Showing posts with label Japanese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japanese. Show all posts

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sprout Fuel: A Personal Journey, A Global Perspective

🌱Hello dear friends and readers,

When I began Sprout Fuel back in 2004, during the targeting by US officials in Bucks County, PA anticipated Patriot Act 2:-  it was a humble way for my relatives in Japan to connect with my life, ensuring I was safe and thriving. Over the years, this blog has grown into a dynamic reflection of my passions, concerns, and the interconnected world we live in.

From sharing daily experiences to delving into the realms of animal rights, environmental sustainability, and human rights, Sprout Fuel has evolved into a platform that amplifies essential conversations.

 It's a journey that has brought us together, highlighting the beauty of diversity and the shared responsibility we bear for our planet.

As we stand at this juncture, I'm excited to announce a transformation, an evolution in the Sprout Fuel narrative. We're expanding our horizons beyond the supply chain, moving into uncharted territory, and exploring the dynamics that shape our world today.

Through this evolution, we aim to spark conversations that inspire change, foster understanding, and ignite actions that can propel us towards a better future for all. We're embracing a more comprehensive, global perspective, driven by the belief that our collective efforts can truly make a difference.

Join us as we reimagine Sprout Fuel—a place where personal stories meet universal themes, and where we strive for a world that thrives, in harmony with both humanity and nature.With gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead. 

Angela "Kikuchi" Kneale and the Sprout Fuel Team

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Lost in surveillance monitors

去年、私は母のためにキノコを湯通しして冷凍して作りました。今日、私は彼女が自分で調理したキノコを準備し、それを湯煎して缶詰にするところを目撃しました。私は彼女に、たとえ少量の塩水を加えた低酸性食品の水浴缶詰の危険性を話しました。しかし、彼女はとにかく蓋をしてみました。私は今、不快なキノコについて説明した日本語の記事を探しています。 そして家は再びテレビやパッシブWi-Fiレーダーを通してスパイする人々からの無線周波数送信による監視下にあるため、監視監視員は母にボツリヌス中毒を食べるように言っています。これは私がハワイから来たときの状態と似ていました。彼らは彼女に寄生虫や腐った食べ物を食べるように指示したのはどこだろう。どういうわけか、彼女は彼らからこのことを学び、パンデミックの間に重篤な病気になりました。彼女の胃から出血していたので、医師に彼女の健康状態をいじってもらう代わりに、私は救急車を呼びました。 RF、マイクロ波、または特殊な信号からの実験監視周波数を処理できる人もいれば、それができず、政府の実験者や研究者からの法外な有害な要求に従う人もいます。その人が音声変調器を使用していることがわかっているため、その人が誰であるかに関係なく、家に向けられたこれらの信号をオフにしたりブロックしたりすることはほとんど不可能です。

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Updates- laws

Alot of things are happening Internationally with different "Cybertorture" related cases.

1. Targeted Justice filed a Federal Lawsuit in January 2023.  There has been a ripple of cyber-torture retaliation felt throughout the community. 

2. ICATOR is working towards a case in Brussels. - They have teamed up with the best of British Intelligence Microwave Experts, DARPA scientist, and American Signals tracer. 

These cases, may or may not impact their followings. But it is a first for major attention and related to Havana Syndrome. Some of us who have very real and lifelong complaints against the US Defense industry and State Actors:- We are faced with the reality of SOFA forces agreements eroding our human rights through political targeting (online and offline) of both Japanese issei and nisei who live in USA and in Japan. We face a repeat of  deadly 2002-2004 type attacks under POTUS Biden served by U.S. local government and pd who were gung ho on destroying lives-- with the Denationalization talk of Patriot Act II that allegedly was sunsetted in Dec. 2005. They took the life of my brother and destroyed my career and safety actively. I reported I was still experiencing hostilities well into 2009 at the local level in Bucks County, PA from people who hate Japan (including my father) and knew who I was since my birth.  ( . The ACLU had previously mishandled my brother's case in the mid 1990s as what I understand to be Cointelpro operation against him. But I will use this ACLU  quotation here from,sections%20will%20expire%20on%20Dec..

Quick Update: Though, I and some others are realizing that we will not get out of these surveillance loopholes with impending War tensions in Asian nations- Especially Japan. In my current day life, I am caught in a rift between U.S. military, Anti-AAPI (Anti-Asian American sentiment directed at me locally offline and online), and an increasing foreign innundation on social media platforms. And the local people refuse to respect my personal requirments for personal safety.  There is no support financially for me since spring 2021. And, I no longer trust employment websites to list my personal information-- Facebook is bad enough, along with LinkedIn. 

Geneva Convention (IV)- Article 32 - (Pertaining to Civilian Persons in time of War...) Prohibition of corporal punishment, torture, etc. The High Contracting Parties specifically agree that each of them is prohibited from taking any measure of such a character as to cause the physical suffering or extermination of protected persons in their hands.,Article%2032%20%2D%20Prohibition%20of%20corporal%20punishment%2C%20torture%2C%20etc.,protected%20persons%20in%20their%20hands. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

USA's targeting of relatives to foreign officials

Over the past half decade, the turbulence in my life has become very clearly linked to USA intelligence efforts.

While the locals and daily normies find it amusing and find ways to dismiss their involvement in real politics;- my reality is very political and very real. And it doesn't mean that the Japanese stork found me born in outer space and brought me to the USA devoid of having Japanese family and relatives, including my silenced and shamed Issei mother. Just ask the SBA or Rep. Fitzpatrick's office for clarification on their trafficking stance.

The local yokel government officials and feds really do intend the rash of insults, even on an interpersonal level. They intend to try and force me into their trafficking networks, including US Military. And they have for decades to access the shipping lines only a select few relatives I have could manipulate. 
As a result, I live under constant yearly, quarterly, and monthly threats and unwelcome monitoring using a variety of non-consensual signals.
Today, I put my Bluetooth devices in an old microwave. And am innundated with outside frequency attacks and cyber ops to decomission my life in this body. 

So, I hope to finish my international communication against the USA. I understand that nearly 50years of being subject to persecution, cruel and unusual punishment, and state torture by the USA is too much. And I'm failing myself due to the "doubling up" of current attacks as retaliation for documenting decades old attacks on me and my deceased and disabled family members. The USA didn't want a biological line of people to survive my Japanese issei mother. And so, in international forms of torture- I must consider that the USA allowed her to give birth to me, to possibly torture her and affect my foreign official relatives. So in essence, I was and am a human born for slaughter. And that is a crime against humanity by the USA.
As my USAF w6 (OSI) veteran father used to say to me as a young child "Try to find somebody who loves you."  And today those words make sense against a backdrop of the definitions of torture.

Monday, February 07, 2022

Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?

 Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?

By Angela ‘Kikuchi’ Kneale

Feb.  2022

International familial diplomacy is no longer a ‘welcome’ freedom in the USA. The emergence of a Department of Defense surveillance manual, active since the 1980s, is only one of the horrendous tortures modern USA persecution has to offer. The lives of many 1st generation Americans who legally immigrated and for those connected – born in the USA to one US military parent – have changed drastically since 2001. For the American relatives of ‘foreign official’ families affiliated abroad in ally nations such as Japan;- the USA’s been about as friendly as ‘vegan friendly’ is in a Hawaii steakhouse.   

Or as Japanese-American friendly as an Abomb terrorist nation, the USA can be to a new generation that existed to bridge informal diplomacy. 

Yes, there have been deaths, torture, and persecution. That is to say, over the past 50 years in addition to the targeted global hate crimes rally of Asian-American persecution and Asian persecution by former U.S. President Donald Trump.  Other state actors still find reasons to use the deaths against the family members as a form of blackmail and extortion –meaning the threat of unwarranted and arbitrary conviction of the family members looms overhead, while corrupt State Actors coordinate their narrative. Their slanderous accusations stand with congruency to the DoD 5240.1R manual. This Defense manual alerted and made an impact on the perception of the condoned violations of basic human rights since the 1980s. 

Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?


One US Parent and One foreign national at the time of birth

Only a cutting-edge international legal challenge remains for some of us born in the USA to only 1 USA national parent at the time of our birth– to challenge the USA military’s involvement in a new-old form of human trafficking of foreign nationals and children through marriage and childbirth. And to purposely force many into the USA sex industry (albeit domestically legal with a huge slippery slope). It’s not only a form of entrapment, but a form of hostage-taking, and for some torture. A place where minority women from highly respected international families have been paraded at the typical USA meat markets, naked for the world to see America’s dominance.  A place where state-sanctioned rape is protected by impunity, corporate and state-funded birth control and abortions. Where ethnic minority women are told by  “Don’t be a statistic” as a threat to lowering our already low quality of living for non-compliance with the USA social methodology for ethnic subservience.

 A place where police and most Americans turn the blind eye so the other eye can get a better view of the torture and persecution. It’s a place where the Military man and his attorney have used the legal system to feign superiority by committing embezzlement and forced technical trafficking of their spouse and children. The America that changes swiftly based on mainstream media (MSM) alerting its public agents to attack minority groups to affect foreign policy – RICO ACT racketeering violations in plain view. And a place where men on public buses have talked about taking away a woman’s bed given as a gift after frequenting her multiple times. Capitalism became a form of politically tearing people and persecuting them in the United States. And it’s a silent battle that pushes souls to total destruction. 

Community abuse exists in small USA heritage towns like in Bucks County, PA seated near the Delaware River. It’s a place where the average American plays their fantasy of 

Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?


Japanese conquest by repeatedly attacking a Loving Day family and picking off the children over decades so that there is no next generation. There is barely a fine shroud between white supremacy and patriots. And other minorities gain a foothold by participating in persecuting and torturing descendants of USA’s only domestic adversary, Japanese-Americans. 

 It’s the dark side of the Patriot Act and the flip side to early FISA implementation in a world where the International Court of Justice doesn’t accept cases prior to1999 at its inception. And, a world where no one has heralded a tribunal to address the USA’s persecution of people and spread of racism and discrimination to leverage wars and defense sales.–  Being born to a foreign national who married a US military person;- it is why the ‘gray area’ or being technically stateless despite being barely ‘functional’ USA citizens exists. 

To tackle FISA surveillance and cyber-attacks issues with expertise, single-handedly as an ordinary citizen is an enormous task. Most US domestic family lawyers ignore all 

foreign or international laws in relation to US civil rights as common practice. Transnational normalization of human rights-related law is scant and insufficient for 

many individuals to find support within the United States. Tackling the international legal realm of cyber-attacks through satellite (space-based) and modern signals intelligence (SigInt) methods is nearly impossible to find for domestic issues.   

The pandemic shut many civilians out of business and safe employment that accommodates international business requirements and expectations. 

The Small Business Administration (SBA) employees have had their own agenda by refusing, stalking, and targeting Asian-American minorities to affect the supply chain with other locals. Their behavior is similar to how some Human Services benefits for 1st generation Americans and immigrants were denied, or lost by persecutory state actors 

Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?


in Pennsylvania since at least the 1970s. It’s a type of malfeasance that is intended to force new citizens into FISA monitoring and/or participation as unregistered foreign agents.


These typical patriots engage in widespread “not American enough” persecution amidst handing ICE paperwork to American-born jus soli and jus sanguinis Americans who had one military parent and one foreign parent. Recently, in late 2021 after contacting my senator’s office;- his office staff who decided not to understand what I said urged me to fill out an  N-600 form – a form for non-Americans who are not born in the USA to get citizenship– This is how icy cold local and state governments are today. They basically shout, “Don’t contact us, we’ll mess up your paperwork and your life” to those of us who would otherwise have opportunities to create peaceable international commerce from the USA.

While writing to the United Nations is “a last resort”, there are few if any remedies to correct and end the impunity and malfeasance by state actors. These state actors only need to drop an email to a state office or notary tag to delete our plates out of malice and get us killed at a traffic stop.

Why? One possibility is to sell our identities to private military contractors, traffickers, or others seeking a smooth entry to the USA and exit to our foreign nation. The money they are paid makes their private operations lucrative to anyone willing to take the job.

Many first-generation Americans are heavily targeted due to the FISA surveillance abuse. And, the types of FISA abuse vary in magnitude from text surveillance bots to full-on gang stalking and ambient backscatter communications inundating the auditory spectrum. There are Americans who adversely impact civil rights because they are 

Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?


against the new generation of American immigrants and their children. There is no end to the misuse of patented cyber methodologies to harass the targets during political shifts in USA’s foreign policy and trade. Consider this patent for example that has a possible direct link to Bill Clinton’s supporters: 

Patent No. 0272906A1-  Intelligent Technologies International, Inc.- "Vehicle Monitoring Using Cellular Phones" -  Oct. 30, 2007, November 06, 2008. 

  "[0043]    The cellular phone system, ubiquitous internet, or other telematics communication device, is shown schematically in FIG. 2 of the parent '363 application and outputs to an antenna. The phone system or telematics communication device (34) can be coupled to the vehicle interior monitoring system in accordance with any of the embodiments disclosed herein and serves to establish a communications channel with one or more remote assistance facilities, such as an EMS facility or dispatch facility from which emergency response personnel are dispatched. The telematics system can also be a satellite-based system such as provided by Skybitz."


This crescendos to actual developments in modern hostage-taking in a world where the coined term “Electronic Concentration Camp” has become a widely accepted concept – amidst a variety of human trafficking and electronic warfare attacks that afflict the public suspect to be carried out by outsourced companies or private military contractors.

 "American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687    Hostage taking - whoever whether inside or outside the United States, seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure, or to continue to detain another person in order to compel a third person or a governmental organization to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the person detained, or attempts or conspires to do so, will be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life and, if the death of any person results, will be punished by death or life imprisonment...." page 569.

Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?


Hostage-taking like this only gains federal prosecution when done to a foreign national or alien. Yet again, impunity and malfeasance stand in the way. What is commonly known as “The targeted individuals' program” acknowledges the foreign surveillance attribute through the Patriot Act 2001 pertaining to all 1st generation Americans. Some Japanese attorneys interpreted the law to insinuate a form of statelessness for Japanese-Americans born to only one parent who was a foreign national of Japan, in an early review of the Patriot Act of 2001.  It is a tactic used by US State Actors to coerce US extended family members of foreign officials–  brother and sister in-laws, grandchildren, nieces & nephews.

The United States on every level of its democratic government has demonstrated complete impunity, malfeasance, intentional destruction of security agreements and international treaties,  and denial of rule of law for many of its first-generation Americans over half a century. And the stories extend well before the Silent Generation.

 This impunity and malfeasance is practically synonymous with European terrorist cells and trickled down to the nuevo rich and their progressive political influencers. Intertwining functional impunity with foreign intelligence legal contortions that sides largely with white supremacy and or unite minorities who adopt Anti-Asian stances as a form of patriotism.

It’s easy for any of these typical Americans to destroy or install USA attorneys and manipulate USA laws. Their discriminatory actions and blatant persecution protected state actors who commit crimes of humanities. Sometimes, in some small communities where brotherhoods and cults seek to set precedents through their conspiracies– it is coupled with rather fast if not early enforcement of laws that officially, have not been signed into law. Whereas the court date for the enforcement of such anticipated laws will be effective.  The exact targeted actions, scenarios, are made in anticipation of 

Is the star-spangled banner a different color for 1st generation Americans?


those court dates. And, the DoD manual 5240.1 of 1982 was all the justification many of them needed after the RICO Act was passed. 

Cyber and electronic surveillance Laws– USCA 50 are also tied to Patriot Act, Freedom Act, FISA 1978 and FISA in its revisions among other acts and laws such as:

* USCA 50 Section 1805 5g: Chapter 36 War and national Defense  (g) Testing of electronic equipment; discovering unauthorized electronic surveillance; training of intelligence personnel  

* USCA 50 1811. Authorization during time of war. 

* USCA 50 1812. Statement of exclusive means by which electronic surveillance and interception of certain communication may be conducted.  

* USCA 50 1813. Procedures for the retention of incidentally acquired communications. 

* USCA 50 1822 Authorization of physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes 

* Executive Order No.12949 February 9th, 1995, to October 7, 2009 Research summary 

* American Jurisprudence Aliens & Citizens;- Section 2687 

To be continued: 

This is not legal advice. .

Sunday, September 20, 2020

US CONSTITUTIONAL Laws related to my testimony

by Miss Angela M. Kneale pertaining to her personal testimony 

I had several of the most pertinent Aliens and citizens and USCA 50 laws posted and my message were all erased from the post 


US Constitution 14th Amendment

US Constitution 1st Amendment


{National Labor;-703g Title VII. 

Cited as a comparison pertaining to language freedom violations, cultural violations, and FISA abuse at home and during gradeschool for speaking Japanese language. Also due to the sensitive information US state actor printed and brought to the house after work. }

{50 U.S.C.A. §§ 1801-11, 1821-29, 1841-46, 1861-62, 1871

50 U.S.C.A. §§1801-1805b(s), foreign intelligence 105(b); §§ 1881e (before revisions date) ,§§1881a (f)(2) Evidence Detained Surveillance }  

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1806 K}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1810, pg 82 Civil Liability}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1827a Penalties, Prohibited Activities}

US Constitution 4th Amendment "Search & Seizure and Surveillance"

Protect America Act of 2007


{50 USCA Title 50 1886}


1st Amendment Explanation of Freedom of Expression

4th Amendment "Equal Protection of the Law  

Before FISA re: 4th Amendment


{42 US Code 2000e et seq Title VII

CivilRights code definitions  regarding equal employment and language translation of classified materials from English.}

{50 U.S.C.A. 1801 pgs 5-17, 19, 24-156.2 Constitutionality}

{50 U.S.C.A. 1805, pg. 49,

Definition of Foreign Agent }

{50 U.S.C.A. Foreign Intelligence 105B}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §1801(k) aggreived person}

{50 U.S.C.A. Chapter 36 §§1801(p)(4) weapons of mass destruction, pg.10; "capability to release radiation or radioactivity causing death, illness..."}

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

I was abducted in 2006

Pennsylvania & New York persecution &  Discrimination continued;-
Perpetrators: Buckingham Township Engineering office in Mechanicsville, PA.

From the time my brother was killed, I was stalked, harassed, abducted, raped repeatedly, held in confinement and my life was threatened. Buckingham Township Police were able to triangulate my location however they did not take a report from me. There was an initial report opened, however due to the me. Involved running the Township Engineering office;- they refused to take my report later. James Brasted & Ernie Knight were the main perpetrators. Knight happens to be the last name of the attorney who set my brother up multiple times and failed him in court deliberately.
Before my brother was found shot dead
There was one more incident with the rapist & abductor where Doylestown, PA police arrived and didn't take a report from me.
The PSI temp agency, Gail Howard, involved typically took $6000 payment for placing me at these fake "jobs". The men also accessed my laptop & email accounts to make it look like I was working. They threatened my life during this time and would not allow me to leave their sight.
When I was able to return to my office, I found all of the hard evidence and police report numbers had been removed from the file I kept.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Alice programming; my dream experiences

Alice programming; my dream experiences 

For those who are unaware of mind control protocols, it is a lifelong schedule of administered torture level traumas; mental, physical, emotional throughout a mind control test victim's life. Typically, this trauma begins in the womb. However, I have not gone under hypnosis like other victims due to extreme circumstances & erosion of trust in USA, to uncover possible locked memories in my subconscious.  To this day, I believe that my childhood nightmares were induced as result of illegal psychotronic technologies. 

  • Remote Viewing
  • Martial Arts training 
  • No Cry - beaten daily till I stopped crying while being beaten or blacked out.
  • Alien Invasion - Technology induced dream
  • USMC style problems (supernatural answer) - Technology induced dream

Vigilante altar programming that I believe I underwent as a non-consensual test victim (within the bounds of MK ULTRA/ Monarch Program related sub projects),  I experienced through what I  identified later in life as a subset program emulating elements of Project Stargate.  My immediate childhood environments from 1974-1990 didn't have or allow much more than 30min television or other Hollywood film viewing daily. came across the Alice programming aka Alice in Wonderland protocol in my late 20's and it matched up with several major traumas I experienced In childhood. 
My experience awakening to the realization of extensive mind control affecting my life decisions  caused major issues for me in my sense of trust. 
My Dreamworld was where I have other known & related protocol/programming memories. In other words, my dreams were induced by handler(s). One night when I was 7-8yrs old, I woke to my father administering some sex kitten altar next to me at my bed. As a veteran, He was not declassified from USAF until 2001. His typical command to me was to always 'bring it back'.

I experienced repeat terrifying nightmares for years of my childhood that remain clear in my conscious memory.  I was able to identify as (1) militant alien invasion of armed humanoid aliens in body armor with an alien looking helmet or head (2) and one repeat dream closely resembling a house of pain USMC military question/drill that evolved each time It occurred. I also had other dreams of being hunted and shot at by military dressed men.  

I will however list a few of my dream experiences with less detail;
  1. My Alice Door
I used what I named my Alice door, a tiny door for me to crawl through, in my dream visualization world. The hallway I followed lead me to the altar or dream where I viewed martial arts training in a large hall. Typically, I used this Alice door to also remote view Japan & my Ojiisan. My Ojisan was a high level kendo practitioner, Judan or higher rank in Japan. So, once I used the Alice door and he caught me entering and made me sit in the upper walkway to watch the kendo practice on the floor below me. 
This dojo, was a place I visited frequently and also viewed the same place with a large stunt air bag in it. So, this also was not a small Dojo.
  1. Technology or Psychotronically induced (US) military training. 
Normally these nightmares began with me in bed laying awake. 

A  Mr. Potato Head toy dressed as a doctor walked across my pillow with a needle and other faceless potato heads. I felt pin pricking pain all over my body, which I can only compare to the tingling pain of nerve damage or pinched nerves. It is possible I was drugged or my nerves were tingling from some Electromagnetic frequency of known illegal mind control technologies developed after being banned in Russia after the Russo-Japanese war.
After I passed out, I was in either the dream USMC type problem where they forced me to hide from armed soldiers in an empty white room with soldiers entering from a flush sliding door. This dream changed in number of soldiers, and the angle of the floor. This was my Dreamworld for as long as I remember dreaming till age 12. Though largely between ages 7-9 since I woke screaming and my mother was in the hospital. Once during this dream, they told me I was in my home. This changed my normal blackout reaction so that I ran out through the wall since I realized it wasn't concrete block. The soldiers chased me shooting at me. It took many years of repeating this terrifying dream till I was able to "hide" from the soldiers in plain view. The answer, I do remember. However, the solution to this problem is not a typical answer. My answer that ended this dream s in having developed a supernatural ability.
I had this dream linked up to Godzilla who started appearing outside my window watching me. They included that I was responsible for Godzilla's well being. Godzilla is a metaphor for nuclear war of course. There was one time, I don't remember where I returned from, yet my brother had a strange friend over at the house. I was instructed by my mother that I couldn't play Ultra Man with them (despite a lack of appropriate toys)and that I had Godzilla to take care of(though I didn't have a single Godzilla related toy).
I also had alien invasion repeat nightmares. There are 2 versions I remember repeated.

Draft Quantum Blood & DNA genetic memory

I am certain that my genetics, not only my national origins of Japan, are a central part of discrimination and persecution I experience in my life. I possess some blood quantum of two tribal Asian indigenous DNA with Hyper Variable Region 1 (HVR1) of 10 different HVR1 mutations. While still in grade school my parents informed me that my DNA was patented. Also their attorney, the late Samuel Litzenberger, ESQ of Philadelphia, PA, communicated that I was considered property less than cattle in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. My parents swore by Litzenberger's word and justified the MK ULTRA ALICE protocol torture by his legal analysis. They viciously informed me of not having any rights within the United States while making me aware of my helplessness in MK ULTRA program from 1974-Present.  In any case, my DNA may have been used without my consent as a child, to the development of biological warfare. Due to a more resilient natural state of my DNA at 10 HVR1 mutations, I overcome disease quickly and or frequently encapsulate foreign invaders to my biological system. However, I was an unwilling test subject under the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) MK Ultra at birth.

I am a stolen and persecuted generation of innocents after USA A-bombed Japan. The US government would never explain my family ancestry as it has been published in Asian history books.  I am not the persecuted generation of Japanese Americans who lived through internment. I am a different and separate generation founded in the United States whether I like this fact or not, . And my persecution occurred before I was born, due to CIA and/or US Air Force that sought particular genetic lines to bring into United States and cultivate in such projects as MK Ultra and/or Military Abductions (MILABS) . I was well aware in childhood of the conversation my father and mother shared of different
U.S. military members or related cult members attempting to bring women in from places like the Congo to capture DNA from the coveted Dan Tribe among others. Tribes that were known to have psychic powers and long range tribal communications without modern technologies. 

So whether or not this was a United States covert and illegal trafficking of humans for their experiments remains to be tested. CIA & USAF were genetic hunters long before I was born. My mother and her family possess some of the last generation of pure Japanese Ainu bloodline. My Ojiisan ( grandfather) had given the Japanese government the extensive records another relative in Japan documented on the Japanese Ainu tribe. 

So, I may not have the cultural upbringing of Ainu people as one of the tribes within my family lineage, however it was a well-known fact that my Ojiisan gave family records to the Japanese government. It may be to this day why Ainu people are being protected in 2019 in Japan and are largely addressed as having affluent backgrounds despite this discrimination.

I am having issues laying claim to being Japanese within the USA, this is due to the United States interference in my Japanese language since age 10 and due to their tampering with records of my mother's immigration to the United States. To date, the Department of Homeland Security & Immigration and SBA refused my access or information of these records from them since 2006 and through 2011. This may be due to my 1997 discovery of being blacked out in the Social Security system with the attribute BLACK PLUMBER as my name. Additionally, my family in Japan is documented as merchants for over 3000 years in human history. For this reason, I believe the United States government targeted my mother specifically.

And, once I was born in the United States they delivered me & asserted any and all brainwashing activities on me through their MK Ultra program. This includes giving my name the initial based attribute of MK Ultra as, AMK for Alpha Mind Kontrol, the particular program that I mention started approximately 1978 and was connected to MK Ultra's Stargate sub project. I was still a toddler at this time. I overheard talks about Uri Geller in my highchair while eating dinner in the Chesapeake Bay.  Later in 1999, in Venice Florida, I met my elderly handler while concious, the late Dr. Joel Elkes , who was a prominent in modern psychiatry & headed up Neurosciences department at John Hopkins University.  

Though, the famed publicized stars of Stargate subproject generated swooning by the American women, mothers of a few of the children I knew, and an impenetrable front for the subproject. They had to the best of my knowledge, cultivated those of us with genetic lines linked to tribal or traditional marital arts long for experiments and long range psychic communication. They approached Asian martial arts training and spirituality in a supernatural European sense of thinking. They transposed non-European warring and spiritual arts to their supernatural and new age way to approach and understand phenomenon. Largely, it seems that CIA and its MKULTRA project subordinates lay claim to owning the cultural appropriation of Asian cultural traditions in the United States. They translated the cultural traditions to their predominantly Eurocentric languages and American mindset. And, they allow prolific practice of gross motor movement without requiring the average spiritual or martial arts practitioner to approach a level of communication that is highly literate in Asian writing and speech at any time.

Regardless of how much Quantum blood I have from a single indigenous Asian tribe, I possess Quantum blood from two Asian indigenous tribes of a natural state. when I say a natural state, I mean that my DNA came into being without medical DNA manipulation in a laboratory.  I think my blood Quantum is arguable since I should have 25% from one or both  tribes respectively; Sakha from Yakutia, Siberia and Ainu from Kurils, in normal human generational biology. However my high number of HVR1 mutations may reduce that expected percentage of Blood Quantum. And conversely my DNA does not prove that my parents are accurate since I am over 50% different genetically from each of them. The numbers unfold in a scary tale against my life.

Yet a single fact remains,  

I do not carry less genetic information of these expressions encoded in my DNA.

I am in a volatile position since the United States government has already done irreversible harm to my family and to violated my human rights in every sense that makes life precious. 

During college I became a animal rights organizer in 1993, due to severe infractions of my own human rights that continued in both the dormitory and classrooms. I was subject to multiple sex assaults in my 1st dormitory when I was 17yrs old in 1992. I was prevented from reporting to police by the Resident Assistant in the closed dormitory environment.  I think this was deliberate action somehow and a continuation of the Alice protocol.

In the mid 90's I met members of the Onondaga Nation who identified me as one of  'the old ones'. I did not completely understand what 'the old ones' at the time because I knew little about the cultures behind my  prolific genetic history on a conscious level.  I met them at a time when the US government the New York State Police had done a media blackout after sending hundreds of police officers to beat and harm people on their tribal land in upstate New York. Later in 2007 I met a Tibetan monk at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's monastery in Ithaca, New York. He addressed me from my other indigenous tribal lineage of being Sakha from Yakutia in Siberia. As in the similar frequency to Shakyamuni Buddha or Guantanamo Buddha. I also have ancient genetic history from Northern China where there was an extraordinary Buddhist monastery.  I also am genetically Japanese. I know that my family and ancestors, traded from China through to Japan the best wintering horses, weapons, fish. They relocated from China to a political sanctuary known as Akita  and remained separate from the Chinese & Japanese governments for over 600 years.

 So it is my understanding that Indigenous peoples of Asia and North America understand my presence. I can only guess that they participated in a conversation about my genetic tribal history and were aware of my presence from a young age, yet I have no single tribe with which I identify.
I have known persecution from the United States of America for the duration of my life due to my genetic history and USA's perception of the Japanese and United States union of my parents being offensive to them. And despite good people in the United States, those who are actively against my existence have already murdered my only siblings.

/////edited to here/////

August 2019

My notes of International Concern for Japanese Nationals in the USA, particularly East Coast: 

The human rights organizations I contacted in USA are inexperienced or discriminatory against Japan. The consequences are severe as I have witnessed my brother's suffering and torture that included American Civil Liberties Union in his life upon white supremacist attacks on him for receipt of a Scholarship to University of Pennsylvania. The loss of this case placed him in rural Susquehanna University in central Pennsylvania where he was clobbered with white supremacist attacks. He was stonewalled there and stayed with me in Ithaca, NY when he was in eminent danger. This ACLU intervention impacted his role in family business internationally and ultimately led to his depression, further persecution in Pennsylvania, and his unnatural death by age 26.
USA's East Coast,  New York and Pennsylvania severely lacks Japanese translators.  The USA attempts to recruit noone and shows little to no value for Japanese nationals lives. That is independent of those people who came to the United States to represent Japan politically. The United States encourages lawsuits against individuals, like my mother,  who do speak Japanese as their natural language by attempting to recruit them as translators and create multiple lawsuits abroad by USA ignorance of Japanese domestic laws. The United States has never provided a translator and has severely impaired my communications with my Japanese relatives and the Consulate of Japan.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

2019 Vegan ideal & Keto Vegan lifestyle

I'm working on how to explain the vegan-keto diet I lived on for 2yrs before reintroducing normal food meals 15% of the year.
And, what breatharian meant when other suggested I'm able, the mind games for willpower to do it, etc.
It's a different world today!
If anyone needs help fasting...this was very comprehensive for reducing my footprint. And I've read enough articles about how others are Afraid to do vegan- keto.
No, this isn't a 30day master cleanse either. Or a Vitamin C & Saltwater flush routine. Nor is it Krisna's calendar of diet adjustments. NOR DID I HAVE MUCH OF ANY JUICE!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Chrysanthemums in Asia are important symbols

For those new to Asia:
Kikuchi as kiku-chi is a beautiful Ancient Asian name that means Chrysanthemum land 菊地 or Chrysanthemum pond 菊池 . The former being less common than the latter.
There are many kanji,  Chinese Asian alphabet, where Asian writings have a different meaning. Chrysanthemums are common imperial imagery in Japan & China. Phonetically Kikuchi sounds similar, though Europeans & Americans do not pronounce things correctly. So they think we are all related, which is not the case ;-
Some are
kiku = 菊chrysanthemum
Chi =池  pond kanji
Chi = 地 land kanji
Chi in both cases have similar looking kanji. However the radical for land looks like a cross. The radical for pond is three horizontal lines instead of the vertical lines for river. Each radical is placed next to the symbol for Earth that resembles a plow.
It also designated land warriors vs. water warriors in the old imperial security houses, before modernization.

Though Kikuchi 気 口 as in Ki-kuchi
Ki= 気 spirit
Kuchi = 口mouth or opening
As one way Europeans & Americans  intend to defile the ancient Buddhist or Imperial family lineage. Many Americans defile my heritage by using saying Ki-kuchi as a request for prostitution services also USA eng. Slang "Kuchi" means or Pussy/ Vagina or suck dick.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Ban hunting on Private land!

Shots don't stop at property lines. Neither do crazed recreational hunters tracking bleeding animals. Hunters keep their guns handy 365 days a year instead of having seasonal weapon rentals.


Ban Hunting on Privately owned land. Demand revisions to provisions of Title 34 & Title 34 Chapter 25 for Protection of Persons, Title 34 Chapter 23;- to include the following;

Those persons residing at a property not to be harassed at any time, for hunters & shooters to gain access to wildlife.

That private property must be registered with the State by the landowner to be hunted by permitted hunters other than property owner, even for agricultural damage.

State mandated safe numbers;- maximum number of hunters allowed on property (acreage) at any time.

Include a safe radius from housing & buildings from line of fire with rifles & guns & projectile weapons.

2307(b)  Hunting before and after lawful hunting hours.

Post State signs/ markers where hunters intend to hunt. Issue permits for hunters out after dusk (if within legal hunting hours with night equipment). No spotting, scoping, or harassing residents after dusk.

Ban hunting on private land in addition to keeping & maintaining: 1. PA's Sunday hunting ban. 2. the Spotting Ban

Currently, Pennsylvania State does not directly regulate property owners who allow hunting & track who hunters are permitted on their property. This is a dangerous situation for resident family members who disagree with the hunter. And its cause for some hunters to harass & attack property owners for FREE seasonal & year-round access to passing wildlife. Sometimes an adjoining property owner gives permission to hunters while one did not. And some families are also international, with multiple citizenships. International incidents are a ticking time bomb.

Pennsylvania residents and private property owners should have hunting laws that make it safe and peaceable to live and use the outdoors.  Please keep everyone safe from recreational or other hunters & shooters. Some who conspire against individuals use free for all hunting as a cover to cause law enforcement issues in hate crimes and more serious crimes.

Wildlife hunters accidentally shoot people mistaken for deer at dusk. Aside from that fact, there are 120-130+ organized white supremacist groups including their militia in Pennsylvania. There are over 40 Federally recognized Hate groups in PA. Some "hunters" scope minority families despite the current Spotting Ban. Its is difficult to see license plates in the dark, identify, and distinguish vehicles. Some hunters & shooters threaten those who have already lost family members to gun tragedy in the hunting area. The emotional damage to the family is cumulative, over a decade. Some hunters & 3rd parties target, threaten, sometimes murder minority family members of those who own Pennsylvania land. I am one of the living who they attacked over decades, since spotters targeted me as a young child. Despite the gun club down the  street, there are still Sunday shooter(s) or hunters who I don't know. The off-duty police also used to shoot early each Sunday morning, year round. They shoot in the area where my brother was found shot dead with a hunting weapon over 12 years ago. And, they harassed me intensely with targeted racism. It is saddening!

This free for all or needs to stop!

Ban hunting on private land in addition to maintaining the current Sunday hunting ban Pennsylvania and the Spotting Ban.

Please regulate hunting permissions for the safety of  all property residents & neighbors, whether landowner or not. It's everyone's liability when someone is hurt, injured, or killed. Help make information internet accessible for citizens to make police reports. Not all hunters are welcome everywhere, and it's not for police to decide against minorities at time of incident.

Please Change Title 34 to ban hunting on Private Lands! Sign this petition to put a halt to the hunting free for all!

Regulations need to happen. Human lives are at stake.

Get proactive to Add an initiative for weapon rentals for seasonal hunting in order to cut down on the year round threat of shootings & gun accidents.

Monday, June 18, 2018

My Martial arts reflection

Today, I retaliated against my boredom & started dusting off my Hawaiian yoga mat. Out of shape even after taking Mark Divine's course last year. After 20yrs...I did some basics for some of my prior Senseis &  Professors 80 crunches with toe touch to partial roll, about 80-90 Foot sweeps making marks in sand & water in the surf.
I tried the shrimpie exercises in the relatively still ocean, hands behavior behind back & ankles locked 3x  to shore from 15-20" out. It was interesting to watch my breath control, and make a serious adjustment. Then treaded water for 25min -- I should have a weight for this.
After 20yrs of intermittent martial arts & street defense seminars, I only have left 1 dirty white belt & an Israeli Krav 1 diploma somehow with E. Yanilov's  signature on it. and a Kajukembo Yellow belt issued at the Founder's funeral, and an Orange belt in Kempo from Allemany's line. Pretty pathetic since I'm a female & part Japanese.

Oh well, I'm not much of a fighter anyway & prone to non-violent literature and past actions involving me getting pinned under a car. Or wearing an ice vest in a Mylar Fish costume in 90 degree weather to protest Bass Masters.
20 years---

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Psychotronic Channels Unconsensual Testing in Ithaca, NY

End 2007-2008 i was tested over a period of 2-3 months. This time, with sheer data - images mostly and a bandwidth, and some 3 channels. Synthetic telepathy or data flow or v2k? Doubtful.... when they send a huge information Surplus to your brain and it's from digital sources electronic sources. I did not have a normal time frame to react to the images and information they came in so fast like a flood. What I mean by react, so when you see picture of a cat you have a certain emotion of happy, cute, fuzzy feeling. You know, good feelings. When i see pictures of war, I ee the continued grotesqueness of it. When I see a wedding I perceive the happiness of it.
When they started to inundate me with all of the political imagery, and other than just political imagery i'll say additional imagery and information flow &  I am  not used to it, I  had to find a way to manage it. And, for me it was very painful and it was why I was given heavy sedatives that were said to be able to rebalance me so when I woke up I would be rebalanced. The invega for the extreme situation where I could not come out of it on my own meaning I couldn't recover mentally I was some point shaking very disturbed from just the sheer amount of data coming in. And when I took the invega it made things very clear I was able to compartmentalize the information overnight with those sleeping pills.  I need like 5 or 6 hours of sleep in order to learn from whatever information I  receive. So,  imagine cramming for a normal test final exam will magnify by about 30 or 50x that easily. And that's what it was like for me with  a data flow weapon scalar beam v2K. Whatever it is flowing through my head and they're just sending data or information
I found a way to manage it with th heavy & fast working sedatives (preferred)  and about 5 Invega over a 2-3month time frame that was limited in quantity, & no refills for the prescription. I was involuntarily committed for being assaulted by an acquaintence & released Christmas Eve.

Monday, October 23, 2017

I was tortured in Quakertown, Pennsylvania

I & My Brother were bilingual growing up. I was forced to stop speaking Japanese and beaten in Elementary school, as well as sent to "speech" therapy because they didn't know if Japanese was a language or if I was making it up. They abused my mother in this way. My father ripped the phone out of my hands and spanked me with a leather belt until I learned not to talk to my Obasan . grandmother anymore. My mother got some Japanese schoolbooks for us and hid them, in fear of my father reprimanding s all for speaking Japanese in the house. It was one of my first languages. A trauma they induced one day was by confiscating everything Japanese that I loved from my room and beating me for having Japanese story books. They didn't even let me keep my favorite bedtime stories. They initially said it was because they were going to make money off of this story of mine by beating me and hurting me and told me I should be dead by the time I was 21. This was the same period my parents friends & my god parents told me they took pot bets to see if I would live. I became suicidal from the intense daily physical abuse from elementary school, church, other activities, as well as home life. I was not just punished at home. I was humiliated and tortured in front of my classmates in elementary school regularly. Initially it seemed like it was because I was brown from playing outside in the summers. However, the kids in elementary school were given instructions from their parents to hurt me verbally and physically because I am a person of Japanese descent. I had "fake" friends, but gave up on friendships because I found out that most kids would be my friend so other groups of kids would hurt me. Frequently I was gang beaten by other girls at elementary school with the Teachers standing within 15-25 feet away watching. The teachers near punished or stopped the other white children from harming me. 

This torture over my ability to speak Japanese went on through High School. The contorted white principals of the schools I attended frequently were the perpetrators of hurting me. They humiliated me regularly in school because I am  Japanese. They even put me in a class where the racist professors were so abusive because I am not caucasian. These were Elementary, Middle School, and High school instructors of Caucasian descent. They said I was too stupid to learn Japanese frequently and punished me in front of very white supremacist kids to put me down. I was frequently depressed and did not like to speak with anyone at my high school. If i didn't get some sort of favor with the white supremacist kids I was hurt physically  even more than just being verbally humiliated on a daily basis. I was forced to tolerate being harmed daily. The only thing I had a little control over was
I tried to get help from other "Human rights groups & Justice groups" but they refused to help me because I am not white or black/ African american. They made it clear rights were not for me and I am just a mutt/ a mudd to them. Even the African-Americans were abusive this way to me. They all liked to hurt us because that gave them common ground to relate on some level that wasn't their personal issues.  My friends were usually kids from big cities with parents who decided they did not like the school district. So, they were there only a short while.

1970's - 2000

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

My Akashic Record of Violence

I'm still deciding on a title, for my "book".

(My) Akashic Record of Violence
Once, I shared an MK Ultra peace pipe with someone I "summoned" as I was told near g6.
I spent an afternoon at the beach opening the Akashic Records of that area
through the coded light. I sat on my beach towel I witnessed many atrocious acts of humanity that occurred in that area. I was raised MK Ultra Stargate. I have abilities to access particular knowledge about humanity, past and present. With or without human hardware devices.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Salt today, no hui?

So, I looked it up. Shaman hui. The term, It exists. the Shaman word is from part of Sibera that is in my dna bandwidth.
A little kid shouted, "It's da hui!" at me today as I walked by the beachgoers. I spent time collecting salt from volcanic rock pools today. After I finished my 1st collection, then meditations on the beach (pre-noon) followed by another collection,  I rinsed off and returned to my car.  At my car, I was putting shorts and a top on over my bikini when it began to rain. I got in my car ready to leave and realized i set something down and forgot it where I had been sitting. When I got out of my car the rain subsided. That's when the kid sitting nearby shouted "it's da hui!". When I got to the object that was under the tree, the birds started vocalizing loudly.  I picked up the object and returned to my vehicle. Then, I got in my car and it began to rain again.

Besides many people categorizing me as da hui, seperate from any of the pro surf league out here.  And/or being seen with anyone who I know or have met as happenstance of being around the North Shore of Oahu. So, I'm beginning to wonder... I thought da hui was a word for the Historical & authentic Hawaiian Surfing organization that's made it's brand sell to wholesale clubs. I try to be very straightforward that I'm not da hui in that sense. And especially not in the genetical Hawaiian sense. I'm mostly comprised "new species of human" of the Earth's northern cold water islanders and an Asian Siberian tribe that is at the root of Shamanic culture. And don't have much in the way of surfing skills yet, that I can recall.
Will try to work on it though. & Mahalos for the Coffee this week.

there's been too much going on in the Galaxy.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

@ Waikiki Army Museum

I'm walking through the army museum, I think the funny thing I'm realizing is that the people here were never my mothers friends. Its real clear to me that they are internment Japanese-americans, migrant farmworkers on contract, and from the poor parts of Japan after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I see today why they USA hates me, why they hated my mother. I see why they destroy records.
They have some strong animosity against those of us who are/were Japanese with some strong connection to Japanese government. The Hawaiian islands are still too poor and too expensive for them to recruit decent money from the USA as investment infrastructure. They became more concerned with continuing MIS and
Stealing from outside USA govenments. Even the building of the original Ala Moana shopping mall happened from a money embezzling scam that sent a Japanese politician to prison for decades.
Just a thought.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Perspective on: White privledged USA

In the usa, many people of different cultures forget their own culture to compete in the Euro-centric or White world.  The Caucasians then sit back and enjoy visitng other countries as a lavish luxury, even as a backpacker. And, upon their return the American white privileged admire and admonish those of the cultures and continents they've visited for being too poor to know their own culture, their own families, their own grandmothers.