Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

Global Construction Titans: Prominent Firms Shaping Infrastructure Outside Europe and North America

1. **Samsung C&T Corporation (South Korea):** A key player with a global influence, particularly in construction and engineering.

2. **China State Construction Engineering Corporation (China):** One of the largest construction companies globally, actively involved in diverse projects.

3. **Reliance Industries (India):** While diversified, Reliance has a significant impact on India's business landscape.

4. **Grupo Carso (Mexico):** Led by Carlos Slim's family, operates across various industries, including construction.

5. **Shimizu Corporation (Japan):** A major construction company contributing to Japan's infrastructure projects.

6. **Obayashi Corporation (Japan):** Prominent in construction and engineering, with a substantial role in Japan.

7. **Kajima Corporation (Japan):** Known for construction and engineering services, playing a significant role in the industry.

8. **Taisei Corporation (Japan):** Engaged in construction and civil engineering, with domestic and international projects.

9. **Takenaka Corporation (Japan):** One of Japan's oldest construction firms with historical significance.

10. **Acciona (Spain):** While headquartered in Spain, Acciona operates globally and is involved in diverse sectors, including construction.


1. **サムスンC&Tコーポレーション(韓国):** グローバルに影響力を持つ主要企業で、特に建設およびエンジニアリング分野で注目されています。

2. **中国建設工程総公司(中国):** グローバルで最大の建設企業の一つで、さまざまなプロジェクトに積極的に参加しています。

3. **リライアンスインダストリーズ(インド):** 多様な事業を展開していますが、リライアンスはインドのビジネスランドスケープに重要な影響を与えています。

4. **グルーポ・カルソ(メキシコ):** カルロス・スリム家族が率いる企業で、建設を含むさまざまな産業で活動しています。

5. **清水建設(日本):** 日本のインフラプロジェクトに貢献している主要な建設企業の一つです。

6. **大林組(日本):** 建設およびエンジニアリング分野で注目すべき役割を果たしている、日本の主要企業の一つです。

7. **鹿島建設(日本):** 建設およびエンジニアリングサービスで知られ、産業で重要な役割を果たしています。

8. **大成建設(日本):** 建設および土木工学分野で、国内外のプロジェクトに関与しています。

9. **竹中工務店(日本):** 日本で最も古い建設会社の一つで、歴史的な重要性を持っています。

10. **アシオナ(スペイン):** スペインに本社を置いていますが、アシオナは建設を含むさまざまな分野で国際的に活動しています。

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Lost in surveillance monitors

去年、私は母のためにキノコを湯通しして冷凍して作りました。今日、私は彼女が自分で調理したキノコを準備し、それを湯煎して缶詰にするところを目撃しました。私は彼女に、たとえ少量の塩水を加えた低酸性食品の水浴缶詰の危険性を話しました。しかし、彼女はとにかく蓋をしてみました。私は今、不快なキノコについて説明した日本語の記事を探しています。 そして家は再びテレビやパッシブWi-Fiレーダーを通してスパイする人々からの無線周波数送信による監視下にあるため、監視監視員は母にボツリヌス中毒を食べるように言っています。これは私がハワイから来たときの状態と似ていました。彼らは彼女に寄生虫や腐った食べ物を食べるように指示したのはどこだろう。どういうわけか、彼女は彼らからこのことを学び、パンデミックの間に重篤な病気になりました。彼女の胃から出血していたので、医師に彼女の健康状態をいじってもらう代わりに、私は救急車を呼びました。 RF、マイクロ波、または特殊な信号からの実験監視周波数を処理できる人もいれば、それができず、政府の実験者や研究者からの法外な有害な要求に従う人もいます。その人が音声変調器を使用していることがわかっているため、その人が誰であるかに関係なく、家に向けられたこれらの信号をオフにしたりブロックしたりすることはほとんど不可能です。

Friday, February 17, 2023

HIRTF Questionnaire to State Department

It is 2023 and I am still having extensive issues - ie., in the past month there were two incidents of debilitating issues;- 1. my skull was vibrated 2. the inside of my left brain felt like it was vibrated and I was unable to get up for several hours. Since these issues may be deliberate attacks from the DoD and/or Defense industry-- I am making this issue public.

SBU -PRIVACY OR PII Unidentified health issues- also called Havana Syndrome were not allowed to be reported by the general public until 2021. I was able to complete the lengthy questionnaire and send it to the US State Department. Additionally, I shared the contact information to obtain a form with others who allege to have similar experiences. Below is a screenshot of my submission- without details of the completed questionnaire.

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Bucks County murdered my family

Conspiracy theorists and NSA whistleblowers drew my attention to DeepState and MKultra conspiracy theories in 2015. Over the past 6years of my personal research into the "persecution" and discrimination I, my late brother, my late sister faced as the only children of a Japanese national mother who moved to Bucks County, PA from Japan. The whistleblowers presented me with the lengthy international torture affidavit put out by a campaigner and in 2021 announced that she is the current wife of Bill Binney, former director of the NSA.
Though I took over 3 years to wade through my life filled with traumatic events from what had previously been considered "anti-Japanese hate crimes" of the highly racist Bucks County, PA community. Today, it is very clear to me, as a survivor of this ongoing U.S.A. intelligence torture operation:- that this was and is a doctrine of torture followed by many Bucks County, Pennsylvania officials, law enforcement, school teachers, church administrators, attorneys, and anyone else who has been coaxed into the operation to execute my life quietly as "suicided" Japanese-Americans. And the worst part of it, for me to understand as an adult:- is that my USA father a Pennsylvania USAF veteran and nephew to an Uncle who was a gunner aboard the USA Langley with 2 silver stars from his mass murders of Japanese at Iwo Jima, Pearl Harbor, and missions in n China.

Due to the lack of care for my physical and emotional well being, and the financial abuse of my identity by my father and/or his colleagues, friends and attorneys. I consider the international legal term of his role in my life to be more applicable as a "State Actor" and agent. Rather than a father, defined by normal legal terms. And the use of the "family" property and home as a torture chamber where I was easily isolated from others.

In 2022, we know the DeepState is prolific in Pennsylvania. And so, to call it  "simple hate crimes" with broken bones, disfigured face, wrecked vehicles, experimental surgeries, embezzlement, forgery, and multiple assaults; physical, sexual, and chemical.

The contents of this blog are to reveal the ongoing torture I survive in the United States Mainland. And that I was denied my choice of nationality, freedom to speak with my mother and relatives without physical torture at home, in school, at church, and being abducted :;- ongoing since elementary school. And that the businesses I "consulted for" as an office employee and piano faculty assisted perpetrators in coordinating conditions to abduct, assault, and potentially kill me and my late brother from 08/2000-01/2009.

I assert that the torture and operations are ongoing, and with new government officials and community members who participate.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Because of the bad ones in the group

Several years have passed since I joined a German-based, international, healing community. And, I've stuck with it somewhat shamefully because I can practice on my own, and worked through decades of trauma from USA persecution and racism. Yet, it is German-based, and within it lurk people who have an intense hatred of me for being of mixed-race hapa, Asian, and Japanese descent. Though I joined the community in a diverse place- Hawaii. So the initial community was much more diverse and accepting. And only 1 serious incident of an older German (immigrant?) woman who attacked me in front of everyone because to her, I am a brown thing that she could not believe speaks English. Today, in 2021;- her outright behavior would be akin to a hate crime.  Yes, in a healing group. 
Today, I'm reflecting on that incident as 1 of 3 strikes in my personal safety manual. 

The 2nd strikeout in 2020, was surprisingly from an elderly Phillipino woman who, I was told to contact on the East Coast. When I contacted her and told her I came from Hawaii and am Japanese-American, she responded quickly with an outright statement of hatred from Japanese people. I smugly listened to her rant about her hatred of my background, blaming me and others of my kind for war issues long ago. This is what the Healing group of Bruno Groening Circle of Friends has in store for me.

Yesterday, was the 3rd strikeout as I clicked into the East Coast IGR. A place online where my full name and town location is posted in front of everyone. It makes me an easier target for racists in person. So, even though I thought things were positive- the community leader obviously stated that I was not being positive when I began to tell of my healing from SRA. A lengthy process that started before I left Hawaii and asked to heal from it. The Community leader immediately interjected that I was not being positive. I had only wanted to report that I was through my 3+year regelungen since I made the request, and had had a successful meeting about writing a co-authored book with another person.  
It seems consistent with some of the Circle of Friends that they wish harm on me, thus my healing is a negative thing. It's not the first time since I've had to try and work with the Success Report Writer main editor whose personal politics do not agree with me, and whose voice is very rude in how she talks about immigrants because she helps them. Among other things, I am the daughter of at least one Japanese foreigner who naturalized to the USA and my US State Actor father. 

Their tone is rude. And instead of the group implementing some type of diversity training for the USA leaders;- I am told to do "Einstillen" for the issue. I am writing this article and posting privately, in the event that a Neo-Nazi or another Anti-Japanese person hands out my personal information or takes it upon themselves to harm me further. 

And, in the hindsight of this group potentially being a Bundestag run front;- I am still uncertain. The trauma-based mind control may be as simple as the image of a Nazi-run Germany. And my unworthiness in being able to secure much in life without God. Though I've managed to write my way through real hate crimes I've survived, I feel that the scrutiny and judgment of some of the leaders are harmful to me. So, again, it's my time that is wasted and my being used as the persecutory example in front of the group. I'm in my mid 40's. This is unacceptable. Yet I post here since I will be told to do Einstillen for it. And I have done Einstillen for the group to be cleansed of its outright hatreds. 

That wasn't what I signed up for. And, like other groups;- it only takes one bad person to do harm to me to end my life. I am grateful for my life and those who helped me survive many many attempts on my life, and to God. Though I don't see safety in this group for me. I cannot martyr myself so that I have peaceable healing since I am criticized for belonging to this and any religious institution that Americans disapprove of. Including Americanized forms of Buddhism.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Retracing Racial Norms

Sample slides of the Presentation

 "Retracing racial norms: Politics and it's impact on modern diversity training"  is a brief overview of my viewpoint. Recent "anti-Asian" hate crimes diversity training seemed to lightly address common racist views. And, I don't believe from my own experience that people are independently being mindful after the diversity trainings. Some, are going through recent required trainings and lashing out with hostility anyway.   My opinions are due to the contents of diversity training impacting my "international" life as a family member in a foreign family. And because of this fact, my opinions diverge from the popular domestic trends. As a lifelong activist, and "mixed race" Asian- American, I find that academics who have not lived through decades of hate crimes don't represent my views. So, This is my presentation of the not "sugar coated"  version of diversity related issues. And, is not so academic as I have forged my path outside of US institutional abuses. 

There is a pdf version that Will be made available with the full presentation deck. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Biotoxin epidemic

1 in 3 people survives this damaging biotoxin
In July 2016 a national health organization made an announcement that 1.5 million people died with this antibiotic-resistant fungus structure in them affecting normal health issues that should not be fatal.

The rate of survival is 1 in 3 people. Toxic Mold is more dangerous than any past disease that has affected the human population.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Hawaii State intended to harm me.

The flagrant abuse or torture of my family in the USA has been an issue for my Japanese National relatives in Japan for quute some time. Hawaii has many Japanese who like to harm me & claim that the Steel industry of Japan  had nothing to do with Hiroshima & Nagasaki being bombed. They basically try to  add harm & give depth to the USA attacks that they approve of by their outright acts of sexual harassment, community abuse & other instances against me. This is despite my Aunt who uses our abuse & deaths as her neices and nephew as justification of being anti-USA. 
This example which is sadly very real has torn me apart to no end over the past few years. I tried to contain it, however the huge disgrace Hawaii has caused internationally is not my choice and is not in my ability to fight alone. Regardless of my family's international relations.
So to be fair, and before I am forced suicided by anyone in Hawaii I am posting this traumatic story.

I had no choice but to file a Human Rights Complaint to leave a minor paper trail to denote the death threats from two millionaires of 4 different agents directed at me at the time. The collective actions of
Hawaii State & it's security/law enforcement, Liquor Commission, & Korean Israeli business woman had crossed way beyond a simple minor violation of my human rights. They not only threatened my life, but coerced & paid for the abortion of a child I was carrying near the 12th week.
It was not only painful, but I was also further abused.
The Human Rights commission in Honolulu switched investigators, never really interviewed me either and I assumed took a payoff from those being directly investigated.
This did involve:- A male Hawaii Business owner and ATF/HPD agent who later claimed he was looking for a big drug dealer in NY. This had Nothing to do with me, especially since I had left NY State 4years before my encounter with this HPD Nacotics agent. Also, a female Korean- Israeli Strip Club and Church owner who was known to run a full sting operation at her club. And outside, a male former personal assistant to Johnny Depp as well as another ex Federal agent of some branch I cannot mention.
The other male apparently had gone to rehab and reappeared months later giving a spoken visual facial recognition tour of Honolulu to some MS-13 looking tattooed friend of his from the rehab.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Problems with US Shopping Malls & Cosmetics 2000-2018

Many of the American men including Caucasian, African, Latino groups especially;- have a preference for American-European beauty & American Styles. The makeup style they prefer is heavy
and detracts from existing Asian beauty identification. It's as Asian transgender men mockingly emulate on YouTube the 'quick American prostitute face'. It is designed as a stereotypical face of someone who needs to make money. Eyelashes, Cateye liner, blue/ black/or brown dark eyeshadow.  And, it is very similar to football undereye grease. Meant for battle.

 I think this has to do with the USA militant tribal culture and mindset. Part of it is from the resurrection of Cleopatra and Illuminati 3rd eye drawing with thick Muslim eyeliners. The American stores only in the most recent decade cater to dominant gene pools dna expressions of natural skin color

Even though some of the Cosmetic store sets may include a palate for Asian skintones;- I have learned 1st hand;- that the store managers and local mindsets DO NOT WANT ASIAN WOMEN near or around the store. Some of these managers "HIDE" inventory so that it does not sell at all. And, eventually the corporation stops including the color set in its stores due to unpopularity.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Oahu UFO SIGHTING Jan 26, 2018

My personal account of a Hawaii sighting of a UFO on a Friday night.

Saturday 27th, 2018 - 383 words UFO SIGHTING: Mililani Tech Park, Hawaii

So yesterday night (Friday January 26th, 2018), I didn’t realize I wasn’t pointing my camera at what I was looking at for about 3-4 minutes. OMG!!! From my seat facing the window I glanced up from checking my phone messages for Friday night invitations. And, I saw a set of lights in the sky directly ahead of me in my line of vision from the vehicle. I glanced back at my phone and immediately back up at the sky again. I stared at it realizing it was a very, very huge triangle.  I think I had my phone dangling, so I wasn’t really pointing it at the sky (obviously) if you see the street lamps in the video. I just kept staring at it.  It was strange because it didn’t move. It was just staying fixed. 

So I saw a very clear set of lights that weren’t too bright to hide the triangular structure. It was crystal clear against the dark sky. There were three definite sides from my perspective in a triangular isosceles formation. Each of these three sides looked like some sort of tube. Each tube was double the length of a 747 airplane seen up close by the boarding gate. There was a light that started out faint at the pinnacle of the triangle. The light is positioned in between two of the tubes meeting to form the pinnacle (pointed to my left or approximately North East). I was trying to figure out if it was a star or something else when it started to get a bigger & brighter magenta color.

After maybe two or three seconds, the magenta colored light turned into a bright white light. I watched as the lights brightened and blinded out the structure against a clear nighttime sky.  While the UFO stayed lit, the cloudy veil moved to block the UFO from my sight. The light was so bright it lit up clouds far away away from it (i’m, guessing) 500-600 vertical feet & maybe a 2.5- 4 miles away. I could still see the light through the cloudy veil much closer to normal cloud atmospheric height;- until, the mass of clouds completely covered it. This was near 9:40 PM Hawaii time near Mililani Tech Park looking towards Mililani and Pearl Harbor. It is an emp
draft rendering of what I saw, less detail

ty area adjacent to Schofield Army Base.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

APEC WW3 & USA Immigration - my perspective (draft)

'They won't meet me 1/2 way. They meet me to kill the Export Import (EX-IM) Project.' - A.M.K

Immigrant Marriage in the USA is like a “Study Abroad” or Foreign University experience.
I don’t think this is a good use of USA legal Procedure no matter how good the intent.

Today in the  21st century, bringing immigrant wives to the USA is similar to Slave trade fantasies the men have. USA Male pimps & sex traffickers.
These men are generally disrespectful of Ethnic minority women in the USA because of the same mentality. If it is a social improvement, a global status, less abusive improvement for a woman of their culture;- then for USA political face make it a mandatory prolonged citizenship status. Don't bring them here to the USA to ruin American families, by divorce, welfare assistance, & Child CPS services.
That wasn't the contract they signed up for prior to arriving in the USA. The man is at fault as much as the woman. If US Military when he is on deployment- she is out hoeing or honey-potting for Intel control. It is standard for military in Hawaii to have promiscuous wives on base in order to afford to keep a roof over their heads with USA military Base Housing Allowance. It is a Hawaii State standard.
Why BRING THEM HERE TO NOSE AROUND AND DAMAGE CIVILIAN< CIVILIAN National security. I mean that in the fullest sense for the Private individuals who are being groomed or HAVE been groomed for US National Interests. And,  that ARE politically relevant OUTSIDE the USA, AND affect FOREIGN POLICY of Other nations with regards to the U.S.A.
Am I to think that the USA IS SO PHENOMENALLY POOR AT THIS POINT that attacking their own interests in order to start a war to keep their government paying them and housing them?
Men politically tear women and acquaintance rape is an undeniable fact of women’s lies mostly ¾ unspoken &
Whether married or not.

That really is something to consider. And, don't get me wrong, it does not exclude the CIA or NSA partitioning into different factions to handle ILLUMINATI FOREIGN POLICY MYTHS.
It sounds like it is similar in California since this Jumps between Sand Diego & Pearl Harbor - Then expands from there.
It affects BUSINESS.
They literally don't let those of us with ##Predetermined'' oles, live long enough to enact them. Then,--they want people in ASIA to kiss their arses to do business. It is the USA's way to assassinate close to extended family in a foreign nation - then turn around & blame Vietnam? Thailand? China? in front of their shameful domestic USA citizens? Really?
that is shameful, even for a toddler psyop.
It is the USA's way to assassinate close to extended family in a foreign nation - then turn around & blame
NO. --
I had a friend who helped me from LEGIT Chinese-AMERICAN (BY AMERICAN I MEAN PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN AROUND THE LIBERTY BELL) Philadelphia families. This problem -IS THE USA.
Security agreement
We knew the TPP was BS in attempt to include the USA - due to security perameters. Japan, Russia, China, EVERY NATION did their own security research for this agreement & published it WELL BEFORE, like a DECADE before, the 2011 Meeting.
The American public was all wrapped up in protesting the TPP due to big pharma & other issues.
Have they, the American USA public lobbied their own government? Probably not.
They got out there and held signs when they heard nations of ASIA are involved.
Do they look at it (the emergence of Big Pharma) as their Fault? OF COURSE NOT!
The TPP bought, MORE TIME for the USA.
Japan & China had been in War negotiations intensely 14yrs ago when I was "brought in" to the conversation.
This TPP AGREEMENT with or without public approval got them the USA public, 5-6 years of Peace with China.
Even the CIA / was searching for intel on the Chinese Islands being built a few years ago, I know, because about 6 of them asked me. And today, we all have NORTH KOREA NORTH KOREA that has been developed with a real or somewhat fake military armorment. We don't really know what they have that WORKS when it comes to ICBM's. The USA is pushing the world to find out on and otherwise harmonious setting and on  the financial & emotional  bill of ASIA'S CITIZENS.
Hawaii as a USA State is REALLY REALLY dirty. For just over 50 years. Hawaii State has found a way to bring back the Nastiness of Asia's sex trade and made it a public, internationally known display, of community, & multi-generational, sexual abuse of ASIAN WOMEN.
Phrases like @you're a girl are meant to demote women of any background to a social status that is open to being forced into the sex trade;- REGARDLESS of prior career or nationality. f
American Stigma is harmful
Even my Japanese Family name was repeatedly soiled by this. It is an ancient Asian Continent name meaning Chrysanthemum LAND.
Instead, you know what I had to put up with from the contrite US Public? (Including Hawaii's Japanese and Asian Immigrant families?)Being likened to a pimp's prostitute. that's what they did with my family name. And since there is no excuse for the American humor and degredation of Japan, I will refrain from re-iterating this continued occurance.
It's time now.
I tried, I mean I literally put my nose to the grindstone & hung in for dear life for the past 8 years in Hawaii. We knew Hawaii, from a security standpoint, was and is a security threat on multiple levels.
I don't have time to get into that. Though, I have done my own investigating given the precarious social terrain for the past 8 years due to the overall  UNWANTED AND UNWELCOME treatment of Hawaii's local residents & business owners.
Now, the clock is ticking down to WW3. IT IS a very real thing now.
The USA, the side I live on and was to represent for disaster recovery politics & EX-IM Efforts has literally attempted to murder me/ assassinate me 3 times here in Hawaii. I don't mean character assassination that is in war terms considered IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT for war influence.
(check on Military Public Relations TERMS IN USE FOR "impression management@ school of Mason University, Langley)
There is NO WAY, I mean NO WAY, I could have my own family in the USA. That's aside from S 702 and the CIA division PRIOR TO S.702 partially responsible for driving me into a very precarious business position. Plus, from 96'-2007 (until I stayed in Langley, VA & Baie FInn for a break) I was trapped with daily death threats from NY's {{finest business--clarify}} for most of 9 years of my youth from age 22-33.
THAT is what America is to me, in how I've been "manhandled" for the USA's NATIONAL POLITICAL GAIN. IT IS NOT ONLY DETRIMENTAL TO MY LIFE on multiple levels, IT HAS ENCOURAGED WAR against the USA.

What can we do to turn this around?
Cleaning up the "Riff Raff" some more isn't enough in itself at this point.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Launched Stop Targeting & Electronic Harassment Campaign

Due to suggestions from other Targeted individuals, a good friend with advice, and running out of options;- I finally broke down and posted my Stop Targeting & Electronic Harassment Campaign.
My immediate goal for this week is $2200.  I still need appx. 20k to leave Hawaii and/or fund a new organization which I can head up for T.I. awareness.
I tweet frequently at @imperialNewsJ for more updates and information about T.I.
Please help support me and pass on this link and contribute a $1, $2, $5
much thanks!

Powered by FundRazr

Monday, August 28, 2017

Japanese movie violence taught USA

Japan has so many movies that embody violence and technology. Even American women, of all ethnicities, and American men have violent fantasies about Japanese women fighters, ninja, etc. It does not matter if Japanese women are refined and well cultured. The Americans attack us too often in many ways physical, psychological, and financial. The American people are violent criminals at heart with a sense of Christian forgiveness for their damaging actions.
Maybe the same can be said for China and Korea experiences in the USA. I am not certain even though I have heard a few similar stories to my own.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Stargate Example Alice Sync

(No Marionette)
  1. v2K command to online search {search term ie., Soulcatch #ti}

  2. Play Video result from search video play- trips more programming & specific v2k - Satellite 

  3. v2k syncs body with movement/ visual signal in video - Satellite sync

  4. Phone Call follow up - after sync - pre recorded - like synthetic Marionette.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Disengage USA in entirety

I am asking everyone to disengage from the economic power of the united states, and in every way. From toilet paper to weapons deals, baby food to lights.
Please, for peace. Stop all business, everywhere.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Layers - Hawaiian Islands

Peeling through the Layers of the Hawaiian Islands.
How Honolulu County residents contribute to War impression management. Aka Clandestine ops/ Clandestine warfare. 
As well as, perception of key USA assets in the International Asian Showcase that Hawaii represents. More at:

Layers I am peeling through

Using my skills and training to sift through the American Quagmire. more at:

Sunday, July 16, 2017

T.I. technology basics survival

July 13, 2017
Cypress Shaman

Hey good morning
I'm doing my breakfast now, still here at Green World.
I did this, this morning. I'm a trained organizer and so I have gone through all
sorts of things. Anyway I posted the picture of that on my Twitter @imperial News J.
And so, I wanted to talk about this a bit, was the
online and technologies.
see how fast I can get through here so the purpose of
used and the online anything online
obviously things of interest forums like
I belong to a half Japanese forum
I was targeted with a bunch of other half Japanese on the forum.
(I think  'which was worse of the two because obviously Hawaii has
problems, okay, so yeah, they targeted me.')
The contact through YouTube by dropping a message I didn't even know
about the forum so they, you know, tried to
bring up my interest and I had exclusively stuck to a half Japanese forum
where there were other people like me who are multinational born, dual national
born Japanese. I'm not too exploratory anymore with meeting people online that way.
Those networks were prone to social media hacker's, you know, of the kind that are known.
There's this one guy, his names AI, I won't say his full name but A.I. are his actual initials.
He is based out of Helsinki, Finland so he was going around hacking.
They keep I just got to the point where I became friendly towards
the hackers because they communicate with me. So, they're obviously trying to get attention
and so everything got hacked...into my email, for more of my personal info.
Old School is the untraceable re mailer back in 2000.
I was being stalked and we couldn't trace the email at all, but they were sending harassing
photos and I was in Florida at that point. And, they were sending photos of Hawaiian women in movies and hotel rooms
looking really messed up. Anyway, I hadn't even been to Hawaii at that point so, unless that was something to do it
back then Breed Industries, I don't know what would have come from so newer is the E/M weapon
so I heard reports from different people who are also Japanese
but their cars got hit with a EM
their cars got hit with an electromagnetic energy supposedly from a solar flare. But, I think if the solar flare hit the entire garage
and your cars in a covered garage, somebody probably walked through there with an e/M weapon
So that you would have to go back to the dealership. Obviously that gets really expensive. My car personally is older. I haven't  hadthat issue
with the computer in it yet, yet but for the newer models where they're very computer reliant and software reliant, it is entirely possible for them to
completely disable the vehicle. i mean completely like you're not driving it anywhere so that is a concern. It has happened in Hawaii. Um most of something I thought I'd throw in there.
 stuffs mine. It's what I've been around but the car thing is something I thought I'd throw in there.

Hack the unshakable phones proprietal phone and clouds I tried using those networks.
I missed meetings, they locked me out of my email repeatedly, obviously different screens popping up
gathering my password information. No phone calls and things. Obviously that has to do with my emotional well being, my phone calls I got like five phone calls (in a year)
and I used to like talk to tons of people anyway, and I really isolated from that also for my safety the delay in text messages was a huge
problem even in the parking lot. The longest delay I had on text messages was about an hour or so and mascara and they wanted me to wind up at in this case in
Hawaii back at the mall because that's where the store is to service those phones. So, each time I had to physically drive to that location
obvious in the coffee shop. Free Wi-Fi and stuff they can cut the Wi-Fi also to our cellular
they've done that to me, they all can also make it static and interfere with phone calls so,
whether its the unmarked police cars in Honolulu, they're supposed to carry blue lights on them,
yeah it's hard to track and they can push you into a gray area that has 2 problems with the
gray area or not problems, but you're vulnerable right,
and you can't call 9 1 1 (emergency number) but at the same time if you know somebody around or it can find some safety
they wont be able to find you too quickly so, before you head to gray area
if you have a contact let them know you're going there and maybe
 you have a safe spot or something
but if you're afraid people you know are being infiltrated, so to speak, and uh, you know;- trust yourself
and your skills ground game... the perp service is that service provider. I learned this one the hard way in Doylestown while I was working for a Verizon service provider. They hired me
to get my personal information meaning, my social security everything okay. Everything and then they also followed me home and I was an employee for a very brief period. But they
can also send out the same type of people who caused issues for me in the company to your home. So I mean; I was followed by a guy off duty with his Confederate flag on his bike. Right, doesn't
belong at my place, doesn't belong harassing my mother who was outside.

The perp sends, this is a recent story in Hawaii (past month June/July 2017), a perp = a man or woman
to drug you gain access to all phone and financial data so um,
I heard us, I personally have felt that my well being has been compromised in the past two weeks, and I heard another story from somebody else and 
his case was a woman. My case is a man I was introduced to. I'm not completely trustworthy or not some super paranoid but hey, if I'm passed out for 24 hours and see pink and purple
before I pass out, that's not a good sign.
They basically get through your phone, get through all your contacts
can get to a credit card financial data keys to everything everything you have with you.
they have access to, so we all know it's really hard to, you know have a biometric lock on
your vehicle. But if you can if you can do the biometric lock ...
I've opted for the old school way. My car's old it's almost twenty years old now. But, if you're new school and you have the biometric locks just remember that
EM weapons can be used on your vehicle so you can't get in.
-3- And, I did that little tiny thing on the vehicle.-
But getting you stranded in an area and then having somebody, just conveniently (you know) appearing is part of their goals. So anyway, spyware at public networks and all that basic basic basic stuff for grandma, grandpa. So that that's it.