Showing posts with label export-import. Show all posts
Showing posts with label export-import. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Shingyo Money ideas as Japan turns out of Deflation

20 years of deflation and the less expensive yen, caused shoppers to seek out local goods at discounted rates. It's the Same same, but different impact of USA is too expensive to do business with.
And Japan, should seek more personal wealth in positive investments and straying from the global banking credit lines.
Something to consider similar to Shingyo money, to remain insulated from foreign business interest is trying to develop a local/prefecture currency that does not ripple due to the international trade market, Also, to keep the local/prefectural money on a short schedule to be "recycled" every 3-4 years. Thus the national standard Ginko can still remain with the larger Japanese banks.
A local "shingyo" type money should be based on actual life goods that are made, used, and traded within the prefecture. It should encourage sufficient sustainable & local agriculture, Health services, Tutoring & Arts lessons, regional clothing & household goods. Today, for some;- will include technology, vehicles in the vicinity of the company production buildings. And, in those more globally linked regions, should enforce corporate participation in supporting the local workers on a domestic standard. In some places such alternative money is structured like USA military pay/money. Others call it group wholesale. And again there are other areas that use the money as a representation of a more socialist concept that everyone is equal and so the money is equal in time.  Another Idea to protect local Japan from warring economies;- Shingyo banks by prefecture for those who do not have a need to move Japanese money abroad.

Bio regionalism is an old idea that the Europeans purport as a stodgy equivalent to Asian countries coping with European & American presence. It seems evident that other ASEAN countries that are frequented by USA tourists work on a local money & goods scale as well as an international standard. It seems to make life less stressful for the domestic population.

thoughts about Hawaiian Islands as the underflow is raging from Mexico, Israel, China & the Asian blackmarket economy.
Hawaii state, an old Kingdom;- is now plagued with low wages and high price of goods due to international competition for property. There are many homeless who are able to afford above average goods, and eat nutritional food of a high quality;- yet they cannot break through the glass ceiling to home ownership in the USA.
Building materials and other large goods are consistently damaged in shipment for the Oahu island population of 1mil., and the immediate cost of the goods is passed to the business owners rather than the home owner. Thus the current "modern" building construction  is already outdated and stale by international standards. Starting today, the new structures will be outdated for the next 50 years until mold and deterioration set in. If Hawaii is an example of International presence,

Business in Hawaii is closed to outsiders not connected to the undercurrent. They say it takes at least 5 years of surviving in Hawaii before any doors are opened to doing business in the State. And, that is irregardless of reputation. Many of the construction & Government contact workers who travel to the islands are also ex- USA military and have high level clearance to do contracting for the Military bases. They are able to participate in both the Federal level business as well as the local blackmarket economy for Marajuana/Pakalolo the biggest actual Hawaiian cash crop.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

My current death menace is back

In Hawaii the term Export-Import is a salacious word to the majority. It connotates foreign car models & porn stars. I = neither. Yet it is still a source of amusement for the male population on the island knowing they destroyed any decent career I may have had from the USA as a political liaison in Export-Import.
They made it easy for the Chinese-Hawaiian descent Federal Agent & military contract trainer who hijacked me from my vacation at the Honolulu airport to rob me and put me in the Sex industry 6 years ago. (He is someone who also proudly claims he has purchased women on his credit card and trafficked them to the Vatican in hearsay, as well as grilling me as to if I could obtain weapons for Hawaiian Nation). My credit was completely annihilated. He gave my ID to someone else. I've been fighting to retain minimal living standards here in Hawaii, and I can't go back to the mainland in this kind of disrepair. He annihilated my financial security. 
My depression is starting to become overwhelming. I can only "dance" as licensed by the Honolulu Liquor Comission that has previously "given away" my identity information to Chinese biased authorities on this island. 
The Hawaii population thinks it's amusing. They have embarrassed me in front of an international audience of tourists and some of my relatives;- not to mention other countries where my family's business connections have been more than aggravated. Each time I have a suitable living environment he, without incvitation, has "stopped by", stolen information or keys and called me crazy and threatened to harm me. 33black belts and 6 grandmaster ranks in various arts- he is impossible for me to contend with anymore.
My newest concern is his "poverty due to helping his parents current debts. Current debts they hold from their housing association. He incurred job loss as a paramedic possibly from harming me over 5 years go. He teaches martial arts privately to children of Kailua families at a church, among his other adult students.

I'm afraid he will kill me.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

my Personal Security- Hawaii

There are so many people in the "Security" industry. Those I have met follow an American style way of  getting paid. First they all collaborate to cause a security problem.  For me, this includes #1  their  hacking and monitoring my phone :- despite my having to let anyone know my schedule and whereabouts due to terrorist threats. It is a National security issue;- and largely depends on the maturity of those who participate. Most security personnel or representatives consider creating international incidents their "Power". 

So far those who have interfered with my life and well being and on my official shit list include: Personal& Corporate  Security Contractors for firms competing with the Takenaka Corporation,  Honolulu Police Department since 2009, Hawaii State based Feds since 2009, Secret Services in Hawaii since 2009, Yamaguchi Gumi since 2004, Al-Quaeda since 2004, NY Yakuza since 2003, IRA Supporters and members in Massachusetts - Pennsylvania Since 2006,  USA Domestic White Supremacists groups since 1977, Rosicrucian - since childhood threatened to shoot me with a shotgun. All of the above along with their potential& new recruits have been life threatening to me.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Money & Water is Lost in Translation - Export-Import

Still baffled as to WHY China & Japan buy USA debt. Here's an example below, of 1 item.

I don't remember if I blogged on my rant about how Network Marketing and Other products are creating a huge rift in the Global Financial Schema.
It's all Money that is Lost in Translation.

FOOD from street vendors in 3rd world nations, to the Capitol's of the 1st World's upper echelon;-
Food packaging and labelling, as well as marketing and educational PR to prompt "Euro-Centric" Americans to participate.

IE: A Package of Black Sesame seed crackers that a "progressive" person (environmentally conscious too) purchases at their local Cooperative market or "Health Food" store.

In USA- AMERICAN STYLE                                     In Asia - ASIAN STYLE
1. Is a round flat wafer                                            1. Usually a small thick rectangular noodle cracker
2. Limited Count in a Thin Plastic holder               2. No cracker count, is sold by weight
3. Has an additional Thin Plastic cover                   3. In a plastic bag (from bulk or pre-weighted).
4. Printed in English explains the Cracker              4. Has list of ingredients (somewhere).
5. Retails @ $5.69USD/ 24 crackers                       5. Can purchase for <$1 for 16oz in 3rd world

In 1999 when I worked at a National Merchandising Firm HQ out of college;- I was told that the Big Block Chain Stores were already open to set design for LESS PACKAGING in their stores. They had asked me to get into the Floor Planning for purchase control;- trying to integrate what they defined as more Ecological. Since I just had 3 years of working on Water related environmental issues;- I FAILED TO SEE HOW SELLING MORE SOAP & DETERGENT & HOUSEHOLD CLEANERS benefits the planet. That goes with MAKEUP that needs SOAP & CLEANSERS that goes in the water for removal. In Fact, I couldn't even justify doing a floor plan purchase scheme for a 6BILLION person world population to purchase HAIR COLORING/ DYE that goes in the water supply.
To date;- I'm still failing to see the change in Big Block Stores;- that includes tossing tubes of plastic containers in bins on the walls of some of the stores. Selling more containers of water contaminants on Palates, in Bulk.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Re: my ex-I'm biz plan

I definitely cannot be successful with Hawaii State & local federal involvement. I'm barely alive and surviving on Oahu. 
Definitely a project for Philadelphia, Ny, DC only.