored it and continued the Abuse. It seems some of those things were pre-arranged.
But I took to my Animal Rights group and studied at least some Ethics and Philosophy about Free Will.
So in this whole conversation about MK. In the Later years there was a Fischer and Ravizza talk actually at Cornell University. Fischer Ravizza  writing, they wrote a book on free will and this idea of moral agency and it can in retrospect, yeah conveniently

So the Fischer Ravizza stuff I participated in ( in class) the Thinking mode.  I came up with this
Mathmatical Hole theory kind of looks like the Enochian representation of the Universe in the Enochian Physics. So um it is very similar. So, this Idea of Moral Agency that I don't hear being discussed in the MK Ultra program victims' dialogue... is that it's kind of likehow the modern legal system is based on Immanuel Kant's perception of individualism. But, the free will being that if someone is teling you to pull the trigger, you should not be responsible for that. Especially, if they brainwashed you. So, that is where the free will arguement comes in and people I see going to jail because of buried memories that resurfaced from this programming and structure;- it's not even being addressed.
I mean There is nobody out there addressing this issue of having free will completely over pulling a trigger on somebody when you are under a verbal command, a hypnotic command,
having all the altars installed. So the Deltas, the Super soldiers who now not only have the programming, the mind control programming that they are advertising and marketing as the new industry standard...For any business. If you don't have that type of altar, you're not going to be able to Run a business in the near future, according to the US government. But they have implants that shock you into combat. So, at that point, are you responsible if they shock you into pulling the trigger?
I mean that especially if they start using that in the civilian population.

But nobody is discussing those things. Because that is where the philosophy part comes into the MK Ultra. It's not so much saving the animals who are in labs, where there are maybe humans nearby. Oh BTW My hometown Quakertown, PA is at the top of the Humane welfare violations for how many animals they were bringing up and using. All the way up to primates,  in trafficking primates,sale of primates for medical lab testing. ALL THAT stuff came down in Quakertown, I realize in the Undertow. But the ironic thing I guess alot of the parents, even though they made money from the industry of  animal cruelty;
  • raising lab dogs for testing
  • raising  or killing animals for food
  • raising other animals for various types of experimentation.
They came to abhor it and instill my generation with some different values that we understood that was a thing that was really bad. And I don't think the rest of the planet accepts it. I think we in that community there's a certain group of us who accept that it was never a good thing. But it was what people did to get through. And then there are all the new people who haven't had to Live with the effects of animal slaughter, testing & being desensitised to animal cruelty industries.
Only thing you can do is to teach your children to do differently.

Anyway, the animal rights philosophies are there in part to refine how you think about being human.
So, some people are going to animatley hate that sentence I just said all together. But,
when you're talking about organisms and sentience -being their  pain tolerances,  and whether or not they have  self recognition - like when they see themselves in the mirror or something
and you have to start talking on a spectrum of, Ok this is the minimal, this is minimum that's required to fall into being a sentient being to the maximal being a full on human. Then how is it
the MK Ultra community keeps talks about themselves like they are robots. I understand there is this concept of programming. And I realize alot of us have had to live through being programmed in one sense or another.

For me, my programming for Stargate which involved remote viewing, when
I was a child and some other things I won't completely get into.  But being able to move objects with my chi a few feet away. You know you're being programmed, You know you're going through something, but, you can't define what it is. At least objects a few feet away sometimes.

Or I would go to bed at night Typically would start with Mr. Potato head stabbing me with needles all over and I would have this dream repeatedly before I went to bed.
So Mr Potato Head is not my favorite toy on the planet anymore.
And I associate it with needles so, I went to bed like that every night. And it was a really lucid dream.
I had Repeat dreams of what they call marine corps training. Where somebody opens the door and the floor is at this angle and there is this, that, or other thing, or nothing in the room and they enter with guns and where do you hide?

Like those were my childhood dreams. I think that was another form of programming.
I don;t remember having any combat training.  My mind was focused on my ability to quantum which I am very consciously aware of,  and my ability to bio locate (which i don't know if they actually made that happen or if it was a result of what they did. Also to spy, otherwise I wouldn't have had NASA information and Soviet Technology manuals laying around my bedroom. So you have to look at the MK, So I mean I think somebody needs to look at it , at which point are victims responsible or not responsible for pulling the trigger. There's some minor level of responsibility. But if you are actually drugged and have trigger words that put you into another altar. There should be some reasonable punishment for that and for the rest, the punishment should actually affect the handler.
Plenty of people are dying because other's have not chosen to take a legal stance, whether somebody is programmed and has a trigger that makes them kill someone.
Such as James Casbold who killed people under mental triggers and then you remember later. That's I don't think that's acceptable. I think somebody else should receive punishment for doing that. Doesn't seem fair he serves 15 years for somebody else commanded him to and he didn't remember. Should serve time and punishment.

But... Anyway
I went to college in Ithaca NY.
Then after that in my 20's with my ex's my ex-partner we never married (you can't really trace them) except his best friend from Syracuse University was a guy whose father started a securities company that got sold and changed names in 2000. So, I mean Securities as in Security Firm.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Differences MK Delta to MK Uktra

There seems to be a generational difference that is noticible between the more recent and natural MK Ultra and the drug submerged MK DELTAs.
The MK Deltas seem to have had more active and criminal past in drug use and distribution. They seem more accustomed to the doors being held open for them and their indulgences met as long as they complied. Some MK Deltas did literally go insane with the LSD and or PCP taking them to a restful suicide. Others survived the drugs and programming with proud stories to tell. 

MK Ultra isn't the same, at least not from my perspective. MK ultra isn't just about  the loud, willing, and compliant slew of USA monarch celebrities who draw public sympathy. Some lesser known MK Ultra subjects have been groomed for civilian Intel collection and have family profiles with clout outside the USA. Some of these MK Ultra types have been put through the Alice protocol. I know this one is in my past, definately. 
One unique feature of the Alice protocol is the use of the MK subject's mother in administering physical abuse. I am uncertain how many Mind Kontrol protocols use the mother rather than another adult. Sometimes the mother is also a victim having undergone Nazi-like surgeries to disturb the brain stem. Some cases, the mother is left the widow of an intelligence agent. The violence the mother inflicts is more psychologically binding a relationship than normal. And, the Alice protocol inflicts and exposes its subjects to timed deaths of companion animals, loved ones, and many other atrocities against human rights. There were only two paths to succeed the Alice protocol. The most common and expected path was for the Alice protocol subject to die from inflicted physical injuries, or by suicide from depression of continual and regular assaults. The other is that the MK subject is able to overcome the emotional and mental states of the assaults and to attain a hyper-vigilante persona. And even if this hyper-vigilante persona is achieved past puberty, a resulting factor with the Alice protocol is a suicide command at age 26 or 27 for some. 

Friday, April 01, 2016

Cults & "Salvation Syndrome"

A Cult to for me to Study:
In the case of the Spiritual dojo I studied for 1.5yrs and due to my family background;- Almost daily, after my initiation month the cult member attempted to apply acute physical trauma to my skull pressure point connected to normal sight and nerve receptors. I was expected to behave with great shame cast upon me if I was outspoken. My being outspoken resulted in several "spiritual disturbances" that were my actual requests that the members have no physical contact with me while in the process of giving light or okiyome.

How this began:-  In Spring of 2014 while I was at an already world famous homeopath's office, plagued with toxic mold in my bloodstream (without Candida) so I couldn't walk;- I was approached by a Japanese Cult ("New religion") group.
Create Biological Confusion = Toxic Mold = Incurable Doom
Catharsis = Obey Homeopath (Ritual) = Impassioned/Elated Existence
Salvation = Living & without most food = Extreme Phenomena
Follows a pattern that fits into ritual cult abuse protocol:
  • Exposure to Electro Schumann Frequency therapy
  • Change Diet to Minerals & Chlorophyllins - not as sports drink
  • Eliminate "spiritual contaminants" from normal food that grows on planet.
  • Coerced into receiving "light" and harassment by cult member(s)

;- they claimed I was going through a deep "spiritual cleansing" while I attended "light" sessions for 10months as a non-member. Despite cult members adversely affecting my life, being chased out of my home within a month;- becoming homeless with huge "nutrition" bills, I finally joined the Cult for a short period 2/22/2015-8/2015.  I officially resigned 8/2016 and turned in my @ Spiritual level 1 omitama due to their ensuing manipulations/coercion and acute/deadly physical trauma attempts on my head & spinal chord.

The other personal side-note about this cult is that the founder made the cult of a hodgepodge of Asian occult practices and was kicked out of other more established Asian/Japanese cults. The new cult members, as well as those at the Homeopath's office are heavily laden in Network Marketing products as well as having backgrounds in promoting old Nazi value systems such as Skull manipulation and grading, biological blood classification, and financial exploitation of less educated ethnic minority populations. They are English speaking figure heads who have had a dislike of my tribal Asian background from Siberia & the Kurils. Coincidentally, places where their "light giving" okiyome practices began from my tribes shamanic traditions.

My notes on "Salvation Theory" after reading the 1980's publication "DOJO: MAGIC & EXORCISM IN MODERN JAPAN" I ordered shortly after joining the cult. I ordered the book because many of the spiritual dojo members quickly changed behaviour after I "joined" and took the initiation course & ceremony. They began to behave abusively and malevolent spiritually. Their behaviour was similar to other cult behaviour I experienced in my childhood. The  quickly confirmed and explained the main ideas that were enveloped in their particular "Sect."

  1. The main Criticism of the Cult members were that they are all "high" on themselves (Ideal Ego) to be giving the "light of God to people."
  2. The positive was that a person is able to "Bless Food" that is animal derived even though they are striking hypocrites.
  3. There was much hypocrisy of words & actions in between and little logical continuity.
My more General Formula of CULT control follows:

Points of discrepancy/ Notes from spiritual dojo study:

Possession by Defective spirits: The Spirit is Lying if it claims to be GOD. It is sometimes assigned an "Evil" attribute for claiming to be GOD. However, the Cult will claim that everyone is "of GOD" and is equated to a grain of sand makes beach, drop of water makes ocean, a little bit of GOD that remains connected to God (with their help/ through them) yet doesn't make a person GOD. 
After this "possession" of the Cult can claim the new member/ person is "Pathological" as
"Possession in Western Culture is considered pathological behaviour due to the Legal System" (Dojo: Magic & Exorcism in Modern Japan, Page 127).
The Cult member may feel safe in the Cult because there is an extraneous social nonacceptance of this behaviour. It can be compared to having a normal nervous-breakdown (of Western Society) within the constraints of the spiritual values of the Cult.

The Cult uses Coercion & is cold and follows am established protocol. The harmful actions and proof of the Endless Realm of Hope ensue. Typical list of Chemicals, Seduction, and Physical manipulation used in cult protocols are as follows:
    • Sodium Amylobabitone for functional organic/biological confusion
    • Post-Hypnotic Confusion
    • Denial of Actions & Refutes responsibility of Actions (common in Delta altar)
    • Hypnotic Behavior
    • Hypno-Sociodrama
    • Catharsis
      • Psychic Abreaction
      • Electro or Insulin Convulsive Therapy - (Typical in Hawaii)
      • Sodium-Amytal
      • Sodium Pentothal
      • Orgasm / Sex - (Typical in Hawaii)
      • Religious Ritual - (Typical everywhere)
    • Hyper-Arouse
    • Hypnotic Lethargy
    • Semi-Meditative Tranquility
    • Psychogenic Stupor - Extreme cases only.
  • Spiritual Seizure - is not hypnotic, it comes from Repressed Guilt aka Symbolic form of "evil" spirit.
  • Actual Ego compartmentalizes Repressed Guilt/ "evil" spirit to balance the Ideal Ego
    • aka.  Compartmentalize is to hide the disassociation of a deviation from the


 U (Unbearable Dread/Fear) + I (Endless Realm of Hope) = A

U :-   First, is created by placing an uncompromised importance on a concern/object/ideal/movement/practice. A deviation from that First is assigned an Harmful & No compromise Consequence.

I :-  The Endless Realm of Hope - Prayer, Practice, Spells, Giving Light with God,

independent disassociation from the Value System leads to perceived placement in Exceptional meritorious sphere/Realm.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Identity theft, sex trafficking & Hawaii

Just 2 generations since some of the Pacific's most historic battles, Hawaii's military culture has created an influx of civilian women who have been forced into the sex industry (aka the Industry).
One of the most common types of sex trafficking happens because of the severe "cultural" reliance on a wholesome family structure. Women of all ages arrive in Hawaii for a vacation, and are robbed of their crucial USA identification. Many of these women have abusive and unhelpful parents who have military backgrounds. Any identity information the parents hold "in good faith" for ther daughter is quickly lost (good faith) once needed in emergency. The parents refuse to surrender the identity information their kids who can be older adult women. 
This behavior coupled with discrimination for being "mainlanders" by the Hawaii State residents makes it nearly impossible for women to return to the mainland on a plane flight (without ID). 
No job, no money, no protection, no housing, many women are left to turn to the sex industry if not forced or coerced, in hopes of returning to their previous lives.
The common military mindset and 3rd world mindset thinks this use of its women "of age" is acceptable to "return the favor".

Monday, March 14, 2016

Growing up Half Japanese in a white community

Like other "successful" kids I attended church and High school with, I was pulled out of my Classes during school to attend Ala-teen meetings. My parents faults were blaring to my community that was already heavily white supremacist influenced. It was a difficult balancing act for me to maintain since I was teetering on the brink on being thrown into foster care in an unacceptable and racist community. My parents abuse was overshadowed by the negtivity I endured throughout my public school years In Quakertown, Pa. it had been difficult to separate the bruises I was smattered with from girls beating me up each recess in front of teAchers and the ones I received at home for not being a worthy student. I was told that Corporal punishment wasn't illegal in Pennsyvania so I really didn't matter to the school or church ( where more abuses happened).
It was something I endured and kept my hope up since I knew I had acceptance in my other home country of Japan.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

USA vs. Japan my year 2012

The martial arts instructor, primarily E. Li or S Kai Li or Yoshiaki Li (kendo), told me at the onset of my arrival in Hawaii that he won't work for anyone. Since he has many connections to US law enforcement up to the international level also felt he is doing his duty by "training" me and that because of my relations in Japan, he has every right to take away everything from me including my life.
He &/or his Family & students in Hawaii from various dojo's where he teaches has already taken away most things that I purchased or has plans to take them away. At the onset, he destroyed my business potential in Hawaii at his mother's instruction. I have endured 3 years in Hawaii where he and his collegues, students, and friends have only damaged my life.
He has done so will full knowledge and intent to hurt me, any of my overseas Japanese relatives, and to make his own political statement about how women should be treated in Hawaii. He has done this primarily because of my relation to my Uncle Yoshitomo.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Finished dating in Hawaii

It seems everything has come to a complete and unstoppable Halt in my dating life.
It's almost too gruesome to unpack. And, thankfully the rain that's been pouring for the past 3 days is making everything wet.
Dating the past week really put a stop to things. I was seeing an executive of a local Hawaii company. I had put an end to the dating since he only expressed interest in US based business, and doesn't want to get married, had a brutal drinking habit along with a couple of seedy and greedy girlfriends (and lived with one). So, go YIK. Now add in the fact that he was Japanese-American descent and not a "newbie" minority in the USA by SBA standards of 1 generation.
Then top it off with his habit to go to both Karaoke bars and Korean hostess bars in Hawaii where he bragged in his car rides of him & his friends splurging 10's of thosands of $$$$$$'s on the women. And, all followed up with a statement "if you need to prostitute and get busted, I'll bail you out." That was aside from going to a dinner at an acceptable chinese restaraunt with one of his business collegues and his "wife" who was from Osaka. The first words out of his collegues mouth were about someone potentially dying at some jobsite. And, it was followed up by his wife sending old-fashioned death threats to me with her chopsticks. My date then scolded me after the whole thing was over and became abusive.
I told one of my girlfriends about this and she simply said;- people like that are not your friends.
I couldn't have agreed more. That was over 6 mos. ago. Then he reappeared one night 5 months later at my apartment door, not just any night, but the night of my deceased brother's birthday! I should have called for a restraining order the following week.

The past week, he contacted me again. We went out for dinner and a few drinks. No major drama and he claimed that he had "cut down" on drinking. I think he just needed to hire a driver and skip the phone call to me. Though, given all that was said and happened in the past and that he's also older than I am, I really really don't think he gets it yet. He not only choses to absolutely humiliate me, treat me lower than a 3rd class citizen, but thinks that i'm willing to put up with it?! WTF... so I turned down the offer to see him again and attend his birthday at his family's home, as politely as was possible for me. Dating this Japanese-American was the most humililating experience, beyond what white racists do (where i've been abducted and assaulted), to me who is a newbie Japanese-American in the USA. My more respectable Japanese relatives want me to leave Hawaii because of dating like this--- no wonder. And, chances of my finding any hapiness in the USA seems absolutely futile.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Military /Self Defense instructors who abuse women

    This is based on a woman's true story and the author has been threatened by a man for writing this blog article.

  • He puts on the "I can't control my abusive machismo" attitude due to his martial arts background, to you. He justifies how he abuses you by saying he's defending himself.

  • ie., one instructor who has nearly every black belt imaginable a military experience background, in private would say that he's so hard-wired to protect himself that you can't come near him without his punching you. He would try to hit her even when they were watching dvd's of movies as she brought the popcorn over (once he nearly broke her nose), and after movie theater movies (which she'd be required by him to pay for) he would flip out, throw things at her and hurt her. saying it was her fault and that if anything he didn't know what happened and the movie made him do it. Though, this same instructor would go on blackbelt outings with hundreds of people who sleep in auditoriums and in rooms together, and bring back photos of sleeping in the rooms together and even of little kids sleeping.

  • He says to you that because you didn't come to him looking for lessons you're seeing eachother and have a different financial obligation to him. This takes the form of being a dues paying member very inexpensive. Mostly because he puts all financial expectations of you outside the dojo. He starts by asking if you can help some with getting pizza or something for everyone. Once he establishes with everyone that he can provide these things a number of things begin to happen to you: 1. He demands that you help him financially with his friends' weddings, and other important events that you aren't invited to and cost is in the $100's of dollars. 2. He demands that you pay for gas for everyone from his parents'vehicles (x2), his vehicle (so he can take people out and you aren't included), and anyone else who might be driving him. (this adds to $1000's in a few months) 3. He takes away anything thing that you purchase for yourself and own use - such as groceries, dvd's, and other items in the vehicle. (mind you don't live with this man). 4. He attempts to take things from the property where you live (including furniture). These are just some examples. And, when you say no to him, because you meet in the dojo-- other people in the dojo hurt you for saying "no" to him.

  • This Instructor is often attempting to be very charismatic and will bend over backwards for others in his community of martial arts and other services so that he can continue to abuse you. The most frequent thing that this type of narcissistic person will do is blame you for having feelings. If you didn't have feelings none of this would be a problem and it's your fault. He's the type who will volunteer at the Boyscouts and may have a high rank, be outstanding, and bring up the boys the way he wants to. He'll go as far as to blame anything you try to point out as inappropriate on you. Essentially his mindset in your relationship with him is that: you are to blame for any accusations brought on him. There is NO normalcy of interpersonal interaction with him. If he told you that you have to sleep with him because he thinks its good for you, he'll make sure you do so on his terms. And, if you have any feelings about it, he will scold you and call you crazy and make other damaging mental/emotional comments at you.

  • This Instructor will even go as far as to get other students to abuse you. One day this woman was in class and one of the Navy Seals hit her in the back/near kidney really hard for no apparent reason to her. This Instructor then announced that if there were going to be any extra hits (to this woman he was using sexually) that the men there would have to pay him. The next day she had blacked out at the instructors house/dojo in the bathroom and was concious enough to remember him tossing her in the back of his truck and then dropping her off at her home. She was laid up in bed for 5 days before anyone came to check on her. He returned, and realizing how bad the injury was he took her to his martial arts friend& instructor. In the meantime, he didn't call, didn't stop by, and didn't care. She had moved to Hawaii alone, with funds to set up her new life and business, and this Instructor took away what would have been a decent and nice life with actions like these.

  • This type of man also will deny any and all accounts of what he has done to abuse you. His major standing arguement is that "it's not his fault" if any other harm comes to you. Because he doesn't view what he does to you as "abusive." He has an inability to genuinely care about your well being. Additionally he has absolutely no remorse for what he does (primarily to protect his own survival.) Essentially in this arguement of his being faultless, "he denies any and all cause & effect relationship of his actions in your world."

  • He will deplete you financially so that you are in one of the most undesireable positions financially to be able to leave. In one woman's case, over a 2 year period, this man took away her financial security in a matter of weeks. She had moved to Hawaii and only had a car rental, after that she was unable to secure her own transportation. Over the course of the time period, seeking attorney, and being denied because of the attorneys' fear of the man' background;- she is in a position where she has been stalked and nearly raped/mugged several times near her home. When she expresses this to him, in a desperate form of irrationality, he simply says that he doesn't need to care because it's not his fault. He confirms to her that he is simply abusing her, and/or simply does not care about her welfare. In a minor sense, when he says that he's taking you to lunch or dinner or something, it typically means over 90% of the time that he's going to pick you up and you woman is going to pay for it. He (ex/current Green Beret) tells you that he has no money because of his situation, despite other military men who have been investigate him a bit telling you that he has plenty of money and is abusing you for the sake of abusing you. Its also a known fact with other military people whom you live with despite being a civilian yourself. Additionally other military men have advised you to stay away from this person, and you do;- but he calls you or stops by. This man never adjusts his behavior towards you yet will tell you that he cares about you when you're upset. And, he has expressed his full intent to do this from the beginning that he would take your SSN and run you into the ground and that his last engagement/fiance/ girlfriend died in some unfortunate accident or suicide.

Mental & Emotional Torture

  • This man mentally and emotionally totures this woman who he formed some bond with.In one woman's case, whose brother died, this man frequently told her that he would be her brother. To her, she was horrified, because he had often collected her personal information during their time together. He claimed to be helping her at first and got her resume, and as many professional details from her as possible. He went so far as to take several photos of the things in her apartment when he stopped by, and after the "sexual exploitation" period stopped, only stopped by her place with another larger man with him. As the abuse went on, he threatened her and told her about how he goes to other states and commits identity theft crimes. She began to realize that because he was only seen in her life for maybe a 1/2hr to 2hrs on any given day that he was simply monitoring her. And, even during the period when he would have sex with her that lasted for nearly 2 years, he never hugged her or kissed her. Even when she requested that he change his behavior because it made her uncomfortable with him in her life (early on) he complained about it. He also went on later to divulge to her his like for Korean bar girls, that he liked and made a promise to a teenage girl, and that his mother wouldn't approve of his being with her because she wasn't a sex worker.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A short Letter I sent to Amnesty International USA

This I wrote, as things are so bad here for me at this point, primarily on behalf of my mother and myself. My mother was a Japanese Citizen at the time, and I know that my Japanese relatives have disputed my U.S. nationality as a result of how we are treated here in the USA. I am still being discriminated against heavily while I stay in Ithaca, NY. My rights are no respected and I still have no defense. My mother's family in Japan is also involved with decision makers in Japanese Government and some people like my Aunt have access to high level govt. information. Due to the Patriot Act revisions we can no longer communicate with our Japanese relatives.
The brief letter I sent to Amnesty International USA is as follows:

Over the course of a lifetime: 1970My still then, Japanese mother gave birth to my older sister and was told by the nurses at Quakertown Hospital that, "You don't deserve to have a child." My sister died at the Quakertown Hospital and her body is buried near Philadelphia. There was nothing that my parent's could do about it. 1980's I was a child and was informed by my mother about racism. Nearly every day at elementary school, I was grabbed by my hair by a group of girls and thrown to the ground and kicked and beaten at recess (with teachers watching nearby). Aside from experiencing regular name calling,"Brownie, Chink, etc." I was also put down by my teachers at school for my race. When my mom showed up to teach kids about Japanese culture;- the beatings I experienced at school for being "the wrong kind" worsened for me.This lasted through till Junior High school. Church during these years was worse as I was perceived as being "an abomination" by God's word and Pastor Landis because I am of mixed-race and national origin.
1990's Quakertown Community High School People I knew at school became involved in Born Again Christian movement and KKK meetings and concerts. I had very few friends and was still one of 2 non-caucasian people in the entire school. My history /U.S. Cultures teacher (Mr. Pfeiffer) compared me to a 3 tier Latrine photo posted on the bulliten board in front of the class. He screamed "Those/You Japs" at me frequently when covering Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima from the U.S. perspective; - making my classmates laugh at me. Though he is also avidly anti-semetic.There were regular fights at the small Quakertown Movie Theater then between Skinheads and Non Skinheads most Friday nights.2000 I returned after completing college. And, fell under attack by local KKK people. They broke into my car, harassed not only me but my then living younger brother (now deceased). I was targeted by an engineering dept. in Buckingham and locked in a apartment and raped repeatedly until I managed a 9-1-1 call on a nearly dead cell phone.Between 2000 and 2007 I was stalked, harassed, locked in 2 apartments and raped, received death threats, found German knives outside my window at my parents' house. Police would follow me from business meetings and stop me on back country roads (difficult) and harass me. Police would follow me once I got off the turnpike exit and follow me to my parents' house where I reside. Investigators refused to investigate the rape incidents claiming it "out of their jurisdiction" and the advocacy outreach refused to see me because I'm a minority woman who is non-white.Upon my brother's death, when the police arrived, they Chased me and even the 1 minority female officer said that "I'd better run outta there (my home) because I'm a half-breed and there isn't anyone who's going to help me there." After my brother's death I was stalked and raped. I knew a Chinese woman who owned substantial business and has a family, she told me re: her own sexual harassment problems that "the Judge said that Asian women are here for men to have sex with in Bucks County." She also advised me to leave. Shortly after she sold her business and left the area. There is alot more racial profiling that happened due to people using my brother and the monies that the lawyers received for the problems. My brother is dead and nothing and noone will ever replace him. He was my best friend.
In 2007 I was forced to leave my Parent's home in Quakertown, PA without money or shelter. An Amnesty family (also Tibetan) helped me for a few months to relocate. Since I left their care I have had more problems with men ( I am a repeat rape victim ) and my Japanese family memebers cannot send financial help because of their involvement in Japanese government and the new restrictions in the Patriot act. My Japanese Family communicated to me that they think that my life is "as good as dead" in the next years. There has been concern about my nationality, which I cannot resolve because my mother was a Japanese citizen at the time that I was born. If I had to choose a nation today because by Japanese law I cannot be a dual-citizen, Today I would choose to be Japanese.
I need help. I have so much more to tell that I can't even begin to express. I have been attacked by many people on the East Coast because they rarely see Popular Japanese faces.
I am 33 yrs. old today. My mother faces discrimination against her and her disability due to cancer by the State of PA. I personally have been made an example to my piano students and their families who are also "East-West" families or other minorities to Bucks County.
My life is nothing but sadness.The help I need is tremendous to repair respect to me and my Japanese family.