Showing posts with label Nuclear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nuclear. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Disengage USA in entirety

I am asking everyone to disengage from the economic power of the united states, and in every way. From toilet paper to weapons deals, baby food to lights.
Please, for peace. Stop all business, everywhere.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Nuclear war Ww3

Message I just received:- "We are closer to a first attack than anyone thinks." "The second attack will be some months..."

This will affect the human species timeline. 
We humans may revert to a genetic state closer to opossum or "rat" that our original DNA mimicked by 99%...making bipedal humans only 1% different. Amphibious genes may be contained in a  total mutation to create our human species successors.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Nuclear Spirit & LV Handbags

The United States of America is the only Military power that has openly AND covertly used nuclear bombs on Civilians and other nations. If you assign the value of nuclear weapon owned by a nation  as same as value of a personal luxury item, then the USA is making a big stink against the rest of the World's nations for looking more 1st World. The only thing the USA is lacking now is selling personal use mini nukes.

Nuclear Bomb = LV Handbag  

North Korea has been firing Missiles that are openly publicized in the USA for over a decade.
I'm not sympathetic to senseless killing;- However, I can sympathize with the sentiment that the USA has in the past decade;- used and elevated its own illegal international and domestic drug distributors to Federal Agent status. Those Federal Agents have had security clearances to access information and independently aggravate Asian politics from within the USA homeland.

Difference between North Korea, JAPAN, China
Where North Korea stands openly making threats and launching missiles has lasted over a decade;- they have taken on an air that equivocates the American domestic attitude of governing laws. More recent developments are anti-USA propoganda and disobedience of laws that were set in place to protect the masses of civilians.

Japan, has again waited with great aggravation like a parent while witnessing the USA's democratic citizens rape & murder many Japanese abroad and within Japan. The most recent rape and murder being in the past months and commanding a 65,000 person Japanese protest of USA military systems.
Though China has been more of the long range ICBM fear of Tokyo Officials;- North Korean hatred of the USA since the G6 in 2007 is now an immediate and critical concern for Japan.

The Japanese Government is not commanding the evacuation and relocation of Okinawan Japanese residents while these North Korean missile threats continue.

to be revised. 
JAPAN Nuclear/ Fire Storm Spirituality:- 

Some spiritualists over many religions concede to God's Plan. I only know one thing for certain, that God's Plan for we humanoids ends in a physical death. There is research that shows the effects of Nuclear disaster;- that many sentient beings who have physical form on this planet die in close proximity of the nuclear disaster. Some spiritualists do not blame God for the sentient beings perishing;- rather they blame the faulty nuclear reactors, nuclear bombs, and other nuclear weapons. They have even gone so far as to make

new findings in atomic research that simply state that Nuclear weapons are the only weapon that can actually destroy the Spirit itself (akin to the God particle). 

It also seems that spiritualists who think about the Fire Storm that is coming;- Don't personally accept that their viewpoint of God's Plan includes their death. They also project that they are special in God's view, and that death by Nuclear warfare or Nuclear Disaster is a horrible atrocity. They ultimately contradict and are intensely in Denial of their own spiritual teachings. When I presented a slight argument that there are amazing spiritual beings and other humanoid or non human sentient and physical life who can survive in the Aftermath and close proximity of the Nuclear disaster;- the spiritualists were appalled. They contested that it was not a matter of earthly, spiritual evolution;- that is, for creatures and humans who were mutated or survived Nuclear radiation to live. 

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Harsh Reality Of the Firestorm

So I got into different mode of thinking for a while it was a load of spiritual thinking about the spiritual fire storm and finding acceptance in such destruction. They say the fire storm, it's probably more of a nuclear storm. Most of the spiritual sects don't find acceptance in a forms of being animal, fish, plant life, human life that has been exposed to nuclear radiation is to frown on such mutations. I suppose the fact that there are beings who can exist in such intensely different environment than what we modern day, 21st century humans can accept is threatening. It constantly poses the question of "who will survive"? 

I noticed while I tried different sides in some "light giving" spiritual groups, that people are squeamish about surrendering their physical being to God's will during such nuclear incident(s). And that they feel the surviving and mutated beings are lesser than they are. That there is not Godly spirituality beyond nuclear incident and that rather it is an "evil" being that exists. I know this derogatory thinking affected me deeply as my own mother was a toddler when the nuclear fallout from Hiroshima and Nagasaki affected her. And additionally, the same nuclear thinking makes me spiritually exempt from the generations of humans who created and imposed nuclear implementation globally. They say, it gives me No credibility to be a humanoid being to be born intact just 1 generation after the biggest nuclear bombs were dropped on my Japan country. So this is the rationale of those in power with the most money, they have the most credibility in the Nuclear field because it is their "baby". They accept that they have a high probability of death, yet spiritually can't surrender consciously to "God's will" as it doesn't fit with the current criteria of life in their own life plan 

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Loss of life, American style for Japan

I was watching a documentary on the "Aizu" samurai. The narration was in English. I couldn't help to be disheartened when I heard the narrator say "they would loose their lives" in a kind of polite, yet happy and spiteful tone of voice. I thought about the "loose their lives" phrase that was spoken. It didn't hold any true value, any Way, any specifity, any thing that didn't seem negated to me in the English language along with the narrator's preference of tonal coloring.  "Loss of life" suddenly turned to a jest at "loosing" itself and as it is thought of in the English language. It detracted from Samurai presentation. The idea of "loosing one's life" wasn't given any honour as a sacrifice of one's life for their family and nation. It wasn't given even an appropriate and continued acknowledgement of Samurai honor, so basic as "death with dignity", since "loss of life" is negative. 
 It had that American flair of hatred of Japanese culture & the Japanese women that American men so enjoy to defile even in modern times. The modern being that we Japanese women pose no threat to the men or their culture, yet our burden is so enormous to bear post Hiroshima outside of the safety of any normal Japanese neighborhoods. 
The tv "special" was definitely probably put out to encourage American girls and women to fight harder against those of us who are Japanese. A historic, special tv documentary to compound the threat of Japanese women to the mainland USA. After all, regardless of the Aizu, they were on Honshu, the main island of Japan. I don't see any good in it. The Americans in Majority  find Japanese culture intriguing in that they can sexually abuse women as if they are Japanese themselves. This irritates and infuriates me.  Most of American male behaviour irritates me, despite most of my assailants before I reached puberty being female classmates and elementary school and Sunday school teachers. Maybe it is a novelty and a fight to the end. It is not an ultimate battle if it is not respected. USA has already shown the world that killing masses of people with atomic weapons is acceptable and there are no feelings hurt, no health issues they should be concerned with, no guilt to bear. Imagine a world of terrorists who plead sympathy with a monetary donation to rebuild with the survivors of a catastrophe. That is what the USA has done, despite the niceties of Japanese customs I wish I could respect more. However I am some estranged relative abroad. And the Americans have tampered with most of my communications with my relatives in my Japanese homeland for decades.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Cults & "Salvation Syndrome" pt. 2

More Cult Themes from my notes:
Continued from previous posts:

My Goal=Trash Structure of Salvation Syndrome: - 3. The Way, 2. The Ideal, 1. The Problem

  • Possession within cultural norm or something like normal possession
  • Normal possession is an expression of Stress/Anxiety for functional clarity of Mind within Slave Structure.
"GOD LETS US" justification for "unholy" behaviour of cult leaders

Slaves are parasites  VS.  Slaves have unconditional love for God

Mind Map order:
1.  God is linked to  a Human Ideal
2. Eternal Life is a Common Theme
3. The collective slaves work towards this ideal & support figurehead
4. This creates a "God" vocabulary where actions & emotions are defined
5. Deviations from this are punished.
6. ***Can a slave function with deviations?*** (with the cult's awareness?- will Cult kill the Ego?)
                       Cult Action:- Exorcise Slave Mentality
                      - Not all deviations matter in function of Existence in NOW time.
7. All known human methodology to attain spirituality is the ART OF HUMAN NATURE (like painter's technique.

  • Destruction of Energy/Soul  Vs. Preservation/ Restructure (Resurrection) of Energy/Soul
  • Sound, Frequency, Vibration attracts slaves of like mind
  • There is no breaking free of this existence - Humble thyself and accept it.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Toxicity N Me -- I'm just a US government human guinea pig

A blurry photo of the mold on the walkway to the house where I rented a room. 2014

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene. 8/28/2016

Over the past 3-4 weeks, I have been extremely sick compared to anything I have experienced in the past 10 years.  Since I am already eating a plant based diet for over 25 years I kept my body as chemical free as possible. It seems that I'm not the only one on the Island who has, since late June 2013, had respiratory problems. I have heard about the Government dumping Chemtrails for use of HAARP and weather modifications since I have been trying to find a cure for my severe allergy problem I have been trying to hide for the past 7 years that started to get progressively worse since I worked for Evaluation Engineering magazine in for Nelson Publishing in Venice, Florida in 2000. It started with a severe building allergy that made me turn down a new position at the physical office.
  • July 2, 2013- Rash/hives
  • July 6-7, 2013- possible food poisoning- nauseated, headache, fatigue
  • July 9-12, 2013- Sick and slept 18+hrs straight have joint pains
  • July 13-14, 2013- Laryngitus (from coughing a dry cough for past few weeks)
  • July 15-21, 2013- Irregular menstration only 16 day cycle
  • July 23-27, 2013- someone kicked my knee-- pain
  • July 22-26-- extreme fatigue 

I was already near full toxicity when I was a child. My mother was 3 years old in Japan when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed. The use of DDT in their farming methods and water systems
was common then. My family overseas in Japan and the doctors in Philadelphia all suggested that my diet be plant based by the time I was about 8-9 years old.
And some things that should cause an immediate reaction are encapsulated by my body for periods up to 7 days before I have reaction.
Here are a few things that I am intensely allergic to:
RECENT ALLERGIES with noticeable but not debilitating anaphylaxis reactions (past 2 wks)
Airwicks- air freshner
air inside GNC at Alamoana-- may have air freshner in ventilation -- severe allergic reaction within 1.5 min of being inside. Within 5 minutes I experienced extreme tearing of my eyes and closure of my breathing/throat so that talking was very difficult. Cleared up after 15 min outside of the store.

  • The use of different normal laundry soaps such as Tide, Gain, and Era all cause Anaphylaxis type reactions for me. 
Once @ 2010 I gave someone who volunteered to do my laundry at his house, a bottle of Dr. Bronner's to wash my clothes in. He brought back my clothes and hung them in my bedroom closet. That night when I went to sleep my eyes were tearing profusely and I couldn't breath.
I called him on the laundry soap switch. He apologized and re-did my laundry since I said I basically have to throw out my entire wardrobe.
  • Cleaning products in stores on shelf as well as when store is being cleaned.
 Back in 2003-2004 I already had a noted sensitivity to Wegman's and other large stores that have near cityblock long aisles of cleaning products on the shelves. Back then I could only spend 15-20 minutes inside these stores shopping. And that time was reduced if they were doing regular cleaning for the floors.

  • Dust mites, moldy produce sections at the grocery stores, Hawaii's molds- result in Rash or Hives

To be continued

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

180 days to go

July 22nd, 2013 at 8AM in the First District Court of Honolulu;- the ex-nuclear submarine engineer plead guilty to a charge of Harassment rather than waiting till July 24, 2013 for my appearance as a State witness in what HPD defied as "abuse."
This was the 4th very violent attack made on me by this young 26 year old man. Because of his security clearance, it seems that Hawaii and law enforcement have given him one year of leeway in all incidents that I have reported. This last incident involved me fighting for my life and for consciousness. And, he is a known drunk at bars and for being in fights.
The newly assigned Hawaii State prosecutor never contacted me regarding the case. She also refused to make time to discuss anything with me. Though this new prosecutor seems to be of Japanese descent, she also seems very biased against me as a 1st generation American who is of direct Japanese national descent. (I was advised of the hatred Japanese-Americans in Hawaii are veraciously against those of us who have a direct connection to Japan).
The public that has encountered and witnessed the attacks made on me by this Navy engineer put pressure on me in April 2012 to get a Temporary Restraining Order on the Navy Officer. The restraining order was granted in May 2012. The Navy engineer did many things in order to prevent the TRO from being known by his Commanding Officer. This included more than 6-8 months of his
behavior getting me thrown out of my apartments, having his fellow Navy Officers stalk me and take my phone, His damaging my working laptops and phones as well as many other personal belongings I had, and being verbally and mentally abusive to me for hours on end.
Hawaii State supports this behavior because of their need for men like him to feed their Hostess bar and Sex trade industries. It is a well known fact that the State encourages these men to absolute drunkeness so that they can collect more money in DUI's and other legal matters, as well as fining bars and their workers.  And, that the State supports "soft" sex slavery and human trafficking where women wind up stuck in Hawaii and the Law Enforcement does nothing to help protect women. In fact, over the course of the past 1 year and 4 months I have learned many TRO's are issued against officers of the Honolulu Police Department. Additionally, they target people flying into this island state through the forms that are required to be filled out on the plane (as if entering another country).
Furthermore, the network of Attorneys is not like the networks on the Mainland. It is in fact more exclusive as law firms and attorneys collaborate, organize, and manipulate their clients' legal conflicts of interest.  This is something that the local Courts overlook, as it is yet another way for this Island State to maintain some financial influx in this remote economy.
So, today, I broke down in tears because my previous lifestyle has been mostly decimated by the Military and Law enforcement community here in Hawaii. I have lost a tremendous amount of time, personal dignity, years of paid work, as well as my musical talent going to waste in this rotten and virtually un-cultured Island economy. I'm not certain as to how to re-establish my life, and on my own terms;- since this State of Hawaii has taken away the very things that made my life independent and respectable.
The only light is that;-  Hopefully, the Ex-nuclear engineer will be discharged from the Navy and the 12 or so nuclear submarine reactors will sit in Pearl Harbor and Hawaii's surrounding waters a bit safer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nuclear Generation Child

I'm a product of the Nuclear generation. I'm ùnmarried at 36 years old and have no children as a result of it. One of my parents is Japanese, and still a Japanese national, who was only a toddler when the bombing of Hiroshima occured in Japan. My Japanese biological parent was nowhere near Hiroshima when the bombing occured but was completely exposed to the Nuclear Fallout afterwards. My Uncles and Aunts who were born after the Nuclear event occured were not exposed to any Nuclear radition and thus have little health complications. When i was growing up in the USA near Washington's Crossing, my Japanese parent was diagnosed with cancer. I was barely 6 years old and was told at one point that my Japanese parent was dead (by the doctor). I was instructed as a child of 6 about the collateral damage of nuclear fallout, nuclear war, and what it meant for my life because it was so affected. Things that changed in my life at the recommendation of Japan & doctors were: `

  1. Eating an entirely vegetable based diet called Shojin Ryori by my Japanese relatives.

  2. Supplements of raw barley

  3. not putting expectations of having children or a married life on me due to birth defects concern.

  4. Finding that my Japanese parent nearly died from the Iodine during cancer treatment and that I am completely allergic to Iodine and developed a shellfish allergy by age 8.

Hiroshima fallout impacted my life in its entirety. I have lived as westerners call it "vegan" for over 25 years now. I cannot trust western medicine to diagnose me on certain things because it is clearly a money & politics game for them once I enter a hospital. Instead for many years since college, i chose alternative medicine and even found a very reputable Native American herbalist for my medical needs. I rarely take prescription medications and because I am mixed race on a genetic level, was told by a Board member of National Institutes of Health, that the cellular level they test on is for persons of the Majority genetic population in the USA. And, that the medications for this genetic population (primarily caucasian) in toxicology testing reaches toxicity at a higher level of chemical tolerance than for genetic populataions of mixed genetic backgrounds (such as caucasian/asian or caucasian/latino persons).

I was healthy for quite a while throughout my life after becoming a "vegan" and the added help from the Native American herbalist kept me flu & cold free in the Northeastern USA year-round (for approximately 10 + years). And, that was primarily in Ithaca, NY where the international student crowd and closed indoor environment for 75% of the year allows exotic flus to be passed easily. It took me 2 years in the college environment to seek the alternative herbal treatment. Mostly it was a simple intake of an herbal tincture when I got the sniffles. Never got sick after it was introduced in my life and I took it as instructed. Now with the current news and Japan, I have a new worry. That is being exposed to more Nuclear radiation. Obviously, I cannot take the iodine pills, or I will not be able to breath any longer, aside from other side effects. In my late twenties after being a non-profit work-horse and rarely slept, worked 80+ hrs. a week at low pay with multiple jobs and independent consulting gigs for business & entrepreneurs I believed in;- i collapsed due to a burnt out Thyroid. In conjunction with that it happened when i was consulting for a business owner with a humanitarian project that was based within sight of a Nuclear reactor near the Schyukill River near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I took several herbal thyroid supplements on the market after talking to another organizer at a clinic in Richlandtown, PA who was undergoing chelation and vitamin drips from radioactive exposure in Mexico. So, what i did which cost another good chunk of change, was go through all the thyroid supplements on the market that I could take. I found which ones worked best and then I purchased all the ingredients seperately and took them individually to try and isolate the main ingredient that I needed. After months of trying this, my choice thyroid supplement was standing with Deglycerrized Licorice or DGL (a $5.99 supplement on its own). And, it was the one thing that my body craved at the time. I would get mental pictures of it from my biological system when it was missing. And, it has been the only supplement that my body has Ever craved in my life. Since this time, I have lived/camping in remote areas of upstate NY as I have systematically developed allergies to cosmetic & toiletries at a higher rate, intense building allergies that keep me away from viable job opportunities, I cannot take any prescription medications as I experience nearly ALL listed side effects and some may stop my heart, and I can rarely find buildings in which I can live (due to intense allergies to the materials). In my life I have done non-profit work on the East Coast, as an unpaid intern/volunteer etc even with my own organization and done my own think-tank research due to the generally hostile political climate I experienced being Japanese-American for the past 36 years of my life. Because of the hostilities directed at me and my now deceased siblings;- I cannot see a future for me in the united states. I have been treated in Totality as "the ENEMY" all of my life by other Americans outside of my immediate family. And so, my situation is strained unless i manage to find individuals with causes to make a statement to those who consider me an enemy since my birth. This means financially, I have never been able to get off the ground to have any dream of having a home or family realized. I was fortunate for a more cultured relative, a Kelly from Philadelphia who was an entertainer, who gave me the musical instrument to see me through my childhood life. I do pray for peace, however, I feel that the USA has made a very loud statement of hating the Japanese. Even one of my Martial arts instructors here in Hawaii made a comment to me after the 3-11 Tsunami that he thought Japan is better off now. Since he seems to control & undermine my life in Hawaii, I could only take this statement of his Japanese hatred as part of his discontent with his own predominantly Chinese heritage. Someday, I hope that peace blankets the world. My life has been full of tumultuous fighting between other groups of people and their stances on a Nuclear world. Though, it is not my whole life, it is blaring so loud due to these outside parties that I can barely tone it down.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Nukes from North Korea & Kidnapped Japanese women and kids

"North Korea in February 2007 agreed with the U.S., China, Russia, Japan and South Korea to dismantle its nuclear program in exchange for 1 million metric tons of fuel oil, or equivalent aid, and normalized diplomatic ties with the U.S. and Japan.
Japan has said it won't share the cost of energy assistance until North Korea accounts for Japanese citizens it kidnapped in the 1970s and 1980s. "

From website:

North Korea kidnapped several Japanese women and children by boat from the coastlines of northern Japan. These women and children were forced to live in North Korea so that the North Koreans could learn to speak the Japanese language & infiltrate Japan. I heard this story as one of my many Japanese adopted cousins was abducted at age 12.

Additionally, the U.S. has not taken North Korea off the list of countries that support terrorism;-due to North Korea's failure to provide a Declaration of their Nuclear usage to the U.S.