Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

USA Asian-American Accent vs. Immigrants

It's ironic, that the USA puts Movie Stars on a pedastal. And, they even elect them as state officials and presidents. In anycase, the voter infatuation with Movie talent doesn't reflect a positive involvement with persons of multiple nationalities, defer racism, and enable peaceable interactions in the USA Mainland and Hawaii. In fact, in my time here in Hawaii, I have met dozens of 3rd, 4th and 5th generation Asian-Americans who prefer to act like immigrants. They, for the most part completely REFUSE to speak english without any type of non-European accent. It's somewhat safe to say even the late 20th century lent itself to Continental Asian children who speak perfect english by age 8. This is a common practice of more educated, affluent & cosmopolitan, and those with English exposure early on in life (through business).

The throwbacks and adult hard formed vocal chords are of 2 natures:
1. People who were raised without English in Childhood
2. People who flagrantly were raised in the USA to be "happy immigrant" impostors for pity's sake or as an act of defiance towards the USA.

It really isn't that TYPICAL to meet many people of Asian descent who speak perfect english. Whether it is some style of American English or of British "Queen's" English.
Then to diverge further, those who have to scrub clean hard of understanding --the accent of particular American locales, in order to do business in the most NON-OFFENSIVE manner possible in English.
And further, who aren't promoting some other European agenda that is worthy of being Expelled from the USA.

I know I will always be questioned.
Just sayin

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

painful bioregionalism. 16mile town plan. Shingyo Money.

When I was a tween, I was reading loads of Issac Asimov and political books on Environment. One book that was in harmony with me was a book about a "new" idea named bioregionalism.
However, I read it after a trip to Japan and a thorough tour of our economic growth in  the Tohoku region to buildings in Tokyo.
Bioregionalism is for some reason in the English language a "new" idea that became popular in the 1980's.  However, because of the European feudal system and the USA being a new land with odd political boundaries contained within it;- it is a new idea for the USA. ASIA, however has been in existence for thousands of years compared to the USA's short 300 year life since 1776AD. And, in Japan, a system that was similar to Bioregionalism was in effect around 775AD.  It was called SHINGYO money.  Despite the government system of Lords being somewhat different and having more of a severe outward presence, shingyo money circulated in the Japanese prefectures. It supported the local economy even though sometimes the Lord held most of the money. Not dissimilar to the 1% phenomena that is happening globally.
Bioregionalism may be a shift in mental focus to the environment and away from typical governement and earth boundaries, However, the idea remains the same that waterways and mountain borders are obstacles that should not be monopolized in entirety by local people to block trade in entirety.
 Some Rare, 1% people in the USA who have had EXIM family  believe that humans are meant to live within a 16 mile radius. All food, work, and other basic life sustaining elements should be in that 16 miles. And, that more basic transportation for daily use should not be an automobile as most areas do not produce oil and gasoline. Basic, daily use transportation should be bicycles, or for those less healthy, a more suitable chauffer.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Taxi at court vs Honolulu City & County

The City and County of Honolulu has over 1,000 certified taxi drivers to a mere .01% approx. of City and County designated cab stands. The Honolulu Policing agencies are renowned for their corruption, illegal drug deals, on th DL death of citizens, loss of police reports, and yes;- excessively targeting taxi drivers for ticketing. It's almost impossible for them not to ticket cabs in Honolulu and particularly Waikiki just because the cab to public cab stand and Waikiki curbside ratios are so askew.
This is all despite nearly all hotels having private contract/agreements with one of the top 3-4 taxi/rideshare companies in Honolulu County. It's a walk-in trap to drive in Honolulu County as a driver. Plus, it's easy for the few families who control the old Hawaii Business network to single out 1st generation Americans and prevent them from obtaining other suitable employment in the future. This is largely based on the facts that Taxi business being a largely immigrant/1st generation American job field. And that the Taxi Stands authorized by the City and County of Honolulu are low in number. As well as the fact that most tickets for curbside waiting or doing the appropriate paperwork (which can take longer than 3minutes), or simply needing a break which is required on a long shift, begins at a misdemeanor level. 

Clearly, this off taxi to regulated stand ratio makes a vulnerable population of minorities in the USA liable and criminal at a high percentage for doing the City & County licensed job. This is of course if the city and county refuses to acknowledge that the majority of ticketing that Doesn't happen, does indeed make areas "authorized" cab stands because the police do not ticket at those locations typically.  The taxi business is largely Male dominated employment opportunity, despite "driver equality" in the civilian population.  There should be a cap on the number of Taxi Certificates without Private contracts where City & County of Honolulu permits those drivers to park and wait a fare in Waikiki and areas of Honolulu. 
I, as a driver hold personal liability whether the Taxi company I work for as an employee. And, as I have previously blogged, Oahu harbors a variety of businesses and conflicted interest groups to some private/and or public U.S. Interests.
There should be a County system that allows drivers to obtain a registered card to be allowed on the property of the hotel/resort area. This would prevent unnecessary ticketing and court dates and fines for changes of behavior and irregularity of police or property owners. And, would serve as a confirmation of no trespass by the taxi company and their certified driver.
For example;-  I, personally, would need specific permission from a hotel resort, such as Hilton Prince Kuhio, in order to be on their property especially after being generally told to stay away from Waikiki by the Yamaguchi-gumi interest.;- yet the company I worked for has taxi stands at their property that are common knowledge to law enforcement and generally is unticketed even when other taxis are using the stand.
However;- law enforcement changes their game" to the driver's disadvantage because it is convenient, the interest group behind the Hotel is calling a favor against said driver, and so it in turn can adversely affect and create more negative 
U.S. Foreign relations or security issues abroad. 

------ to be revised and continued 
EcoCab is a local Honolulu company which promotes a conservative earthy savy. Hybrid cars with Green logos, and Hummer MV1's for   making medical patients feel human compassion during their transport.