Showing posts with label Waikiki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waikiki. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Remote Weapons used on Public in Honolulu County

Leaves no trace

& difficult to detect because there is little  physical or genetical proof left behind by the microwave weapon on the outside of the body. Rarely, victims can photograph burnt & peeled skin or immediate raised rash is left. It is literally like being microwaved from a distance. The physical proof is difficult to acquire; and, the cumulative effect of constant re-exposure if a targeted individual can be fatal. 

in same sense a trained sniper is remote

The term "REMOTE weaponry" is used to describe a vast array remote weapons used today. Some remote weapons are  mounted on military drones &  aircraft and some are as easy to carry as a TV remote control. Despite old concrete versions of the technology, wireless versions and satellite pinging versions of the weaponry do exist.

Military grade weapons of imminent destruction also have  scaled down versions of destructive sonic & lazer weapons. Some of these scaled down versions are like unseen instances of class 2 or 3 weapons use.

appx 2 hrs reading without technical background:

Neurostimulation - Brain Stimulation & Deep Brain Stimulation that has an extreme military application to make troops bodies move in case of emminent threat, severely wounded, loss of limbs, etc.

Remote Neural Monitoring: Public Use mind control weaponry hidden in gaming & neuro-stim devices to expose users to mind control hypnotic entrainment.

Directed Energy Weapon ( DEW or DE ): Precise target accuracy & exacting coordinates. Variety of sizes from homemade to military grade. Can be sent through a building from several miles away when mounted on aircraft Intended to be give lethal energy pulse, but can be tuned to temporarily disable & fry the individual. Smaller ground weapons are portable with internal power system some guns are called HERF.

High Energy Frequency Weapon - a HERF Gun can make a laptop or car computer stop working.

A majority of the USA public has not witnessed any form of real Directed Energy Weapons (aka DE or DEW)  psychotronic weapons, and satellite weapons in existence. Many believe such weapons only exist in the confines of their household gaming entertainment & 3D  military entrainment simulation systems. The public gaming technologies are geared to Military, totalitarian lifestyles & mindsets.

Rare & beneficial use of transhumanist technologies are used  to restore quality of life to children & wounded veterans. Most of the USA Public is desensitized to other military industry related unconsensual human testing.

Other more complicated weapons technology to try and undestand is HAARP  as another large scale weapon. And with the public revealing of the US Secret Space Program, there are  now classes of Satellite & Space weaponry.

Websites linked & Referenced:

Saturday, April 29, 2017

@ Waikiki Army Museum

I'm walking through the army museum, I think the funny thing I'm realizing is that the people here were never my mothers friends. Its real clear to me that they are internment Japanese-americans, migrant farmworkers on contract, and from the poor parts of Japan after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I see today why they USA hates me, why they hated my mother. I see why they destroy records.
They have some strong animosity against those of us who are/were Japanese with some strong connection to Japanese government. The Hawaiian islands are still too poor and too expensive for them to recruit decent money from the USA as investment infrastructure. They became more concerned with continuing MIS and
Stealing from outside USA govenments. Even the building of the original Ala Moana shopping mall happened from a money embezzling scam that sent a Japanese politician to prison for decades.
Just a thought.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Lesson at a Waikiki Steakhouse

Last night my friend I've known a few years and I went to a Waikiki steak house (I vegan/shojinryori had a salad & baked fries & wine) The friend was the only Caucasian customer in a room full of foreigners Chinese, Japanese, Korean tourists. The friend and I got in an argument because of their discomfort and didn't speak much to the server until meal was almost finished. Also over the service and alleged butterfly cut of their filet mignon. Total bill @$183 with tip = $200. The friend said the service was low and the Asians were being ripped off and they should go to Trump's BLT steakhouse where he would be more comfortable.
Today, I feel more lonely...way more lonely than before. Aside from continually gaining perspectives...this kind of life is depressing. Thing is, the friend happened to see me through the worst depression when I was forced to stay at the dojo on the mat.

Friday, March 17, 2017


They have African American Navy employees &/or contractors stalking Asian women in Hawaii. recently Simone inroduced one to me and I learned a few days later that they are also involved in sex trafficking & extremely dangerous.

Eliminate all unnecessary apps on phone
🔼use tracking through phone apps
Also may run down battery due to open apps from remote hack (even i-phone)
🔼hack stored messages
🔼Track through phones of contact
🔼use other women to spy, follow, isolate their target

Friday, February 03, 2017

Hawaii Tourists- Immigration, ID, Safety, Financial cards, Trump

Day of the Mark of the Beast is here.
Generally the public has complied with many of the requests to see ID from noted law enforcement.
Foreign tourists, travellers, and even 1st generation US citizens face a threat. Damaged Documents and missing credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of payment.

I lived in Waikiki near the bars and restaurants that are difficult to get away from. Since I don't take anyone of US military rank as "coincidental" in my life, recently for 2 months I lived at the home of an 0-6 USMC Colonel and livid Trump supporter. One day we had gone for breakfast and he told me that he saw a car with a Hillary Clinton sticker on it. When he saw the sticker on the vehicle he wanted to ram into the vehicle. Now this is what I call extreme & violent thinking.  I took his throwing dirty laundry over my Kalachakra as a signal that his hatred and Colorado white conservatism runs much deeper. That is aside from a comment he made to me stating "a bunch of us at Pentagon would have gone to jail if Hillary made it ."

Just before the immigration ban I started having complications with things around the off-duty? USMC Colonel that have not happened for over a couple of years.  Strange enough, my perfect condition Driver's license holographic plastic was sticking out of my purse and peeled back enough to render it "illegal" and tampered with. My financial cards, that take 10-30 days for ordering and shipment to Hawaii state were missing long enough for me to have to re-order.

In Hawaii: There are no in-bank cards that can be issued in Hawaii. It is not the Mainland USA here. Documentation of all sorts is difficult or time consuming to arrive in Hawaii. Even overnight priority shipping does not exist. Overnight priority is more like 2 day shipping if it works at all.

Because I moved out of the situation with the Colonel, yesterday morning I woke to a mother nearby screaming at someone because an important document had a misspelling on it. Her Energy was so intense some friends called me, even texts me "are you ok? are you alive?"

I think I should just say, that be careful when coming to Waikiki, HI. There are still High level military men who can take action against any of us. Many of them frequent the TRUMP hotel restaurant. And the Security issues can be created by anyone of any nationality or American agenda. For instance, this Colonel frequents the Waikiki bars, seems to be unmarried, an definitely carries an ugly personality under his cool exterior.

I was born a dual National of Japan and the United States, and he found me at a time  May 2016 when he claims the Pentagon was in need to downsize in Japan. Though I personally also feel the USA should be pushed out of Japan (expedited) since they are going about change in a very rude fashion.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Voting Nov. 8, 2016

I suppose today, will add closure to the past 12 years of gnarly international politicking adversely affecting my once great life in the USA. I voted this morning, and had registered already in the zip code, and finally gave my personal physical location in the same zip code as I wasn't printed in the Roster. It reminded me back to other times I voted in my hometown of Pennsylvania, a place where the vote remained Republican since the inception of the USA in Central Bucks County, PA with about 148 homes. My cast ballot was broken into as many others, and I was harassed by my neighbors who had very different and white dominant values ( on the fringe of US white domestic terrorism). My father walked in the door to yell at me about how I decided to vote, as he was made aware of the votes on my cast ballot. It pissed off all the neighbors enough that I at least knew they were being honest.

However, I did cast my ballot. Voted for 3 people who have been in my midst or I have met without effort;- from frequent visits to the Collegetown of Ithaca, NY that became my adult home, the Obama/Hanabusa/Maize campaign, And, the crazy dude running for Senate in Hawaii who talked to me at the Waikiki Laundromat who talked my ear off one day about car stuff & the MK experience.

I'm hoping for the best for restoration to peaceable living in the USA.
That the USA mainland becomes more calm again and less racially/ nationally volatile,
I know, my vote most likely doesn't promote TPP issues or any business plans with Japan & other Asian nations that have existed for the duration of my life. However, without the restoration of peaceable calm in the USA mainland;- domestic travel and business is likely to defeat the basic guidelines of security for international/ multinational human beings that should be employed with the TPP.  Yes, I voted, despite being forced into my USA citizenship and operating under USA domestic guidelines of nationality while being terrorized for being a Japanese national  at home, school, and church by white supremicists who sought to impact the future relationship with Japan.

So, for whatever it's worth.,,I voted. Went through the bogus process. Had I been given a fair chance at my own decisions;- instead of being a political tool & statement back at Japan, My life would have been on a very different path. Now, I get to see...what this toss up Presidency creates.

Big Waves already breaking at the North Shore of Oahu;- time to forget this political BS till surf contest season is over. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Journal meditation day

Today, meditation group @ Waikiki from 6ish till 9pm. Our community leader is still in Argentina and headed to the group's international North  American conference in a week or so. Yesterday, I got my weekly and quarterly focus plans underway. Still have to pick up a new journal and do my annual focus plan. Working out of "The Way of the Seal" since it already mimicked most of what I learned decades ago as a trained grassroots organizer. Today is going to be an intense self reflection day for me, more so than usual. 
Also, I'm going to try and restart master cleanse minus the super strong Senna ClenzT. Going for a more dilute version. 
This morning drinking my Green2o and a coconut lime KeVita. Getting choked out on coconut. Opting for mint tea if I'm out at Starbucks. Picked up a couple organic lemons. Last 2 -- will half fresh juice with lemon organic presqueezed lemon juice.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Paradise to a modern City scape

Most people fly, cruise, row, or sail to Hawaii in search of a peaceful and warm abode for a weekend or two in paradise.

My Morning Photo: Honolulu, Hawaii 

_______________________Like most women who get stuck here. I make enough to survive, but not enough to make up for the financial damage the men have caused due to lack of employment. I want to go back to life as usual on the mainland. That's aside from my business plans and how broke Hawaii state is -- so they try to extort my family stateside & Japan side for money so I don't get killed here. That's why they have shooters at meetings like APEC. Average people are horrible. The people they admire are worse.__________

- one woman I lived with was attacked at her job site taking inventory at the warehouse. The men cornered her and cracked her skull open. She made 70k+benefits a year. She has 3 Hawaiian children. She offered me the job. Of course I said no & remained the course of physical integrity. She left the island with her children for safety sake.

my experience with Photography law inside a state building:- 
- I went to the Honolulu DMV on Dillingham to voluntarily surrender the taxi license I had obtained for work I tried barely a month prior. The clerk informed me she could only issue licenses. So, I went to take a photo showing an attempt at surrendering my license. She got her manager and he came to the window told me that it's illegal for me to take photo of his employee. I told him I'm representing myself in court and that I can take photos to defend myself in court. He kept telling me the legalities of my photo taking on me, implying immediate arrest if I didn't delete my photo. I asked him, "are you an attorney?" And he stayed in silence, no response. I asked him, can you tell me what laws there are that will tell me that info? He said "you can go look it up."

The manager had to tell his employee that they do accept surrendered certificates. I tried to point out to them their requirements say that I have to surrender it if I stop driving for 30days. So I need to know where to surrender the certificate of they don't accept it.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Taxi at court vs Honolulu City & County

The City and County of Honolulu has over 1,000 certified taxi drivers to a mere .01% approx. of City and County designated cab stands. The Honolulu Policing agencies are renowned for their corruption, illegal drug deals, on th DL death of citizens, loss of police reports, and yes;- excessively targeting taxi drivers for ticketing. It's almost impossible for them not to ticket cabs in Honolulu and particularly Waikiki just because the cab to public cab stand and Waikiki curbside ratios are so askew.
This is all despite nearly all hotels having private contract/agreements with one of the top 3-4 taxi/rideshare companies in Honolulu County. It's a walk-in trap to drive in Honolulu County as a driver. Plus, it's easy for the few families who control the old Hawaii Business network to single out 1st generation Americans and prevent them from obtaining other suitable employment in the future. This is largely based on the facts that Taxi business being a largely immigrant/1st generation American job field. And that the Taxi Stands authorized by the City and County of Honolulu are low in number. As well as the fact that most tickets for curbside waiting or doing the appropriate paperwork (which can take longer than 3minutes), or simply needing a break which is required on a long shift, begins at a misdemeanor level. 

Clearly, this off taxi to regulated stand ratio makes a vulnerable population of minorities in the USA liable and criminal at a high percentage for doing the City & County licensed job. This is of course if the city and county refuses to acknowledge that the majority of ticketing that Doesn't happen, does indeed make areas "authorized" cab stands because the police do not ticket at those locations typically.  The taxi business is largely Male dominated employment opportunity, despite "driver equality" in the civilian population.  There should be a cap on the number of Taxi Certificates without Private contracts where City & County of Honolulu permits those drivers to park and wait a fare in Waikiki and areas of Honolulu. 
I, as a driver hold personal liability whether the Taxi company I work for as an employee. And, as I have previously blogged, Oahu harbors a variety of businesses and conflicted interest groups to some private/and or public U.S. Interests.
There should be a County system that allows drivers to obtain a registered card to be allowed on the property of the hotel/resort area. This would prevent unnecessary ticketing and court dates and fines for changes of behavior and irregularity of police or property owners. And, would serve as a confirmation of no trespass by the taxi company and their certified driver.
For example;-  I, personally, would need specific permission from a hotel resort, such as Hilton Prince Kuhio, in order to be on their property especially after being generally told to stay away from Waikiki by the Yamaguchi-gumi interest.;- yet the company I worked for has taxi stands at their property that are common knowledge to law enforcement and generally is unticketed even when other taxis are using the stand.
However;- law enforcement changes their game" to the driver's disadvantage because it is convenient, the interest group behind the Hotel is calling a favor against said driver, and so it in turn can adversely affect and create more negative 
U.S. Foreign relations or security issues abroad. 

------ to be revised and continued 
EcoCab is a local Honolulu company which promotes a conservative earthy savy. Hybrid cars with Green logos, and Hummer MV1's for   making medical patients feel human compassion during their transport. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

APEC Leader's week- Receive Lei

Just happened behind me. APEC Leaders Week, Delegates receiving Lei @ 5PM Hawaii Time.