Showing posts with label USA representative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA representative. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

My thoughts today about Hawaii

Hawaii local & govt employees and others have become annoying as I hear them discuss what they are going to do with my life. Just like tsa & federal employees blacklisted me and stole my phone equipment claiming that I'm not white so my belongings aren't mine since I have a Caucasian name. And because they wanted to classify me as a terrorist per my father ex USAF Osi warrant officer to create slow kill and international incident.
They have harassed and terrorized me throughout my life. Hawaii State is no exception as many Asian-Americans and Japan haters attack me, gang stalk me, and add to the already hateful USA govt and military behaviors aimed at destroying me due to my Japanese national heritage from Japanese politics and infrastructure. The USA wants another Hiroshima & Nagasaki the way they act & reparations were insincere.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Layers I am peeling through

Using my skills and training to sift through the American Quagmire. more at:

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

AT&T discrimination

AT&T has allowed my service to be tampered with over the past several years.
Icloud also could not and had workers who would not remedy my accounts being hacked. So unbeknownst to me multiple payments were made each time I tapped any app icon.
Now, my phone bill is being I crementally increases app $20/month and I am having multiple issues with the LG

Friday, April 14, 2017

News Online:- no date on video

There are no dates visible and embedded on posted online (independent news) videos. Despite my feed reading hours ago, videos can be uploaded to different channels and do not reflect any sense of Real Time when taken out of their original posted order and context.

Please revise posting video and news to reflect date and time of publicAtion in the original  viewing screen.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Harassment & stalking 1st thing this morning after breakfast

I'm being stalked by a Chinese looking American guy this morning @ ward village parking garage. He speaks English. Harassing me, would not answer my question if he is a cop or secret service or Yakuza. He seemed to be Driving silver Audi with sunroof. Was following me in the parking lot on foot and I asked him ?'s as he was not acting normal. 

I already got 2cups of "rat poisoned?" Sour black coffee last week and still recovering ;- have some bruising and removed myself from situation, so again I have no home.