Showing posts with label Hafu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hafu. Show all posts

Monday, October 09, 2023

20years of retaliation

Since 2004, when Patriot act 2 was anticipated,Bucks County, PA area officials and friends, family, and close associates of U.S.A. based small cap corporations targeted me and my Japanese-American family members. My USA father being a longstanding racist towards me since my first words were said seemingly took sides with the anti-Japanese public at large. One year he even obtained a bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki picture to give to my Japanese mother as a birthday card.

Today, it's nearly 20 years since my brother's death at the hands of malfeasant local officials. And I am reporting continued retaliation and heightened anti-Japanese and/or anti-AAPI incidents by neighbors to the State Representative's office. They have further eroded my human rights. But here is a short laundry list of UDHR violations I've experienced from the United States- some UDHR articles being violated repeatedly:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights violations I allege by the United States of America; 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 18, 25, 26

Article 2: Right to non-discrimination and equality - Discrimination based on nationality, language, cultural identity, and religious beliefs.
Article 5: Right to freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment - Allegations of corporal punishment and assault during elementary school.
Article 7: Equal protection under the law - Ensuring equal protection against any discrimination in the recognition of nationality and family rights.
Article 8: Right to effective remedy - Everyone has the right to an effective remedy for acts violating their fundamental rights, as well as the right to have a competent public authority review their case.
Article 12: Right to privacy - Interference in personal matters such as language choice and cultural practices.
Article 12: Right to remedy - Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by competent national tribunals for acts violating their fundamental rights.
Article 12: Right to privacy - Interference in your personal and family matters, such as attempts to manipulate or disrupt your familial relationships.
Article 15: Right to a nationality - Ensuring individuals have the right to a nationality and are not arbitrarily deprived of it.
Article 16: Right to marriage and family - Interference with your ability to form and maintain a family, whether through attempts to disrupt familial relationships or deter you from having your own family.
Article 16: Right to marriage and family - Recognizing the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society, entitled to protection.
Article 18: Right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion - Persecution based on religious beliefs.
Article 25: Right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being, including medical care - Prevention from welfare assistance impacting access to healthcare and impeding the right to health.
Article 26: Right to education - Interference in the right to education due to forced language restrictions and alleged assault at school.
Article 26: Right to education - Impediments to education due to the diagnosed disability of hyperacusis and the acoustic environment affecting your ability to function.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Updates- laws

Alot of things are happening Internationally with different "Cybertorture" related cases.

1. Targeted Justice filed a Federal Lawsuit in January 2023.  There has been a ripple of cyber-torture retaliation felt throughout the community. 

2. ICATOR is working towards a case in Brussels. - They have teamed up with the best of British Intelligence Microwave Experts, DARPA scientist, and American Signals tracer. 

These cases, may or may not impact their followings. But it is a first for major attention and related to Havana Syndrome. Some of us who have very real and lifelong complaints against the US Defense industry and State Actors:- We are faced with the reality of SOFA forces agreements eroding our human rights through political targeting (online and offline) of both Japanese issei and nisei who live in USA and in Japan. We face a repeat of  deadly 2002-2004 type attacks under POTUS Biden served by U.S. local government and pd who were gung ho on destroying lives-- with the Denationalization talk of Patriot Act II that allegedly was sunsetted in Dec. 2005. They took the life of my brother and destroyed my career and safety actively. I reported I was still experiencing hostilities well into 2009 at the local level in Bucks County, PA from people who hate Japan (including my father) and knew who I was since my birth.  ( . The ACLU had previously mishandled my brother's case in the mid 1990s as what I understand to be Cointelpro operation against him. But I will use this ACLU  quotation here from,sections%20will%20expire%20on%20Dec..

Quick Update: Though, I and some others are realizing that we will not get out of these surveillance loopholes with impending War tensions in Asian nations- Especially Japan. In my current day life, I am caught in a rift between U.S. military, Anti-AAPI (Anti-Asian American sentiment directed at me locally offline and online), and an increasing foreign innundation on social media platforms. And the local people refuse to respect my personal requirments for personal safety.  There is no support financially for me since spring 2021. And, I no longer trust employment websites to list my personal information-- Facebook is bad enough, along with LinkedIn. 

Geneva Convention (IV)- Article 32 - (Pertaining to Civilian Persons in time of War...) Prohibition of corporal punishment, torture, etc. The High Contracting Parties specifically agree that each of them is prohibited from taking any measure of such a character as to cause the physical suffering or extermination of protected persons in their hands.,Article%2032%20%2D%20Prohibition%20of%20corporal%20punishment%2C%20torture%2C%20etc.,protected%20persons%20in%20their%20hands. 

Sunday, October 22, 2006

There is a mentality that is tired for the 21st century.
It is the mentality of people who have it easy in the States and do not know about Asia, or Japan aside from their war experiences and handed down stories. I have met some other Halvsie// hafu people who have the same experience that I have had. It is the complete rejection of Japanese culture and/or mindset and the farce that they create by saying that Japanese is not a language, that Japanese people are all bad, that people from Japan are all crazy as well as Japanese related kin. Here on the east coast, there are pockets of small town people who still try to shove their small town view upon people of Japanese descent. They particularly hate buddhism and related people; put up a front of "cultural & racial acceptance" when in the trenches here in the working world those same people are doing everything in their power to harm people of Japanese descent.

I think that this happens frequently in small towns because the people are afraid about money issues. So afraid to pay someone who wants to visit their Japanese family, or create a positive environment. Once the racial threshold is crossed partway by those of us who are Haafu, Americans seem to think they can slander and berate our Japanese heritage without having any offense taken. Or, they're just playing dumb racist. I'm not sure which it is. Though it's an amazing array of split personalities that the racist offenders put up so that they can pretend they're understanding.

One story I heard from CT is that they're trying to declare someone who is Buddhist as "clinically insane". This person happens to have an older child in her custody as well. I have experienced the same type of intolerant attitude from people in my community. These are the same people who host Asian exchange students and then throw them out on the street for not being Christian. The same type of people who allow their children to play military torture with their adopted Asian children while these wars and negotiations are taking place. It's not right.

There are better attitudes and efforts towards multi-cultural understanding. My father was in the U.S. military and my grandfather, and great grandfather, as well as uncles. My mother is from Japan, and though things aren't perfect there is still a higher level of cultural understanding and acceptance.