Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 03, 2022


Every day has been "the easy day" in one boring sense of having nowhere to go and time for my brain and heart to understand 
decades of trauma.
Every day, something different seems to surface at the forefront of my concious mind. Another linked up and understood trauma I survived, the behaviors of those surrounding .e during those "unsafe" times.

For a decade, my mantras included the words "safety and security", repeated by the first life coach I hired after college graduation to exit a low paid yet highly visible faculty experience I took on. And like most naieve college grads, was unaware that the sheer racism and microagressions from "bosses" colleagues and clients would drive me away from my career post 9/11. So, they have an excuse for their behaviors. While my life is irrevocably destroyed.

Today was no different from other pandemic days-- I woke with tears streaming from my closed eyes. Sadness that I left the supportive and positive Hawaii community. I think about my time, wasted for the past 6 years especially-- delving into the why and exact legalities of USA criminality, torture, and abuse that is a rampant social construct. While my life is transparent, and worthless to these horrible MSM reporters while they glean the language of posing as a victim and use their funds to be the more capable leader. Yet they turn around and call victims losers to their faces, as a display of their narcissistic personality. Is there a way to circumvent the toxic energy?
That is after all what leadership is, it's about who has the money and resources to do things to help their following live. 

So, how can cyber attacked victims become leaders? I think about this question frequently. Where will more resources come from? This is quite different than targeted environmental and animal rights campaigns. Yet it is easier in many ways to be an environmentalist or fight for animal liberation. The public stature, is simply about being compassionate to animals and the environment. And to largely forget impressing other people in outlandish ways. For me, it's been a long day already. And my only solution is to tell people who are hurting to go out and volunteer to save or help animals and/or the environment.

Strange. My tears are about how much everyone is hurting. And we need some way to fix the planet. 

Transparency today... That's on my mind.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Greatest sin & overman path

Synthesis of overman & humility
About the path of the ubermensch or overman Excerpt written By Angela M. Kneale
All rights reserved July 1993 

What is left to live for?
Come down from the heavens and look beneath you.
"Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died... to sin against the Earth is now the most dreadful thing." - Frederick Nietzsche
If the life on Earth were to die, we sin against the Earth and ourselves. We will become selfish beings without either a home or Mother Earth. We will have destroyed the things dearest us, admitted, or not. To find another Mother Earth will not be the same, and we will venture to destroy her through hatred of our initial Mother (Earth) abandoning our souls. To become a race of overmans would be favorable for self, Mother (Earth), and siblings. 

Granted to become and over man is a treacherous path strung high above the wide path of the many. However, once one has begun to take the path of the overman, the path of the many will be harder to take. There are many places to step on a path so wide as the path of the many is. The path of the many is taken to try to find the path of the overman. It is a path of pure experience and takes much from the Earth. The overman, in starting on the narrow path will be hesitant at first but with each step grow more reluctant to recede, and shall take each step with growing joy as the path is so clear, and without doubt.

Friday, June 02, 2017

Galactic crime of Food transport

The Americans, have caused, due to their juvenile and idealistic state great atrocities.
Through feeding populations that were already unsustainable
That has been the cause of war
Rather than allowing nature to mend its course
The great evil that lends itself to planetary depopulation
Is the transport of human food for consumption
And so has the appearance of a biotoxin , one of many that will evolve, called toxic mold aka black mold aka aspergillius strains of mold
This will engulf the Earth's seed and food sources and homes and air until the population is under control
And not of any human control or intention.
Not if any power mongering group of individuals
Not if any rich or poor income
Death Knell

Thursday, April 21, 2016

my Personal Security- Hawaii

There are so many people in the "Security" industry. Those I have met follow an American style way of  getting paid. First they all collaborate to cause a security problem.  For me, this includes #1  their  hacking and monitoring my phone :- despite my having to let anyone know my schedule and whereabouts due to terrorist threats. It is a National security issue;- and largely depends on the maturity of those who participate. Most security personnel or representatives consider creating international incidents their "Power". 

So far those who have interfered with my life and well being and on my official shit list include: Personal& Corporate  Security Contractors for firms competing with the Takenaka Corporation,  Honolulu Police Department since 2009, Hawaii State based Feds since 2009, Secret Services in Hawaii since 2009, Yamaguchi Gumi since 2004, Al-Quaeda since 2004, NY Yakuza since 2003, IRA Supporters and members in Massachusetts - Pennsylvania Since 2006,  USA Domestic White Supremacists groups since 1977, Rosicrucian - since childhood threatened to shoot me with a shotgun. All of the above along with their potential& new recruits have been life threatening to me.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Death, Environment & Peace

The most common way of death (to die), will be the most likely cause of death. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

tourists leave camera batteries for endangered green sea turtles

I took a walk on the beach at Ali'i Beach Park in Haleiwa one afternoon. As I walked past the palms to the shoreline, I heard a bird squak. At first I looked up for the bird. Then I proceeded to walk on the rocky shore and while watching my steps, I saw a lithium camera battery. This is a place where endangered Hawaiian sea turtles emerge and climb ashore. I picked up the battery and took another direction to the right. I walked on the path that looped back to the main beach. I heard a bird squak again. I looked around at the ground and I found two more AA camera batteries with Japanese Kanji on them. I looked around a little more and headed to the lifeguard house. When I was closer to the infamous Baywatch lifeguard house I returned to a nearby picnic table under a palm tree, and again the bird squaked/shrieked loudly. This time, I saw the battery was under the picnic table.
I'm not joking about the bird shrieking when I was within arm's reach of these camera batteries. However, judging by the urgency of the shrieks and squats from the bird(s), the batteries must pose enough of a hazard that yes, even the birds are being proactive. 

I'm not sure how to make tourists understand that leaving camera batteries on the shoreline with endangered species  is not appropriate disposal. Even if a trash can is still not proper battery disposal, it is better than leaving the batteries to corrode and harm sealife. I can imagine that the battery acid can main and blind and burn the endangered Sea turtles. 

Monday, November 09, 2015

Hawaii & mainstream USA: Not very Buddha.

Party favors & decorations are not very Buddha. They are not needed and pollute the environment. After a 1 month stay on an island in Thailand that limited if not prohibited Balloons and streamers and things for parties;- it's difficult to see Hawaii's islands ever protecting the Wildlife and environment. Hawaii is a Pacific Ocean party Mecca for adults who have not matured past plasticine representations of joy with bouquets of rubber balloons. Children born in the aquarian age should start learning to enjoy life without these decorations as their gift to the Earth. 

Saturday, February 23, 2008

the Highly Explosive sQuba by Rinspeed

sQuba is the 1st functional amphibious and submersible luxury sport car.
Go see it at: Geneva Motor Show (also click title for Pravda slideshow link)
When: March 6 - 16, 2008
Ticket Links:

"...engineered by Esoro - What you dream is what you get."
"...The real challenge however was to create a submersible car that moves like a fish in water."
From Website: "PRESS RELEASE"

  • Big guy at Rinspeed: Frank M. Rinderknecht
  • Inspiration: Lotus Elise in 1977 James Bond movie 'The Spy Who Loved Me'.
  • Rinspeed: Founded in 1979
  • sQuba Development time: 30 years;
  • sQuba Production time: 6 months from initial concepts to reality by Esoro

  • Specs: 1st amphibious submersible luxury sport car
  • Exterior Foil Skin: from Wetzel Processing Group, Hornschuch, & Foliatec
  • Interior Elements: salt-water resistant, Mother of Pearl & diamond-plated non- slip abrasive inlays from Strähle + Hess and KGS Diamond
  • Emissions: environmentally friendly car with ZERO emissions.
  • Propulsion: two propellers, pair of Seabob jet drives, 2 electric motors
  • Inside Environment: oxygen is provided through an integrated Scuba-like system
  • Submersible Range: does best to 33 ft./ (10m)
  • Encapsulated: open cockpit
  • Land Motor: electric
  • Batteries: rechargeable Lithium-Ion

Related Links:



3. Video:


Sunday, February 17, 2008

New: Africa Energy Comission- as Raw a field as it gets

Most of us know that this was bound to happen. It was just a question of when.
Everyone in the Japan, U.S., Germany, etc. scrambling to set up functional infrastructure, transportation systems, and working on African development in numerous African countires knows that energy is important.

What is more important is that it is in the hands of African people. Like the troubled oil industry in African regions;- an alternative energy dictatorship could become potentially beyond heinous to the people in Africa who already have expensive health care costs just to stay alive. There is an enourmous amount of physical labor involved in setting up solar collector fields, alge ponds for bio-fuels, as well as other inexpensive solar collector and energy sources to put lights in African schools for children to learn.

Today: AFREC is the newly formed African Energy Comission
About 30 energy ministers from African Union countries are in Algiers for the meeting. They have been joined by representatives from other regional and international energy groups, as well as international financial institutions.

From: website-

AFREC is formed just in time for discussion at the Third International Solar Conference.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Presidential Address

Tonight I was fortunate enough to try some Safari Liqueur while watching the presidential address. I was mortified while listening to Bush's speech. Liqueur...a bunch of beers earlier, some Thai food... and then Bush's Presidential address happened. His economy proposal for the nation that may only take the form of carbon credits... the Medicare plan that may be for the self insured retiree candidates with high incomes only (I’ve heard over $100,000/ year). And the continual war on terrorism with the U.S. military is able to hire its own civilians for special ops. idea that mortifies me... because then how is the world to determine what is truly terrorist versus what is truly America's (the U.S.) since there is such racism and nationalism with in the United States. Or, that people like my father who can shoot well as a Class 1 could potentially eliminate the other side of my family in Japan. ;- Or, occurrences of like instances with other families and friends scenarios. Additionally, the fact that the U.S has gotten our asses kicked hard in Iraq and that we still cannot return home. It seems that 40 years of isolation would do it here in the U.S.
The perpetual reign of the U.S. enterprise over the citizens here to eliminate funding and force people to join the military and participate in the infrastructure change or a heightened "homeland security" the U.S. corporation makes significant job cuts to stay afloat and enable an elite Executive lifestyle that leaves the majority of U.S. citizens grasping for ways to live. Is the American public really going to perpetuate more of the bourgeois corporate elite by sacrificing more of today's youth just to save the increasing crime rate due to loss of jobs and an overall participatory economy?