U.S. military members or related cult members attempting to bring women in from places like the Congo to capture DNA from the coveted Dan Tribe among others. Tribes that were known to have psychic powers and long range tribal communications without modern technologies.
Yet a single fact remains,
I do not carry less genetic information of these expressions encoded in my DNA.
In the mid 90's I met members of the Onondaga Nation who identified me as one of 'the old ones'. I did not completely understand what 'the old ones' at the time because I knew little about the cultures behind my prolific genetic history on a conscious level. I met them at a time when the US government the New York State Police had done a media blackout after sending hundreds of police officers to beat and harm people on their tribal land in upstate New York. Later in 2007 I met a Tibetan monk at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's monastery in Ithaca, New York. He addressed me from my other indigenous tribal lineage of being Sakha from Yakutia in Siberia. As in the similar frequency to Shakyamuni Buddha or Guantanamo Buddha. I also have ancient genetic history from Northern China where there was an extraordinary Buddhist monastery. I also am genetically Japanese. I know that my family and ancestors, traded from China through to Japan the best wintering horses, weapons, fish. They relocated from China to a political sanctuary known as Akita and remained separate from the Chinese & Japanese governments for over 600 years.
So it is my understanding that Indigenous peoples of Asia and North America understand my presence. I can only guess that they participated in a conversation about my genetic tribal history and were aware of my presence from a young age, yet I have no single tribe with which I identify.
I have known persecution from the United States of America for the duration of my life due to my genetic history and USA's perception of the Japanese and United States union of my parents being offensive to them. And despite good people in the United States, those who are actively against my existence have already murdered my only siblings.
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