Showing posts with label Bicycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bicycle. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

painful bioregionalism. 16mile town plan. Shingyo Money.

When I was a tween, I was reading loads of Issac Asimov and political books on Environment. One book that was in harmony with me was a book about a "new" idea named bioregionalism.
However, I read it after a trip to Japan and a thorough tour of our economic growth in  the Tohoku region to buildings in Tokyo.
Bioregionalism is for some reason in the English language a "new" idea that became popular in the 1980's.  However, because of the European feudal system and the USA being a new land with odd political boundaries contained within it;- it is a new idea for the USA. ASIA, however has been in existence for thousands of years compared to the USA's short 300 year life since 1776AD. And, in Japan, a system that was similar to Bioregionalism was in effect around 775AD.  It was called SHINGYO money.  Despite the government system of Lords being somewhat different and having more of a severe outward presence, shingyo money circulated in the Japanese prefectures. It supported the local economy even though sometimes the Lord held most of the money. Not dissimilar to the 1% phenomena that is happening globally.
Bioregionalism may be a shift in mental focus to the environment and away from typical governement and earth boundaries, However, the idea remains the same that waterways and mountain borders are obstacles that should not be monopolized in entirety by local people to block trade in entirety.
 Some Rare, 1% people in the USA who have had EXIM family  believe that humans are meant to live within a 16 mile radius. All food, work, and other basic life sustaining elements should be in that 16 miles. And, that more basic transportation for daily use should not be an automobile as most areas do not produce oil and gasoline. Basic, daily use transportation should be bicycles, or for those less healthy, a more suitable chauffer.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Driving in Hawaii, from an East Coast perspective

Driving in Hawaii is one of Thee WORST experiences ever. Traffic on the island is miserable if you are almost out of gasoline or your AC isn't erotically cold.

Where to Start with my generalizations from my observations;

  • Drivers behind me don't ever, seem to try- braking, and rely on saying they were "cut off". I thought this was odd and it seems that in Hawaii;- there is some commonplace local only law that says one is responsible for the people driving vehicles in back of you.  This sometimes leads to that driver stalking you home and slashing tires or keying cars or starting a physical confrontation which are common knowledge stories to bring awareness to the local rule.
  • Drivers don't follow the 4 way stop rules and create chaos;- particularly at places where they have purposely ill managed pedestrian walks and a lack of stop lights and Walk/Don't walk lights.
  • It's about 50/50 on how many drivers Don't use turn signals
  • Right turns on Red to get across 4 one-way lanes, especially onto King Street in order to make the next left. They could have really used a lesson in city planning that included usage of Jug handles.
  • Bicyclists don't seem to understand that to ride in a car's blind-spot is not a good idea;- no matter how much they want to curse and key cars in Waikiki. 

Why Hawaii State needs No Fault Tort...
The pedestrians are chronically annoying walking slower than a snail. When they see a car coming, instead of walking briskly across the street or a marked pedestrian walkway, they stop in the middle of the street and try to stare down the driver. Some more athletic pedestrians attempt to crash into your vehicle as it passes through the pedestrian walk.