Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 03, 2022


Every day has been "the easy day" in one boring sense of having nowhere to go and time for my brain and heart to understand 
decades of trauma.
Every day, something different seems to surface at the forefront of my concious mind. Another linked up and understood trauma I survived, the behaviors of those surrounding .e during those "unsafe" times.

For a decade, my mantras included the words "safety and security", repeated by the first life coach I hired after college graduation to exit a low paid yet highly visible faculty experience I took on. And like most naieve college grads, was unaware that the sheer racism and microagressions from "bosses" colleagues and clients would drive me away from my career post 9/11. So, they have an excuse for their behaviors. While my life is irrevocably destroyed.

Today was no different from other pandemic days-- I woke with tears streaming from my closed eyes. Sadness that I left the supportive and positive Hawaii community. I think about my time, wasted for the past 6 years especially-- delving into the why and exact legalities of USA criminality, torture, and abuse that is a rampant social construct. While my life is transparent, and worthless to these horrible MSM reporters while they glean the language of posing as a victim and use their funds to be the more capable leader. Yet they turn around and call victims losers to their faces, as a display of their narcissistic personality. Is there a way to circumvent the toxic energy?
That is after all what leadership is, it's about who has the money and resources to do things to help their following live. 

So, how can cyber attacked victims become leaders? I think about this question frequently. Where will more resources come from? This is quite different than targeted environmental and animal rights campaigns. Yet it is easier in many ways to be an environmentalist or fight for animal liberation. The public stature, is simply about being compassionate to animals and the environment. And to largely forget impressing other people in outlandish ways. For me, it's been a long day already. And my only solution is to tell people who are hurting to go out and volunteer to save or help animals and/or the environment.

Strange. My tears are about how much everyone is hurting. And we need some way to fix the planet. 

Transparency today... That's on my mind.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nisei stretched between USA & Japan security

I'm writing this to help inform the public about what it means that I am writing to the United Nations. This is a reality for me, and I do need help to finish my work especially since my father;- has riled up people to attack me.
He was USAF Intelligence and Jet engine mechanic who was also and Certified by Eastman Kodak in Graphic arts and printing back in the '60s. This means he worked on Operations and printed Classified information before the internet. I can write bout some of it now because he was declassified in 2001. Though, USA perpetrators have been doctoring documents, even my own birth certificate in order to strip me of my identity and life.
Despite having a lot of fun meeting others who are more diverse in Hawaii over the past 10 years. I'm working independently on these international issues of being born in the USA yet being a niece to a top-secret Japanese national security family. So, if anyone is wondering why I am making torture communications to the UN. The USA intel community has caused harm. This isn't EVERYONE who is/was a US government employee;- however, it is MOSTLY those who worked at various levels of USA government including public schools and township planning and police, DHS, all the way to the federal level.
As a targeted Individual of Japanese-American Asian descent;- At&t, Icloud, Itunes, Verizon, and early on in 2000's Tmobile have allowed the USA state actors in security to track, harass, and harm my livelihood, abduct, assault and harass me with threats of harm. I have tried to communicate to UNESCO about this issue since my life also involves other 1st generation Americans with relatives who are foreign nationals non-USA citizenship and our personal safety.
I went through great lengths to keep a record clean to attend the APEC International Summit. However, this means I also live in destitute in the USA due to their laws because of my family relation in Japan infrastructure, a Top secret issue of Japanese National security. The USA flagrantly humiliates me here for being of blood relations and has committed multiple acts of Torture since I was born.
In my case;- this is very serious since many billionaires (who have Nazi-like values) exploited their access to international security and targeted those of us from NON-EUROPEAN nations.

Monday, March 25, 2019

My personal Help Story was submitted to Bruno COF

My personal Help Story was submitted  for an international publication.
The submission was made during my time as a Success Report Writer Helper with the Organization
So, it has likely been edited further

Angela M. (Kikuchi) Kneale
Honolulu Community, Hawaii, USA
December 7, 2017

Help with Photo

Paying Family Respect at Pearl Harbor 76th Anniversary

In case you want to verify if this is based on any factual information due to the unusual nature of
my personal story I am sharing; My Mother & Father are mentioned in the Obituary, as my

father is his nephew at www.

I woke up in the morning and was still sad from my great-uncle passing last year before the big
Pearl Harbor 75th Anniversary. I went quietly on my own to the memorial with flowers for the
water. I did this in Hawaii the day of his funeral in Philadelphia and for the 75th Pearl Harbor
Anniversary since I could not afford to leave Hawaii. I was forced to move to Hawaii
unintended, in 2009 due to Government coercion. My great uncle served on the USS
Langley during World War 2 and was on its skeleton crew as a gunner the day Pearl Harbor
was bombed by Japanese forces. My Father was USAF OSI from a normal Philadelphia family.
My mother was a Japanese National until the late 80’s. I grew up in Quakertown, PA where my
we lived with my Philadelphian Great-grandmother, singer & voice teacher, until she passed. I
saw my Uncle Eddie almost every weekend before and after I attended college. Uncle Eddie
doubled as my USA grandfather since I never met my Grandfather on the USA family side.
As a kid, Uncle Eddie stood up for me to my Japan hating great-grandma and great-aunts. He
stood between those in my dad’s family who attacked me since birth. And he let me be a kid
taking me out for candy & Philly cheesesteaks before I had to go vegan. He didn’t spoil me like
my cousins or even give me graduation present, but he helped me through my life as a dual
national Japan-USA kid.
Uncle Eddie provided a political buffer for me through my adulthood. And a buffer in my mind to
handle USA kids & community members who abused me at School, Church, and at Piano
classes. Under teacher supervision I’d was beaten up at school regularly by groups of girls at
recess and racially taunted by boys since I was a kindergarten kid at the front of the bus line.
The Bucks County families who hated me and my family were “fake” to me in a sense of actual
USA patriotism.
Uncle Eddie remind me on weekends that I know what REAL is. He’d say, “Angie, hey
you know what real is, you’re looking at it.” He made sure I always knew that he was a
Real guy who fought the Real battles, Pearl Harbor and Iwo Jima. In 2009 before I
departed for my Hawaii vacation he stopped by and left his real mission cards for me to
see. I learned he had 8 bronze stars and 2 silver stars from Iwo Jima and his service on
the USS Langley.
Lethargic the morning of December 7, 2016, I didn’t get up and go to Pearl Harbor at 6:30AM to
wait in line & pay my respects with flowers. I also waited ALL day before I decided I should go.

And, I forgot how bad traffic is, horrendous. I did not have time or flowers (or much cash on me).
I had barely 20 minutes by the time I started praying hard. I searched my mind, I had Bruno
Groening’s photo on my car’s visor and pleaded for help. This is a normally impossible scenario
to complete at 4:30PM on Nimitz Hwy with the Arizona Memorial closing at 5PM. I pulled into
the airport lei stand and its owner immediately asked me what I wanted and dropped the price
considerably for three lei and gave me an extra lei. I had 4 beautiful lei for the Memorial. I asked
God to bless her! A shut down construction lane made traffic stand still. I was praying the whole
way and I actually got over 2 lanes with cars leaving more than enough space for me to drive
around the long way, driving through the town to the right, making a circle back to the opposing
lane to drive to Pearl Harbor memorial entrance.
When I arrived, the gates were closing and I managed to get in. A park ranger told me they are
closing the park, but saw that I had the flower lei. I placed 2 lei on the Contemplation Circle.
She showed me a place where I could easily place the remaining flowers in the water at the
Memorial. I snapped a couple photos to send to my parents. The park ranger told me some
people didn’t make the early ceremony because a house had fallen off a truck and blocked a
lane. I hope the day was perfect for them regardless of the accident. All I know is that what I did
was normally impossible, I would have been sitting in construction traffic when the Arizona
Memorial closed. I thank God, Bruno, the Lei Stand, the fellow traffic drivers, and the Park
Ranger for making this possible.