Showing posts with label TPP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TPP. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Intro Background Interview with Ramola D
April 13, 2018 interview with Freelance Reporter, Ramola D (in-USA)
Everyday Concerned Citizen
Interview URL
Cleaning up transcript ( draft in progress 4/23/2018)
Ramola D. : HI Everyone Good Afternoon This is Ramola D from Ramola D reports.
I'm here today with Angela Kneale from Hawaii.
She's originally from Pennsylvania, She's traveled a great deal.
She has a very interesting family  background that spans continents,
Both America & Japan. And, her story today is going to include/cover a variety of fields. Including her very own field, 
She is a classical pianist. She's also a business consultant in Organizational development.
And, we're going to hear a little bit about a story that spans a childhood in Pennsylvania, 
Family in Japan, Intelligence, the Export Import industry, a very illustrious Japanese family, and 
What She's currently doing in Hawaii. So welcome Angela. (0:51)
So glad you joined me today.

Angela: Hi, Thank you Ramola, thank you for your time & your dedication
I'm grateful for this time.
Interviewer Ramola D: You're very Welcome (1:04)
I'm glad to you know see a little bit of Hawaii behind you. (laughter)
I think the previous times we've talked I've seen a little of the mountains n& such behind, 
it's always interesting.
Angela: Yeah, I can step outside for a minute.
Interviewer Ramola: Uh, if you want to. 
Whatever works with our connection out/over here. (1:27)
Angela: It's Lunch, away from most of the cell towers. I'm at Green World This is a Coffee farm where you can get coffee & free wi-fi.
& there's a sign for the North Shore back there.

Interviewer Ramola: And you're on a bigger island out there. (you're on one of the bigger islands in Hawaii 1:48)

Angela: I'm on Oahu. It's really beautiful out here.

Interviewer Ramola D: Yeah it certainly looks it. And look at the weather my goodness, Everybody/Everyone on the East Coast is dreaming of Spring and you're full blown Summer.

Angela: Yeah it's beautiful out here.

Interviewer Ramola D.: So/And 
How long have you been in Hawaii Angela? if you want to talk about that at all.
I've been here for most of 8 years.
OK & it's a little bit Different from the East Coast where you were originally right.  You went to School on the East Coast

Angela: Yeah it's very different than 2:29
Philadelphia having soft pretzels and something warm to eat whn it's snowing and you're getting blasted by the car exhaust.
Out here it's allot more;- Clean air, and ocean, & sunlight allot fewer activities that are sedentary.

Interviewer Ramola D:  That's great, that's great,  that's wonderful. A very outdoorsy kind of place it sounds like. Whales & Dolphins in the Ocean, do you see them? 

Angela: Oh yes definitely, and the Turtles, every body's favorite.

Interviewer Ramola D.: Oh brilliant brilliant wonderful. So, Angela where did you want to start? Do you want to talk a little about 3:05  Your background in Pennsylvania & growing up there & your family. 

So, your family is kind of a biracial family, right?

Angela M Kneale: Yes, My parents got married just, just slightly after they passed the 1st laws in the United States allowing mixed race marriage, in the mainland.
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.

Angela M. Kneale
It's a normal thing for Hawaii, for Hawaii as a Nation, mixed race was normal but,
when the United States allowed it, it wasn't till the mid or late 60's  So, that was a brand new thing when my mom came to the United States. And, my parents had actually stopped in Hawaii. but, my mom was allergic to most of the plants here so, they went to my Father's hometown Philadelphia &

Ramola D.: Great.

Angela M. Kneale: And so they lived out there. 

Ramola D: Yeah and so Hawaii was a stop to get there. And your mother comes from a very fairly well known Japanese family?

Angela M. Kneale: Yeah, I don't get allot of information becaus,  obviously with Hiroshima & the A bombings there's allot of sensitivity. So, my mom's family had been involved with National Security in a sense (trying to translate it the best that I can) for a very long time. I guess putting the word "merchants" on the family name. also  merchants (5:02) mom's side also.  guess the more modern part of it has evolved into my uncle being a retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation, his last name being Takenaka  Ta-Ke-Na-Ka and founding family and he was a steel broker / steel purchaser also grew up in Pennsylvania near Bethlehem Steel, and I grew up around Bethlehem Steel Executives and people hauling the steel. (signal cutting out)

Interviewer Ramola D: So the Steel Industry is dogging your family both sides.

Angela M Kneale : Yeah, I don't know how much my Dad's family is actually involved in Steel (signal cutting out), but my parents had a difficult time starting a family. When my mom came to Philadelphia and thy were kind of pushed out of (signal cutting out) Philadelphia. Most of the people were familiar with African American, &they were  very anti-Asian. so My great grandmother who lived in Bucks County. kind of took my parents in in a sense  she was much more cultured & diverse & she was a singer who taught voice lessons. Rodgers & Hammerstein had been in that area in Her lifetime, and they vacationed in their homes out there in Dublin, PA. So, my mom & my dad had a very difficult time starting up a family.

Interviewer Ramola D.: So what are some of your memories of Philadelphia & Pennsylvania growing up?

Angela M Kneale:  (7:09) For me, I love being out in the Country, I loved picking 
raspberries off the hedge row, & crab apples & those Pennsylvania things. Which isn't very different from the part of Japan my mom's from.

Interviewer D.:Oh Interesting 

Angela: Because, Yeah, We're at about the same Latitude.
I know it was a topic of discussion when I went to College, about this Latitude going into a park in Oga, AKITA prefecture, in Japan to kind of remember us, our family.
as a way to remember us, our family as we've had losses my sister & my Brother. So in Oga national park;- one of my Uncle's in Japan kind of takes care of the mountains & gives the film permits for like IE , Korean spy Drama "Iris" in Akit, it  was filmed in that part of Japan. It's very very far north, but there are People from India, Pakistan, Korea everywhere  who go study at Universities there as well as live permanently. (8:19) But that stone went into the park as kind of a reminder of us. And the climate, the growing climate is very similar.
Interviewer Ramola D. : So that's  Interesting,  so it sounds like you have some memories of both  places it sounds like as  of your childhood. So there's some very interesting things you were talking about in Pennsylvania. You made a video about a book that you found. would you like to

Angela M Kneale:Yeah,  that's called my Spooky Creepy neighbors. 
When you're a little kid, your parents don't explain things to you like this. My mom was just like;-
-She taught me separately from what my Father allowed. 
My father being white, my mom Japanese. -
"Don't go that way because they'll shoot you." and " You're only tolerated because you're not black."
So the spooky creepy neighbors of mine are connected to a cult, whether they have active membership or not, that's called the Rosicrucians. And, only in the most recent 5 years ( I think the History Channel even did a special on, that included Agenda21 & the Rosacrucians. The Rosacrucians had been something that I think  Ben Franklin belonged to and maybe some of th Founding father's of the United SA> 
But, when 9-11 happened they had, it was talked about in our Church. 
I belonged to an interfaith church, So in the church communities that came together around the Tri-State Area. They (Rosacrucians) were kind of ostracized after 9-11 for being Too white, too white supremacist. and since I have had my own direct experiences fighting with (as in against) the white supremacists and the KKK specifically in Pennsylvania  I know this to be true, that  
They use the local churches to organize their freedom of religion and discrimination underneath the church. So, the Rosacrucians was literally about a mile, mile & 1/2 or so from my house. And I think it's become a more dangerous area because after my brother was killed in 2005, 
they were doing a serious recruitment. And not just for the Rosacrucians, but the local white supremacist movement was starting to recruit. So it actually felt like it was worse than when I was a Child. 

Interviewer Ramola D. : That's amazing, so you've Touched on a wide variety of neighborhood, and the fact they belonged to a cult, and perhaps maybe not the Rosacrucians you're talking about in your neighborhood, you know not that specific branch of the cult. There is some information on-line (11:27)I think about them. But you also talked about your brother being killed in 2005, did you want to talk about that? talk about that alittle bit.

Angela M. Kneale: Yeah, this is a really volatile subject. But I have, 
in my private public on-line blogging since no-one reads my blog. It's a line out to my family in Japan as of course I'm monitored. My brother was not just killed. It was he was forced to death is my perception of it. He was forced to death. I don't know who pulled the trigger on him. It's not something I've been allowed to talk about. 
Because I was kinda sent away to Cool-off. And, it's infuriating, but my...and I'll share this publicly as i've posted on-line. And, My brother worked directly for Clymer's company,  Valley Precision Company my brother did CNC machinery. And my parents are proud of him for you know, having a good job, and getting along with the neighbors, and republican, and  blah blah blah
But my brother actually had his own little campaigns going on where he was fighting with some of the white supremacists & churches and also told me about their illegal gun production. So he was telling me they were making over 4 or five-hundred guns a within a weeks time, without the serial numbers. So he was being pressured to do that and most of the company was white and he was telling me he didn't like the racism in the company.

Interviewer Ramola D. : Can I stop you? When you said CNC Machinery does it have something to do with Guns? Making guns?
Angela: yeah, it's basically they program the machinery to machine the guns. So, basically he was a machinist, a computer machinist.
Ramola: So Okay Okay,  therefore he was getting orders from these people were actually manufacturing under the table. 

Angela:(hesitant) Riight
so obviously, they denied cult connections and things that, that was something he shared with me. 
It got to the point where I actually made a phone call to the ATF. 
And, it was supposed to be an anonymous phone call. But, like my voting record had not been kept private in that specific area, when I voted in my hometown. People would get in my face about how I voted. 

Angela M. Kneale: So I knew
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.

Angela M. Kneale: they weren't even keeping my voting record private. 
I have not had privacy in a very long time. So, When I made the call , I know that his boss came to the house & told my dad that he didn't think my brother should be Alive anymore. And so, it took weeks. But,  I wasn't always at the house. I was,  part of the week for me I taught at a Conservatory in Doylestown PA. I was Faculty,  piano Faculty in Doylestown at the Community Conservatory of Music & Art , and then I would travel to Ithaca, NY where my Alma Mater is that I went to my undergrad music college at Ithaca. And I would teach at Ithaca CSMA on the Weekends. And, I had my friends who played in bands around Ithaca.
So,  I wasn't there full time. I was there part of the week to teach  So then the weekend portion I was out of the state. I didn't like being in Pennsylvania because of the racism I experienced throughout (15:33) elementary school to High school.  So I actually didn't go home very much. This is probably hard to follow.  But once I made it  to college at 17 & I didn't go home fo a long time, for a good 10 years.
ramola D.: It's not hard to Follow, We can keep up with you. I thinkth kind of the stream of the Story over here. ok so I understand, So you were really drawn to stay away from Pennsylvania because of the Racism. from what you experienced (16:10) as a child, even as a child in Elementary school , and so forth. 

Yeah plus my friends urged me. I had friends who had gone to MIT who had, you know, they r on the New Jersey side, you know they would share with me other women's experiences from my home state (Pennsylvania). Where women on the books were still considered cattle. Even ther  illegal Programs MK Ultra as in textbook style MKULTRA in Pennsylvania mak sns becaus allowed Corporal punishment. 16:44 So, I mean, when those things are legal it's very difficult to take someone to court over any type of abuse.

Ramola D: mmm-hmm

Angela Kneale: no matter how severe

Ramola D: yeah yeah so you had a kind of a busy moving kind of life that sounds like. And, and what about the rest of your family?

Angela M. Kneale: My father was Air Force there's a Warrant Officer, very different they don't have Warrant officers anymore in the United States Air Force. He was supposedly Air Force OSI with top-secret, Above Top Secret clearance and was declassified in 2001. He used to fix c-130's and from what I can gather I don't have much verification he ran spooks & c-130's and I'm not supposed to say this, but; He been a printer for host of his tradesmen career. My mom being Japanese really liked having her husband's around you know instead being a manager or somebody who travel an executive who travels.

Ramola D. : mm-hmm

Angela Kneale:  my mom had cancer when I was child. My mom had me very late so I'm not in a normal bracket. She would tell me stories of very famous Japanese women who married British pops musicians, you know. 

Ramola D.: right

Angela Kneale:  how everybody was after Hiroshima got bombd . and growing up in & after the war not having having food not having things,  money did not matter & it  not being worth anything.  so
grew up with those stories directly from my mom. ie., "Remember this is what
America is, and I suffered through this so what you go through isn't as bad."

Ramola D: interesting

Angela Kneale: My mom's perception is very, very different from somebody say from California who's used to having their beautiful luxury cars and everything. For her, kind of positioned in a place that most Japanese people would not go to, as an adult

Ramola D.: 19:04

Angela Kneale:  as an adult there was a group there was a group of business people who are around New York and Philadelphia who spent time to try and figure out how to do business better with the United States. So there there'd been a circle of people a network of people  that were talking. Who are not military.That were civilian. But my family, my mom was from a family her status (19:38) should have been to marry an ambassador which would have been much more appropriate, I think in hindsight. But due to alot of the racism and stigmas that the United States has had against Japan, despite us having a security agreement they chose not to send her in with the diplomatic passport.
And, for me its been a struggle with whether you call it targeting;- Or, as my father told me one day, he could not protect me anymore. The CIA split into two different factions, and there are two different plans apparently. Those plans I am not completely aware of.  He might have known more, but basically;- things, things changed drastically.

Ramola D:  And, and when was this?

Angela Kneale:  I think this was 2006.

Ramola D.:  So, you were in your 20's or something?

Angela Kneale: I was in my early thirties.

Ramola D.: OKay and your dad said he couldn't protect you anymore.

Angela M. Kneale: no no like, I had a great uncle who was on the USS Langley, on the American side. He was in the Navy and he was on the Langley. and he was a gunner on the Langley, with 2 silver stars. And s,  he killed Japanese at  Iwo Jima. So, I mean my family is very militant. 
So, whatever my dad knew, I didn't have full disclosure on. 

I'm a little kid trying to grow up & I've got these two sets of family, families one on one side, one on the other side, that were like oil & water, literally. And, they told me not to get married or there would be a war. And, not to have children because somebody would kill them on one side or the other, or somebody else. And, I'm not anti, not completely anti-American. (21:50) But there is  alot of BS out there with people fantasizing about who they are, you know they're not the people who killed at Iwo Jima, I know they're not my uncle, my Great-Uncle,  who took me for a cheese steak. Either you know the person who pulled the trigger on the  Japanse and my uncle was trying to make amends in a sense, you know and give me space from my dad's relatives. So, my personal perception is very different from the general American Public. 
I understand that, but the
split apparently and the Rosicrucians people and the white supremacist had gotten so (22:31)aggressive They followed me home from one of the jobs that I had at a Telecom Company and up the driveway. And, I had gone in the house but I didn't know my mom was around the other side of the hous and they actually threatened my mother. I mean this is somebody on a motorcycle with confederate flag who was a service tech at the company Eastcom. And he came up our driveway and my mother & dad just told me I had to leave because I was atttracting the negative attention directly.

Ramola D: But why were you attracting this attention I mean I (23:08) I don't think I'm quite catching how you becam sort of um, you know, center of attention. What exactly was going on?

Angela Kneale: (23:14) I mean I think it was a couple things. Part of it was the residual from 9-11 and Japan being America's only enemy. They killed my brother, you know they had no problems using him and making sure he was dead. Not to talk about whatever else he might have known. And, I was told to remain quiet. The police also cleaned things up very quickly.

Ramola D.: Do you think his being killed had something to do with this, you know gun-running team that was an active in the neighborhood and you know using his (23:55) shop and everything it was related to them?

Angela M. Kneale: Absolutely, I made an ATF call, and I never really interacted with my neighbor, his boss even though I saw him a few times when he would come over to the house. And, I couldn't hlp but snarl at (24:16) him. I just instinctively don't likethis person. My parents, are very good friends with him, However;- so, it's very difficult for m to have a relationship with my mother. To even go back and get things like my college diploma, you know and my studio. I was basically literally chasd out of the neighborhood.

Ramola D.: By your own family?

Angela M. Kneale: By my family, by the police, the police had participated like, i had no privacy. my things that wee in storage wre rifled through by other people. I was abducted twice. Well, I was abducted once before my brother died, and then I was abducted a second time in 2006 and they just forgot, it no problem, They forgot it, and I, so for me I don't have any recourse I don't have legal recourse.
I didn't have any legal recourse even when I worked at the conservatory. And I worked over 26 hrs 25:27 and they should have had me on payroll. I couldn't find an attorney to represent me because one, I'm a minority and they were like, well you don't make enough. I was bringing the school into the school like $50/hr I get half &  had contractors fee, but they didn't give me my right,  and they wouldn't give me welfar,  they wouldn't give me food stamps they wouldn't do anything for me in that State of Pennsylvania. I mean, it's not an uncommon story they have to go to another state to report things.  But the people who have tell their story from other areas (26:02) the Amish and the abused women or whatever, they've had to go to another state. I even talked to one of my neighbors at one point and I asked why (26:14) he's very democratic by the way, so They don't even have a human rights commission any where near here bcause there's Allentown, right, Allentown doesn't apply to us, so I have have to go to Philadlphia 60 miles away. He said, "Because we couldn't afford it".  (26:33) of 63min.

Ramola D.: 26:34 So there's opportunity you're saying for all sorts of entrenched Occultic Secret Society Abuse and Masonic Abuse perhaps and police who are not really on the up & up.

No, The police hacked my Facebook.They have done that I had posted an officer card because I had called the police on somebody in my family the last time I returned home. And, they hacked my facebook. I can't say that it was the police directly  but most everyone I went to High School with, most of the ones who are kind of safer are on my facebook. um. and it got hacked and they took that information down.

Ramola D.: So alot of small town politics & intruige and entrenched secret society stuff going on.

Angela M. Kneale: Well yeah, I had also had bee.
one little part of it, but Bucks County  going towards Doylestown where I worked & Newtown is one percenter community. So, there's also a very elite boarding school in that area. I mean the top notch elite go to that boarding school so I had  worked on a customhome for somebody who had gone to that school and the buyers were somebody who Vice President of the probably largest cosmetics firm in the United States. We're not talking about a small stupid crowd  of people.

Ramola D.: Right RIght, it wasn't rednecks so much as elitist and yet, very Occultic.

Angela M. Kneale: .Yeah I don't know all of the occult stuff because I feel I was somewhat kept out of it. I mean I have to unravel my own abuse, but everybody knew I was abused by the time I was in Jr. High. by th time I was in Jr. Hight.

RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.

Angela M. Kneale: I didn't grow up like a normal Japanese girl. I was beatenup at school pretty much daily and in my elementary school years with the teachers watching. They  approved it. I'd get really brown every summer, you know from being outside. So I pretty much got beaten up every single day. And then by the time I went to Jr. High & High School, um, the abuse coming from my parents it was kind of like all day, you know rrecess was abuse, verbal abuse from the teachers, i had every single day, it got worse at  High school my US cultures teacher, Everybody knew was a ravist, h used to make fun of the Jewish
they did hire a jewish professor and they would make fun of that teacher as well as me infront of the entire  class. So, i wasn't treated with any respect. It wasn't even being left alone or not causeing harm,  it was intended, it was intentional. for a long time.

RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.

Angela M. Kneale: So if it weren't for piano I wouldn't have gotten through it, that was my sacntuary.

Ramola D.: MMhmmm.
80's to early 90's

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Japan Defense Minister & North Korea

A few hours ago the American style campaigner, Defense Minister Tomomi  Inada resigned from her position.
The impending crisis of North Korean Nukes and ICBM's looms over Japan. Despite new North Korea sanctions from USA & Japan the use of North Korean underground nukes may be ongoing. There is concern that North Korea is  hypothetically approaching Hiroshima 15 kiloton size in nuclear weapons designed yield. If the yield estimates are actual and in possession by North Korea they are 1/3 of the way to a Hiroshima size warhead.
And, on the off chance North Korea is superior with nuclear missile rocket telemetry in conjunction with a magnified solar climate, the design yield of those smaller nukes may be magnified. That means a nuclear warhead of only 7.5kiloton design yield would be needed to create a 21st century Hiroshima sized catastrophe, that killed over 180,000 Japanese civilians.

However, beyond scalar weaponry:- it seems to be a scientist's fantasy that North Korea may be capable of using Nuclear weapons & sun, bomb, earth dynamic telemetry to embattle USA's secretive tectonic weaponry.

This writer proposes that some EMP capable ally disable North Korean nuclear progress if there is a way to spare Japan another nuclear winter.

Info derived from English & USA news reports and interviews.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Layers - Hawaiian Islands

Peeling through the Layers of the Hawaiian Islands.
How Honolulu County residents contribute to War impression management. Aka Clandestine ops/ Clandestine warfare. 
As well as, perception of key USA assets in the International Asian Showcase that Hawaii represents. More at:

Layers I am peeling through

Using my skills and training to sift through the American Quagmire. more at:

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Introduction APEC 2011-TPP2017 my wrap up

Honolulu, Hawaii Wednesday July 12, 2017 ... 16:25/ 4:25pm Hawaii time
Personal account of Angela M. Kneale born dual national of Japan & Usa, granddaughter of Kikuchi, Hirokatsu (diplomatic mission),
EX-IM representative for public &
non-military initiative shipping channels

I feel I did my best for everyone involved. At this level there are few lawyers and legal actions that can remedy the political and economic effects of those attempting to build a full scale World War 3.
Since 1996, and again in 2005 with my brother's unnatural death, I myself have lost trust in nearly full international business capacity of those in the USA who have entered my life.
The events that occurred in early 1970's prior to my birth in this USA nation, and as a dual national, I reported to police in Hawaii and were brought to light;- slightly. That is, I reported the alleged murder of my sister after her birth by Nurses of a hospital in Quakertown, Pennsylvania.

In 1980's my Japanese nationality & my brother's Japanese nationality changed to dual citizen status.

In 2001 my Japanese nationality and possibly that of my brother's changed outside the USA to being stateless and trafficked individuals by the USAF. This is due to the contents of the Patriot Act and based on revision of first generation American status, despite the United States Constitution.

In 2005 my brother was killed at my parents' family home. I feel this is related to the anonymous ATF call I made due to our neighbors' possibly illegal activity where they forced my brother to manufacture cnc guns as part of his employment at their company. His paychecks from them were approximately $600 per week. I personally made the anonymous whistleblowing call. This is part of the reason I do not think he committed suicide. That is in addition to other things he shared with me as he played along frequently to obtain such information. There was also video footage I was supposed to receive after his memorial service. The person who spoke with me did not make it home from the memorial service and was in a coma for a month or so from that day. I was told that it was evidence of possible racist and hate crimes from the United States action against him.
His so called friends were very racist and even laughing about how they had their brothers and kin assault my brother on multiple occasions. They made these statements in front of me after the memorial service. There were approximately 100+ people in attendance of his memorial service at the funeral home. In addition, there were several attempts made on my life and 1 abduction that included assault and battery within the year from his death. One indirect threat made at me came from the pastor who baptised me and he told my my father to kill me.  The cults, churches, and other white supremacy and (false) patriot organizations in Quakertown, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas including Doylestown, PA and Allentown, PA targeted me and I quickly ran out of my invested money trying to stay alive there.

Despite my upbringing to open for the  United States based export-import shipping channels in countries across the planet;- the United States and any and all its actors and citizens of the public democracy, as well as the military branches, local and federal governments have knowingly and/or unknowingly acted against me. This includes agents and police in the state of Hawaii. The Hawaii state government and its services, judges, and agents and actors have deliberately intended to harm me due to my overseas Japan family relation as niece to Takenaka, Yoshitomo who, at the time was an executive at the 5th largest construction firm that has since grown to be the most okii construction firm on the planet in 2017.
As a founding family member, my uncle Yoshitomo and my Obaasan his wife communicated from Japan to express Japan would be restarting military forces. 

Shortly after that our USA family phones cell phones and mobile phones were tapped by the US government and other military services. We were also monitored by the service provider and, there still is interference even this week, July 2017 when I attempted to speak with my mother who is going for some unknown surgery at a non-hospital location.

  In 2007 I had a studio in Ithaca, New York . Someone,  likely to be Caucasian, attempted to burn down my studio that was located in historic building named Clinton Hall. At the same time my aunt and uncle traveled from Japan and purchase Brazilian iron ore/Steel at 20% more than the USA iron ore/steel bid . After that deal was made, the targeting on my life and death threats to take my life (aka attempted murder) intensified .

  I was still targeted when I arrived in the Hawaiian Islands in 2009. I did not leave the airport property without a federal agent intervening in my entire vacation. But despite everything I was barely able to manage attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Honolulu in 2011. My financial state was very compromised despite my agreeing to attend the meeting.

These actions seem to be actions of USA steel industry, USA infrastructure attacking founding family niece as a political statement to Japan security and infrastructure.
The USA & its States have given virtually no remedy to any of the situations. The USA and its States have given no financial remedy that patches past damage and allows me to move forward with reasonable respect in an international and respectable capacity. Also, federal agent/military trainer I went to family court with also acted as a pimp in a sense and was directly responsible for extracting most all money (cash & credit repot) from me from 2009-2013 though mostly 2009-2011. He did so with cooperation of a Hawaii strip club(s). I was left with some money to pay basic bills to appear normal. Though my financial status severely crippled after identity theft occured with (his accomplices in the banking industry).

Any and all other private USA businesses, which include landlords of rental property, have interfered directly with my financial well being, so as to make it difficult to maintain basic living conditions.
To be continued....

Friday, June 30, 2017

Last things to do @ Hawaii

I have 1 big thing left to do in Hawaii while I'm here, if I can. The rest is looking like a laundry list of loose ends I won't be content with, ever. Just trying to wrap up before the 4th of July weekend. Its been a gruesome 3 months. Asian politics aside...gruesome.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Ban plastics, Chinese plastics ban

Living the Plastic Coated Life

It was over a decade ago that I first heard of the Chinese making dense plastics that mimic the hardest stone;- in weight, density, texture, color. Something a fine arts insurance appraisal could overlook in an otherwise catastrophic fire.

Today, make that life. The Life of American dreams formed in material reality as a  Wasteland of toxic contaminants and suffocating molecules. All that waft in the jetstream across the Sea of Japan, and trickles into the Pacific. Greenish toxic snow that falls silently in the otherwise pristine northern Japan islands and Siberia.

The Inexpensive takeover of such cruel human labor is mechanized in the Simple forms of plastic coated lenses of artificial intelligence.

Dreams must be put to rest. Plastic must be boycotted.

Ban plastics, Chinese plastics ban

Living the Plastic Coated Life

It was over a decade ago that I first heard of the Chinese making dense plastics that mimic the hardest stone;- in weight, density, texture, color. Something a fine arts insurance appraisal could overlook in an otherwise catastrophic fire.

Today, make that life. The Life of American dreams formed in material reality as a  Wasteland of toxic contaminants and suffocating molecules. All that waft in the jetstream across the Sea of Japan, and trickles into the Pacific. Greenish toxic snow that falls silently in the otherwise pristine northern Japan islands and Siberia.

The Inexpensive takeover of such cruel human labor is mechanized in the Simple forms of plastic coated lenses of artificial intelligence.

Dreams must be put to rest. Plastic must be boycotted.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The post I hate

Apparently, Japanese threw a lot of money at the Hawaii favor that even makes a humble meal or a cup of coffee is returned this direction. Probably the most Humiliating post I'm making.
Do what my needs to be done to decimate the continuation of money flowing out of Japan to make American military & syndicate millionaire who are worse than Yakuza.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Allowance for my dead body?

Today, I was paying for a Japanese my diet plan --Tofu,
on sale for $1.39/lb. A grey haired Local man and a younger woman barged by me in about 2 ft. Of space including where I stood at the checkout station. I reacted by yelling because I was startled. And since the door they came through was an exit where more than a dozen registers were located with small 2" wide aisles, it was enough to cause concern that they may have intended to harm me. When I yelled, they stopped.  They apologized.

I screamed something to the affect about how rude people are in Hawaii and if everyone is this way its no wonder we had so many m-16's at the meeting.

As I left, unbeknownst to them and many people who think I should be college aged late 20's... I went to APEC in 2011 for EXIM a representing the USA. I vent here on this blog about my Hawaii experiences and security perceptions.

During the 2011 meeting in Honolulu a lot of fun, honest, and some criminal minded  partiers left the area and their apartments temporarily due to the presence of m-16's and security.  One local & Hawaii man was shot at a famous American fast food restaurant. Many local Hawaii residents were upset. While the trial was still in public eye,  a sniper/lawyer introduced himself to me as an attorney working kon the shooter's case. I never thought it was right, but the risk of international incidents being put on USA ground is serious.

In hindsight, the sniper/lawyer had his own business plans and really never intended to assist me. Especially since the issues that held me up and  had me crawling in to the  meeting instead of being 110% are too much for me to handle alone while still being barrages daily with local torture. So a sniper took down a local

  However, it makes me realize something about security, why is it ok for Hawaii State to allow such ill behaved local residents on a daily basis?

I felt very threatened by the couple at the checkout line. It felt  like they planned a dry run to kill me. I typically stay out of main public areas and it leaves for a dull an unproductive life in Hawaii. There have already been 3 attempts on my life that the immensely corrupt Honolulu Police Department didn't investigate properly to protect the local & military men involved. That does not include the 2009 abduction report that I need to file since I have low confidence in the HPD and have seen how they handled and assisted my assailants. I'm tempted to handle it in a more social way, not to air dirty laundry.

I'm writing not just because I'm upset, 6years after the 2011 APEC meeting I was prepped for in 2005/2006. But because Hawaii is clearly bent on controlling the world by being socially askew at every corner. Including the "couple doing a dry run" scenario at the checkout intending to slash my guts out.

Ugh... More stress, for me everyday.
I did come to Hawaii to vacation. I came to see if I could live here and "blend" a little more. I just absolutely hate a lot about how the people decide to be here. I now face an additional set back of  about 8years and more than politics have changed. I am fearing for my life, for my future, because I have played out this farce for 12 years in the USA. A lot needs to change in Hawaii State and the USA to ensure security. Its virtually impossible to demands that from the USA.
Just in my own immediate USA family - the hospital killed my sister, several attempts on my brothers life from kids breaking his leg at church to hit &run to his university mates dosing him, to his whites girlfriends coaxing him into gettinf jumped and beaten up by their white brothers and friends. Some days it would be the black neighborhoods and he would return home with bruises on his throat and face. Then there was his white Quakertown employer at Valley Precisio  telling my father my brother is "best off dead", a conversation I will never forget.

I am blogging this today, because I see the state of the world and USA. If I do wind up dead soon, as racist and nationalistic hostilities are becoming more prevalent from whites in Honolulu... I hope someone gets a small glimpse. I'm trying to survive the onslaught, while providing my viewpoint without pay or reward.
I have always believed that NOONE should have to live through these things like we did with my Mother being from a Japanese national security family from the Emporer's house. My parents ran the real rule book of legalities. I got noone who loves me my entire life...and all those who try to offer solace are weaker for not looking at what USA does and Change it to make it safer for more people.

Complete and utter emptiness as I read about the North Korean Nuclear threat.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

USA not Ideal

I took a deep breath last night and again today upon hearing the news of the TPP.

The United States, widespread across the North American continent, is not at all an idealized version of the most cosmopolitan cities. Rather than being a utopic Epcot type city that Illuminati once fathomed, the United States is a Caucasoid controlled nation. The Agenda's were set in place long ago and span out several generations as different presidents inherit their position at the Nation's White House by public vote.
Today, President Donald Trump eliminated the TPP trade deal from the USA side. This is going to take an immense amount of public pression off this new President ( as each presidential candidate concurred in their election campaigns). My personal hope is that through the USA bailing out and President Trump enacting a plan to return manufacturing to the USA the USA will itself be held directly responsible for the environmental degredation and destruction it causes since there is Presidential disbelief that the Greenhouse gas theory is viable. To be cont. .... partial post.

Monday, January 16, 2017

EXIM bank closes for Trump?

If the EXIM bank is shut down, will there be a USA export market? Canada & Mexico cannot rival the magnitude of re-negotiating with Asia, almost in entirety. 
Does Trump plan to purchase Japanese Steel in quantities enough to rebuild decaying infrastructures set in place from the 1920's? It's difficult to see such a huge overhaul in this manner. I wonder if he would have his ex-companies self I sure shipments just to own stake in all land/underground infrastructure overhauls.
It has been planned well before Bush's win in early 2001. That 9-11 was staged by their private security companies by trading on the Public stock exchanges.
Now, with the migration south mostly over, I sit and wonder if Trump is taking on bankruptcy for USA national debt resolution. Not exactly a reset.
Or, will there be a outright backlash on the USA public by outsourced military police?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

South China Islands- OMG

If it's anything to the Newly elect and his entourage, the other hemisphere is going to be able to get along just fine without USA intervention.

China & the South China sea are and should remain off limits to the USA. In fact, something that would help the world much more than USA military intervention is to simply TAKE AWAY 90% of credit cards belonging to US citizens. It might have helped to deter the consequental severe pollution that outsourcing USA managers and production though grants that was created in the 90's by a decade.

 I guess I have a sore spot since I can only compare that island situation to my entry to the APEC meeting Nov. 11, 2011 the day before Japan announced interest in the TPP that is now being bashed by Trump. I walked in between line of shooters with M-16's on one side of me aimed at the Chinese protestors on the other side of me for my arrival to the Symposium I attended. I held my breath for that walk through the door with eyes wide open. I'm EX-IM family expedable they say...yet i'm supposed to worry more about "terrorists?' really!? Are you all f'n kidding me?

I don't think that anything has changed in the past 6 years with USA/China, except now worsening.  I've been on warning due to number of Chinese supporters in the USA since some of my relatives were involved in Chinese war negotiations with Japan. The number of issues with US military personnel or contractors even DOE who resided in the State of Hawaii and side with China is Huge. President Elect Donald Trump is their cover for fear of legal punishment from Hillary's team;- mostly to move weapons illegally or legally is huge. Sadly, many of these men are minorities who were/are claim to be Obama's hand picked team, or the Creme de la creme of the Hawaiian islands maffia fight scene and special forces elite.

The other thing that bothers me, is that Trump's products were made in China. So, somewhere his hands must have gotten dirty in the midst of Terrorist bankrolling of Chinese businesses. That, is something I have a HUGE problem with. And then, his team wants to send in our US Military to mess with the non-terrorist Chinese with whom the USA didn't have a hostile military engagement with prior to Trump's office!? Seriously? Not moving Trump ties anymore, looks like a weapons deal (underhanded or not) that is going to further the next 4 years of what is left of USA democracy.

Obviously believe that Japan could get along better in Asia without the USA military influence, despite Japan's past military history in Asia. I do believe that USA is giving hope to people within Asia to be more riotous. I think that stand-alone purposeful USA fact is enough  

Saturday, January 07, 2017

USA& Vietnam to replace Japan

Heard through grapevine that the USA cannot afford to maintain its security agreement with Japan. As recourse to Pentagon budget cuts, the USA will be making preparation to settle into Vietnam as a crucial Asian logistical & strategic move. 
The USA is not in support of TPP and Japanese business as of now.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Another death threat --ugh

They are saying that even African-Americans are planning to kill Japanese because they feel it would benefit Korea.
I have the send that whether these are people from within DOD or outsiders who do illegal business with Korean or Vietnamese  gangs;- that it is a death threat that has been directed towards me over the past 2.5weeks since the Trump win especially.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Arigato gosaimashita!!! TPP JAPAN

5 years from Tomorrow, Hawaii Time;- the expendable of the Family walked in the middle of a situation. USA & M-16 armed gunners aimed at protesters holding signs written in Chinese. It was an intense little 20' stroll in front of the Halekulani. The next day, on Nov. 12, 2011,  Japan made the announcement that they would join the TPP agreement. It took 5 years from that day Nov. 11, 2011 till Today Nov. 10 (hawaii time), 2016 for Japan to sign the TPP.

Minasan, (ChoO) Arigato Gosaimashita!!!

I cried when I read the news. It has been totemo ChoO muzukashii here in the USA.
Arigato Gosaimashita, TPP. 
I hope I (we) die(d) here for family.

いとこ  -- 有我と 
ITOKO san - Arigato Gosaimashita, Abelia/ JT "death knell"... down with the jibe.
my pocket,  still empty.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Voting Nov. 8, 2016

I suppose today, will add closure to the past 12 years of gnarly international politicking adversely affecting my once great life in the USA. I voted this morning, and had registered already in the zip code, and finally gave my personal physical location in the same zip code as I wasn't printed in the Roster. It reminded me back to other times I voted in my hometown of Pennsylvania, a place where the vote remained Republican since the inception of the USA in Central Bucks County, PA with about 148 homes. My cast ballot was broken into as many others, and I was harassed by my neighbors who had very different and white dominant values ( on the fringe of US white domestic terrorism). My father walked in the door to yell at me about how I decided to vote, as he was made aware of the votes on my cast ballot. It pissed off all the neighbors enough that I at least knew they were being honest.

However, I did cast my ballot. Voted for 3 people who have been in my midst or I have met without effort;- from frequent visits to the Collegetown of Ithaca, NY that became my adult home, the Obama/Hanabusa/Maize campaign, And, the crazy dude running for Senate in Hawaii who talked to me at the Waikiki Laundromat who talked my ear off one day about car stuff & the MK experience.

I'm hoping for the best for restoration to peaceable living in the USA.
That the USA mainland becomes more calm again and less racially/ nationally volatile,
I know, my vote most likely doesn't promote TPP issues or any business plans with Japan & other Asian nations that have existed for the duration of my life. However, without the restoration of peaceable calm in the USA mainland;- domestic travel and business is likely to defeat the basic guidelines of security for international/ multinational human beings that should be employed with the TPP.  Yes, I voted, despite being forced into my USA citizenship and operating under USA domestic guidelines of nationality while being terrorized for being a Japanese national  at home, school, and church by white supremicists who sought to impact the future relationship with Japan.

So, for whatever it's worth.,,I voted. Went through the bogus process. Had I been given a fair chance at my own decisions;- instead of being a political tool & statement back at Japan, My life would have been on a very different path. Now, I get to see...what this toss up Presidency creates.

Big Waves already breaking at the North Shore of Oahu;- time to forget this political BS till surf contest season is over. 

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

affecting international market with PEACE

1. United Nations POLICING: Make violations especially against women (of Asian descent) connected to larger EX-IM punishable as Attempted murder charge rather than local police categorization of common domestic violence incidents.

2.  Kill all shipments not connected directly a person of dual-nationality, Asian descent (biz USA).

3. Eliminate the rule of Foreign Agency ( Foreign  Agents act) in the USA when EXPORT-IMPORT shipment is concerned. 

  • USA clouds the issue and manipulates the EX-IM scene by requiring a 3rd party intermediary
  • USA admonishes the potential Foreign Agent due to USA lack of cooperation and USA actions that total international security agreement breaches and cumulative acts of war. 
    • Some of these actions are taken against the Agent as private interest under USA politicians where other individual is seeking to cause reason to retain employment.
    • Some of these actions are taken against the Agent as private interest for other than USA nation.
    • Some of these actions taken against the Agent are acts of domestic terrorism;- particularly personal agendas hidden within the U.S. Military officers & enlisted person's private creed.
    • Allow dual-national persons with exceptional families to receive funds directly without confiscation of funds and unquestionable jail time;-  as USA has assassinated my family members of Japanese nationality through local policing. And USA has created easy fail financial systems in event of such personal tragedy.
      •  -provide: secured joint USA federal and Foreign Nations banking option. 
3. Stop chain of command enforce (no questions asked);- that creates "impression management scenarios" by temporary secret services workers and other high level security officers with access to manipulate such private/personal information.   &;/;Or white  majority  (with understanding that all people of primary European descent qualify as 'White" ie., case of American Italians & Jews), --revision needed--

Monday, October 24, 2016

Japan perspective

This is my perspective from the East Coast where the competition for the "normal America" that is not saturated with Asian culture like West Coast business dynamics.

1. Another issue for Japan's public perception is online and in English. The constant historical banter & speculation that is published to the public as random internet address links within political and military articles.  A slippery slope appears to be aimed at taking the ground out from under Japan  since the overall balance of wartime articles is heavy in comparison with other nations globally. Such a stack of vague Japan militaristic knowledge affects modern perceptions and interactions in the political arena and business environment. The articles are aimed at emotional justification for causing economic and socio-political damage to Japanese abroad in the USA and NY City (a crucial global business environment). Ground level talks that have resolved are difficult to find in the internet haystack about international issues involving comfort women, and past war time atrocities in other nations aside from Japan. At UNESCO, a globally comprehensive report to view the humanitarian and gender based issue of comfort women is not isolated to Japan alone.

2. WW3 looks more like USA/India/Korea VS. China/Russia/Japan 
The United States is responsible for endangering Japanese born nationals within the USA Homeland. The US has jeopardized and pushed out standard business and family safety for Japan in key areas from the US Homeland in county courts in small locales. Instead, the USA business elite has embraced the family presences of Korean nationals and Indian nationals in particular while collaborating to create a facade of Japanese business relationship to the US public. In fact, most of the Korean & Indian linked business presence on the East Coast is aimed at destroying the Japanese image and presence in the larger US public at the ground level.

In the past decade and a half, before the talks of TPP vs. ASEAN;- it was more common to find micro level business & friendships between Japanese and Chinese within the USA homeland. There is still a huge lack of respect from the Korean and Indian communities/neighborhoods towards Japan in the USA. Of course this disrespect is only carried out politically with the help of the usual in charge USA white majority (that includes anyone of European descent who appears more caucasian). The dual national Israelis nearly top the list of foreigners pouring on sexual violence on Japanese in the USA and have no positive ASEAN interest.

3. The TPP vs the ASEAN allies.
The Philippines is going through growing pains with the rebuilding of their nation's infrastructure. Some new choices can be made, and so rebuilding seems to take on a plan-of-action that needs to be in line with the complete failure of the TPP, once promoted by their greatest ally. The past weeks have pressed the TPP issue to a new edge with 2017's USA Presidency to be a voided agreement. Donald Trump touted a revision of NAFTA/GATT from the 90's, while Hillary Clinton directly stood opposed to carrying the TPP torch. Neither US Presidential candidate shows intention of successful completion of the TPP. The ASEAN allies may be going through expected growing pains, arguments, to secure its trade routes and boundaries that the USA once considered crucial to its future survival and growth. This does not mean an internal War is imminent.  

Thursday, September 15, 2016

2009 abduction charges

NI am still unable to safely report my abduction in 2009 by a federal agent who was aided by other Mililani security officers and Honolulu police department officers, who refused to take a report from me in May 2009. They knowingly took political and financial actions against me and forced me to comply or be murdred.
My situation in the USA has gotten more complex and damaging to my EXIM role due to the actions of these USA officers and agents. Sexual harassment charges are the lesser charge.
I have been unable to knowingly make a safe report to HPD or any law enforcement on island of Oahu. Their continued harassment as well as possibly related thefts of my documentation have made this more difficult on the small island of Oahu.