Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Reflection:- My Sakah line

The Americans are infatuated with the trivial monetary cost of Asian cultures. And, they hype as well as rave about those areas where they have spent time. To them, there is value in setting an American flag in their birthing in foreign lands, largely despite nationality laws, as a further American Spiritual war on the world. 
Today is The Christian Christmas Eve as I sit alone in Hawaii. I'm reflecting on the losses that I have incurred and on the sanctity of thought the infinite timeline gives me in knowing at some point in time, I became stateless with my Sakah genetics mixed with many Asian genetics. I always treated myself in the way that my DNA is a frequency modulator where I feel more in tune with others along my self contained person. 
Most Americans and their foreign contingents like to make a spectacle of their visual imagination and "race" impressions while making light of me as an individual. Very few Americans care to even engage me at a reasonable friendship level of conversation before delving into stereo types that their large egos need to have compliance with,- compliance from numb parties nearby.
So today, I further deepened my understanding of my role to my family and related DNA this life time.
I have a deeper appreciation of Asia, and Sakah-muni Buddha a genetically possible distant ancestry to my existance. 
I also understand: 
the volitility of the United States public and mass opinion. 
The carefully threaded sound/homonym type associations that splatter through USA media culture.
 How, the French impressionists Dada movement distorted the visual mass medium. Distorted it conciously so that modern race and human political issues can be admonished to a space for multiple realities rather than the actuality of the present plane.
How volatile adding information to an entire nation of Christians who like to believe a NaZi fantasy version of Jesus their savior, whose God is infinitely forgiving of all misdeeds.
How, US Americans who came from slavery mindsets, immigrant mindsets,&  lackadaisical White privledge only serves them to gain footing collectively of accessible mindsets for waging mental wars abroad and to bend the socio-economic game play interaction between nations.

It's difficult for me to believe that I am alone today. That I have humbled myself so much with the brutal US American and Hawaiian attitudes that want to own Asia. 
Yesterday I really thought about Buddha. How communist workers were used in China to make a toxic industry that supports the "American beer gut Buddha  who quells about owning the Asian spirit of a warrior deep within them. How Asia doesn't deserve to exist except as servants places well beneath their African-American counterparts. This mind reel that has come to my mental forefront only angers me. 
To be edited...fresh from the heart💔:this Sakah mix Asia Buddha protector with tears flowing freely.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Chrysanthemums & Rose Petals for USS Langley - 75th Pearl Harbor

My personal hero, who took me to Philly lunch many weekends, Pearl Harbor Survivor remembered.
Yesterday, I made the trip to visit Pearl Harbor's Arizona Memorial and the USS Missouri.  I went, for my late "American Grandpa", who is my father's uncle. Since I am over 10 years younger than all of my cousins, I was like an only child on the weekends with him, his brother, mom, sister, and my the other hateful aunts that he instructed to "try to be nice to her" for as long as I could remember. Uncle Eddie, told me about that day at Pearl Harbor and his duty on the USS Langley gunner that avoided getting hit that day. And that he could only return to clean up while referring me to the framed full crew photograph on the wall of his Upper Darby home. So, yesterday December 7, 2016, I scattered the rose petals and yellow mums at the Arizona Memorial, heartfelt.

Despite Uncle Eddie being a gunner, having only two silver stars from Iwo Jima and the aftermath of Pearl Harbor. My mom, fearing for my life, let me go to lunch with him & to the candy shop. It was a regular weekend at great-grand mom's to hear the fight that he'd been through too much and should stay away from me (offensive names withheld).  Instead, he argued that he'd done the fighting so he could do what he wanted to do. My mom, being Japanese, was someone Uncle Eddie visited with and they would talk in our living room many Sundays. Later 2009, before I came to Hawaii;- he dropped off his Langley mission cards for me to check out. He also was the biggest motivating piano teacher in hindsight, since he "brought me up" not naive about my musical studies and shared his love of music with me.

Yesterday, I didn't know what to say to the living treasured Pearl Harbor Survivors. I remember Uncle Eddie telling me that, "Yeah they want me to come out there, but I don't, nah, dont wanna make the trip." It was like an indicator that he was always pressing to be forward thinking. I remember days he'd show up at the house from cleaning up 9-11 with the FDR hat on. He lived a life of service to the USA, even though he parted from the US Navy so long ago. I always was in awe of him and his inner strength.

I, being born a dual national of Japan and USA,  rarely received a gift of any kind (no graduation cards either) from my father's family members since they would fight and bicker  and cause headaches for Uncle Eddie because they hate me, even as a 6yr old. So I always felt that his time was more precious to me and my late brother. He'd give me a few bucks here and there where he could sneak it in and tell me to hang onto it. That, at this level, it was more individual healing and learning for past events as our interpersonal way of making amends. 
I hope, that there are more of us who choose to honor our fallen appropriately (like Uncle Eddie did every weekend). And, that we can move forward to make peace.

On December 7, 2016
I stopped by a local florist who gave rose petals and the mus to me for my visit. I am grateful for her kindness. The Arizona Memorial ticket was free. I did make some small purchases for momentos of the day since it has always been a family weekend topic in the USA. The box of Cracker Jacks I ate at the USS Missouri was the only one I saw, but it was expired by a couple weeks. Thanks to da Braddah for kamaaina water. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

the Feng Shui of 2017 President to be.

The feng shui of the 2017 President to be in relation to me/family ;- will create a ton of Ghosts.
It should be however, reciprocated for balance. 
His team is worse than Yakuza, and is using them to further his USA business enterprise.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Cruelty-free product search

Wouldn't it be nicer if there were vegan & cruelty free data-fields at the product search in Prominent Cosmetic stores? 
I'm sick of being steered to non vegan and animal tested products. And changes in the processing of other products.

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

American concept of "home"

Experiential learning has transcended typical rural boundaries online. A man who returned to land from RIMPAC drills said to me;-  "no it's just that we miss home." He said that in response to  My dismay with the "white girl" syndrome From white USA soldiers returning. So, this USA soil mindset is that USA Homeland is to be most supportive of white women. This man returns and only wants to support white women after being abroad, despite other attractive American women of other racial descent being single and available. Reinforced by the RIMPAC drills having people of different races and countries that weren't white, so a white mindset  in the USA who "isn't white" doesn't belong. And, that other races in the USA should support this idea to make as reality. This is aside from the fact that there are European countries with White people. 
So understanding that this is a common definition of what Americans call home;- why should I do anything to support their version of home that moves to exclude me and threaten my "no -white" American life. 
I am grateful for the verbal exchange, however;- it lends itself to a capitalist way of thinking of the world that favours propagation of only all white/Caucasian families. As my siblings have already been murdered by USA racists & racism, it is an understanding that those of us who are not white are merely an American grounded cat's paw reaching into foreign nations. 
Why USA soldiers don't embrace the diversity of the USA Homeland is detrimental to my future, even without my having made an EXIM attempt for the USA that I am pondering today. 
I've even had this type of conversation with sailors/soldiers of other nations. They see the USA men/soldiers dock and leave bases in segregated groups based on race. They find it astonishing that the sailors all run the same ship yet seem to have an intense hatred for each other by race, by USA locales, when departing for R&R. 
It is a ridiculous notion for me to continue to tolerate, as a minority and mixed race and nationality female in the USA. My tasks are only compounded by problems that the USA has made clear are based in Nationality first. Clearly I'm merely a cat's paw and pawn to the USA, and some days I am no one, and others thee USA fears their own hurting me as I can also be a great liability to the USA. There is no consistency that makes for a stable life and business platform for me to remain living, especially in the USA.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Visit to temple

I visit the temple at Byodo-In in Hawaii. 
There are many American tourists many who seem to be Latino who are sporting biceps with Christian tattoos while holding their cameras.  I heard some are say that the temple exists so they can find hookers and run hookers. One of them is a large African-American man. I hear one saying, that one's a hooker and that one there. He seems to be pointing out the Asian women. I'm horrified that this is what temple means to the non-Asian American men. 
After making a small donation, I light incense. And find a place to sit and meditate. A fat Caucasian woman moves the long bench I am sitting on in the Buddha room to adjust her sock. Then she turns around to sit.
There is no introduction room or anything for this temple structure. It seems to have little spiritual value to those around me. One Asian parent prostrated in front of Buddha. She tries to have them bow. The parent's children ask why he needs to pray to Buddha in English. 
I feel more violates than relieved to come to this "sanctuary" as it provides no sanctuary to me. 
I think of Buddhas animals as I continue meditate, and how they each have a place in Buddhas' kingdom. Then I think of the tourists. I try to internalize the outrage and anger I have found in this visit to temple.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pole shift

What if all the fish died so humans could use their oils to fill their own cells maximize density to prepare for disaster.

The idea of a mathematical philosophical hole i.e. A cube with a mathematical hole path/tube  is the very concept of free will. 

Glyph a metallic entity without definitive biological DNA yet a metal/semi-solid is a being who is elemental- elements being like the primary colors of biological life structures.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dream from this morning

Intense realistic dream futuristic ,
I was in the water with y surfboard being brushed with a shark's presence. Knocked off my board and in still water 
The shark kept grazing my submerged body. I held my breath at a smooth pace.

I returned to land and a large explosion had happened on the highway near a tunnel. People weren't rescued by paramedics and many of them made the highway their encampment. Some still bleeding from schrapnel and getting thinner;- they still possessed an oblivious and seemingly happy demeanor. A family sat on a silver mush tarp only 15feet from an overturned tractor trailer. It seemed that the explosion released a neurotoxin that put the highway traveller's in a state of happy trance, immune to their surroundings. 
I wasn't exposed to the neurotoxin during the shark encounter. And ran through the accident scene looking for help. Only one person noticed me or spoke with me, asked what I was doing and I said I was going to get help or food. I ran through what seemed to be a massive accident that ran the length of the highway. More and more peopl were "entranced" in the pleasant state covered wth blood and injuries. I ran back to where I had come from got to the the shoreline where there were soft grasses, and I thanked God for the lush soft grass. The hard surfaced pavement and hard edges of human invention were nightmarish tragedy. I grabbed at the thick beach grasses and felt their softness, thanked God again.

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Third of July 3rd

Oahu fireworks- Magic  Island, in front of Ala Moana;- according to Travis from the Maui team... we will have a great fireworks display bombarded with ground level fireworks. There will be fewer high Ariel fireworks. 
Getting a good seat up front is key to this years fireworks display.

So, for the military members who are sensitive to Explosions due to PTS;- this will be a dimmer view from above. 

The North Shore, Haleiwa, is already setting up for their holiday block party that will run until 11PM tonite. The block party will include Salsa, dancing, food and drinks all in the parking lot area by the Wyland art Gallery and Cholos and Patagonia store. 

I'll probably be online? catching a 23rd year of fireworks from Ithaca community fireworks display, in NY, if possible. Or, looking forward to 360 drone footage of the display.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Tsunami - Warm Climate

Surviving in a tsunami disaster zone after a tsunami;- doesn't necesarily mean you will want to follow general rules of camping. I went to Thailand 2004 to do civilian re-con of business partnerships after .

I did not bring a tent, I was able to rent one when we got to an encampment. This is what I used to survive and not contract Malaria #1 threat due to pooled water and moderate summer climate.

1. tiny bottle of Deet - used 1x on the trip and did not reapply;- due to info that the mosquito count was out of control with dead bodies, flooding, and people running for the mountains. Most areas were quarantined by the time we arrived at BKK. My travel partner for 4 days went all natural and slept in a tent. He had contracted Malaria by the 3rd day;- 1st night out of the city he had over 150 bites on him as the tent body heat attracted the mosquitoes that snuck in through the tent fabrics.
2. 7 yards heavy duty mosquito netting  - wrapped myself in it to go to sleep in the open on the ground. I probably looked like a dead body.
3. Camp mat for sleeping
4. 1 med sized internal frame Backpack 
5. Katydyn Kayak water bottle - I retrieved water from a natural stream. My hiking partner scolded me and then had an eye opener as the Government was siphoning water to water trucks just a terrace above us at the waterfall. They don't even treat the water there, so my personal filtration was better.
6. Chlorine- tiny bottle of POTABLE Water drops (chlorinated)- i put about 5-9 drops in each 50+gal barrel and it had people quietly running to the water barrels.
7. EO Frankinsence - my natural bug deterrent/ first aid kit 
8. Patagonia Atom sack - keep critical items on me with a day or 2 of Cliff Bars & passport
9. Light stick- battery powered - less noticible than a flashligh & provided safety while walking along roads at night. Enabled me to hitch rides for me and my travel companions in the dark.
10. Clothes lightweight & easy to wash and hang dry by hand. Cotton clothes had to be left behind so I brought my volunteer t-shirts ( I had a huge XXL duffel of them and packed as many as I could) Cotton is more pourous and carry more organisms, and needs detergent to be cleaned. Synthetics are better to wash in natural non-detergent soaps as they don't break down the oils;- also Synthetic clothes dry faster.

2004 Survival FOOD:
I ate grain back then & my pack was identical to someone else randomly going another direction at the airport. Our Cliff bars were stored in the same place, so I thought TSA got aggravating enough to swap out the flavors I liked for flavors I did not care for.
1. a case of Cliff Bars
2. packets of steel cut oatmeal (in flavors)
The encampment I stayed at for most of a month allowed campers to fish on their own and bring it back to the kitchen. I am vegan & allergic to shellfish;- so I ate my oatmeal each morning with a fresh banana smoothie. I had 1 meal of mostly rice, and 1 large bowl of coconut/vegetable soup each day. I actually felt great. There was somone on a bicycle who started to stop by with ziploc bags full of veggies, fish, cooked meats for sale. I was partial to the fresh peanuts for protein. We also got some fresh coconut milk and coconut, as well as using a moped for a day;- trying to get ketchup (which had become scarce). Liquor & Coffee was the easiest to obtain aka - least desirable.


Monday, June 13, 2016

North Korean Surfing Trip

Some things that could wrong with the Trip Itenerary to visit North Korea;- Ok not that I should be thinking about going to North Korea at all being that they abducted one of my cousins from an Akita, JP beach.
However, If someone wants to sport appx. $4000 to see how far I make it on the trip;- i'll sign up. And I'm Tan from the Hawaiian sun.

Orientation in China
#1 - Japanese restrictions on travel to China. And, since USA doesn't acknowledge my Japanese family and called us Japanese garbage;- Someone will probably cancel my flight who knows better overseas. I have gotten a Chinese Visa before, however with misspelling of my name. The name being misspelt can create issues if trying to LEAVE China, even if they allow the entry. 
 America is politically insensitive lets anyone go anywhere and ignores important things like its own security agreements and international families that are larger than the Kennedy's. 
Oh yes, and the rumor that being Christian is illegal in China and currently being enforced and punishable by Death. 
In 2005 after my brother was murdered, i helped some 25 Chinese Exchange students as I saw an organization called People Link bringing 400+ Chinese exchange students to our very Racist Philadelphia suburb. Some of the Children were sons and daughters of the more educated and elite in Chinese Universities and Government. The Children were aged 8-16 and accompanied by 1 young adult translator. I stepped up to the challenge since the Philadelphia area's racism typically would result in a slew of Foreign Exchange students being dropped off at our doorstep like a litter of unwanted kittens. Some of the stories I heard throughout my life that came back to me to try and assist in the area included 10 year olds being thrown out on country roads with a sign that said they need a home (because they weren't Christian) The American host families voluntarily signed a contract for the responsibility of caring for an international child visitor knowing full well that the children were coming from China and were not Christian. Several dozens of children went through similar ordeals that one year (though It was a problem in the Philadelphia region for DECADES and included Japanese students).

#2. - Tourist of Pyongyang;- Despite peaceful intentions of those who organize peaceful efforts. Actions against Citizens of countries that are highly disliked can occur. 
  In 2004, on a private business recon of Thailand after the Tsunami;- I was invited to China by a wealthy French Export-importer. I stayed up on the politics with Japan and China then, and decided I would wait a month instead of easily going on the day visas. Because of my Japanese family relations, I had great business concerns. And, within a week of turning down the offer, a number of Japanese tourists (including women) in China were mobbed and beaten/assaulted at another Anti-Japan protest though with escalated violence. The first publicised Toyota burning in English occurred in the months before my brother's death in the USA. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Day 3- Master Cleanse

Can't believe I made it through day 1 without shaking hands.
Day 2- 2 Cleanz T 1morning tea, 1 evening capsule; fresh juice from organic lemons, water Cayenne, organic grade a syrup in glass containers. No food. Slept 16hrs though...craving pizza.
Day 3- morning saltwater 2tsp+1qt
Crystal Geyser. Sea salt Raw& Natural from hawaii salt holes- has imperfections.
Cleanz T tea. Then capsule l8r

Friday, April 22, 2016

USA counterfeiting scheme goes Presidential

So, the other day, I sat at a Coffee shop to watch the tallied vote of the DNC Democratic National Party. A Caucasian person sat down across from me. This person started a conversation about how one of the the last person they chatted with before me, is a Haliburton contractor. That that contractor was waiting, on call to Go. And, that the entire USA cash system is going to be "reset" (ugh*yawn*) and "reprinted". In my mind this has something to do with some Trumpite running the world's most Fabulous counterfeiting scheme on the too stoopid populous.
Hang on to your cash even if there is some hearsay Govemment recall. It's just our fearless leaders trying to purchase gold abroad in order to retain some international credibility. 
It's more likely that a new bill will be printed for the new hourly minimum wage pay standard.

Monday, April 18, 2016

US Presidential Candidates- my quick thoughts

Presidential Candidates:

Donald Trump- is a demon, though with a truthful note. Aside from slews of American people who have worked for Trump, he is a "bastard" employer that many found hateful.  He polarizes the contents of the USA and has used his campaign to be outspoken to World leaders about what and who actually reside in the USA, backyard BBQ culture, surface to the world front.

Bernie Sanders- is a "Fucktard". He's that pathetic, stereotypical, vomitous, putrid, Caucasian, "progressive" brand of politics that screams to fulfill OCCUPY interests as a president. That is Blatantly full of deceit and lies under the surface of "Global Harmony". Maybe he does appeal to the African-American crowd that needs Civil liberties, yet too many African-Americans attempt and do sexually exploit the Asian-American women in the USA to bridge their racial disparity within acceptable American concerns. That is aside from the typical White, Male progressive rhetoric being that they are making Asian-American women equal by stealing everything from us possible as "Equals". These guys are extremely offensive. And, the international community knows that it doesn't save Asian lives studying abroad either.
Most of Hawaii's Democratic caucus participants voted for Bernie;- however most of them have not had to live for more than a college term on the USA East Coast amidst the Hub of American Progressive culture.
The fallout from the Republicans vs. Hillary battle is that Bernie Sanders is seen as more of a pushover President/ Commander in Chief and a definite go to for the Seals & Black Ops soldiers who are finding Trump a hard act to support.  They are undermining the peaceable business efforts in the Civilian realm as a result. 
Sanders' claims to be pro campaign finance reform. He wants free public education. In practise it will open a doorway to industries that supports government to keep their grip on the American workforce. It can easily lead to failures in the democratic system of citizens initiatives against the involved corporations.  There is nothing I like about this man & his campaign. In actual practise, his platform will serve the evils it claims to purport.

Hillary Clinton- Tougher than Margret Thatcher. She ACTUALLY has created jobs and brought more money to the USA minority dominated states than anyone. I completely admire her and her previous efforts to integrate Women first in international business. This, terrifies men.
She has the most terse environment to handle, and her current job position has attracted the hate of US military troops over the widely publicized Republican prompted film. That is her current, biggest downfall. The Special Forces & Navy Seals and Black Ops soldiers do not like her. They know their own have "Fallen" under her command and that alone is hateful and makes them afraid to elect her at all. These soldiers garner more business and military support and will likely re-direct Hillary's campaign efforts to Bernie Sanders and definitely Donald Trump.

Saturday, April 09, 2016

Improve Hawaii hotel check-in

It will be great when we can check in at a hotel with a kiosk to take payment and print invoice/receipt. Also it could give us USA citizens a room key card or update our phone with a key card that changes each time we enter the hotel lobby @ kiosk. Whether biometric or not.
 Just saying, lines are awful for someone like me ready to pass out. 

Friday, April 01, 2016

New Death Threat-

Today I got a verbal death threat from someone dressed as a Military personnel, in Camo.
They told me they'll kill me just to make sure Japan is on the US side.
Security Agreements like this, after my Ex USAF OSI father called me & told me he has hated me since I was born yesterday. Apparently;- The USAF had some other intention when they brought my mother to the USA (or as my mom's sister claims:- USAF trafficked my mother to the USA.)
At Valkenburgh Rd. near Pearl Harbor,  I don't take this as a good start to April Fool's day

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Prayers for @ Brussels

Dear God, & Master Healers;-
for those affected by the Belgium terror attacks yesterday,
 for the Peace in the World and for those making preparations for the Security of Peace;- 
please quickly heal these wounds.
Please, take away this sacrifice,all, of suffering, Divine God. 
Please send patience, protection, and security & safety to myself & my family relatives, and to those adversely affected by the Brussels Airport Terror attacks.
Thank you.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Donald Trump foreign agent

Why is it that a white man who is alleged to have received funds from people in a foreign country isn't considered a foreign agent? 
It doesn't matter if he set up business from the United States. 
I think Donald Trump should be expelled.

Friday, March 04, 2016

Small Space Craft to fall to earth

Use your chi/ life energy force to keep the beings in these craft alive. When they crash to the earth they loose the cosmic force that is outside the earth's atmosphere that they use to stay afloat. Unless you channel your chi/ light force, life force to these small craft, they will not survive. Please take them to a temple where monks and others meditate all day.
Several small and very heavy spacecraft, much like a traditional flying saucer. Small as in within the circumference of a basketball, yet much heavier & denser like a lead weight with an usual center of gravity. (yet still within carrying weight with both hands). They are very heavy and with a matted metallic sheen. The surface is detailed, with some windows if any;- yet there are no other apparent openings to pry open.
These craft will glow with light/ life force if you are able to channel and
focus your energy to them.

Please take them to a Temple for Buddha or Krishna if you come upon one of these craft. They are precious beings from God & the heavens.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


I had a wonderful dream last night as soon as I shut my eyes. There were over 900 pyramids were built over fast expensive desert. It was the most incredible and beautiful thing I have ever seen.