Friday, April 15, 2022
Bio-tech and climate change.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Science Fiction with Bio-Warfare
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Biotoxin attacks a cell (not malaria) Photo by Angela M, 'Kikuchi' Kneale |
Biological warfare technicians are cloaked in the secrecy of vaccine development and pharmacological industry. Outwardly, it doesn't look fancy. If you can see it at all.
2013 inundated with pure Rainforest Bio-toxic mold |
At the latter portion of 2019, the newly christened CoV19 coronavirus evolved and emerged from a decade of antibiotic resistant superbugs and publically downgraded biotoxins like the Toxic mold epidemic that now plagues the mortuary;- where cause of death is now influenza, ulcers, and other health complications that humans simply used to survive.
The Ace 2 receptor is not just a unique protein chain to Asian genetics. It spans lifeforms across the planet and is also a forgotten and relatively dormant protein in several microscopic fungus, molds, and yeast forms.
1. Adhesion to surfaces and ability to penetrate skin - rash & months out joint, bone, lung, muscle infections
2. A Secondary Fungal Biotoxin used as aerial contamination method for biological warfare- naturally weaponizes itself with chlorine molecules. Ig engineered bio-warfare, its possible it weaponizes itself with CoV19 through its dormant Ace2 receptor.
3. After Chlorine and disinfectant spraying, the City is now prepped and primed for a second round of Biological warfare. The Chlorine lends itself for fungal/aerial transport modality to proliferate.
Is this really possible? That labs which previously classified toxic black mold stachybotrys as a biotoxin capable of overwhelming a human host never explained to the public how. Rather the dawn of Ketogenic and Paleo diets becoming mainstream are here without explanation. The Ace2 receptor of the bio-toxin stachybotrys may have been exploited, however there are dozens of mold, fungal, and yeast forms that can lend themselves to airborne behavior and adhesion for a virus such as CoV19 while possibly prolonging suface life cycle. This would pose 2 problems;- 1 that acids such as chlorine molecules will kill the CoV19 and community spraying as seen in China's Wuhan will create an acid bed for the attached biotoxic fungal-mold strain. This would in essence propogate a biotoxin mold strain not only to proliferate with the acid bed of chlorine, but to also AGAIN weaponize itself with the chlorine molecule to create more complex tumors and cancerous growths in hosts long after a bio-weapon viral outbreak. This would and will increase long term susceptibility of the population for everything from eating sugary and acidic noodles to other flu and virus. This fungal biotoxin aka black mold thrives in acidic environments within the human body. Once it propogates it signals the human brain with biotoxins to change behavior in order to continue proliferating and overwhelming the human body.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Targeted Individual "draft' "Taken" from Vacation.
- Other issues with regards to China & Independent Freedom of Hawaii instigated by this TRAINER & OTHERS WITH SIMILAR INTEREST ON OAHU. ' '
Is due to the handler or the abductor being a community figure who people look up to including;- children, their parents, & other respected people in the community. In my situation it included law enforcement, since this person is a high level martial arts trainer and is known in both the intrrnational sports arena of MMA mixed martial arts as well as the underground illegal & pride fight rings.
In other words because of the high level trainer contacting me and making his self visible scene with me and public others became jealous and those others were not of the same caliber of Plata call understanding. Many of them or normal people who were seeking favor with this particular trainer.
The people here in Honolulu County surrounding this particular trainer did not ever ask me about my prior history in life. They only asked whether I went to any local Honolulu County high school or not. They did not care about anything further or if I was even from Hawaii as if the trainer was speaking for me on all matters of my life. He is a famous martial arts coach so most people seemed enthralled to speak with him directly, thus overshadowing any pleas for help I had. This included the Honolulu Police officers who I called .
that I had they did not care to ask to my family is they did not care to ask any personal details of me other than which High School on the island I might have attended. So I was quite dumb founded to be honest to answer such a nanny not type of question as far as I was concerned. This put a big buffer emotionally between me and the community around me. Since these people put this wall up I assume they cited with the trainer and I was not looking for more abuse so I found it easier to remain silent in most cases.. It took me some time to learn that when I refused request by the trainer specifically that one of his disciples or students would hurt me for him.
And, I was hurt numerous times. The worst being when I was punched in the kidney by a large Navy SEAL who was 250 lb. & I was laid- up for approximately 5 days. The trainer had carried me out of his dojo and to the room I had been told to rent from his friend. It was a house with 3 military men at the location. He dropped me off at my roomam enclosef Lanai, with an uncomfortable futon I had Been forced to purchase. He did not check on me for 5 days. I was still in pain after 5 days and so he took me to a chiropractor and fellow Hawaiian and martial artist to attend to my back injury. He also wrote a note to the strip club where I was employed to make up for the mist days since I was not able to communicate. And the money I made went majority to his expenses as the money was cash and was easy for him to dismiss as non existence which is of course a complete lie. I was also stalked because I did not have a vehicle. The worst incident of two ways wear a very large man got on the bus that I had to take each day and tried to tackle me in the middle of an intersection in Mililani town next to where the bus dropped me off I was literally running for my life I had called the cop the Honolulu Police Department as well as their care advocate by May 2009 in order to try and put an end to this however they refused any assistant because of their friendship with the trainer. I had breeze counseling session with the CA re advocate. Also the sum of my better clothing was taken from me in this time and the trainer insist that I trained with him been that I only wear black pants and a red shirt. So for this time I only had black pants and red shirt aside from any remaining clothing I had from my arrival in Honolulu. Though again back to the strip club where I was employed it was a clean and professional entertainment environment. However I was separated from the other people at work actively by the owner who knew this trainer which is why he employed me at age 35. I did not know the reputation of this trainer claim to at the time be a federal agent which he said to me only twice that I had known him in those first 3 years I was stuck on the island. And the money I made should have easily covered some of my bills on the mainland such on my office in Ithaca New York where the rent was low but I was not permitted to keep my money and pay anything so that I would not lose what I had worked for at home in Pennsylvania as well as New York. The trainer as well as the law enforcement here in Mililani town as well as Honolulu seem to be quite amused with the sexual abuse and sexism and as I speak now at 11:13 p.m. Hawaiian time a Honolulu Police Department vehicle just passed by me.
These men & now women I do not know their exact ages but seemed to be between the ages of 16 and 56yrs old. It may include minors from the Mililani dojo associations who I had seen trying to break into the apartment realtor box I kept on the door.
These people here in Hawaii in the neighborhood of where the DoJo's are in Mililani and the Mililani Town Association affiliation to their resident using their recreation facilities for training in martial arts seem to support this type of treatment to women and not ask where I came from or who I am and attempted to silent me by excluding me as an outsider so that I would have no way to leave this situation. Additionally the Mililani town Association was very aware of this instructor in the community as he also was a boy Scout leader as a prior Eagle Scout his self and also a night at the through the Catholic Church and a ninja to master with over 30 black belt in addition to his Grandmaster titles in a half dozen martial art. Mililani town Association apparently had been excessively vining he and his family for building maintenance in fractions some of which were as simple as grass growing by the sidewalk near the street. It appeared to me that it was possibly a way for them to Launder money from trafficking individuals. I hot wind of the deli find the Mililani town Association was billing to the instructors the trainers family home and trafficking money. Years later when there was military intervention with this particular trainer in a military intelligent investigation, be Hawaii court honored my request for a temporary restraining order until be hearing for a more permanent temporary restraining order TRO. However, in court I was told I had to sign and agreement that he the trainer and his attorney constructed without debate which I feel is also illegal unconstitutional and this person inside that it was an agreement to try and kick me out of Hawaii State at the time we were
I have lost everything I worked for on the mainland as well as my personal and professional reputation. Space this is import due to the auction and ignorance and intentional harm committed buy Hawaii state employees, contracted companies and their employees, federal employees, employees of the Department of Education, paramedic services, parties who appalled the Mililani town Association as well as the Mililani town Association and their properties.
This is a draft of my perception is as things transpired from my arrival for the first time in my life at Honolulu International Airport on February 1st, 2009. This Contract killer trainer & MMA coach also made contact with me initially through a website called was invited to join the website forum by an invitation sent to my YouTube channel in January 2009. This is a tactic known as Gangstalking, where the sum of actions and to a crime while the smaller actions are ignored. I Believe that someone had the record to see who was flying to Hawaii Honolulu International Airport when I was contacted. The trainer I am speaking of also was part of Obama's Secret Service team in Hawaii, and attended the same high school in Honolulu to the best of my knowledge. I do not know how many people were involved in this destruction of my life but it was apparently part of their plan as and information warfare campaign on behalf of the Chinese government and or then president Obama, to harm United States protocol asset who had multi levels of security as as well as directly trying to harm military operations regarding China's military and putting my life further at risk by exposing me directly to adverse political actors against Japan.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
USA harbors a diversity of Domestic Terrorists
I have been inundated with Asian (Korean & Japanese predominantly), Asian-American & SE Asian terrorists in Hawaii of the same caliber as the white supremacy groups & European racists that were on the East Coast. They generally seek opportunity to capitalize of racial exploitation & stigma.
I find these people are intertwined with the sex trafficking trade.
Today, I'm getting wary of the vast number of money hungry Asian families that moved to the USA.
I feel that they see attacking me as an extension of the power that USA bestows on them as free citizens. They realize the USA didn't protect me from White Supremacy. They seek to attack vulnerabilities because Japanese didn't move to USA in families after Hawaii was overthrown & especially after Hiroshima.
I do not see how maintaining a security agreement with the United States of America is feasible.
These same terrorists in their free-time & hobby time can covertly be US Domestic Terrorists due to freedom of speech & association. I am not against the Constitutional rights.
I am AGAINST this turning into active hate crimes, domestic terrorrism, financial terrorism, and jeporadizing my life, and the lives of others who are more reasonable. Many of these people are employed in Government, Military, Security & technology industries of the USA.
I do not reccomend that Japan continue to supply USA with metals & minerals that are part of USA's 33% hold in military weapons manufacturing.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
My genetics vs clandestine ops
For the record, my family parents especially, steered me away from early ROTC program in USA for a college payment option. Additionally, I was told not to get involved with clandestine ops even if CIA due to my relatives involvement elsewhere in infrastructure.
I am now over the age bracket to be employed for such industries. Additionally, I have not married or have had a family of my own.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Allowance for my dead body?
Today, I was paying for a Japanese my diet plan --Tofu,
on sale for $1.39/lb. A grey haired Local man and a younger woman barged by me in about 2 ft. Of space including where I stood at the checkout station. I reacted by yelling because I was startled. And since the door they came through was an exit where more than a dozen registers were located with small 2" wide aisles, it was enough to cause concern that they may have intended to harm me. When I yelled, they stopped. They apologized.
I screamed something to the affect about how rude people are in Hawaii and if everyone is this way its no wonder we had so many m-16's at the meeting.
As I left, unbeknownst to them and many people who think I should be college aged late 20's... I went to APEC in 2011 for EXIM a representing the USA. I vent here on this blog about my Hawaii experiences and security perceptions.
During the 2011 meeting in Honolulu a lot of fun, honest, and some criminal minded partiers left the area and their apartments temporarily due to the presence of m-16's and security. One local & Hawaii man was shot at a famous American fast food restaurant. Many local Hawaii residents were upset. While the trial was still in public eye, a sniper/lawyer introduced himself to me as an attorney working kon the shooter's case. I never thought it was right, but the risk of international incidents being put on USA ground is serious.
In hindsight, the sniper/lawyer had his own business plans and really never intended to assist me. Especially since the issues that held me up and had me crawling in to the meeting instead of being 110% are too much for me to handle alone while still being barrages daily with local torture. So a sniper took down a local
However, it makes me realize something about security, why is it ok for Hawaii State to allow such ill behaved local residents on a daily basis?
I felt very threatened by the couple at the checkout line. It felt like they planned a dry run to kill me. I typically stay out of main public areas and it leaves for a dull an unproductive life in Hawaii. There have already been 3 attempts on my life that the immensely corrupt Honolulu Police Department didn't investigate properly to protect the local & military men involved. That does not include the 2009 abduction report that I need to file since I have low confidence in the HPD and have seen how they handled and assisted my assailants. I'm tempted to handle it in a more social way, not to air dirty laundry.
I'm writing not just because I'm upset, 6years after the 2011 APEC meeting I was prepped for in 2005/2006. But because Hawaii is clearly bent on controlling the world by being socially askew at every corner. Including the "couple doing a dry run" scenario at the checkout intending to slash my guts out.
Ugh... More stress, for me everyday.
I did come to Hawaii to vacation. I came to see if I could live here and "blend" a little more. I just absolutely hate a lot about how the people decide to be here. I now face an additional set back of about 8years and more than politics have changed. I am fearing for my life, for my future, because I have played out this farce for 12 years in the USA. A lot needs to change in Hawaii State and the USA to ensure security. Its virtually impossible to demands that from the USA.
Just in my own immediate USA family - the hospital killed my sister, several attempts on my brothers life from kids breaking his leg at church to hit &run to his university mates dosing him, to his whites girlfriends coaxing him into gettinf jumped and beaten up by their white brothers and friends. Some days it would be the black neighborhoods and he would return home with bruises on his throat and face. Then there was his white Quakertown employer at Valley Precisio telling my father my brother is "best off dead", a conversation I will never forget.
I am blogging this today, because I see the state of the world and USA. If I do wind up dead soon, as racist and nationalistic hostilities are becoming more prevalent from whites in Honolulu... I hope someone gets a small glimpse. I'm trying to survive the onslaught, while providing my viewpoint without pay or reward.
I have always believed that NOONE should have to live through these things like we did with my Mother being from a Japanese national security family from the Emporer's house. My parents ran the real rule book of legalities. I got noone who loves me my entire life...and all those who try to offer solace are weaker for not looking at what USA does and Change it to make it safer for more people.
Complete and utter emptiness as I read about the North Korean Nuclear threat.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
No hierarchical Structure, Genesis
Friday, February 03, 2017
Hawaii Tourists- Immigration, ID, Safety, Financial cards, Trump
Generally the public has complied with many of the requests to see ID from noted law enforcement.
Foreign tourists, travellers, and even 1st generation US citizens face a threat. Damaged Documents and missing credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of payment.
I lived in Waikiki near the bars and restaurants that are difficult to get away from. Since I don't take anyone of US military rank as "coincidental" in my life, recently for 2 months I lived at the home of an 0-6 USMC Colonel and livid Trump supporter. One day we had gone for breakfast and he told me that he saw a car with a Hillary Clinton sticker on it. When he saw the sticker on the vehicle he wanted to ram into the vehicle. Now this is what I call extreme & violent thinking. I took his throwing dirty laundry over my Kalachakra as a signal that his hatred and Colorado white conservatism runs much deeper. That is aside from a comment he made to me stating "a bunch of us at Pentagon would have gone to jail if Hillary made it ."
Just before the immigration ban I started having complications with things around the off-duty? USMC Colonel that have not happened for over a couple of years. Strange enough, my perfect condition Driver's license holographic plastic was sticking out of my purse and peeled back enough to render it "illegal" and tampered with. My financial cards, that take 10-30 days for ordering and shipment to Hawaii state were missing long enough for me to have to re-order.
In Hawaii: There are no in-bank cards that can be issued in Hawaii. It is not the Mainland USA here. Documentation of all sorts is difficult or time consuming to arrive in Hawaii. Even overnight priority shipping does not exist. Overnight priority is more like 2 day shipping if it works at all.
Because I moved out of the situation with the Colonel, yesterday morning I woke to a mother nearby screaming at someone because an important document had a misspelling on it. Her Energy was so intense some friends called me, even texts me "are you ok? are you alive?"
I think I should just say, that be careful when coming to Waikiki, HI. There are still High level military men who can take action against any of us. Many of them frequent the TRUMP hotel restaurant. And the Security issues can be created by anyone of any nationality or American agenda. For instance, this Colonel frequents the Waikiki bars, seems to be unmarried, an definitely carries an ugly personality under his cool exterior.
I was born a dual National of Japan and the United States, and he found me at a time May 2016 when he claims the Pentagon was in need to downsize in Japan. Though I personally also feel the USA should be pushed out of Japan (expedited) since they are going about change in a very rude fashion.
Monday, January 16, 2017
EXIM bank closes for Trump?
Thursday, January 12, 2017
South China Islands- OMG
China & the South China sea are and should remain off limits to the USA. In fact, something that would help the world much more than USA military intervention is to simply TAKE AWAY 90% of credit cards belonging to US citizens. It might have helped to deter the consequental severe pollution that outsourcing USA managers and production though grants that was created in the 90's by a decade.
I guess I have a sore spot since I can only compare that island situation to my entry to the APEC meeting Nov. 11, 2011 the day before Japan announced interest in the TPP that is now being bashed by Trump. I walked in between line of shooters with M-16's on one side of me aimed at the Chinese protestors on the other side of me for my arrival to the Symposium I attended. I held my breath for that walk through the door with eyes wide open. I'm EX-IM family expedable they say...yet i'm supposed to worry more about "terrorists?' really!? Are you all f'n kidding me?
I don't think that anything has changed in the past 6 years with USA/China, except now worsening. I've been on warning due to number of Chinese supporters in the USA since some of my relatives were involved in Chinese war negotiations with Japan. The number of issues with US military personnel or contractors even DOE who resided in the State of Hawaii and side with China is Huge. President Elect Donald Trump is their cover for fear of legal punishment from Hillary's team;- mostly to move weapons illegally or legally is huge. Sadly, many of these men are minorities who were/are claim to be Obama's hand picked team, or the Creme de la creme of the Hawaiian islands maffia fight scene and special forces elite.
The other thing that bothers me, is that Trump's products were made in China. So, somewhere his hands must have gotten dirty in the midst of Terrorist bankrolling of Chinese businesses. That, is something I have a HUGE problem with. And then, his team wants to send in our US Military to mess with the non-terrorist Chinese with whom the USA didn't have a hostile military engagement with prior to Trump's office!? Seriously? Not moving Trump ties anymore, looks like a weapons deal (underhanded or not) that is going to further the next 4 years of what is left of USA democracy.
Obviously believe that Japan could get along better in Asia without the USA military influence, despite Japan's past military history in Asia. I do believe that USA is giving hope to people within Asia to be more riotous. I think that stand-alone purposeful USA fact is enough
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Reflection:- My Sakah line
Sunday, December 04, 2016
Feng Shui & Christianity
In short, I boiled my experience of Christian Mindset on the East Coast to:
This is quite different than having a Loving heart and Compassionate intents. As a 1st generation USA & Japanese citizen I learned cross culturally that Most American Christians don't translate Love and Compassion to anything they perceptibly interpret as not having "pure Christian origins."
The version of Christianity I was exposed to was inundated with an unsatiable vengance from Americans who hate Asia. Also, coupled with an infinate amount of Godly forgiveness for every destructive action the Christians take.
So, again, it seems that some things are ineffible & perpetually dumbfounding to me.
Wednesday, November 02, 2016
affecting international market with PEACE
2. Kill all shipments not connected directly a person of dual-nationality, Asian descent (biz USA).
3. Eliminate the rule of Foreign Agency ( Foreign Agents act) in the USA when EXPORT-IMPORT shipment is concerned.
- USA clouds the issue and manipulates the EX-IM scene by requiring a 3rd party intermediary
- USA admonishes the potential Foreign Agent due to USA lack of cooperation and USA actions that total international security agreement breaches and cumulative acts of war.
- Some of these actions are taken against the Agent as private interest under USA politicians where other individual is seeking to cause reason to retain employment.
- Some of these actions are taken against the Agent as private interest for other than USA nation.
- Some of these actions taken against the Agent are acts of domestic terrorism;- particularly personal agendas hidden within the U.S. Military officers & enlisted person's private creed.
- Allow dual-national persons with exceptional families to receive funds directly without confiscation of funds and unquestionable jail time;- as USA has assassinated my family members of Japanese nationality through local policing. And USA has created easy fail financial systems in event of such personal tragedy.
- -provide: secured joint USA federal and Foreign Nations banking option.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Japan perspective
1. Another issue for Japan's public perception is online and in English. The constant historical banter & speculation that is published to the public as random internet address links within political and military articles. A slippery slope appears to be aimed at taking the ground out from under Japan since the overall balance of wartime articles is heavy in comparison with other nations globally. Such a stack of vague Japan militaristic knowledge affects modern perceptions and interactions in the political arena and business environment. The articles are aimed at emotional justification for causing economic and socio-political damage to Japanese abroad in the USA and NY City (a crucial global business environment). Ground level talks that have resolved are difficult to find in the internet haystack about international issues involving comfort women, and past war time atrocities in other nations aside from Japan. At UNESCO, a globally comprehensive report to view the humanitarian and gender based issue of comfort women is not isolated to Japan alone.
2. WW3 looks more like USA/India/Korea VS. China/Russia/Japan
The United States is responsible for endangering Japanese born nationals within the USA Homeland. The US has jeopardized and pushed out standard business and family safety for Japan in key areas from the US Homeland in county courts in small locales. Instead, the USA business elite has embraced the family presences of Korean nationals and Indian nationals in particular while collaborating to create a facade of Japanese business relationship to the US public. In fact, most of the Korean & Indian linked business presence on the East Coast is aimed at destroying the Japanese image and presence in the larger US public at the ground level.
In the past decade and a half, before the talks of TPP vs. ASEAN;- it was more common to find micro level business & friendships between Japanese and Chinese within the USA homeland. There is still a huge lack of respect from the Korean and Indian communities/neighborhoods towards Japan in the USA. Of course this disrespect is only carried out politically with the help of the usual in charge USA white majority (that includes anyone of European descent who appears more caucasian). The dual national Israelis nearly top the list of foreigners pouring on sexual violence on Japanese in the USA and have no positive ASEAN interest.
3. The TPP vs the ASEAN allies.
The Philippines is going through growing pains with the rebuilding of their nation's infrastructure. Some new choices can be made, and so rebuilding seems to take on a plan-of-action that needs to be in line with the complete failure of the TPP, once promoted by their greatest ally. The past weeks have pressed the TPP issue to a new edge with 2017's USA Presidency to be a voided agreement. Donald Trump touted a revision of NAFTA/GATT from the 90's, while Hillary Clinton directly stood opposed to carrying the TPP torch. Neither US Presidential candidate shows intention of successful completion of the TPP. The ASEAN allies may be going through expected growing pains, arguments, to secure its trade routes and boundaries that the USA once considered crucial to its future survival and growth. This does not mean an internal War is imminent.
Monday, October 10, 2016
One Thing
What I have found, is that Japan carries a fake sense of prestige that is disrespected by many Caucasian- Americans, and Europeans. They disrespect it because the "human slave power" is low in numbers. So, many of them use Japan for the money they would not be able to obtain safely in their home countries in a similar way. Japan has little to no human power, and is viewed as no longer having a backbone or strength of unified national image.
Even here in Hawaii, there are latina women who whiten their skin, and while younger and not putting on the typical weight of an elder woman in her 30's;- they pass themselves as Japanese to the American European crowd. Obviously this is a different type of impression management to the international community that can later effect opinions.
Monday, September 26, 2016
China Closer to an Attack on Japan
Message I received directly last night before I posted 12:11AM on the 26th August.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
New Tohoku Community
Each of the coastal home's & office buildings are built to add security to buildings further inland in the event of another Tsunami. The larger buildings should have a concave wall that locks up with pressure facing potential wave direction to absorb more of the wave energy. I don't imagine anyone building a reinforced, concave, drystone wall over 22 meters that can withstand a tsunami wave. The harder the wave pushes on such a wall, if anchored correctly;- the wall should create force that holds the wave back for even up to 5 min. However, the use of Flat walls is not absorbing or deflecting any wave energy to make significant impact.
- Features of new homes/offices (inner temporary wave container of space):
- 2 -3 meter wide staircase up to 10'.
- There is a upstairs landing area that is another 2.5-3 meters
- 1-2 meter wide walks off the landing
- banisters on each side of the staircase
- The ceiling height of this interior wave container reaches up to 4.5 meters
- The construction of the rear wall (perpendicular to shoreline) is thicker and more sturdy to withstand a water fill of the inner wave container.
- Part of the idea is to build & stagger homes to slow down a Tsunami wave by creating interior building and exterior pockets.
The pockets are created by allowing water to enter homes or office buildings that have an interior vault with a reinforced rear wall. Of course there is no guarantee that the sides of the structure will keep integrity. The concept is to make an initial minimal 3-5% impact in decreasing wave strength. One of the noted instances in the Tohoku tsunami is that the buildings were obstacles that did not allow for water flow through them. This allowed the wave to push and use the building mass to level other
existing structures further in the wave path.
It is counter-intuitive, to allow water damage through building openings.
However, I think that it can be used in some small sense to allow for a decrease in wave strenght.
And, for larger buildings to collapse from interior water pressure and changing wave direction before the building is shoved like a bulldozer.
The other issue is the amount of water receding and the possibility of survivors from first instance of flooding. The time/length of the tsunami pushing through may be a matter of an hour or so. Having a reasonable anchor position with a purified air tank & where there is less debris would potentially enable survival even with black-out from wave pressure. It may be a ridiculous investment.
However, with certain loss of building structures in large tsunami waves;- even a small percentage change in wave strength and temporary re-direction or disruption due to staggered building structures that capture water (with front doors and windows that collapse inward at a certain pressure) may create time for survivors further inland.