Showing posts with label Cybertorture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cybertorture. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Updates- laws

Alot of things are happening Internationally with different "Cybertorture" related cases.

1. Targeted Justice filed a Federal Lawsuit in January 2023.  There has been a ripple of cyber-torture retaliation felt throughout the community. 

2. ICATOR is working towards a case in Brussels. - They have teamed up with the best of British Intelligence Microwave Experts, DARPA scientist, and American Signals tracer. 

These cases, may or may not impact their followings. But it is a first for major attention and related to Havana Syndrome. Some of us who have very real and lifelong complaints against the US Defense industry and State Actors:- We are faced with the reality of SOFA forces agreements eroding our human rights through political targeting (online and offline) of both Japanese issei and nisei who live in USA and in Japan. We face a repeat of  deadly 2002-2004 type attacks under POTUS Biden served by U.S. local government and pd who were gung ho on destroying lives-- with the Denationalization talk of Patriot Act II that allegedly was sunsetted in Dec. 2005. They took the life of my brother and destroyed my career and safety actively. I reported I was still experiencing hostilities well into 2009 at the local level in Bucks County, PA from people who hate Japan (including my father) and knew who I was since my birth.  ( . The ACLU had previously mishandled my brother's case in the mid 1990s as what I understand to be Cointelpro operation against him. But I will use this ACLU  quotation here from,sections%20will%20expire%20on%20Dec..

Quick Update: Though, I and some others are realizing that we will not get out of these surveillance loopholes with impending War tensions in Asian nations- Especially Japan. In my current day life, I am caught in a rift between U.S. military, Anti-AAPI (Anti-Asian American sentiment directed at me locally offline and online), and an increasing foreign innundation on social media platforms. And the local people refuse to respect my personal requirments for personal safety.  There is no support financially for me since spring 2021. And, I no longer trust employment websites to list my personal information-- Facebook is bad enough, along with LinkedIn. 

Geneva Convention (IV)- Article 32 - (Pertaining to Civilian Persons in time of War...) Prohibition of corporal punishment, torture, etc. The High Contracting Parties specifically agree that each of them is prohibited from taking any measure of such a character as to cause the physical suffering or extermination of protected persons in their hands.,Article%2032%20%2D%20Prohibition%20of%20corporal%20punishment%2C%20torture%2C%20etc.,protected%20persons%20in%20their%20hands. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022


More articles by Angela "Kikuchi" Kneale will be republished and linked soon from DropBox


IoBNT Cells 


August 02, 2022 TI Public was closed down after a 1 year test run. The 3 page contents and research links are at

TI Victims Resource Booklet 

at or download .pdf 

TI Victims Resources (download)  at

Is the Star Spangled Banner a different color for 1st Generation Americans? or Pdf at Dropbox

Cyberwar and New Signals Communication R&D, corporate run, or cyberwar?
*This is not legal advice. It is a Short Research summary at

 A hypothetical look at 4 Cybertorture narratives at
IoBNT slides 
March 4, 1994 self-published reprint November 19, 2022 
Aspects of Schoenberg & Berg in Wozzeck


Friday, May 13, 2022

imagine a world

Imagine a world where those who are related to prominent foreign officials are trafficked-- according to technical cutting edge international law.

Where they are born inside the USA to Asian foreign nationals who married US Military officers or State Actors. And their  entire lives are controlled by conspiring American officials and community members. Those US State actors who seek to make useful political statements to their constituents by torturing and killing these isolated foreigners and their American born children. And everyone from their former US State actor husband, the police, and everyone near them turns away-- including International humanitarian groups and Americans who view these foreigners as privledged people for being in the USA.
Where American civil liberties groups only add to the mockery of the international families of victims by upholding the controlled public and community narratives that fit their foreign policy agenda.

These are not known Federal Diplomatic Security (DS) agents who undergo training to protect foreign relations. These are self-appointed Americans who choose to act in affecting foreign policy and global politics and security by participating in targeted killings and torture. 

And today, Cybertorture. Cybertorture is a new class and category of torture. It includes the use of remote methods and advanced broadcast technologies to make their targets appear like "druggies" and "lowlifes" who are barely competent to send a proper letter or email. Who are kept locked out of normal employment and family communication. Whose identities are stolen by perpetrators to soil their reputation or cause upset in a circle of peers. And worst of all, the unseen use of microwave-like sonic waves that can debilitate and disable them for days, weeks, months, and sometimes permanently. 

This is different that what is formerly known as Havana syndrome, and far more sinister. The Cyber environment changed drastically in 2020. And there are decades of non-consensual human experimentation that occured. Victims today include average Americans. And the public isn't happy with the inclusion meant only for their political adversaries no matter how young or old.

Monday, May 09, 2022

The Feet, a last stop for nano-tech

Researching foot implants:
Here's what I am aware of and a link to my initial trial with the W-912

I was contaminated with bio-toxins in June of 2013. From 2014-2018 I detoxed and learned alot about these nano sized toxins and the interworkings in the human body.
Part of my knowledge is from my homeopath. Part of it is from personal research over 9 years and also using my own judgement to handle my situation.

1. The nano toxins are generally heavy. This means that they may circulate to the feet. First, they circulate through the body and can become lodged in other areas to cause tumors if they weaponize themselves with other toxic chemical molecules. Generally, I have not found cancer links to a singular biotoxin. But rather that these biotoxins bind to other molecules that they weaponize invarious ways. And the random circulation of particles will cause "symptoms" in the parts of the body where they are lodged. 

Generally, in the simple model;- the toxins circulate and create digestive and allergic reactions to chemicals and normal whole foods. When this happens, uric acid crystals may be created causing gout. Most people understand that gout symptoms are from uric acid crystals that circulate and stay in the feet. 
In my experience, the nano-tech chips behaved like gout.  So it's not actually gout, but many "foot" issues that include walking being an issue until one is bedridden. So the tough part is "dissolving" these nano chips by ways of digestive enzymes. However, since many people cannot afford electron microscopy sessions;- the nanotech or chip degredation generally is of an unknown substance. 

This means finding research studies on hydrogen peroxidase and it's 30-90day affects on highly toxic nano particles is only an indicator of graphene degredation.
Though enzymes are generally considered a way to help the body process out these foreign toxins. But there is a myriad of rarer foot issues that may be caused by the nanotech that are not gout. 

While decreasing the overall toxic load on the body is critical, the alkaline balance to offset the toxic impacts is also critical. And sadly, there have been human tests done in foreign nations, at hospitals, on patients for manmade plasma replacement. The product I know is amazing in this way. However it also is suspect in the "conspiracy" of human test subjects involving US researchers. 

The feet, store whatever's remaining. And it may be a blessing in disguise. Especially when comparing oneself to cases and victim stories of those who have gotten these toxic particles lodged in their brains.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Electromagnetic heating & RF of rooms

1. Large antennae that was in the yard was put on the roof. 
• The story behind the antennae is that someone took out home equity to sell these to everyone. This happened while I was living in Hawaii.
• The antennae blew a transformer the same time I had a very bad cognitive radio or live monitor style attack. It was noticeable due to the occurrence near the Thanksgiving holiday football game in 2021. 
• This antennae seems to be linked to the opening of my sunroof window, and other odd electrical occurances. It may be art of an array system.

Possible part of an antennae array and/or the device may be modified inside:- The 120w Garage space heater is outside the door of 2 sleeping areas. I believe my father a veteran  USAF tech has it set up to amplify the cognitive radio. When attacks are more intense at the house;- this heater is plugged in yet not used to hear the area. It is simply plugged in to power source.
• yesterday, I was attacked with synthetic dreams, a constant tone, and rap pertaining to my tweets the day before. The attack was severe, and I initially attributed it to my phone being left outside microwave sheilding while I slept. However early this morning I heard an animal in agony in the garage. So I went in the garage to investigate. I found the garage heater plugged in and not heating anything, again.

My father, a white Caucasian male, is his own entity and operates at the instructions of those seeking to harm me and/or my Japanese mother. This has been an unwelcome political arrangement, and has been analyzed by Japan foreign officials as a serious international incident by the USAF. The Ill treatment and torture I report by the USA is well after the fact of Japan's concern. And 23 years since US CIA interfered with my repatriation to Japan after college graduation;- things worsened for my life in the USA.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

re: USA, I'm Over it.

By Angela M. Kikuchi Kneale

The Americans I have met throughout my life, are proud of being racists, pedophiles, human traffickers, child abusers, drug traffickers, gun runners, pimps, hustlers, and unpunished organized crime. They take delight in their successes and threaten lawsuits of slander throughout the course of their conspiracies and actions.

Their behavior is converse to the strict actual guidelines of having an international family members of Japan and the USA being able and unthreatened in keeping travel and family communications intact. 
I strongly believe that what the Americans have done to me and to my immediate family members throughout my life is a form of torture. 

Since 2016-2017, I became aware of a loosely organized civil rights movement of "targeted individuals". The documents that are requested are very time consuming, and emotionally, psychologically, financially, and socially draining. These documents are to gather information about a "torture" program conducted by the CIA and a long list of USA state actors. 
In many cases, other Americans are apt to attack those who identify as victims of CIA targeting as a form of collective democratic retaliation to coverup state run torture.

Most of the Americans, disregard their laws as a form of social participation and trust. Financially, their actions are beneficial and these state actors live near flawless lives, with and without court battles or accidents.
Their favorite targets are citizens from foreign nations and their immediate family members. Obviously the wealthiest foreign nations are China and Japan. Families who retain connections to their homeland nations are targeted as sources of income for the US social elite- attorneys, local politicians, police, CIA, false flags, and "patsies" or martyrs groomed and stalked as scapegoats. It is an effective a form of hostage taking and torture where all international sensitivity is overlooked. The questionfinancial damages alone constitute terroristic threats to human rights  The religious persecution goes far beyond the tolerances of what has been publically disapproved of at Guantanamo Bay-- the infamous U.S. torture prison.
 However in local US laws that have a 10year statute of limitations , it might qualify as racketeering- or RICO Act Violations-- which include murder and influencing foreign officials.

This is the beginning of understanding how early RICO Act 1970, FisA 1978, and other Alien & Tort statues including Hostage taking, USCA 50, US Constitution Amendments (ie., 1,2,6,8) involving Due Process, were overlooked or violated. Enabled further byand DoD 5240.1R (08/1986) surveillance manual used widely by US Intel and branches of the armed forces and CIA laws and procedures that allowed for microwave signals, exotic signals, slander of the surveillance subjects, degredation of life, and non-consensual human experimentation of adults and children. It evolved into Patriot Act, Freedom Act, and the domestic US Citizen focused "Targeted Individual" program that widely includes US Open source intelligence, across the planet. These programs are linked congruently with US intelligence offices, Kindle, and Amazon locations. And there is little to no opposition of these outright violations of human rights in any international court against the United States of America. 

It's as if every American Government official, employee, defense contractors and employees since is laughing at those of us who are pushed out of their culture. Yet this movement was brought to light by the same perpetrators of the human rights violations since at least the 1960s. It only became a problem when the slippery slope reached the wallets of the government officials who started the gradation of the slippery slope. And now that it does involve many more Americans, those of us who have foreign concerns and are 1st generation Americans are being pushed out of the way and silenced from within this "global civil rights" movement. And no, not a single one of these Government whistleblowers and their popular following will allow any 1st generation American to lead. At least not for very long without gaining refined human behavioral test data of the torture back to the CIA researchers.

And the research involved in my case detracts from the quality of my life and health by an upcoming 5th decade. This is an outrage for me to understand so in depth.  

USA's targeting of relatives to foreign officials

Over the past half decade, the turbulence in my life has become very clearly linked to USA intelligence efforts.

While the locals and daily normies find it amusing and find ways to dismiss their involvement in real politics;- my reality is very political and very real. And it doesn't mean that the Japanese stork found me born in outer space and brought me to the USA devoid of having Japanese family and relatives, including my silenced and shamed Issei mother. Just ask the SBA or Rep. Fitzpatrick's office for clarification on their trafficking stance.

The local yokel government officials and feds really do intend the rash of insults, even on an interpersonal level. They intend to try and force me into their trafficking networks, including US Military. And they have for decades to access the shipping lines only a select few relatives I have could manipulate. 
As a result, I live under constant yearly, quarterly, and monthly threats and unwelcome monitoring using a variety of non-consensual signals.
Today, I put my Bluetooth devices in an old microwave. And am innundated with outside frequency attacks and cyber ops to decomission my life in this body. 

So, I hope to finish my international communication against the USA. I understand that nearly 50years of being subject to persecution, cruel and unusual punishment, and state torture by the USA is too much. And I'm failing myself due to the "doubling up" of current attacks as retaliation for documenting decades old attacks on me and my deceased and disabled family members. The USA didn't want a biological line of people to survive my Japanese issei mother. And so, in international forms of torture- I must consider that the USA allowed her to give birth to me, to possibly torture her and affect my foreign official relatives. So in essence, I was and am a human born for slaughter. And that is a crime against humanity by the USA.
As my USAF w6 (OSI) veteran father used to say to me as a young child "Try to find somebody who loves you."  And today those words make sense against a backdrop of the definitions of torture.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Hydra: Links

The below are articles considered based on images for comparison in Microscopy. Of  my own live blood Microscopy picture for biotoxin illness aka toxic mold (illness).

Resources for comparison:

Search terms:
Plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme

Not peer reviewed:

Cellular multifunctionality in the muscle activity of Hydra vulgaris
John SzymanskiRafael Yuste

Unknown if Peer Reviewed:
Hydra's Four nematocysts.

Best one for Hydra electron microscopy of cindarian:  
Özbek, Suat. (2010). The cnidarian nematocyst: A miniature extracellular matrix within a secretory vesicle. Protoplasma. 248. 635-40. 10.1007/s00709-010-0219-4.

Tortiglione, Claudia. "An Ancient Model Organism to Test In Vivo Novel Functional Nanocrystals". Biomedical Engineering - From Theory to Applications, edited by Reza Fazel-Rezai, IntechOpen, 2011. 10.5772/21038.

Blackwell Publishing Ltd 36 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Determination of proliferation by flow cytometry Quantification of cell-cycle distribution and mitotic index in Hydra by flow cytometry - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed 18 Apr, 2022]

Campbell, R. & Iñiguez, A. & Iñiguez, Alonso & Martínez, D.. (2013). Hydra of Hawaii: Phylogenetic relationships with continental species. Hydrobiologia. 713. 10.1007/s10750-013-1508-7. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Targeted attacks updates

In 2021, I was targeted heavily
1. Summer 2021-  My vehicle sat in the driveway most days.PA state cancelled my license plate and insurance for no particular reason and without warning. I got a $0.00 insurance bill that alerted me to the problem. Had to borrow cash to replace the UN nexpired dead tag at a notary. The notary confirmed that the tag (license plate and registration) had not expired but someone at the State access level cancelled it. And I was billed for a new tag and a new registration. I mailed in the dead tag, but never heard a response from the State.
2. A BBB designated "legitimate" tax collector sent letters to me demanding payment of local taxes. And, I sent payment to them before the end of 2021. Yesterday I received a State notice saying they never received any tax payments from me. Yet took $35 for my 2021 tax refund as an adjusted payment. 
So despite paying the Keystone tax collector:- to date in 2022- Pennsylvania has not received any of the money.
3. I received another letter a week ago from another Pennsylvania office with another keystone logo but from a PO Box in Sacremento, California address. It says someone stole my Identity and to contact them with my personal information to use their websites as credit monitoring.
I posted a pic of the letter on Facebook and was told it is a scam.
4. I was contaminated with something that nearly killed me in 2021. I had been very sick, lethargic, and unable to move after eating and my last 2021 blood donation confirmed some issue that may only be elevated D-dimer levels. They suggested I have HepB.antibodies yet it is inconclusive.
It is highly likely a CDC monitored individual contaminated me by April 2021 at my last part-time workplace.

another dismal dream

While the quality of life deteriorated through lockdown, unexpectedly, I spent many hours in meditation and prayer.
Part of what drove me to prayer was the escalation of anti-Asian hate and hate acts directed at me each day I was in public 
And the international healing  prayer group I have belonged to for many years has also held it's share of Karen's more than Kens from the USA based communities.
Yet, I reluctantly avoided much of the volunteer leadership who felt more inclined to outrightly say they hate me or they hate Japanese people within a brief introduction.
And despite writing to other volunteer leaders about the incidents that made me feel unwelcome and threatened, I had no response. It was my last refuge online and isolated from any normal social interactions for the past 2 years. 

This morning I woke from my slumber in yet another dismal dream scene. One walking through some beautiful residence with a famous Hawaiian. And stopping to see how polluted and trashed the once pristine Hawaii waters had become. The water was somewhere between NYC trash and rubbish plus Thailand's streams of brown. 
And then a scene where I was job seeking for an appropriate job for my Buddhist and Vegan soul. Yet only dark trades in alsohol and clubs were offered. Even an old college classmate appeared to tell me they have plenty of Jobs at the world xlass alcohol distribution retail store where he works just before then his own face turned blue as if he were dying from a toxic Jab. It was an unusual dream of someone I last saw a few years ago. And with a clear ATF connection due to the workplace. 

I woke to the phone ringing loudly 1st from my hometown and then immediately after from another town and the reality of police from other counties calling for fundraising.
I wondered if there was microwave or RF they directed at the house again. Last night, I had my phone battery run down after a session of activist emails, and put the phone and Bluetooth headset in an old Microwave and unplugged the WiFi router. The TV's were turned off until I finished housecleaning, near 11AM and people returned from post-op surgery checkup. Sometimes the police park nearby to use any portable RF weapons. 

After all, yesterday, I had my phone on again on my drive to town and a PD SUV passed me on my short rural drive. These Police sightings are no longer coincidence since they have targeted and covered up killing my siblings and the abductions I went through over 3 decades I lived in Bucks County, PA. 
The 20+ reports I made to the liberal Department of Justice had inconsiquential impact on my life. Rather I got the sense that they condoned pedophiles in the school employ and local governments sex assaults- on me as "an English learner". 
And today, like my childhood, I am stuck on the USA yet loathe everything about what these people are to me. I hate what these people are at a deep spiritual level.

And because my father is a white man who was USAF w6 and allegedly OSI-- my mother, was unable to fight these people and spare our lives the continued torture.
Today, I'm reaching 50years of age soon. And I have 50years of continued torture, outright discrimination, financial sabotage, and non-consensual human testing by Pennsylvania DeepState to report. Despite the painful wakeup all, I still pray for a positive time in my life where things are "FOR ME" in a positive supportive way. And I believe the USA is totally incapable of providing this for me.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Retrospect on Toxic mold AND Nano-tech

In retrospect, with so many nano-tech reporterrs showing cutting edge creations;- I've put together a different perspective of what I once called "toxic mold".yes, click on the link to find a real glimpse of the microbe toxic mold. Then start the comparison to how it doesn't look like what was in my blood.

Here's the first and one of very few pictures I have from my personal medical files that iCloud took away from me aka locked me out of my iCloud account. It looks like the Toxic Mold plushie more than the microbe. 
But it definitely has black spots like anake venom under a microscope-- indicating a biotoxin.   One of My Twitter and IG handle is @ImperialNewsJ.

I now understand that the researchers and "powers that be" use a bio-toxins such as black mold microbe (not nano), or hydras as an obvious culprit to blame for the array of symptoms and microscopic nano-crystals. However, after another hard long look at several other pictures I took of my own microscopy session-- I understand there was alot more to blame than "mother nature's bio-toxins."

Red Pill, was nothing I subscribed to in the past. But undeniably the professional reporters present so much information about these old pics Ifrom a microscopy session I had stored away as "natural biotoxin" byproducts (Especially see the gloved hand pointing below)

These pictures were "interesting areas" that lacked the black mold.  And I agreed and nodded my head along with the microscopist the whole way without researching any further that this was toxic mold cause and effect.

 But, here's my self reflection in 2021-2022:  In some pics little black dots are suspect of "malaria" attacking cells. Other nano sized black dots may be biotoxins/mycotoxins killing cells and/or graphene. I've found plenty of pics that make graphene a primary suspect, and it is highly toxic in an of itself. What a great compliment to the microbe black mold that is micro-sized and much larger than 20nm or the size of 2 red blood cells.

Clear Angular crystals also show up as micro sized (bigger than red blood cells). One of the largest crystals seems to have a z or angular S shaped nano circuit in it. 

The smallest crystal, shaped like a nano lemon and vaguely there is probably uric acid. While it's adjacent reflective lit up crystal --both surrounded by red blood cells-- is more akin to "5g" nanotech. And there is a lit up cyan-blue nano sphere or nano bead in the pic with the gloved hand. 

Now here's the thing that really bothers me about the nano Spheres/beads. Nano beads/spheres are typically used as delivery methods. And, without a prescription can contain and be coated with anything from mRNA to pharmaceuticals. Some nano beads/spheres are used to erect a type of nano-scaffolding also known as "implants" in truther lore of former CommanderJ ames Casbolt aka Michael Prince circa 2004.

Though I concur the biotoxins create a noticable level of disfunction in my body;- I also realize today that there was much much more than ONE single biotoxin in the droplets of blood I gave for analysis. Toxic mold, was hardly the only culprit. And the manmade nano-spheres are still my greatest concern due to the unknown Bio-tech weapons and uses they connotate as everything from Genetical manipulation, to chemical delivery, to nano-bots, and data transmitter stations.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

My Old Poetry that didn't make sense

 Today, I had a chat with an author about Mind Control and Stargate related technology. So, one of my older tweets from 2018 I made when I returned to the mainland has my college poetry. The part of Torture that i mentioned when writing to the United Nations, is that the perpetrators also had access to all of my belongings in the mainland for most of 9 years. I lost everything that was left at my office in Ithaca, NY. The Landlord, no one ever attempted to call me. And when I was permitted to communicate with my parents;- of course my father happily made sure I would not have my vehicle when I returned. That is one of the other reasons, there is no question in my mind that the father I had was a malicious State Actor. One of the poems is a sonnet entitled 'A Pear Tree Lullaby'. I have other poetry I wrote on an old floppy and zip drive too. I had read some of the poetry at an Eco day poetry reading at college. And some people wondered if I was psychotic, while not knowing that I had been recently diagnosed with Hyperacusis at the Sir Ewig hearing clinic.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nisei stretched between USA & Japan security

I'm writing this to help inform the public about what it means that I am writing to the United Nations. This is a reality for me, and I do need help to finish my work especially since my father;- has riled up people to attack me.
He was USAF Intelligence and Jet engine mechanic who was also and Certified by Eastman Kodak in Graphic arts and printing back in the '60s. This means he worked on Operations and printed Classified information before the internet. I can write bout some of it now because he was declassified in 2001. Though, USA perpetrators have been doctoring documents, even my own birth certificate in order to strip me of my identity and life.
Despite having a lot of fun meeting others who are more diverse in Hawaii over the past 10 years. I'm working independently on these international issues of being born in the USA yet being a niece to a top-secret Japanese national security family. So, if anyone is wondering why I am making torture communications to the UN. The USA intel community has caused harm. This isn't EVERYONE who is/was a US government employee;- however, it is MOSTLY those who worked at various levels of USA government including public schools and township planning and police, DHS, all the way to the federal level.
As a targeted Individual of Japanese-American Asian descent;- At&t, Icloud, Itunes, Verizon, and early on in 2000's Tmobile have allowed the USA state actors in security to track, harass, and harm my livelihood, abduct, assault and harass me with threats of harm. I have tried to communicate to UNESCO about this issue since my life also involves other 1st generation Americans with relatives who are foreign nationals non-USA citizenship and our personal safety.
I went through great lengths to keep a record clean to attend the APEC International Summit. However, this means I also live in destitute in the USA due to their laws because of my family relation in Japan infrastructure, a Top secret issue of Japanese National security. The USA flagrantly humiliates me here for being of blood relations and has committed multiple acts of Torture since I was born.
In my case;- this is very serious since many billionaires (who have Nazi-like values) exploited their access to international security and targeted those of us from NON-EUROPEAN nations.