Sunday, October 08, 2023
Reporting USA persecution
Saturday, February 15, 2020
While most of the United States is celebrating New Year's with drinking and partying to count down;- Many Asian families spend the time together for the Holiday. There are shrines set up for New Year's blessings at temples, businesses, theaters where regular passerby's can pray, light incense, and leave positive blessings. It is may be interpreted to open community prayer for the New Year.
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New Year's Eve in Osaka, Japan One of several Shrine's and Temples I visited Photo by: Angela M. 'Kikuchi' Kneale |
Friday, June 15, 2018
Hawaii State intended to harm me.
The flagrant abuse or torture of my family in the USA has been an issue for my Japanese National relatives in Japan for quute some time. Hawaii has many Japanese who like to harm me & claim that the Steel industry of Japan had nothing to do with Hiroshima & Nagasaki being bombed. They basically try to add harm & give depth to the USA attacks that they approve of by their outright acts of sexual harassment, community abuse & other instances against me. This is despite my Aunt who uses our abuse & deaths as her neices and nephew as justification of being anti-USA.
This example which is sadly very real has torn me apart to no end over the past few years. I tried to contain it, however the huge disgrace Hawaii has caused internationally is not my choice and is not in my ability to fight alone. Regardless of my family's international relations.
So to be fair, and before I am forced suicided by anyone in Hawaii I am posting this traumatic story.
I had no choice but to file a Human Rights Complaint to leave a minor paper trail to denote the death threats from two millionaires of 4 different agents directed at me at the time. The collective actions of
Hawaii State & it's security/law enforcement, Liquor Commission, & Korean Israeli business woman had crossed way beyond a simple minor violation of my human rights. They not only threatened my life, but coerced & paid for the abortion of a child I was carrying near the 12th week.
It was not only painful, but I was also further abused.
The Human Rights commission in Honolulu switched investigators, never really interviewed me either and I assumed took a payoff from those being directly investigated.
This did involve:- A male Hawaii Business owner and ATF/HPD agent who later claimed he was looking for a big drug dealer in NY. This had Nothing to do with me, especially since I had left NY State 4years before my encounter with this HPD Nacotics agent. Also, a female Korean- Israeli Strip Club and Church owner who was known to run a full sting operation at her club. And outside, a male former personal assistant to Johnny Depp as well as another ex Federal agent of some branch I cannot mention.
The other male apparently had gone to rehab and reappeared months later giving a spoken visual facial recognition tour of Honolulu to some MS-13 looking tattooed friend of his from the rehab.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Intro Background Interview with Ramola D
Angela: Hi, Thank you Ramola, thank you for your time & your dedication
Interviewer Ramola: And you're on a bigger island out there. (you're on one of the bigger islands in Hawaii 1:48)
Angela: I'm on Oahu. It's really beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D: Yeah it certainly looks it. And look at the weather my goodness, Everybody/Everyone on the East Coast is dreaming of Spring and you're full blown Summer.
Angela: Yeah it's beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D.: So/And
Angela: Yeah it's very different than 2:29
Interviewer Ramola D: That's great, that's great, that's wonderful. A very outdoorsy kind of place it sounds like. Whales & Dolphins in the Ocean, do you see them?
Angela: Oh yes definitely, and the Turtles, every body's favorite.
Interviewer Ramola D.: Oh brilliant brilliant wonderful. So, Angela where did you want to start? Do you want to talk a little about 3:05 Your background in Pennsylvania & growing up there & your family.
So, your family is kind of a biracial family, right?
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale
Ramola D.: Great.
Angela M. Kneale: And so they lived out there.
Ramola D: Yeah and so Hawaii was a stop to get there. And your mother comes from a very fairly well known Japanese family?
Angela M. Kneale: Yeah, I don't get allot of information becaus, obviously with Hiroshima & the A bombings there's allot of sensitivity. So, my mom's family had been involved with National Security in a sense (trying to translate it the best that I can) for a very long time. I guess putting the word "merchants" on the family name. also merchants (5:02) mom's side also. guess the more modern part of it has evolved into my uncle being a retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation, his last name being Takenaka Ta-Ke-Na-Ka and founding family and he was a steel broker / steel purchaser also grew up in Pennsylvania near Bethlehem Steel, and I grew up around Bethlehem Steel Executives and people hauling the steel. (signal cutting out)
Angela: Because, Yeah, We're at about the same Latitude.
Interviewer Ramola D. : That's amazing, so you've Touched on a wide variety of neighborhood, and the fact they belonged to a cult, and perhaps maybe not the Rosacrucians you're talking about in your neighborhood, you know not that specific branch of the cult. There is some information on-line (11:27)I think about them. But you also talked about your brother being killed in 2005, did you want to talk about that? talk about that alittle bit.
Angela:(hesitant) Riight
Angela M. Kneale: So I knew
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale: they weren't even keeping my voting record private.
ramola D.: It's not hard to Follow, We can keep up with you. I thinkth kind of the stream of the Story over here. ok so I understand, So you were really drawn to stay away from Pennsylvania because of the Racism. from what you experienced (16:10) as a child, even as a child in Elementary school , and so forth.
Angela Kneale: no matter how severe
Ramola D: yeah yeah so you had a kind of a busy moving kind of life that sounds like. And, and what about the rest of your family?
I'm a little kid trying to grow up & I've got these two sets of family, families one on one side, one on the other side, that were like oil & water, literally. And, they told me not to get married or there would be a war. And, not to have children because somebody would kill them on one side or the other, or somebody else. And, I'm not anti, not completely anti-American. (21:50) But there is alot of BS out there with people fantasizing about who they are, you know they're not the people who killed at Iwo Jima, I know they're not my uncle, my Great-Uncle, who took me for a cheese steak. Either you know the person who pulled the trigger on the Japanse and my uncle was trying to make amends in a sense, you know and give me space from my dad's relatives. So, my personal perception is very different from the general American Public.
CIA's split apparently and the Rosicrucians people and the white supremacist had gotten so (22:31)aggressive They followed me home from one of the jobs that I had at a Telecom Company and up the driveway. And, I had gone in the house but I didn't know my mom was around the other side of the hous and they actually threatened my mother. I mean this is somebody on a motorcycle with confederate flag who was a service tech at the company Eastcom. And he came up our driveway and my mother & dad just told me I had to leave because I was atttracting the negative attention directly.
Ramola D.: 26:34 So there's opportunity you're saying for all sorts of entrenched Occultic Secret Society Abuse and Masonic Abuse perhaps and police who are not really on the up & up.
No, The police hacked my Facebook.They have done that I had posted an officer card because I had called the police on somebody in my family the last time I returned home. And, they hacked my facebook. I can't say that it was the police directly but most everyone I went to High School with, most of the ones who are kind of safer are on my facebook. um. and it got hacked and they took that information down.
Ramola D.: So alot of small town politics & intruige and entrenched secret society stuff going on.
Angela M. Kneale: Well yeah, I had also had bee.
one little part of it, but Bucks County going towards Doylestown where I worked & Newtown is one percenter community. So, there's also a very elite boarding school in that area. I mean the top notch elite go to that boarding school so I had worked on a customhome for somebody who had gone to that school and the buyers were somebody who Vice President of the probably largest cosmetics firm in the United States. We're not talking about a small stupid crowd of people.
Ramola D.: Right RIght, it wasn't rednecks so much as elitist and yet, very Occultic.
Angela M. Kneale: .Yeah I don't know all of the occult stuff because I feel I was somewhat kept out of it. I mean I have to unravel my own abuse, but everybody knew I was abused by the time I was in Jr. High. by th time I was in Jr. Hight.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: I didn't grow up like a normal Japanese girl. I was beatenup at school pretty much daily and in my elementary school years with the teachers watching. They approved it. I'd get really brown every summer, you know from being outside. So I pretty much got beaten up every single day. And then by the time I went to Jr. High & High School, um, the abuse coming from my parents it was kind of like all day, you know rrecess was abuse, verbal abuse from the teachers, i had every single day, it got worse at High school my US cultures teacher, Everybody knew was a ravist, h used to make fun of the Jewish
they did hire a jewish professor and they would make fun of that teacher as well as me infront of the entire class. So, i wasn't treated with any respect. It wasn't even being left alone or not causeing harm, it was intended, it was intentional. for a long time.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: So if it weren't for piano I wouldn't have gotten through it, that was my sacntuary.
Ramola D.: MMhmmm.
80's to early 90's
Thursday, August 31, 2017
My ex USAF OSI father & his friend and neighbor Lee Clymer and Quakertown & Richlandtown Police Department and Craig Landis conspired to take action against my life as well.
PLEASE, I NEED HELP!!!! I feel I will sincerely loose my life very soon
I do not have a home in Hawaii. I am on Oahu. My address is the Post Office since it was for safety.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Japan Defense Minister & North Korea
A few hours ago the American style campaigner, Defense Minister Tomomi Inada resigned from her position.
The impending crisis of North Korean Nukes and ICBM's looms over Japan. Despite new North Korea sanctions from USA & Japan the use of North Korean underground nukes may be ongoing. There is concern that North Korea is hypothetically approaching Hiroshima 15 kiloton size in nuclear weapons designed yield. If the yield estimates are actual and in possession by North Korea they are 1/3 of the way to a Hiroshima size warhead.
And, on the off chance North Korea is superior with nuclear missile rocket telemetry in conjunction with a magnified solar climate, the design yield of those smaller nukes may be magnified. That means a nuclear warhead of only 7.5kiloton design yield would be needed to create a 21st century Hiroshima sized catastrophe, that killed over 180,000 Japanese civilians.
However, beyond scalar weaponry:- it seems to be a scientist's fantasy that North Korea may be capable of using Nuclear weapons & sun, bomb, earth dynamic telemetry to embattle USA's secretive tectonic weaponry.
This writer proposes that some EMP capable ally disable North Korean nuclear progress if there is a way to spare Japan another nuclear winter.
Info derived from English & USA news reports and interviews.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Liability Security on EXIM Hawaii
If I were to give a general assessment of Hawaii, and the liability of having EXIM shipping company staffed here:--
🔼 Displayed Anti-American behavior with violence or weapons.
Even humanitarian volunteers are politically biased and harbor personal angst. They knowingly enjoy the American freedom of criminal justice system and can exploit situations without significant repercussions even if caught. This adds to untrustworthy human support services after an attack on an individual in Hawaii on all levels. Many favor certain groups, collectives, or gangs and harm individuals on a no-questions-asked basis. The prices to harm individuals ranges @ $50 to $3,000 USA on oahu. Due to island economics and preservation of existing business groups, it seems there is little to discourage the behavior of the The State.
🔼Lack of educated & clear English speaking immigrants and minorities in many employment positions.
Creates unsafe environment from
Zero food labeling in Asian restaraunts to thefts of all and any personal and business data and information.
🔼No top notch NGO University or College with boarding school housing- ivy league
Lack of Ivy League higher education in the State of Hawaii does not bring the global intellectual culture to the island.
🔼After targeted attack, Hawaii agencies attempt to obtain sensitive contact information & location of EXIM family.
🔼Intended violation of professional women's Human Rights WITH COERCION AND FORCE from Federal, State, and local security/law employees.
🔼Most serious: Severe lack of political maturity or intent to do political harm to EXIM agent:- High number of service based immigrants view thise who visit the islands with EXIM contacts or family connections as an individual Cash cow for their use. Group participation in extortion/ abduction/ blackmail are employed by the community after the person has been robbed or entrapment is en force. With dismay, individuals employed in Law enforcement or military are typically heads of small teams that cooperate in this manner where Immigrants and under educated can participate and retain social favor.
🔼Military assailant attacks political target physically & or legally (with group of supportive military members)
🔼 Honolulu Police department allows the attack to happen while witnessing the event in entirety and without attempted intervention. Iowa they guard the door from any security help for EXIM agent.
🔼Honolulu police department threatens arrest of victim/ political target if they do not comply and fill out police report verbatim as dictated from police and then force victim to afford huge expense of unnecessary medical team.
🔼Hawaii Hospital attempted to extort relatives of adult victim/ political target for payment of hospital bills.( extortion of other adult legal entities after obtaini g private contact information.)
Additionally hospital wanted life insurance policy of victim in full upon Emergency Room admission.
🔼🔼🔼🔼Victim is left out of investigative process and plaintiff is left to walk despite attempted felony offense of murder. 🔼🔼🔼🔼
✈Security officer has access to flight information of EXIM target arriving in Hawaii.
✈EXIM target is contacted prior to arrival in Hawaii by security officer & law enforcement.
✈🚅🚗Hawaii police/feds/law enforcement contact other organized crime groups in Hawaii to participate in harming EXIM agent/representative.
✈🚅🚗Further coercion of EXIM agent by HPD and connected individuals who stalk/ Entrap EXIM agent to be arrested if leaving Hawaii State to attend business matters.
✈🚨Social devastation and humiliation of female EXIM agent in front of international community through being forced out of legitimate work and steered towards strip clubs and coercion by local pimps and Madame who have legitimate contacts and properties in the Honolulu Community.
Local Hawaii State Residents approach:
Because Hawaii is a diverse community, many able bodied residents expect money to speak louder than anything. They want fast money constantly and use people, tourists, incoming business people as a means to their financial end to maintain life outside their otherwise legitimate means including security clearances.
There is immense sexism and high disrespect of professional women from outside of Hawaii.
USA Strip clubs would often enable a woman to afford to leave the island. They do not actually enforce the liquor commission laws and do not care the emotional and psychological damage that women who are trapped in Hawaii encur. Rather, it is a mix of drug afflicted American strip clubs, used to politically humiliate some women, and coerced prostitution due to punishment of the women rather than maintaining any sexual assault and harassment boundaries (not only in the strip clubs, but island wide in public & private)
Local Hawaii law enforcement supports of the local people who are anti-American and are involved in breaking Hawaii & US Federal laws that goes all the way to the court judges who attempt to enforce unconstitutional laws.
On the flip side, the law enforcement from the mainland and who are Caucasian, exhibit racist/ nationalistic bias due to EXIM agent/ business representative.
Drug Testing is a farce:-
In forming a company, the Hawaiian islands has educated me that the cocaine and drug use is hidden by both US military and local residents. This is due to the ease of paying off the drug labs in order to maintain their employment. Shipping employees from accounting to docks express the ease of life if they participate in drug use in the shipping & island industry. They claim it makes them trustworthy.
Court System
I have had issues with federal security secret service agent divulging my family connections to the Hawaii Organized Crime families. Near 2013 the US military prompted me with security to file a Temporary Restraining Order. Over 6 months the secret service agent fought the TRO due to employment conflict. In that 6 months the secret service agent filed lawsuit against my attorney for a name change when she married. Hawaii State family court judge refused to close the TRO unless I signed an unconstitutional document against my 1st amendment rights as an American born citizen.
Due to the severity of the Secret Service agent and financial devastation caused without reparations paid to me;- Hawaii State, its law enforcement and international organized crime forced me to be completely indigent. I have mostly survived from assistance of those from the East Coast USA. I was no longer function as a decent Japanese woman due to the security conflict they caused collectively, starting 2009. My 1st call to police in May 2009.
Instead they have pushed me to the fringe where I undergo unwanted daily assaults in order to make minimal payments for my bills and food.
The open social humiliation has angered some in the Japanese Navy and other business and military who know my relation to modern Japan. They have made it clear to me, and as a result of other intervention I have been physically attacked by others at the last places I have had to make money with some safety on Oahu without being forced off grid into Honolulu prostitution, which is illegal and intensely damaging to any EXIM position in future.
It is not that I survive to anger my family. I survive and Hawaii enjoys to humiliate me and try to force me into other unsuitable social/ political relationship with its legitimized crime members or those too inept to allow me to regain any EXIM business standing as I once acted as Expeditor as a step to my future role.
Since Donald Trump has been elected, and the most recent events since March 1st 2017;- I do not have secure basic housing that is clear of known biological agents.
Rules: maintain visual contact, etc...still hold since 2015 warning about attacks on my life from USA or Asia to affect the future EXIM politics.
The maturity of those around me in general public lends itself to elementary school politics rather than suitable business contacts. Hawaii state actually does not create a positive environment that I require for EXIM for me to live in any capacity.
It is known that my more engaged relatives are pushing to end Human trafficking in EXIM at a high level to protect Shipping liabilities due to terrorist concerns. Hawaii State and its private individuals have shown me they collectively refuse to participate at this level to prevent acts of terrorism & prevent import or export of weapons of mass destruction.
I strongly believe that the old Hawaii State way of doing things has created numerous bad habits that are terrorist concerns. Despite my love of freedom of association, employing an independent U.N. police force and some military force with immigration may assist in reducing terrorist threats and weapons of mass destruction from exit or entry through Hawaii State. Additionally suitable housing structure or accountability for the large number of homeless or displaced people due to biological agents in their homes who camp in tent communities near the shipping docks.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Deconstruct the Modern American Kitchen Refrigerator
Vegilogi Specialty Products Needed;
3 types of singles refrigerators
- Vegan Live foods fridge with Hydroponic water system (with or without lights) for herbs and fresher greens, sprouting drawer/shelf, filtered water, seperate potato & root crop storage, no dairy storage, prepared salad pull out tray like a mini salad bar, and wine rack.
- Beer & Power/Protein/Granola bar fridge - maybe hold 1-2 bottles of wine
- 2x Pizza boxes refrigerator or marinade ribs compartment with Beer & Powerbar storage with slush, ice & water dispenser, freezer bottle bar for vodka.
Long gone are the days of the American frontier Iceblock cellar dug into the earth and stocked with
large natural icecubes that slowly melt underground through the summer months. The modern refrigerator and it's glorified ice box companion has staked it's way throughout North America, in nearly every home x2 or x3.
I visited my friends over the years, and made note of the refrigerators, size, number, and stock. Most of them are single. Only one or two people living at the residence. Most of them have at least 2 refrigerators (fridge/freezer combo) or one Fridge and 1 Freezer. From the East Coast to Hawaii - The average healthier, astute, busy profesional single man over 30yrs. old generally keeps beer in the fridge, with granola bars or power/protein bars- low maintenance, that's it & eats out. By 40's - Some singles, who do eat in and make mixed drinks & coffee at home keep gallon juices, milk or creamer, leftover pizza, and sometimes bacon.
Those in 20's or 1-2 a ploace with men who train/ hit the gym regularly seem to keep a more rounded and healthier diet than their restraunt going elders- includes large containers of perishing premix salad & untouched fruits and grillable paleo food and BEER. Maybe this is what the men in their 30's figure out that those in their 20's haven't. Find a way to eat the grillables at a friend or neighbor's cause they are single anyway.
They seemed unlike me, at times sharing 1 kitchen with 4-5 people where we divided the refrigerator into personal sections like specialty sections of a supermarket cooler. Or, in my Upstate NY vegan days- cooking for 3-20 people for potlucks, or so everyone could share the kitchen to potluck. Due to the lack of space, fresh veggies and refrigeration items were usually purchased the day of, or the night before cooking or salad building needed to happen. That way we would seek out our best veggie source and hit up the local farmers market asap as a first choice for ingredients. Any veggies and fresh herbs that could be kept out, went in a partially filled & sturdy glass of water close to a window.
The problem of personal Home kitchens is a huge environmental, health, and one in most American homes. I no longer believe every home needs a fridge or 2 just to keep beer and sugary drinks, or a full kitchen for that matter.
- Overuse of clean water to wash dishes & get really clean (no crud)
- Waste of Food/ food animals due to undesirable cooked meals
- Continuous energy utilities use (appx $80/mo) in Hawaii to run refrigerator/freezer alone
- Complex cooking appliances to aid cooking - cooking isn't basic anymore
- use of mined metals increased
- Unsanitary homes - accumulation of mold on used dishes & in refrigerators
- Contaminated foods stored in refrigerator affects all foods
- results in wasted pots, pans, appliances (fridge)
- metals are not meant to be like toilet paper
- Fat Squirrel syndrome; - Unnecessary stockpiling & consumption of food
- it's not winter all year (in most places)
- no need to hibernate
- Storage of high sugar & fatty sauces
- Medical costs due to poor diets
- Use of pharmeceuticals
Sunday, August 14, 2016
I am a Toxic Mold Survivor - Vegan Alkaline Ketogenic
After 3.5mos August 28, 2014 Angela M. Kneale |
Zoom Out;- look to odd formation 2/3 to right Angela M. Kneale |
Magnified area - July 22, 2014 Angela M. Kikuchi 菊池 Kneale |
Thursday, November 19, 2015
my brother's death- head blown off with shotgun
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
What's Holding me Back with the Business- Any Success
The men I've met in Hawaii are sexually interested to the point where simple harassment is actual sexual assault in a minor way. So, I have no use for these men either. Then, I have to put up with them insulting my life further for their belief and "traditionally Asian" value system of making sure there are few if NO Japanese female executives.
I'm being drowned in a sea of sexist men for whom I have no liking for, though I am expected to tolerate them for purposes of political civility. Probably a reason why my mother lied to Japan so much about our actual conditions of living on the East Coast.
Then throw in all the "white women" who tell me to "lighten up."... They are threatened by my good genes in aging and quickly oust me out of their community for their own insecurities. This is something even my real Aunts don't have to tolerate in Japan with predominantly Asian women and men around.
So, it seems that my existence alone is threatening enough to my so-called friends and foes in the USA alike. Let alone them actually stepping out of their comfort zone and having to put some faith in believing that I have a large and powerful international family that was/is willing to give me, a female, a rare opportunity in the Export-Import world. My "fellow" Americans are ruining what the American Dream and rights and liberties are about because of their Bigoted (if not war-like) actions and words;- by holding the metaphoric gun to my head. I have had no portion of my life that I can keep sacred away from the vulgar American public interactions I have daily. I am very weary of all of this, for the name of what? Peace? It certainly doesn't seem that anyone in the USA who I have met wants much Peace. They seem damn proud that they Nuked my mom's country and mine of Japan when she was still in it. Their distaste shows in my deteriorated life. For that they are proud.
From my perspective, they are all sorry creatures-- my past boyfriends, friends, and enemies... for not wanting to EVER believe that they destroyed what they think is improbable--if not damn near impossible to occur for a more peaceable (not war-like) world.
Hillary Clinton never spoke about helping American-Japanese Asian women like me. She only spoke about helping 3rd world farm working women. For that, I think, the USA is bogus since they will rarely--if ever help an "ethnic Asian woman" in the USA. Especially helping me with a large trans-national family doing business.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A short Letter I sent to Amnesty International USA
The brief letter I sent to Amnesty International USA is as follows:
Over the course of a lifetime: 1970My still then, Japanese mother gave birth to my older sister and was told by the nurses at Quakertown Hospital that, "You don't deserve to have a child." My sister died at the Quakertown Hospital and her body is buried near Philadelphia. There was nothing that my parent's could do about it. 1980's I was a child and was informed by my mother about racism. Nearly every day at elementary school, I was grabbed by my hair by a group of girls and thrown to the ground and kicked and beaten at recess (with teachers watching nearby). Aside from experiencing regular name calling,"Brownie, Chink, etc." I was also put down by my teachers at school for my race. When my mom showed up to teach kids about Japanese culture;- the beatings I experienced at school for being "the wrong kind" worsened for me.This lasted through till Junior High school. Church during these years was worse as I was perceived as being "an abomination" by God's word and Pastor Landis because I am of mixed-race and national origin.
1990's Quakertown Community High School People I knew at school became involved in Born Again Christian movement and KKK meetings and concerts. I had very few friends and was still one of 2 non-caucasian people in the entire school. My history /U.S. Cultures teacher (Mr. Pfeiffer) compared me to a 3 tier Latrine photo posted on the bulliten board in front of the class. He screamed "Those/You Japs" at me frequently when covering Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima from the U.S. perspective; - making my classmates laugh at me. Though he is also avidly anti-semetic.There were regular fights at the small Quakertown Movie Theater then between Skinheads and Non Skinheads most Friday nights.2000 I returned after completing college. And, fell under attack by local KKK people. They broke into my car, harassed not only me but my then living younger brother (now deceased). I was targeted by an engineering dept. in Buckingham and locked in a apartment and raped repeatedly until I managed a 9-1-1 call on a nearly dead cell phone.Between 2000 and 2007 I was stalked, harassed, locked in 2 apartments and raped, received death threats, found German knives outside my window at my parents' house. Police would follow me from business meetings and stop me on back country roads (difficult) and harass me. Police would follow me once I got off the turnpike exit and follow me to my parents' house where I reside. Investigators refused to investigate the rape incidents claiming it "out of their jurisdiction" and the advocacy outreach refused to see me because I'm a minority woman who is non-white.Upon my brother's death, when the police arrived, they Chased me and even the 1 minority female officer said that "I'd better run outta there (my home) because I'm a half-breed and there isn't anyone who's going to help me there." After my brother's death I was stalked and raped. I knew a Chinese woman who owned substantial business and has a family, she told me re: her own sexual harassment problems that "the Judge said that Asian women are here for men to have sex with in Bucks County." She also advised me to leave. Shortly after she sold her business and left the area. There is alot more racial profiling that happened due to people using my brother and the monies that the lawyers received for the problems. My brother is dead and nothing and noone will ever replace him. He was my best friend.
In 2007 I was forced to leave my Parent's home in Quakertown, PA without money or shelter. An Amnesty family (also Tibetan) helped me for a few months to relocate. Since I left their care I have had more problems with men ( I am a repeat rape victim ) and my Japanese family memebers cannot send financial help because of their involvement in Japanese government and the new restrictions in the Patriot act. My Japanese Family communicated to me that they think that my life is "as good as dead" in the next years. There has been concern about my nationality, which I cannot resolve because my mother was a Japanese citizen at the time that I was born. If I had to choose a nation today because by Japanese law I cannot be a dual-citizen, Today I would choose to be Japanese.
I need help. I have so much more to tell that I can't even begin to express. I have been attacked by many people on the East Coast because they rarely see Popular Japanese faces.
I am 33 yrs. old today. My mother faces discrimination against her and her disability due to cancer by the State of PA. I personally have been made an example to my piano students and their families who are also "East-West" families or other minorities to Bucks County.
My life is nothing but sadness.The help I need is tremendous to repair respect to me and my Japanese family.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
N. Korea going for the Jugular
go for the jugular to make an attack that is intended to be highly destructive and conclusive (informal)
Website Reference:
An Ear in the Russian Maritime area near Vladivostock died this morning. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Rasa Theory like Buddhist approach may not save him or his peaceful motivations. "Aesthetic is secondary to whatever public sentiment is." from Buddhism in Performance. There is some major crap happening in too many segments of Japanese conventional functioning. How in the world is Shimokitazawa going to become a clear path in time for any Impending Nuclear Missile attack? Tokyo has a population of 12 million, without a major straight roadway designed through it. Evacuation seems difficult. Though, most of the Japanese cities built after the war are designed for major ordeals.
To be updated: 3:19AM EST.