Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Factsheet: Cyber Methods of Bladder Control



The adaptability of urology’s therapeutic techniques using frequency signals to control the bladder lies in thousands of related patents and methods. The exactness of methods intended for therapeutic or telemetry of communications circuits purposes is sufficiently documented by the authors. Cyber, waveform, and pulsed electric methodology remain separate from mRNA or DNA-related signals manipulations and controls. The most common methodologies are: 

  1. Pulse Generators
  2. TENS - Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  3. Injections of wire implants:  Tibial nerve implant, legs, sphincter, or vagina:
  4. Spinal implant
  5. Vagus implant
  6. Direct bladder control system
  7. Waveforms from a “non-invasive device”: in contact with the skin or remotely

Sample of Methods related patents:

  1.  Pulse generators as low as 1Hz to 2.1Hz –130Hz to stimulate the bladder (see US Pat. No. 6,393,323 expired 2020) URL:
  2.  Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) - Injection of implant wires inside the vagina or sphincter to deliver electrical pulses to the bladder muscles. see URL:  
  3.  Cites animal testing on dogs and hind legs in references with grants from NIH, etc "Monitoring and regulating physiological states and functions via sensory neural inputs to the spinal cord"  (see US Pat. No. US000009622671B220170418) URL:  

A vast body of methodology documents access to the bladder with hydrogels and polymerase – yet rarely through patented DNA-related CAAT-type signals. 

Online Hydrogel bulking agent references:

  1. Wierzbicka, A, Krakos, M, Wilczek, P, Bociaga, D. A comprehensive review on hydrogel materials in urology: Problems, methods, and new opportunities. J Biomed Mater Res. 2022; 1- 27. doi:10.1002/jbm.b.35179   
  2. Gopinath, D., Smith, A. R., & Reid, F. M. (2012). Periurethral abscess following polyacrylamide hydrogel (Bulkamid) for stress urinary incontinence. International urogynecology journal, 23(11), 1645–1648.
  3. Chen, H., Wu, P., Xu, H., & Wang, C. (2021). Magnetic Agarose Microspheres/Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel as a Trackable Bulking Agent for Vesicoureteral Reflux Treatment. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 9, 746609.

Additional suspect methods may control a subject by affecting their urination flow and hygiene using nanoparticles or nano-tech ingested in medicines, food preservatives, and liquids. Advanced New technologies incorporate these nanoparticles and nano-tech into major organs such as the kidneys, liver, and heart as part of an in-body (IB) Internet of Bio-Nano Things IoBNT. Complications may be addressed by Urology or Nephrology authors. There is little documentation on deparasitation of the test subjects from yeasts and other bacteria that can cause inflammation or other adverse urinary tract reactions such as biotoxin illness. 

Nanoparticles- Nano-tech IoBNT Reference:       

  1. Chude Okonkwo, Uche & Malekian, Reza & Maharaj, B. & Chude, Chollette. (2015). Bio-Inspired Approach for Eliminating Redundant Nanodevices in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2015.7414163. 

The above is not medical or legal advice. It is intended to help educate those who are interested in the effects of EM signals.

Angela “Kikuchi” Kneale all rights reserved  originally posted at & @imperialnewsJ Twitter December 2021, February 2022 updated December 2022

Monday, August 22, 2022

Positive and Good

The positive, there were tons of great ideas. The negative, these great ideas fail to keep the world from destruction when used simultaneously. And what needs improvement-- is that the issue has become so overwhelming, we actually need real corrective actions - outside of more regulations that will fail us.

Look for the positive in everything and what is good. Ignore the dark tragedy and evil.
Leave duality of the universe. What have we left unscathed to change our "living on mother earth" framework?

I looked back at the racial tensions of the past decade, and did a mindfulness meditation to "remove that stress" from my  background mental chatter. Justified to find healing, I did what worked in the open and loving diverse environment I was in. Moving away from that environment, I expected similar treatment when I returned to the mainland USA. And my soul was deeply bruised for being misguided.
No, not all healing groups are the same in all places. Even under the same title. There is an interpersonal dynamic that chips away. 

Yesterday my meditation was on making peace with those who outrightly told me they hate Japanese, through the pandemic.
And my mind guided me to the thoughts about my "too quiet" demeanor. That I simply think to myself, I came here to heal. But you want to pick a fight with me, that is inappropriate. So I will leave the space and focus on my healing.
I've repeated this hundreds of not thousands of times in my life. And it's become a habit since few people have ever stood up for me to make a space for me, let alone in an appropriate way.

Changing religion to some light workers is like changing a burnt out light bulb. Yet, I /we are still in the room afflicted by the lighting-- no matter how many rainbow modes shine and linger. 

Thinking about the light workers I know-- religion has become a tool to socially network or a work around for complex persecution and systemic racism. It upholds the openness factor to different people and ideas, yet it fails to resolve the overall main issue-- having human rights upheld according to the State Laws, and UN Human rights acts. 

Switching lighting is a fun thing to take the mind off of otherwise obvious flawed society. And may provide some basic sustenance to quiet those who sell their wretched souls at the price of daily ,low maintenance contentment. 

How many times will nations reinvent themselves with social and economic theory, only to fail the people contained within their borders? Globalism, is a management style with a hint of consideration for how corrupt local governments can be manipulated. Globalism hardly rivals "well established" western families who essentially show the Globalists how laws are worked around in their local communities. And today, we see that concepts of equality only exist in dragging an opponent to the ground before throwing them off a cliff.

What is the good and positive? I started there and started shaming myself silently for stewing brashness-- and switching the lighting effect to focus on the bad and evil that taints it's duality in good.  There are some absolute rules that should be followed, to maintain and uplift ALL life on earth.  It is an absolute must.

While war casted shadows remain ghostlike, engulfing society like a dim mist. We have arrived at a point in time where the wings of protection surrounding us are unable to protect us from being burnt up from the closeness of the sun. We are all dying, with that one guarantee life has to offer -- death itself. It's time we save the natural world from a collapse upon us now, immediately. It s only for the worldcentric who understand the layers of focused niche experts whose collective inventions and researched applications have torn the fabric of the world apart.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Bardo Dream Yoga preparation 1

Below are 2 preparatory measures that are expressed in the Bardo dream yoga teachings. Due to stories about some people having intensely disruptive spiritual experiences linked to Tibetan Buddhist meditation I decided to post this portion about Bardo dream yoga.

I am not teaching the dream yoga, and for those who question my incarnation this lifetime and judge the cultural appropriateness (since the USA has deliberately tried to disconnect me from my family overseas)  my posting this:
My ancient DNA is applicable from Sakha/Yakutia, part Buddha from Northern China,  Japanese, and part J. Ainu. The ancient  cultures from which modern "marketed Johrei" evolved. I decided to leave formality of  Johrei Okiyome organization due to practices of modern "marketed johrei" connected to JKK due to the my sensitivity to the presence of Chinese Dao wizardry that seems to be intertwined with JKK origins. There are in other words, too many politics for me to be involved with having few modern places to afford practice of giving divine light and be recognized or certificated. The USA Intel has especially, marginalized me and my family due to knowledge of our ancestry in Asia and Japan.

 I am naturally sensitive to light matters, some entities, and perceptions already. And, find that the modern USA attracts occultic rituals with spiritual impedance to my personal practice of Dharma.

     And am posting these pages to give those who strive to learn some basic direction. This is meant to aid preparation for Bardo dream yoga and appropriate arrangements to include these preparations should be made. I am not writing this for the experienced practitioner, who obviously are already adept with Buddhist meditation practices. Since the West and America has much intrigue in mind states, I have not seen these important preparations offered in the conversation about those who are interested in learning dream yoga.

Buddhists can prepare for passing from this life to the next from Bardo dream yoga teachings. It is in this mental state of being that one is able to peacefully exit the physical plane of existence and transition to the Bardo. The Bardo is a part of the death and reincarnation process. Initial Preparation includes Dorche Chang/Vajradhara:
                1. Receiving Light/ Johrei /  - from someone who does Okiyome (higher level than Reiki)
                2. Connecting to Source

My own experiences linked to Tibetan meditation and prayer humbled me to be grounded to this Earth realm. I prefer to do BOTH receiving divine light daily and connecting to source in order to practice Bardo dream yoga.

Receiving Light as preparation: 
Buddhist monasteries and temples usually have a light giver many days of the week. The Venerable monk, priest, priestess is able to bless objects and help clear negative energies and entities. This is at a level of light giving that is higher than reiki masters. Usually one can visit a temple during light giving hours. Receiving light blessing daily is easier for those who live in areas where there are many Buddhist temples and monasteries. And, is usually free, though to bring a donation is customary. Sometimes, someone is available at Krishna Temples to do this for someone exploring the Bardo dream yoga.  This may be difficult for practitioners in the United States and other areas where there are very few temples and monasteries. It is an important part before initiating the visualization practice techniques of the Bardo dream yoga.

On my own journey to do dream yoga, I received and gave this type of light for many hours each day for several months. Meaning, I was a practitioner initiated in giving Okiyome (in Japanese language). This is not the same as reiki. Giving Okiyome is a  sacred divine light giving practice is such that we can bless or give light to objects, rooms, places, water, plants, food at temples, and other practitioners and people with their permission or consent.

This type of spiritual energy work takes devoted practice. And is one step along the way to the Bardo Dream Yoga.

Connecting to Source as preparation: 

Being initiated in Okiyome, is an indirect way to connect to source. And, it is technically a non-denominational practice where I have met Buddhists, Christian pastors, Krishna meditators, and others who give divine light.. Thus, I chose to be initiated into giving and receiving Okiyome.  However, there are others who choose to connect to source directly, or indirectly with confidence before entering the spiritual planes of the Bardo dream yoga practice.
There are other ways to connect to source through meditation after receiving light.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Salt & Free ways to clear Entities

RGS notes on Entity Clearing in English
  1. Most practices across the Earth use Salt to repel entities.
However, by methodology, there is some disagreement about entity clearing. Some have made entity clearing a daily religious practice unto itself. Some individuals make money from more immediate practises of entity removal. Western practises refer to entities as blobs and non-demonic spirits.  Eastern practises use the word Entity to refer to an attaching spirit.
  • Kona & some Hawaiian sea salt is closer to the body's natural PH. 
  • Celtic Sea Salt - some Spiritual singers preference 
  • Black Sea Salt - sea salt covered in activated charcoal can absorb spiritual toxins/ negativity.
  • Pink or Colored Salt (I no longer use) has less bio-available minerals & is naturally pigmented. It is slightly toxic to the body when digested (most pigments from minerals are toxic). Human blood samples have been show to exhibit signs of pigment poisoning with regular use.
2. Clearing entities by giving light to Entities
Entity as a spiritual attachment, lost soul, wandering relative.
One form of  giving light (Jp. Okiyome) stems from Japanese-Ainu shamanic tradition. 
The theory behind giving Okiyome holds fast in that the entity is not "removed" immediately as the entity has attached itself to the person for a reason. For the person to receive Okiyome, is also allowing the entity to receive Okiyome. Then, in a less harmful way to the spiritual attachment, the spiritual attachment departs when it has received enough light.

*Some New Age spiritual organizational practises intertwined Okiyome shamanic tradition with  spiritual figurehead ego and practises of Chinese Dao shape shifting wizardry. This can also include belief in Alien pendants/ technology needed in order to facilitate the process of light giving.


Entities in room
1. Set a bowl of rice mixed with sea salt in the room. Toss the salt & rice outside. Do this daily.
                                                            - Suggested by spiritual woman from Bhutan, Buddhist tradition

2. Set a bowl of salt in the room. Toss the salt daily. Repeat.

3. Call upon a great master healer who now works on the quantum level (Master Serapis Bey, Oset, Jesus, Buddha, Bruno Groening) and who is willing to remove the Entities or clear the Entities from your room/ aura in a peaceful way. Make a statement no longer allow such entities to remain with you and they are not welcome.

Attached Personal Entities
1. Learn a mystic tradition protective geometric meditation;- have pyramid, diamond, merkaba to tell the entities they are not welcome and only positivity is welcome.

2. Learn a protective Psy-Ops meditation as a basic form to keep entities from attaching. ie., reinforced aura, and other meditations 

3. Receive light (Jp., Okiyome) at Sukyomahikari or from a member- you may call the spiritual training centre to arrange a time as well. This is becoming a common way to bless food and give light to anyone of any religion as it's members span various religions across the globe. It is free to non-members,  the spiritual organization asks for donations from its members to cover the costly Hawaii overhead. This type of light is considered a heightened level from any Reiki light from the practitioner. Also, the spiritual toxins are removed by a spiritual practice using meridians similiar in Chinese acupressure to the skull point.

3. See 3) under Entities in Room

4.  (1.5-2 hrs) Saltwater spiritual flush- length & duration of spiritual entity removal cure can vary greatly. Highly reccomended to have a private toilet nearby. May want doctor's approval for this spiritual practice.
I personally am in great health and do this some mornings before a full moon. I make a point not to eat solid food for at least 12 hours prior. I mix and drink about 1/4 cup Hawaiian sea salt  dissolved in 750ml/ 25.36oz room temperature H20. 
  • Natural sea salt or Kona sea salt is closer to the body's natural PH. 
  • Black Sea Salt - sea salt covered in activated charcoal can absorb spiritual toxins/ negativity.

 Today is a Full Lunar Eclipse day.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Spirituality; Thinking of Grain

If one approaches eating from a spiritual and/ or ethical point of view, eating grain, eating animals, and eating fruit & root crops are the top three contenders for spiritual reflection.

Most of modern civilization came into being from the incorporation of grain that was grown through agriculture. The pyramid building Egyptians initiated the circle of slavery enforce while they indulged themselves on breads and grain based foods more than any other previously known society.
The Olympians, had a diet of mineral drink (from ash), grains, and veggies too. The incorporation of grain into the human diet early on in human history is spiritually attached to the development and implementation of human slaves. This human slave mentality has evolved over thousands of years to include the manipulation of the grain to what we now call Genetically Modified (GMO), This recent manipulation of the grain causes health issues in worker slaves. Worker slaves are those we consider normal and not existing as the slaves referred to in brutal ancient Egypt. 

Attuning ourselves with foods that are not vibrating on this plane with millenniums of slave energy is possibly a way to steer clear of the spiritual manipulation of the human race. This is regardless of the particular qualities of God that one believes in. Like frequency with like frequency;- 
  • the spirituality of grain is seated in slave labor
  • to eat grain is to attract the frequency of slave labor to ones self
  • not eating grain is in exit to the mentality of being in the circle of slavery

Eating Grain-Fed Animals
As the Mystic Bruno Groening said, "you don't know what kind of souls animals have within them." It is not fair to the souls who inhabit animal bodies that humans employ them for human concerns.

From perspective of spiritual well being on the planet;- The number of slaves on earth has a set of fibonacci numbers that pervades all species and has grown like a cancer. It is similar to the collateral damage of the meat industry and the environmental atrocities that are attached. However, it is about the slave mindset that the human race has imposed on the planet and it is out of control. This isn't just a matter of it being immoral to kill another being, human or otherwise. This isn't about survival as in early paleolithic humans or Ghengas Khan's women hunters killing one wooly mammoth or an elephant to feed 900 people (a small army). 

Eating an animal, particularly one raised in captivity and fed with grain (GMO) as well as BGH and other particulars is the magnified embodiment of humanity's need to express control over another being while in the circle of slavery. It is not logically motivated to sustain life as we are seeing with the population growth of humans on the planet.  It is a spiritual sickness of cruelty that has enslaved many, many souls. The act of eating any modern meat is a spiritual Communion of Cruelty.

Eating Fruits & Rootcrops
In respect for the bodies of plants, and any souls their physical structures may contain, eating fruits and roots are the children and very life of those plants. They are frequently the most starchy or carbohydrate drenched foods when ripened to capacity. The fruit that falls to the ground has micro-organisms which grow and infuse the soil with their energy. These things are necessary for the groves to thrive. And, obviously taking the root of the plant in entirety;- such as a potato or sweet potato or the Taro is immediate death of the plant. This is a sensitive matter especially when the micro-organisms that fertilize the soil and interact on the microscopic level are deeply affected. It in fact effects the entire ecosystem and has a long term impact also affecting the aerial pollinators as well as other organisms living in the soil. It seems most humans have spiritually distanced themselves from dirt, soil, and earth itself as containing multiple instances of spiritual beings that exist as a spiritual community. This community of the Earth soil itself is networked well beyond human population numbers.  

Saturday, July 30, 2016

38th Floor, Light Orb anomaly

July 30, 2016 between 10pm (22:00) - 10:15pm (22:15) High frequency tone that I found irritating, same frequency I normally hear around installed alarms. The HF tone lasted for over five minutes with a loud gurgling sound coming from the Wall area of the A/C and bathroom sink (similar to an old heater). Only the hall & bathroom light was on. Near 10:15pm (22:15) There was a strong  flash of light about 2.5' in diameter that happened about a 1.5' from the lamp by the window . Then, nothing except for a smaller orb with dark matter around it 6 inches down from the corner of the wall/partition meeting the foyer by the A/C.  I thought maybe it was an electrical surge coming from the outlet box another 4.5' diagonal from the lampshade, and checked to see if the light bulb blew at the Lamp by the window. The light turned on and the bulb is in working condition.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Spiritual technology

Spiritual object: The USA has taken and stored something from Afghanastan region and stored it in Texas.
It is said to be an explanation for the disasters that have been happening in Texas especially for the past few years.
Sometimes spiritual objects are compared to using the term "alien technology".
So, I'll start using Spiritual technology for these unknown and godly objects of origin.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Once in a Night Rainbow

The North Shore;- Blue moon rising, and the rare night rainbow was seen by a Hawaiian woman as a privledged lifetime experience. Today May 21, 2016 at 10:16:37am Hawaiian Time is the real full moon we won't be able to view, In daylight. Viewing times at this link

Stills from my phone while watching the moon set @ Haleiwa 5 hrs before today's "full moon" is seen @ the rest of the planet. I'm still wishing for a decent camera.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Cults & "Salvation Syndrome" pt. 2

More Cult Themes from my notes:
Continued from previous posts:

My Goal=Trash Structure of Salvation Syndrome: - 3. The Way, 2. The Ideal, 1. The Problem

  • Possession within cultural norm or something like normal possession
  • Normal possession is an expression of Stress/Anxiety for functional clarity of Mind within Slave Structure.
"GOD LETS US" justification for "unholy" behaviour of cult leaders

Slaves are parasites  VS.  Slaves have unconditional love for God

Mind Map order:
1.  God is linked to  a Human Ideal
2. Eternal Life is a Common Theme
3. The collective slaves work towards this ideal & support figurehead
4. This creates a "God" vocabulary where actions & emotions are defined
5. Deviations from this are punished.
6. ***Can a slave function with deviations?*** (with the cult's awareness?- will Cult kill the Ego?)
                       Cult Action:- Exorcise Slave Mentality
                      - Not all deviations matter in function of Existence in NOW time.
7. All known human methodology to attain spirituality is the ART OF HUMAN NATURE (like painter's technique.

  • Destruction of Energy/Soul  Vs. Preservation/ Restructure (Resurrection) of Energy/Soul
  • Sound, Frequency, Vibration attracts slaves of like mind
  • There is no breaking free of this existence - Humble thyself and accept it.

Cults & "Salvation Syndrome"

A Cult to for me to Study:
In the case of the Spiritual dojo I studied for 1.5yrs and due to my family background;- Almost daily, after my initiation month the cult member attempted to apply acute physical trauma to my skull pressure point connected to normal sight and nerve receptors. I was expected to behave with great shame cast upon me if I was outspoken. My being outspoken resulted in several "spiritual disturbances" that were my actual requests that the members have no physical contact with me while in the process of giving light or okiyome.

How this began:-  In Spring of 2014 while I was at an already world famous homeopath's office, plagued with toxic mold in my bloodstream (without Candida) so I couldn't walk;- I was approached by a Japanese Cult ("New religion") group.
Create Biological Confusion = Toxic Mold = Incurable Doom
Catharsis = Obey Homeopath (Ritual) = Impassioned/Elated Existence
Salvation = Living & without most food = Extreme Phenomena
Follows a pattern that fits into ritual cult abuse protocol:
  • Exposure to Electro Schumann Frequency therapy
  • Change Diet to Minerals & Chlorophyllins - not as sports drink
  • Eliminate "spiritual contaminants" from normal food that grows on planet.
  • Coerced into receiving "light" and harassment by cult member(s)

;- they claimed I was going through a deep "spiritual cleansing" while I attended "light" sessions for 10months as a non-member. Despite cult members adversely affecting my life, being chased out of my home within a month;- becoming homeless with huge "nutrition" bills, I finally joined the Cult for a short period 2/22/2015-8/2015.  I officially resigned 8/2016 and turned in my @ Spiritual level 1 omitama due to their ensuing manipulations/coercion and acute/deadly physical trauma attempts on my head & spinal chord.

The other personal side-note about this cult is that the founder made the cult of a hodgepodge of Asian occult practices and was kicked out of other more established Asian/Japanese cults. The new cult members, as well as those at the Homeopath's office are heavily laden in Network Marketing products as well as having backgrounds in promoting old Nazi value systems such as Skull manipulation and grading, biological blood classification, and financial exploitation of less educated ethnic minority populations. They are English speaking figure heads who have had a dislike of my tribal Asian background from Siberia & the Kurils. Coincidentally, places where their "light giving" okiyome practices began from my tribes shamanic traditions.

My notes on "Salvation Theory" after reading the 1980's publication "DOJO: MAGIC & EXORCISM IN MODERN JAPAN" I ordered shortly after joining the cult. I ordered the book because many of the spiritual dojo members quickly changed behaviour after I "joined" and took the initiation course & ceremony. They began to behave abusively and malevolent spiritually. Their behaviour was similar to other cult behaviour I experienced in my childhood. The  quickly confirmed and explained the main ideas that were enveloped in their particular "Sect."

  1. The main Criticism of the Cult members were that they are all "high" on themselves (Ideal Ego) to be giving the "light of God to people."
  2. The positive was that a person is able to "Bless Food" that is animal derived even though they are striking hypocrites.
  3. There was much hypocrisy of words & actions in between and little logical continuity.
My more General Formula of CULT control follows:

Points of discrepancy/ Notes from spiritual dojo study:

Possession by Defective spirits: The Spirit is Lying if it claims to be GOD. It is sometimes assigned an "Evil" attribute for claiming to be GOD. However, the Cult will claim that everyone is "of GOD" and is equated to a grain of sand makes beach, drop of water makes ocean, a little bit of GOD that remains connected to God (with their help/ through them) yet doesn't make a person GOD. 
After this "possession" of the Cult can claim the new member/ person is "Pathological" as
"Possession in Western Culture is considered pathological behaviour due to the Legal System" (Dojo: Magic & Exorcism in Modern Japan, Page 127).
The Cult member may feel safe in the Cult because there is an extraneous social nonacceptance of this behaviour. It can be compared to having a normal nervous-breakdown (of Western Society) within the constraints of the spiritual values of the Cult.

The Cult uses Coercion & is cold and follows am established protocol. The harmful actions and proof of the Endless Realm of Hope ensue. Typical list of Chemicals, Seduction, and Physical manipulation used in cult protocols are as follows:
    • Sodium Amylobabitone for functional organic/biological confusion
    • Post-Hypnotic Confusion
    • Denial of Actions & Refutes responsibility of Actions (common in Delta altar)
    • Hypnotic Behavior
    • Hypno-Sociodrama
    • Catharsis
      • Psychic Abreaction
      • Electro or Insulin Convulsive Therapy - (Typical in Hawaii)
      • Sodium-Amytal
      • Sodium Pentothal
      • Orgasm / Sex - (Typical in Hawaii)
      • Religious Ritual - (Typical everywhere)
    • Hyper-Arouse
    • Hypnotic Lethargy
    • Semi-Meditative Tranquility
    • Psychogenic Stupor - Extreme cases only.
  • Spiritual Seizure - is not hypnotic, it comes from Repressed Guilt aka Symbolic form of "evil" spirit.
  • Actual Ego compartmentalizes Repressed Guilt/ "evil" spirit to balance the Ideal Ego
    • aka.  Compartmentalize is to hide the disassociation of a deviation from the


 U (Unbearable Dread/Fear) + I (Endless Realm of Hope) = A

U :-   First, is created by placing an uncompromised importance on a concern/object/ideal/movement/practice. A deviation from that First is assigned an Harmful & No compromise Consequence.

I :-  The Endless Realm of Hope - Prayer, Practice, Spells, Giving Light with God,

independent disassociation from the Value System leads to perceived placement in Exceptional meritorious sphere/Realm.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ex-IM are the Doers

The Export Import world I know of and am familiar with is indifferent to religion. Trust is something that exists based on actual execution of business dealings. Trust is not something that follows behind the failed acknowledgement of some Christian's God, or anyone from any religion. American's seem to have a habit of screaming that they are Christian, which brings them online with their own views of domestic acceptance. They FAIL, in most circumstances, to engage and correctly complete most of what they proport they will do in fairness. And sometimes those with a proven track record fail because of those "Christians" who want to show off and ask for their forgiving God's pardon. 

I had the most Disgusting dinner:- I was listening to another biggot scream the word Christianity aloud, while trying to eat my moldy cooked mixed Veggies from Panda on Valkenburg. 

So amidst his smattering of Crowley and other names used to Justify the Christian background of USA culture and acceptence in USA military;-ugh such awful and annoying commentary.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Receive God's Light like Leaves on a Tree

Everyday, I am surrounded by human beings with souls. Many of them choose to identify themselves with what they call "races".  These are seemingly unimportant physical traits. Nearly All of these traits have a different quality in their material presence. The human races speak of these "physical qualities" as being superior to another human being with a soul.

Over the millennia, These discussions about "race" have transcended the physical and started to dominate the spiritual perceptive plane of souls given human bodies. So then, today the spiritual world is clouded by the physical differences. 
 The more constraints a human being allows to inhabit their body = the more they are clinging to their humanness. Souls in human bodies worship God's creation of the human physical form.  These souls are engaging conversations as to who is more spiritual by receiving divine light that are directly linked to melanin in humans. It is all there to belittle or entertain those who enjoy oppression. 

This has little to do with being "God centered". Being God centered is allowing oneself, as a soul inhabiting a human body (a gift of solid matter from God) to reclaim their truly divine nature.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spirituality & Light giving orders

  • Light - what is it?
  • False Teachers
Light is Light esteemed on its own & encompasses the Duality of the Ying-Yang concepts. Ying-Yang washes away the "good & evil" of human actions with perception of the Read (like colors juxtaposed). Many people are familiar with the "Dark" side.  To accept "life force" through the filter of conditional and finite human belief systems like "money" is not of God. If life force is equated to money in actuality;- most human activity would stop and halt if it were an absolute fact of existence.

Light giving, sounds super obscure. To give, the intangible "light" or more appropriately "to distribute" light. Light, is what spiritualists call by different names and have different Quality;
Human Light without God= Source,  Life Force, Chi(Ch), Reiki (JP), Photons,
Human Light with God = God's Light, Divine Light, Okiyome (JP), Heilstrom(De).

Some religions consider "distributing light" the same as blessing objects, food, living beings with an extra dose of God's source energy. it can become more obscure with occult pendants/talismans with "Alien technology", Guardian angel, other "hired" angels, guiding Pleiadians (or other ET), or a deceased spirit of a prior member/spiritualist as claims.

"The Devil is Mighty, God is Almighty." ~ Bruno Groening, master healer & mystic

Highly desired: Find a donation based teacher or "free" access to teachings and do book research.

Undesired:  Entrapments and disruption from Light based organizations/cults and spiritualists cause by social pressure of giving donations.

Light is "assumed" to be given when a person develops the attribute of unconditional love further.
However, part of the teaching that runs consistent is that there are False Teachers.
These "False Teachers" are the organizations and sects of spiritualists and religions who attempt to pilfer the pockets of their students. This seems to be more prevalent in Euro-centric countries and traditions that don't have "free" monastery based educational & boarding systems.

Charging for Light service/ learning and demanding donations is considered to be on the same plane as the martial arts fopas to 'charge' for lessons;- lending itself to corruption of an influx of money and glitz that stems from perpetuators of crime. This is regardless of what God lets humans do.
To stay on the path of light, is regardless of the social constructs of Human social systems;- difficult indeed. God, does not force us to be part of the Divine energy source. It is part of God's plan, to allow us to remain flawed in our sins and die. Asking forgiveness is possible. Transcending the limitations of this existence remains in our abilities to navigate the asteroid belt of dark matters that others put in our path.

Friday, March 04, 2016

Small Space Craft to fall to earth

Use your chi/ life energy force to keep the beings in these craft alive. When they crash to the earth they loose the cosmic force that is outside the earth's atmosphere that they use to stay afloat. Unless you channel your chi/ light force, life force to these small craft, they will not survive. Please take them to a temple where monks and others meditate all day.
Several small and very heavy spacecraft, much like a traditional flying saucer. Small as in within the circumference of a basketball, yet much heavier & denser like a lead weight with an usual center of gravity. (yet still within carrying weight with both hands). They are very heavy and with a matted metallic sheen. The surface is detailed, with some windows if any;- yet there are no other apparent openings to pry open.
These craft will glow with light/ life force if you are able to channel and
focus your energy to them.

Please take them to a Temple for Buddha or Krishna if you come upon one of these craft. They are precious beings from God & the heavens.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

War of *Children - cult of Sukyomahikari

Sukyomahikari member contacted me while I was beginning a session on an Scumann Frequency Mat while being stricken with only a Toxic black mold in my bloodstream. She wouldn't leave the space and at the advice of the Services overseer's, I caved to agree to receive light for her sake.

Shortly after Sukyomahikari contacted me, my life fell apart in entirety.

I joined SukyoMahikari In February 2015 after a "divine act" of my next day's membership class fee of $250 appearing in my life overnight. My first month, I spent 6-8hrs a day at the Dojo giving light (Okiyome), and taking 50 minutes each day to receive Okiyome. I didn't make it through the year with the very intense Omitama and cruel conservative attitudes of the Japanese women in the Dojo once I joined. People around me said I looked drained like I hadn't slept. There were random odd occurances of my car breaking down and the unusual appearances of other Sukyomahikari members.
I even had taken "selfies" before and after I attended the Dojo since this is a Light based practice.
The selfies looked somewhat normal. However they did show severely large and darker areas around my eyes than normal even for being tired, my face had a "death mask" on it.

I returned the Omitama several times to be reconsecrated. The Omitama itself felt like it held "fear" of another being. It was like a lost scared and hungry kitten clinging to me with claws extended.
By August of 2015, I returned the Omitama not to rejoin. I had been disgusted by the smell of "sex" at the signin table. And then appauled that they were conducting Hula in the basement. After I left the daily presence of the Cult a 2nd time and returned my Omitama, (yes I could lie like other members about its HOLINESS), I was called to pick up the Omitama. When I tried to make arrangements, the basement of the Center had been flooded (or Cleansed). The Sukyomahikari members and staff told me I could only enter at certain times because they lost the entire basement level to Waterdamage. The waterdamage was talked about in a happy manner that they couldn't believe that such a freak accident could happen. The building flooded from the outside, as drainage grates were clogged from a pipe that burst in a planter. Then the water continued to seep overnight in the lower stairwell till it was filled, and then continued to seep through the door at the bottom of the staircase.
I thought and felt I had seen enough. I left several times due to other members not heeding my request of not pressing into my cerebral spinal system too hard. I felt that they were intentionally trying to hurt me.

 I did learn that the "will of God" was presented as any member saw fit as they all contained some of God like a "drop of water from the Ocean is still Ocean". However, the continual presentation of "God's Plan for Humanity" was irritating.  To me, there is one plan GOD has for all of us, and that is DEATH.

Today, in Metaphysical hindsight;- I feel that the Cult has a figurehead who used to practice a Chinese form of Wizardry in Dao. Shapeshifting, connecting spiritual cords of members, and tying his spirit to the Mortal human world to become a greater metaphysical entity. Since he spent his time on the Planet Earth as a Japanese Military leader, I do not want my more peaceful energies to be used by such an entity. He may be a black eyed child of the stars when he returns in form again.