Showing posts with label Asia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asia. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2020

Science Fiction with Bio-Warfare

Biotoxin attacks a cell (not malaria)
Photo by Angela M, 'Kikuchi' Kneale
So much of modern warfare involves hacking. And, it's become the dialogue of the new millenia.
Biological warfare technicians are cloaked in the secrecy of vaccine development and pharmacological industry. Outwardly, it doesn't look fancy. If you can see it at all.
2013  inundated with pure Rainforest Bio-toxic mold

At the latter portion of 2019, the newly christened CoV19 coronavirus evolved and emerged from a decade of antibiotic resistant superbugs and publically downgraded biotoxins like the Toxic mold epidemic that now plagues the mortuary;- where cause of death is now influenza, ulcers, and other health complications that humans simply used to survive.

The Ace 2 receptor is not just a unique protein chain to Asian genetics. It spans lifeforms across the planet and is also a forgotten and relatively dormant protein in several microscopic fungus, molds, and yeast forms.

1. Adhesion to surfaces and ability to penetrate skin - rash & months out joint, bone, lung, muscle infections
2. A Secondary Fungal Biotoxin used as aerial contamination method for biological warfare- naturally weaponizes itself with chlorine molecules. Ig engineered bio-warfare, its possible it weaponizes itself with CoV19 through its dormant Ace2 receptor.
3. After Chlorine and disinfectant spraying, the City is now prepped and primed for a second round of Biological warfare. The Chlorine lends itself for fungal/aerial transport modality to proliferate.

Is this really possible?  That labs which previously classified toxic black mold stachybotrys as a biotoxin capable of overwhelming a human host never explained to the public how. Rather the dawn of Ketogenic and Paleo diets becoming mainstream are here without explanation. The Ace2 receptor of the bio-toxin stachybotrys may have been exploited, however there are dozens of mold, fungal, and yeast forms that can lend themselves to airborne behavior and adhesion for a virus such as CoV19 while possibly prolonging suface life cycle. This would pose 2 problems;- 1 that acids such as chlorine molecules will kill the CoV19 and community spraying as seen in China's Wuhan will create an acid bed for the attached biotoxic fungal-mold strain. This would in essence propogate a biotoxin mold strain not only to proliferate with the acid bed of chlorine, but to also AGAIN weaponize itself with the chlorine molecule to create more complex tumors and cancerous growths in hosts long after a bio-weapon viral outbreak. This would and will increase long term susceptibility of the population for everything from eating sugary and acidic noodles to other flu and virus. This fungal biotoxin aka black mold thrives in acidic environments within the human body. Once it propogates it signals the human brain with biotoxins to change behavior in order to continue proliferating and overwhelming the human body. 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Illuminati is officially Global Catch word

MK Ultra Super soldier Book in Pdf format at the following Link:  I reccomed this because the author breaks down the various "Illuminati" which has become a Global catch all to "secret society" just as the words Maffia/ Family Business, Gang/Unrelated persons organized crime. I believe that the misuse of the word Illuminati is purposely set forth to create more of a race war within the USA, and to encourage American civilians & military to attack ambassadors and other business elite from Japan, China, and other 1st World Nations. It has come to my attention since the USA enables 2nd & 3rd world country economies and their citizens from Asia to organize and attack those of us from 1st World Japan and China with more frequency. Or, as I was told by one person- the Rothschilds hate the Japanese and Asian dragon lineages.
excerpt starts on Page 11 of the PDF:

Also can be found in version at  site: search James Casbolt Buried Alive

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Reflection:- My Sakah line

The Americans are infatuated with the trivial monetary cost of Asian cultures. And, they hype as well as rave about those areas where they have spent time. To them, there is value in setting an American flag in their birthing in foreign lands, largely despite nationality laws, as a further American Spiritual war on the world. 
Today is The Christian Christmas Eve as I sit alone in Hawaii. I'm reflecting on the losses that I have incurred and on the sanctity of thought the infinite timeline gives me in knowing at some point in time, I became stateless with my Sakah genetics mixed with many Asian genetics. I always treated myself in the way that my DNA is a frequency modulator where I feel more in tune with others along my self contained person. 
Most Americans and their foreign contingents like to make a spectacle of their visual imagination and "race" impressions while making light of me as an individual. Very few Americans care to even engage me at a reasonable friendship level of conversation before delving into stereo types that their large egos need to have compliance with,- compliance from numb parties nearby.
So today, I further deepened my understanding of my role to my family and related DNA this life time.
I have a deeper appreciation of Asia, and Sakah-muni Buddha a genetically possible distant ancestry to my existance. 
I also understand: 
the volitility of the United States public and mass opinion. 
The carefully threaded sound/homonym type associations that splatter through USA media culture.
 How, the French impressionists Dada movement distorted the visual mass medium. Distorted it conciously so that modern race and human political issues can be admonished to a space for multiple realities rather than the actuality of the present plane.
How volatile adding information to an entire nation of Christians who like to believe a NaZi fantasy version of Jesus their savior, whose God is infinitely forgiving of all misdeeds.
How, US Americans who came from slavery mindsets, immigrant mindsets,&  lackadaisical White privledge only serves them to gain footing collectively of accessible mindsets for waging mental wars abroad and to bend the socio-economic game play interaction between nations.

It's difficult for me to believe that I am alone today. That I have humbled myself so much with the brutal US American and Hawaiian attitudes that want to own Asia. 
Yesterday I really thought about Buddha. How communist workers were used in China to make a toxic industry that supports the "American beer gut Buddha  who quells about owning the Asian spirit of a warrior deep within them. How Asia doesn't deserve to exist except as servants places well beneath their African-American counterparts. This mind reel that has come to my mental forefront only angers me. 
To be edited...fresh from the heart💔:this Sakah mix Asia Buddha protector with tears flowing freely.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Tsunami - Warm Climate

Surviving in a tsunami disaster zone after a tsunami;- doesn't necesarily mean you will want to follow general rules of camping. I went to Thailand 2004 to do civilian re-con of business partnerships after .

I did not bring a tent, I was able to rent one when we got to an encampment. This is what I used to survive and not contract Malaria #1 threat due to pooled water and moderate summer climate.

1. tiny bottle of Deet - used 1x on the trip and did not reapply;- due to info that the mosquito count was out of control with dead bodies, flooding, and people running for the mountains. Most areas were quarantined by the time we arrived at BKK. My travel partner for 4 days went all natural and slept in a tent. He had contracted Malaria by the 3rd day;- 1st night out of the city he had over 150 bites on him as the tent body heat attracted the mosquitoes that snuck in through the tent fabrics.
2. 7 yards heavy duty mosquito netting  - wrapped myself in it to go to sleep in the open on the ground. I probably looked like a dead body.
3. Camp mat for sleeping
4. 1 med sized internal frame Backpack 
5. Katydyn Kayak water bottle - I retrieved water from a natural stream. My hiking partner scolded me and then had an eye opener as the Government was siphoning water to water trucks just a terrace above us at the waterfall. They don't even treat the water there, so my personal filtration was better.
6. Chlorine- tiny bottle of POTABLE Water drops (chlorinated)- i put about 5-9 drops in each 50+gal barrel and it had people quietly running to the water barrels.
7. EO Frankinsence - my natural bug deterrent/ first aid kit 
8. Patagonia Atom sack - keep critical items on me with a day or 2 of Cliff Bars & passport
9. Light stick- battery powered - less noticible than a flashligh & provided safety while walking along roads at night. Enabled me to hitch rides for me and my travel companions in the dark.
10. Clothes lightweight & easy to wash and hang dry by hand. Cotton clothes had to be left behind so I brought my volunteer t-shirts ( I had a huge XXL duffel of them and packed as many as I could) Cotton is more pourous and carry more organisms, and needs detergent to be cleaned. Synthetics are better to wash in natural non-detergent soaps as they don't break down the oils;- also Synthetic clothes dry faster.

2004 Survival FOOD:
I ate grain back then & my pack was identical to someone else randomly going another direction at the airport. Our Cliff bars were stored in the same place, so I thought TSA got aggravating enough to swap out the flavors I liked for flavors I did not care for.
1. a case of Cliff Bars
2. packets of steel cut oatmeal (in flavors)
The encampment I stayed at for most of a month allowed campers to fish on their own and bring it back to the kitchen. I am vegan & allergic to shellfish;- so I ate my oatmeal each morning with a fresh banana smoothie. I had 1 meal of mostly rice, and 1 large bowl of coconut/vegetable soup each day. I actually felt great. There was somone on a bicycle who started to stop by with ziploc bags full of veggies, fish, cooked meats for sale. I was partial to the fresh peanuts for protein. We also got some fresh coconut milk and coconut, as well as using a moped for a day;- trying to get ketchup (which had become scarce). Liquor & Coffee was the easiest to obtain aka - least desirable.


Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Fantasy Japan & Asia become American style

The USA doesn't really embrace Japaanese culture, as well as several other countries and cultures of Asia. USA Tourists and military might purchase pieces of the cultures and import them, however;- most of what the USA embraces about Japan and Asian countries is being lavished with subservient and illiterate women who serve them and their personal fantasies of Japan and Asia. 
We have seen this through American Hollywood style films of segments of Japan and other Asian cultures. Without nuclear bombardment modern day Vietnam and Phillipines has secured this coveted role in American culture that opened the door to dominating the rest of Asia.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

2016 Presidential Campaigns are for WW3

Today I received a Honolulu, HI Hillary Clinton Office call from a 69 year old woman named Caroline. The call was asking me to do some phone banking 4:30pm-8pm Hawaii Time from the Business district/ Chinatown office.

After spending the morning trying to clear my energy in meditation, I've come to realize that this 2016 Presidential Election is not about the Trade Deals &  It is not about popularity or women's issues or American Jobs.

This 2016 Election is about which candidate will be the BEST equipped American President to perform through WW3.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Globalism & NWO

 It's become very clear as this Hawaii Security exercise has shown me;-
1. The Feds and airport authorities are manipulating visitors
2. The Police are interested in controlling drugs and being involved with visiting extensions and members of overseas cartels (some who have federal security clearances and businesses on the islands)
3. omidiyar's crowd (possibly Yamaguchi gumi contractors and brown-no sees) I was warned about most likely manipulate the English version of Craigslist. For me, I have been "set up" 3x to be financially & legally hit badly with living space rentals. 5x to be exact with destruction of my physical belongings, computers, and other financial issues. 
This has left me without a stable and secure residence in which I can sleep peacefully.

With the ensuing war talk with Japan and China that has increased, life for me in Hawaii has gotten substantially intolerable. 
I am severely depressed from 6 years of sexual harassment and assaults. Most have happened from those who work at a federal level and with connection to the Hawaii police (last incident in January). 

The local Asian men are unacceptable in large part due to their drunkenness and common greetings. They generally try to engage a woman in sex without dating conversation. They are immature and abusive. 

I have survived largely due to those who are East Coasters. The difference is huge in that there is some sort of intellectual conversation and general appreciation of and liking of a person- I think that is mutual. 
However they are few and far between


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thing about globalization of Asia

Everyone and anyone can be a nobody in  America (the USA).

Sunday, November 22, 2015

I barely didn't sleep.

Today I decided to attend the morning panels for Netpac@25. Hasan Elahi gave a keynote speech that was worthy of note taking. 

During coffee break I also briefly met the Man, Xie Fei;- world renowned film school director from Beijing Film 

All of it was followed up by a lengthy discussion with 2 other attendees.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Kikuchi is Chrysanthemum Land, not kuchi that USA rapes

My mother's family name straight from Japan is Kikuchi, 菊地。It simply means, Chrysanthemum Land. When I was a young child, before I was 6 years old and the Philadelphia doctors told me my biological mother from Japan was dead, I was schooled in the horrors of rape as a young international.
This is what the USA thinks of me. This is what the USA thinks of me as a female. I was politically torn (aka Raped) by many people of the USA before they made me involuntarily become a USA national by their default laws. So, as a young dual citizen, this is what I was taught the USA is to Japan. A body of white United States Americans who disrespect me in the highest form. And, to date, this seems to remain true. I was raised in Bucks County, PA not even a mile away from the Clymer family's establishment called the Rosacrucians. They had a hand in my sister's and brother's ultimate demise. The Clymers are USA political allies with the Cheney family.
It is not a conspiracy. It is simple United States politics. I am an unwilling participant and my parents put me through this so that they could maintain their position in the United States of America's political climate.
I have no protection. I did manage to live with an old New York State senator who was Vice President of Cornell University;- she was my mentor. Her help is why I'm barely clinging to survival here in Hawaii. Hawaii is the worst climate for a professional international female that I have ever lived in in my ENTIRE life. This state needs to change for the positive.

However, they say I should be more Christian and "Forgive" all the men who rape and will rape me in the USA because they bombed the very country;- with atomic weapons, that my heritage is from.

I have no reason to continue since I have no personal benefit at this point in time. And, if the USA riff raft of USA military and Legal bodies continue to treat me as such;- I can only hope for their demise since I don't wish this type of life on anyone. Though, I wish they could experience the Extreme magnitude that they have exposed me to;- only in their personal lives and loosing their loved ones who cannot be replaced by any TV set or appliance that they could purchase.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Past midnight thoughts

Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves
President Bush said Wednesday the United States would stop
North Korea from transferring nuclear weapons to
Iran or al-Qaida and that the communist regime would then face "a grave consequence."
Web reference: AP article on Yahoo! News, Bush: U.S. will stop N. Korea nuke moves

This article headline seems quite difficult to pull of. It is known that there is al-Qaida presence in China as well as other parts of Asia. It seems to me that there woul most likely need to be a hand-off of missiles and weapons from N. Korea, to China, and through. Many people in China have behavior much like Americans. That being "need to make money, will do whatever they can get away with". So, how in the world does the U.S. plan to punish anyone. It seems that U.S. presence in Vladivostok is necessary to some extent for monitoring purposes. Since the U.S. was forced out of China there is less monitoring that can be verified by U.S. sources. China and Guangzhou, China are still creating affordable assault planes that are up for sale.
It is difficult to understand how the U.S. plans to implement any form of punishment on North Korean war-like actions without bombing the crap out of them.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

In Vladivostok - Mayoral Candidate Dead

Website Reference: Interfax article; "Mayoral candidate killed in Russia's Far East" at

Dmitry Fotyanov died of a bullet this morning prior to the October 22, 2006 election. He was to run for Mayor for Dalnegorsk in Russia's Maritime
territory (Primorye)... per the Interfax article 05:43 GMT, Oct 19, 2006