Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2022

spruce tree fallen- uses

This morning, I woke to a bundle of lengthy spruce branches I trimmed. Yesterday I  safely incinerated the needles and had an aromatic Spruce incense bath lasting 2hours. And I left plenty of thicker sticks  and selected long boughs for walking sticks. Seems a waste to incinerate the 25+year old wood. And I have to use the app to see if it counts rings.
unscraped (left), scraped on (right).
Over the fire, I took 7 sticks about 50"long  and blackened them over the fire. Messy to my hands yet I burned off the charred bark and lichen and tiny twiggy areas. Then plunged the ends into the hot ash for an added effect.  Call me Lazy or my personalization...take your pick 
And leaving them outdoors to season a bit longer before I scrape and sand them.

After lengthy web searches, the spruce takes a beating from reviews. So I'm making a box (or two) of aromatic Spruce meditation wood to add to the usual pre-purchased wood for a meditation time fire.
This wood burns quickly, yet the spiritual incense is a refreshing aroma. 

Yesterday I remembered a holiday from childhood at my neighbor's. When my dad protested the addition of evergreen logs to the fire. While my godfather replied, I like the smell of it and we clean the chimney anyway. This type of "Christmas tree" wood ignites and heats quickly. And it can add to and ignite  creasote in the chimney.

But, I thought to myself, as a hiking stick it is fine. And thinking back to musical uses really feel in tune with the vibrations that will resonate with this spruce hiking stick, for prayers and positivity. 

And as I see the 1"-3" diameter of a 30yr old spruce (I have to count the rings yet)-- I think it will compare to be stronger than a similar diameter tree limb of a younger 5-15year old tree. So, away to scraping I go.
This was after all, our old Christmas tree that fell on my late brother's birthday after a 50mph wind gust. 

Believe it or not I prayed that this tree would come down without disrupting my heart. My parents "help" has been posing as my late brother and so much toxicity from my parents who call him their son.
The pandemic has been horrendous, along with the racist parents I have. So for me, this tree falling is a heartwish that was honored. I prayed that it come down safely and without this "helper". So when I saw it had fallen during the windstorm, I was quite ecstatic. At over 30feet, the supple top was just dangling 4" over the road landing next to the mailbox. And my trusty tree trimmers were able to trim it to clear the roadway.

After an IG post, someone stopped by and without asking took over 1/2 of the tree top (leaving the branches behind). If I hadn't prayed on it, I would have run outside yelling. Especially since board feet are pricey today. $300+ a cord of (hard) wood on average. And he beat my elderly father to it, though exchanged words with him about having an outdoor greenhouse furnace for 15feet of solid spruce.

My dad, in poor health, had his tractor to push the tree. But all of it went perfectly from my point of view (POV). All completed on my brother's birthday, a day that we usually took down Christmas decorations in February. I really felt this was a huge blessing. And I am hoping to have what I would like from the remaining tree trunk.
Will see. 

Right now, I am happy to have my heartwish filled. My father and mother both hate the healing group "figurehead" despite it being an international group in many nations with a diversity of people on most every continent. So, without mentioning the name, it was through doing "Einstillen" that I feel I received this heartwish. 

So having a hiking stick as a piece of my past is also heartwarming to me.

7:25pm update... Help today:  Yesterday I had the ash can near 3/4 full of spruce ash and was wondering how to empty it. So, the March winds alerted me to the ash can. And thinking something was burning and leaving a smoke trail in it, I ran to check on it-- wondering why it was left unattended. It was literally so windy that about half of the spruce ash had blown out of it, leaving a strange thin cloud of white ash streaming out of it. It wasn't the billowing smoke of foliage and green branches. I am so grateful for this help. And it should help the lawn grow in greener too.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Because of the bad ones in the group

Several years have passed since I joined a German-based, international, healing community. And, I've stuck with it somewhat shamefully because I can practice on my own, and worked through decades of trauma from USA persecution and racism. Yet, it is German-based, and within it lurk people who have an intense hatred of me for being of mixed-race hapa, Asian, and Japanese descent. Though I joined the community in a diverse place- Hawaii. So the initial community was much more diverse and accepting. And only 1 serious incident of an older German (immigrant?) woman who attacked me in front of everyone because to her, I am a brown thing that she could not believe speaks English. Today, in 2021;- her outright behavior would be akin to a hate crime.  Yes, in a healing group. 
Today, I'm reflecting on that incident as 1 of 3 strikes in my personal safety manual. 

The 2nd strikeout in 2020, was surprisingly from an elderly Phillipino woman who, I was told to contact on the East Coast. When I contacted her and told her I came from Hawaii and am Japanese-American, she responded quickly with an outright statement of hatred from Japanese people. I smugly listened to her rant about her hatred of my background, blaming me and others of my kind for war issues long ago. This is what the Healing group of Bruno Groening Circle of Friends has in store for me.

Yesterday, was the 3rd strikeout as I clicked into the East Coast IGR. A place online where my full name and town location is posted in front of everyone. It makes me an easier target for racists in person. So, even though I thought things were positive- the community leader obviously stated that I was not being positive when I began to tell of my healing from SRA. A lengthy process that started before I left Hawaii and asked to heal from it. The Community leader immediately interjected that I was not being positive. I had only wanted to report that I was through my 3+year regelungen since I made the request, and had had a successful meeting about writing a co-authored book with another person.  
It seems consistent with some of the Circle of Friends that they wish harm on me, thus my healing is a negative thing. It's not the first time since I've had to try and work with the Success Report Writer main editor whose personal politics do not agree with me, and whose voice is very rude in how she talks about immigrants because she helps them. Among other things, I am the daughter of at least one Japanese foreigner who naturalized to the USA and my US State Actor father. 

Their tone is rude. And instead of the group implementing some type of diversity training for the USA leaders;- I am told to do "Einstillen" for the issue. I am writing this article and posting privately, in the event that a Neo-Nazi or another Anti-Japanese person hands out my personal information or takes it upon themselves to harm me further. 

And, in the hindsight of this group potentially being a Bundestag run front;- I am still uncertain. The trauma-based mind control may be as simple as the image of a Nazi-run Germany. And my unworthiness in being able to secure much in life without God. Though I've managed to write my way through real hate crimes I've survived, I feel that the scrutiny and judgment of some of the leaders are harmful to me. So, again, it's my time that is wasted and my being used as the persecutory example in front of the group. I'm in my mid 40's. This is unacceptable. Yet I post here since I will be told to do Einstillen for it. And I have done Einstillen for the group to be cleansed of its outright hatreds. 

That wasn't what I signed up for. And, like other groups;- it only takes one bad person to do harm to me to end my life. I am grateful for my life and those who helped me survive many many attempts on my life, and to God. Though I don't see safety in this group for me. I cannot martyr myself so that I have peaceable healing since I am criticized for belonging to this and any religious institution that Americans disapprove of. Including Americanized forms of Buddhism.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Bucks county guided meditation

I'm Starting early on the outdoors meditation ;- happy to also join you and guide you & your group to natural sites in and around the area. for a daily fee.

Meditation tomorrow at Ringing Rocks.
weather depending Bring a yoga mat & hammer in this floody & muddy weather.
Hammer to play the rocks.

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Meditation changed my life

30 years ago, I used to just meditate. I never thought it was a cure. Since I started, I found It is a cure when done correctly.

Meditation 1st, takes away the societal stress the ego puts on our souls.

Meditation 2nd, focus creates a flawless place away for our soul to experience freedom.

Meditation 3rd, is where our soul & body can achieve healing;- let go of sickness & complications entirely. Give them to God to amend.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Stillwater, meditation

My glyph from the Stargate; - brought back from my U. Mind Stillwater meditation

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Meditation morning

Haleiwa, After sunrise meditations (still have to do new UM breathing exercises & yoga);- Short walk on the beach. I found a tiny Opiihi shell, size of a fingerprint.
I tossed my sunrise shell back into the ocean, this morning I noticed this tiny Opiihi. Pretty, to me.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Journal meditation day

Today, meditation group @ Waikiki from 6ish till 9pm. Our community leader is still in Argentina and headed to the group's international North  American conference in a week or so. Yesterday, I got my weekly and quarterly focus plans underway. Still have to pick up a new journal and do my annual focus plan. Working out of "The Way of the Seal" since it already mimicked most of what I learned decades ago as a trained grassroots organizer. Today is going to be an intense self reflection day for me, more so than usual. 
Also, I'm going to try and restart master cleanse minus the super strong Senna ClenzT. Going for a more dilute version. 
This morning drinking my Green2o and a coconut lime KeVita. Getting choked out on coconut. Opting for mint tea if I'm out at Starbucks. Picked up a couple organic lemons. Last 2 -- will half fresh juice with lemon organic presqueezed lemon juice.

Friday, March 04, 2016

Small Space Craft to fall to earth

Use your chi/ life energy force to keep the beings in these craft alive. When they crash to the earth they loose the cosmic force that is outside the earth's atmosphere that they use to stay afloat. Unless you channel your chi/ light force, life force to these small craft, they will not survive. Please take them to a temple where monks and others meditate all day.
Several small and very heavy spacecraft, much like a traditional flying saucer. Small as in within the circumference of a basketball, yet much heavier & denser like a lead weight with an usual center of gravity. (yet still within carrying weight with both hands). They are very heavy and with a matted metallic sheen. The surface is detailed, with some windows if any;- yet there are no other apparent openings to pry open.
These craft will glow with light/ life force if you are able to channel and
focus your energy to them.

Please take them to a Temple for Buddha or Krishna if you come upon one of these craft. They are precious beings from God & the heavens.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Breathing Meditations

  My latest mantra bottom of page image ... 
Getting into the EX-IM world some of my Japanese relatives have constructed over the centuries, has definitely increased the stress in my life. I've picked up several Breathing meditations over the years. This is despite my spending hours each day performing advanced solo classical piano music for 30+ years of my life. And oddly none of the below were my very 1st meditation. And aided me as my stress & situations changed. 

1. basic seated Mysticism meditation- sit in chair with feet on floor, legs side by side, and open hands face up or down resting on knees or thighs. Breathe in and follow the draw of air your lungs take in. Breathe out and follow the exhalation of air your body releases. Start with 3-5minutes and work up to 15-20min. Idea is to focus on breath, should clear other invasive thoughts.

2a. Sand mandala meditation - Om mane  pad me hung.  Om is the beginning of all Buddhas, mane is he who holds the emerald & Padme is he who holds the lotus flower, hung is the end/closure of the Buddha. Picture Chenrezig with this mantra to give it more substance. Some people use the Mala - bead string when chanting.  

2b. 4part Namgyal Chenrezig meditation - see above and add thought of "please give me the gift of cleanse my soul", with each repetition & With Mala. 

3.  Sangha meditation from reading- my favorite was from Pema Chodron's Writings, or Dali Lama 365 I received from my Monk.

4.  Tonglen - breathe in all the dark & heavy thoughts, breathe out the light

5.  Christian meditation - opposite of Tonglen to Breathe in the light and positive & breathe out the dark and heavy  energy.

6. Krishna meditation mantra - Hare Hare Krisna. 3x

7.  Lotus meditation - Nam Myoho renge Kyo repeat several times and think of what one desires in life.

8.  Ogamisana meditation- Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with different accented syllable. Has different meaning. Say with hands at heart level in prayer position, some move hands shaking up and down with the mantra.

Me with that look-- are you kidding me?!!!!! again.
9. Classical Christian Mystic type meditation- I kind of made it up- like basic meditation above. Increase mental activity with 3-5minutes Bach or orchestral music and sit with eyes closed. Then do basic meditation after saying Lord's Prayer (I said every night as a child). Ask to connect to God before beginning the breathing meditation. 

10. Pilates ball mediation - sit on Pilates ball and pick a color that comes to mind. Do basic breathing meditation and focus on this color you chose entering your body on the inhale, follow it through your lungs till it  fill your lungs & diaphragm (make your diaphragm large like a ball) until you slowly exhale the color. Can interchange colors when it becomes easier. 

11. Starchild meditation- breathe in ultraviolet and breathe out cobalt blue 3x. 
I've made my own Mala or power bracelets for the People from the stars meditations I do.

12. My newest self made HawAiian based mantra- Aho, Mau loa, Kau a Kau

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Overpopulation & Agony - Calm & meditation

Imagine the sound frequency wave of 5 to 6 billion people who are mentally suffering in spiritual agony.

The Sounds of their words lack meaning because their prior actions were not of Love & Respect for another. The words they speak lack the depth of their actions done in Love and peace. And So, they have thoughts that resound like a howl at the moon, and like a sounding board the moon reflects back as a trumpet of doom.