Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Friday, November 18, 2016

the Feng Shui of 2017 President to be.

The feng shui of the 2017 President to be in relation to me/family ;- will create a ton of Ghosts.
It should be however, reciprocated for balance. 
His team is worse than Yakuza, and is using them to further his USA business enterprise.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Stolen identity & USA Yakuza gang

3  people have approached me claiming that they are my brother. One of them, I have already had issues with and had military involvement for Intelligence investigation as he works for DoE & secret services as a combat trainer and has voiced how the American-Asian gangs always want to hire him. I think that they did, as I also wrote to Israel and they responded that he is not an instructor listed with them as IKMF.
I'm very concerned, also for my life and further issues from these Americans, who may be yakuza gangsters or connected to some other Asian based crime gang.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Issues with modern day Seppuku

The Being 1st generation Japanese-American has brought many troubling issues for me. The one that is outstanding is how my American father sold the swords my ofesan gave to him. So pathetic I don't know where to begin.
Next is that in the USA, it's illegal to behead a person, perhaps even after they bleed out. 
Then, because the United States has so many discrepancies, I would want a clean and understood death. 
I won't even mention that I wanted to commit suicide when I was 9years old. The abuse from the Quakertown community was too much then. I only stayed alive to take the relentless beatings that my brother would have had to endure if I didn't accept blame for his mistakes. Thus, I was beyond upset when they found him dead with his brains blown out with a gun all over the area near where clam bake stove was.

I feel sorry for my mother that she came to the United States at all. 

I grew up with the story of how the white nurses at Quakertown Hospital in 1970 killed my sister after her first breaths and told her 
how she didn't deserve to have children. children. That story was one I heard nearly every night. And as young as I can remember, my mother educated me that the men at my church and school would probably rape me, and how my parents could not afford a lawsuit for such a matter. However, when things got so bad in the USA I was to kill myself, as no one in the family overseas had time to try and solve problems. There are no lawsuits, only war and preferably peace with the Americans. As Japanese I have a duty to the Emporer to exist so that American people meet a little bit of Japan. There were very few Japanese on the east Coast USA living with their families at that time. So I was to represent Japan as well.

Dying a macaroni and cheese death is not something I want in the USA. Tibet helped me through the last round of murder attempts on my life in the east Coast USA.

I have very little in common or that I like of the people I have met in Hawaii. Many are 3-4th generation and are not very classy, missing the Hepburn mark by more than a few republican elephant turds.

Monday, August 01, 2016

Semi-auto addicted Cops on Sunday Morning

3+ years of Police Harassment in Bucks County, Pennsylvania
For the handful of years I tried to stay with my parents after college graduation, I was harassed frequently by officers of the Richlandtown and Quakertown Police Department. This particulary worsened @ 2002-2005 when they would arrive and start shooting semi-automatic weapons on Sunday mornings in our family field. Later they would harass me pulling me over on the country roads. They also forced my parents to throw me out without most of my piano studio belongings, or clothes. I was also abducted 2x between 2002 and 2006. They threated to arrest me when I attempted to obtain records for court, they said I wasn't white, wasn't a land owner, and was a mongrel dog to them.
They did on occasion escort me to my parent's home, allow me to put some things into a storage unit which was broken into.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

War warning

There will no longer be information or warning for any War actions against Asian or American nations, that can cause disaster to civilian populations. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pole shift

What if all the fish died so humans could use their oils to fill their own cells maximize density to prepare for disaster.

The idea of a mathematical philosophical hole i.e. A cube with a mathematical hole path/tube  is the very concept of free will. 

Glyph a metallic entity without definitive biological DNA yet a metal/semi-solid is a being who is elemental- elements being like the primary colors of biological life structures.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ban USA religious volunteerism

Recent USA news shows the racial disparity between American Christians within the USA. For a worldwide peaceable business economy, I personally think that USA religious groups should be banned from travel abroad. 

USA Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and politics
Humanitarian efforts should be constrained to humanitarian actual efforts only and not impede growth and peaceable politics. Online interactions already are a safe way for USA to infiltrate countries with global capitalist values and white based Christian value systems. 
 Respect for Collective Mindsets is lacking in interactions with the USA American Culture
More non-denominational schools for youth should be encouraged to finding peaceable international business solutions. Possibly with a broad scope of cultural religion and customs for positive interactions with collective mindsets that enable other humans to exist in other areas of the planet with reasonable peace (regardless of government & political form). 

There are slews of USA children who travel outside of their home countries to do "volunteer work" or "missionary" work.  They are taught that the people they help are poor because they aren't Christian.

Instead of rallies of religious arguments against the world's people and those who are have other beliefs besides Christianity;- there should be a ban on USA religious missions to other countries. 
One thing is that it doesn't represent everyone in the USA. And the Christianity I have experienced is highly racist and in line with an American parallel to the old Nazi regime. 

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Ex-im look at it this way Atlanta

They put a hit out on me, that is Atlanta, GA. so they have helpin Hawaii from local Chinese-Hawaiian maffia. And some NAVY SEALS.
I'm lucky to be alive, though everyone in Hawaii agrees that my misfortune is setting the bar to anger the right people in the right places to set up for WW3. They thank Hawaii for this.


Ex-IM TPP deal is Too little to late for the USA. Keeping open to North America seems like suited to Canada and Native American tribes. 
Unrealistic  2017 will work. 
Uncertain any of it is good. best to close out trade talks until 2018 & let everyone take a break and prepare for disaster.


Monday, April 25, 2016

I am very concerned. I need help to leave Hawaii safely.

So, I'm learning from ex-US military who was involved with Yamaguchi-gumi Inakawa-Kai that Hawaii syndicate runs the Hawaiian shipyards and docks and also vice in Chinatown. I don't know how outdated the story is. 
However, it's getting unbearably uncomfortable for me to try and remain in Hawaii, I was told they are patched in with the Chinese and Vietnamese communities;- stuff I just speculated before. So, it feels like death is breathing down my neck after yesterday. I'm not ok with this Hawaii State anymore. It's too stressful and I hate.
They try to kill my relatives In Japan who already do international trade;- and they have decimated any hope of me having a secure life in Hawaii and USA now.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

my Personal Security- Hawaii

There are so many people in the "Security" industry. Those I have met follow an American style way of  getting paid. First they all collaborate to cause a security problem.  For me, this includes #1  their  hacking and monitoring my phone :- despite my having to let anyone know my schedule and whereabouts due to terrorist threats. It is a National security issue;- and largely depends on the maturity of those who participate. Most security personnel or representatives consider creating international incidents their "Power". 

So far those who have interfered with my life and well being and on my official shit list include: Personal& Corporate  Security Contractors for firms competing with the Takenaka Corporation,  Honolulu Police Department since 2009, Hawaii State based Feds since 2009, Secret Services in Hawaii since 2009, Yamaguchi Gumi since 2004, Al-Quaeda since 2004, NY Yakuza since 2003, IRA Supporters and members in Massachusetts - Pennsylvania Since 2006,  USA Domestic White Supremacists groups since 1977, Rosicrucian - since childhood threatened to shoot me with a shotgun. All of the above along with their potential& new recruits have been life threatening to me.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

About Life on

Why is it that the world it's not progressed? 
When the great architectural monuments were built on the earth, humans had little money and immense connection to God.
The reasoning below has not followed;- slave forces are employed with paper and metal objects/coins that have significant value to objects/goods that destroy the life force of the planet. 

Maybe humans don't know how to connect to God any longer. They cannot live without their shelters. Well, Soon they cannot live with them!!! 

The path to true freedom exists. Desperation from Money exists. 
Instead of working on spirituality and unconditional love amongst each other, humans have worked to create even more mortality in exchange of money!
It is an exchange of constant death!!!

Humans today have fallen from the unconditional love the Masons  and builders of the past created by providing shelter to many!!!
Long gone are the thoughts;-
If you have little money and the ability to build a house. You can have a house of your own someday.

If you have billions of dollars yet no ability to build a house. You will never have a house that is truly your own. 

Today, for humanity to survive they must leave the finite interactions of their numbers system. Every interaction to make finite sets of human interactions must cease! It's very existence is collapsing What remains of the life force God gave to the Earth. 
Nuclear war & energy destroys God's lesser spiritual beings. This is a sign of the need to keep What remains, the remnants of God's creation. It was a grand project, souls will be annihilated.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Death, Environment & Peace

The most common way of death (to die), will be the most likely cause of death. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

War of *Children - cult of Sukyomahikari

Sukyomahikari member contacted me while I was beginning a session on an Scumann Frequency Mat while being stricken with only a Toxic black mold in my bloodstream. She wouldn't leave the space and at the advice of the Services overseer's, I caved to agree to receive light for her sake.

Shortly after Sukyomahikari contacted me, my life fell apart in entirety.

I joined SukyoMahikari In February 2015 after a "divine act" of my next day's membership class fee of $250 appearing in my life overnight. My first month, I spent 6-8hrs a day at the Dojo giving light (Okiyome), and taking 50 minutes each day to receive Okiyome. I didn't make it through the year with the very intense Omitama and cruel conservative attitudes of the Japanese women in the Dojo once I joined. People around me said I looked drained like I hadn't slept. There were random odd occurances of my car breaking down and the unusual appearances of other Sukyomahikari members.
I even had taken "selfies" before and after I attended the Dojo since this is a Light based practice.
The selfies looked somewhat normal. However they did show severely large and darker areas around my eyes than normal even for being tired, my face had a "death mask" on it.

I returned the Omitama several times to be reconsecrated. The Omitama itself felt like it held "fear" of another being. It was like a lost scared and hungry kitten clinging to me with claws extended.
By August of 2015, I returned the Omitama not to rejoin. I had been disgusted by the smell of "sex" at the signin table. And then appauled that they were conducting Hula in the basement. After I left the daily presence of the Cult a 2nd time and returned my Omitama, (yes I could lie like other members about its HOLINESS), I was called to pick up the Omitama. When I tried to make arrangements, the basement of the Center had been flooded (or Cleansed). The Sukyomahikari members and staff told me I could only enter at certain times because they lost the entire basement level to Waterdamage. The waterdamage was talked about in a happy manner that they couldn't believe that such a freak accident could happen. The building flooded from the outside, as drainage grates were clogged from a pipe that burst in a planter. Then the water continued to seep overnight in the lower stairwell till it was filled, and then continued to seep through the door at the bottom of the staircase.
I thought and felt I had seen enough. I left several times due to other members not heeding my request of not pressing into my cerebral spinal system too hard. I felt that they were intentionally trying to hurt me.

 I did learn that the "will of God" was presented as any member saw fit as they all contained some of God like a "drop of water from the Ocean is still Ocean". However, the continual presentation of "God's Plan for Humanity" was irritating.  To me, there is one plan GOD has for all of us, and that is DEATH.

Today, in Metaphysical hindsight;- I feel that the Cult has a figurehead who used to practice a Chinese form of Wizardry in Dao. Shapeshifting, connecting spiritual cords of members, and tying his spirit to the Mortal human world to become a greater metaphysical entity. Since he spent his time on the Planet Earth as a Japanese Military leader, I do not want my more peaceful energies to be used by such an entity. He may be a black eyed child of the stars when he returns in form again. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

my brother's death- head blown off with shotgun

Japan owns $1197.0billion USA dollars in debt. The average inbred homeland American whose reading comprehension is low thinks that they own Japan. 
So...what I have been forced to live a social experiment is absolutely unforgivable. especially after my brother's memorial service and his so called friends joking about beating the shit out of him because he is Japanese. My father & his friends silenced me from getting into a fight and then several people attempted to murder me, which exhausted me financially.
The White Pennsylvanians (clearly have strong white European supremacy) and my college schoolmates thought it was funny that another "dumb Jap" but the dust on the east coast. That's the crowd of Pennsylvanians and New Yorkers (as hateful of Asia and white supremacist in their progressive allotment of race") I had the most exposure to. The Americans  think it's amusing that my mother & I, & our family Akita woke up to the disaster of my brother's brains splattered in a family picnic area with a shotgun.  Apparently my father "found him" and then went to sleep until my mother found him. 
No, I don't have friends here in the states. The half Chinese and mixed race other Asians think it's amusing as well since they revel in Japan's failures.
41 years tomorrow of the USA is quite enough embarrassment and harshness. 
My aunt Junko should know my mother psychologically wrote me off as a representation of her Jealousy for Aunt Junko's beauty and refinement in Japanese society. I was born to an oil and water family;- or steel and steel that clash constantly.