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Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Factsheet: Cyber Methods of Bladder Control



The adaptability of urology’s therapeutic techniques using frequency signals to control the bladder lies in thousands of related patents and methods. The exactness of methods intended for therapeutic or telemetry of communications circuits purposes is sufficiently documented by the authors. Cyber, waveform, and pulsed electric methodology remain separate from mRNA or DNA-related signals manipulations and controls. The most common methodologies are: 

  1. Pulse Generators
  2. TENS - Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  3. Injections of wire implants:  Tibial nerve implant, legs, sphincter, or vagina:
  4. Spinal implant
  5. Vagus implant
  6. Direct bladder control system
  7. Waveforms from a “non-invasive device”: in contact with the skin or remotely

Sample of Methods related patents:

  1.  Pulse generators as low as 1Hz to 2.1Hz –130Hz to stimulate the bladder (see US Pat. No. 6,393,323 expired 2020) URL:
  2.  Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) - Injection of implant wires inside the vagina or sphincter to deliver electrical pulses to the bladder muscles. see URL:  
  3.  Cites animal testing on dogs and hind legs in references with grants from NIH, etc "Monitoring and regulating physiological states and functions via sensory neural inputs to the spinal cord"  (see US Pat. No. US000009622671B220170418) URL:  

A vast body of methodology documents access to the bladder with hydrogels and polymerase – yet rarely through patented DNA-related CAAT-type signals. 

Online Hydrogel bulking agent references:

  1. Wierzbicka, A, Krakos, M, Wilczek, P, Bociaga, D. A comprehensive review on hydrogel materials in urology: Problems, methods, and new opportunities. J Biomed Mater Res. 2022; 1- 27. doi:10.1002/jbm.b.35179   
  2. Gopinath, D., Smith, A. R., & Reid, F. M. (2012). Periurethral abscess following polyacrylamide hydrogel (Bulkamid) for stress urinary incontinence. International urogynecology journal, 23(11), 1645–1648.
  3. Chen, H., Wu, P., Xu, H., & Wang, C. (2021). Magnetic Agarose Microspheres/Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel as a Trackable Bulking Agent for Vesicoureteral Reflux Treatment. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 9, 746609.

Additional suspect methods may control a subject by affecting their urination flow and hygiene using nanoparticles or nano-tech ingested in medicines, food preservatives, and liquids. Advanced New technologies incorporate these nanoparticles and nano-tech into major organs such as the kidneys, liver, and heart as part of an in-body (IB) Internet of Bio-Nano Things IoBNT. Complications may be addressed by Urology or Nephrology authors. There is little documentation on deparasitation of the test subjects from yeasts and other bacteria that can cause inflammation or other adverse urinary tract reactions such as biotoxin illness. 

Nanoparticles- Nano-tech IoBNT Reference:       

  1. Chude Okonkwo, Uche & Malekian, Reza & Maharaj, B. & Chude, Chollette. (2015). Bio-Inspired Approach for Eliminating Redundant Nanodevices in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2015.7414163. 

The above is not medical or legal advice. It is intended to help educate those who are interested in the effects of EM signals.

Angela “Kikuchi” Kneale all rights reserved  originally posted at & @imperialnewsJ Twitter December 2021, February 2022 updated December 2022

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Salt today, no hui?

So, I looked it up. Shaman hui. The term, It exists. the Shaman word is from part of Sibera that is in my dna bandwidth.
A little kid shouted, "It's da hui!" at me today as I walked by the beachgoers. I spent time collecting salt from volcanic rock pools today. After I finished my 1st collection, then meditations on the beach (pre-noon) followed by another collection,  I rinsed off and returned to my car.  At my car, I was putting shorts and a top on over my bikini when it began to rain. I got in my car ready to leave and realized i set something down and forgot it where I had been sitting. When I got out of my car the rain subsided. That's when the kid sitting nearby shouted "it's da hui!". When I got to the object that was under the tree, the birds started vocalizing loudly.  I picked up the object and returned to my vehicle. Then, I got in my car and it began to rain again.

Besides many people categorizing me as da hui, seperate from any of the pro surf league out here.  And/or being seen with anyone who I know or have met as happenstance of being around the North Shore of Oahu. So, I'm beginning to wonder... I thought da hui was a word for the Historical & authentic Hawaiian Surfing organization that's made it's brand sell to wholesale clubs. I try to be very straightforward that I'm not da hui in that sense. And especially not in the genetical Hawaiian sense. I'm mostly comprised "new species of human" of the Earth's northern cold water islanders and an Asian Siberian tribe that is at the root of Shamanic culture. And don't have much in the way of surfing skills yet, that I can recall.
Will try to work on it though. & Mahalos for the Coffee this week.

there's been too much going on in the Galaxy.