One of the houses I was taken to as a child was very strange. It was a dirty farmhouse on one side, quite dingy and I walked into a kitchen with a round kitchen table. The F. Poust couple, gamblers my mom met, creepers to me even in early grade school sat at this table when I arrived. The follow up was my entry up a white Imperial Staircase with Prussian blue carpet up the stairs. There were a few large, gold leaf framed oil paintings.
They said maybe someday I would remember... Yet I never forgot.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Memory: Imperial staircase with Prussian blue carpet
Sunday, August 04, 2019
Alice programming; my dream experiences
Alice programming; my dream experiences
- Remote Viewing
- Martial Arts training
- No Cry - beaten daily till I stopped crying while being beaten or blacked out.
- Alien Invasion - Technology induced dream
- USMC style problems (supernatural answer) - Technology induced dream
- My Alice Door
- Technology or Psychotronically induced (US) military training.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Intro Background Interview with Ramola D
Angela: Hi, Thank you Ramola, thank you for your time & your dedication
Interviewer Ramola: And you're on a bigger island out there. (you're on one of the bigger islands in Hawaii 1:48)
Angela: I'm on Oahu. It's really beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D: Yeah it certainly looks it. And look at the weather my goodness, Everybody/Everyone on the East Coast is dreaming of Spring and you're full blown Summer.
Angela: Yeah it's beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D.: So/And
Angela: Yeah it's very different than 2:29
Interviewer Ramola D: That's great, that's great, that's wonderful. A very outdoorsy kind of place it sounds like. Whales & Dolphins in the Ocean, do you see them?
Angela: Oh yes definitely, and the Turtles, every body's favorite.
Interviewer Ramola D.: Oh brilliant brilliant wonderful. So, Angela where did you want to start? Do you want to talk a little about 3:05 Your background in Pennsylvania & growing up there & your family.
So, your family is kind of a biracial family, right?
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale
Ramola D.: Great.
Angela M. Kneale: And so they lived out there.
Ramola D: Yeah and so Hawaii was a stop to get there. And your mother comes from a very fairly well known Japanese family?
Angela M. Kneale: Yeah, I don't get allot of information becaus, obviously with Hiroshima & the A bombings there's allot of sensitivity. So, my mom's family had been involved with National Security in a sense (trying to translate it the best that I can) for a very long time. I guess putting the word "merchants" on the family name. also merchants (5:02) mom's side also. guess the more modern part of it has evolved into my uncle being a retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation, his last name being Takenaka Ta-Ke-Na-Ka and founding family and he was a steel broker / steel purchaser also grew up in Pennsylvania near Bethlehem Steel, and I grew up around Bethlehem Steel Executives and people hauling the steel. (signal cutting out)
Angela: Because, Yeah, We're at about the same Latitude.
Interviewer Ramola D. : That's amazing, so you've Touched on a wide variety of neighborhood, and the fact they belonged to a cult, and perhaps maybe not the Rosacrucians you're talking about in your neighborhood, you know not that specific branch of the cult. There is some information on-line (11:27)I think about them. But you also talked about your brother being killed in 2005, did you want to talk about that? talk about that alittle bit.
Angela:(hesitant) Riight
Angela M. Kneale: So I knew
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale: they weren't even keeping my voting record private.
ramola D.: It's not hard to Follow, We can keep up with you. I thinkth kind of the stream of the Story over here. ok so I understand, So you were really drawn to stay away from Pennsylvania because of the Racism. from what you experienced (16:10) as a child, even as a child in Elementary school , and so forth.
Angela Kneale: no matter how severe
Ramola D: yeah yeah so you had a kind of a busy moving kind of life that sounds like. And, and what about the rest of your family?
I'm a little kid trying to grow up & I've got these two sets of family, families one on one side, one on the other side, that were like oil & water, literally. And, they told me not to get married or there would be a war. And, not to have children because somebody would kill them on one side or the other, or somebody else. And, I'm not anti, not completely anti-American. (21:50) But there is alot of BS out there with people fantasizing about who they are, you know they're not the people who killed at Iwo Jima, I know they're not my uncle, my Great-Uncle, who took me for a cheese steak. Either you know the person who pulled the trigger on the Japanse and my uncle was trying to make amends in a sense, you know and give me space from my dad's relatives. So, my personal perception is very different from the general American Public.
CIA's split apparently and the Rosicrucians people and the white supremacist had gotten so (22:31)aggressive They followed me home from one of the jobs that I had at a Telecom Company and up the driveway. And, I had gone in the house but I didn't know my mom was around the other side of the hous and they actually threatened my mother. I mean this is somebody on a motorcycle with confederate flag who was a service tech at the company Eastcom. And he came up our driveway and my mother & dad just told me I had to leave because I was atttracting the negative attention directly.
Ramola D.: 26:34 So there's opportunity you're saying for all sorts of entrenched Occultic Secret Society Abuse and Masonic Abuse perhaps and police who are not really on the up & up.
No, The police hacked my Facebook.They have done that I had posted an officer card because I had called the police on somebody in my family the last time I returned home. And, they hacked my facebook. I can't say that it was the police directly but most everyone I went to High School with, most of the ones who are kind of safer are on my facebook. um. and it got hacked and they took that information down.
Ramola D.: So alot of small town politics & intruige and entrenched secret society stuff going on.
Angela M. Kneale: Well yeah, I had also had bee.
one little part of it, but Bucks County going towards Doylestown where I worked & Newtown is one percenter community. So, there's also a very elite boarding school in that area. I mean the top notch elite go to that boarding school so I had worked on a customhome for somebody who had gone to that school and the buyers were somebody who Vice President of the probably largest cosmetics firm in the United States. We're not talking about a small stupid crowd of people.
Ramola D.: Right RIght, it wasn't rednecks so much as elitist and yet, very Occultic.
Angela M. Kneale: .Yeah I don't know all of the occult stuff because I feel I was somewhat kept out of it. I mean I have to unravel my own abuse, but everybody knew I was abused by the time I was in Jr. High. by th time I was in Jr. Hight.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: I didn't grow up like a normal Japanese girl. I was beatenup at school pretty much daily and in my elementary school years with the teachers watching. They approved it. I'd get really brown every summer, you know from being outside. So I pretty much got beaten up every single day. And then by the time I went to Jr. High & High School, um, the abuse coming from my parents it was kind of like all day, you know rrecess was abuse, verbal abuse from the teachers, i had every single day, it got worse at High school my US cultures teacher, Everybody knew was a ravist, h used to make fun of the Jewish
they did hire a jewish professor and they would make fun of that teacher as well as me infront of the entire class. So, i wasn't treated with any respect. It wasn't even being left alone or not causeing harm, it was intended, it was intentional. for a long time.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: So if it weren't for piano I wouldn't have gotten through it, that was my sacntuary.
Ramola D.: MMhmmm.
80's to early 90's
Monday, August 28, 2017
Both of Us
Thursday, August 17, 2017
72nd of Hiroshima & personal update from Hawaii
— intergalactic shaman (@ImperialNewsJ) August 17, 2017
Brief 10 minute update above. My mission was entirely peaceful to find others who were anti-nuclear weapons use in the USA. I was a simple Classical piano faculty member and Business organizational development consultant prior to and during my vacation arrival in Honolulu. I spent decades of my activist life also becoming a Grassroots organizer.
- I am seeking help from outside the USA since no one, especially USA politicians and other civilians, internal to the USA is capable to help me.
- I seek to regain what I call a respectable Life.
- I have been a targeted individual in Hawaii since I purchased my plane ticket in 2009.
- Senator Daniel Inoyue & Senator Daniel Akaka
- I was targeted by a Delta Handler or aka Special Forces Combat trainer - he is allegedly connected to Chinese & Hawaiian Illuminati due to his heritage.
- 3 blatant attempts were made against my life by 3 individuals with HPD knowledge. These attacks were intended to kill me and HPD covered up for the perpetrators.
- I believe I was targeted due to my relative involved directly in Japanese Steel. I do not receive income or financial support from Japan.
- The United States & Hawaii State has forced me out of decent work and has created an international issue out of the work that has been available to me in Hawaii (which they are currently forcing me out of. ) I have an international audience & was involved in EX-IM.
August 17th, 2017
Dear Senator,
I am writing just after this 72nd Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. I apologize that I was not given a Japanese name at birth due to my father being ex USAF OSI at the time my mother was brought into the USA through Hawaii in the late 60's.
I arrived in Honolulu in February 2009 for a 1 month Vacation. Later I barely made it to attend APEC 2011 with knowledge of EX-IM intentions with my relatives in Japan. You see, my Uncle was an executive involved in Steel purchases for the Takenaka Corporation at the time as part of the founding family of that company.
I was targeted and entrapped by some of your federal agents and law enforcement when I arrived in the Islands. I even attempted to speak with you by my attendance at one of your campaign events. Instead, you looked at me with a scornful and hateful look.
I am writing to inform you that members of the Japanese military have approached me to quit working in Hawaii's clubs and bars. It was not a choice for me to stay in Hawaii. At age 36, I was targeted and coerced by a Federal agent. Due to his high level of security and his ability gain support of HPD and the Town Association and families of Martial arts students;- I was coerced in FULL EFFECT as a targeted individual.
I was nearly murdered 3x and HPD was involved in covering up the seriousness of what happened each time. My life has been destroyed and my relatives in Japan and USA do not want the liability of having to handle the Special Operations backlash of the federal agent and his martial arts gang that are involved.
I however, would like to speak with you since the security in your State of Hawaii has caused such an international embarrassment for me. My role was very sensitive in EX-IM politics and I receive no compensation for such a huge failure, largely caused by your Hawaii state security officers and US Military members.
Please contact me if you have time to discuss any of this as a matter I am informing you about. I am out of time.
Angela M. Kneale
Wednesday, August 09, 2017
My Akashic Record of Violence
(My) Akashic Record of Violence
Once, I shared an MK Ultra peace pipe with someone I "summoned" as I was told near g6.
I spent an afternoon at the beach opening the Akashic Records of that area
through the coded light. I sat on my beach towel I witnessed many atrocious acts of humanity that occurred in that area. I was raised MK Ultra Stargate. I have abilities to access particular knowledge about humanity, past and present. With or without human hardware devices.
Monday, August 07, 2017
Using MK Stargate skills for Good
Reading EM signature of birds was easy and interesting to me.
I had abilities that I didn't communicate with other people for a long time.
My ability to quantum had developed, somewhat insignificantly to this memory at this moment as a child. However, in 1999-2000 I was in Florida after a short post graduation trip to Key West, Florida.
My ex-partner, who probably has some of my command codes and I stayed in Florida on the West Coast for nearly a year. For lack of a community my age, I took up volunteer work at the Bird Sanctuary that S.L. had helped to fund. On weekends I drove a rescue truck and went out on calls to rescue birds.
When I got to a location, usually with a rescuer partner I was able to read the EM signature of the bird in the area. It was much easier for me to read if the bird nested in the area. I almost never returned to the sanctuary empty handed. The only one where I didn't retreive the bird was a call to rescue a "missing" Anhinga (Florida State Bird). These birds can hold their breath and stay underwater for 20-30minutes. The landowners noticed the bird had been missing from their yard that also has a small pond. When I arrived, I could see the EM signature of the Anhinga and I immediately pointed and told the landowners what I saw of where the Anhinga slept walked everything, before they explained anything. And, also before I was closer than 20ft. to the exact location in their yard. We just got calls based on bird type and location.
My partner & I decided to forgo the potentially alligator infested pond to dredge for the bird.
This was one of the ways that I used my skills to do some good. On the weekends especially.
Sunday, August 06, 2017
Stoicism Quotation
Saturday, August 05, 2017
Symbols to get through MK program
Pre internet and without TV
One of the things I did that may have helped me along the way, was studying and memorizing as much as I could from 2 main occult books. I understood that my dream world was connected to something manipulating me. So rather than reading dream interpretation books I basically decided on 2 objective sources.
1. The Dictionary of Symbols translated from French
It gave explanation about many symbols in many cultures and their possible meanings. I went through alphabetically as well as by groups is., animals, objects, shapes.
2. The Magician's Companion
At first this book seemed hokey to me. Eventually others around me took to the book and I purchased 3-4 of them. It has many basic explanations of different magical systems and charts as well as old languages for cryptology.
Because we had Atari & TI (Texas instruments) back in the day e.g.en I had to learn basic programming and tried flight simulation games...iow no WWw or Wikipedia. Something I found in elementary school that helped me was a very intense angelic diagram in the Encyclopedia Brittanica. It showed the multiple levels of the angelic world and gave a lengthy explanation.
I had read a lot of Isaac Asimov too as a child (on my mom's library card). His writing helped with multiple perspectives for me to rationalize some of my experiences. My reading comprehension was high, so this type of reading was easy for me.
Friday, August 04, 2017
1999 Stargate Enneagram
Anyway, the Enneagram was a new thing to me and I had drawn it in a lucid state. I had to ask around a place where I worked in Ithaca (80% of residents have College degrees here at the time) and someone was able to tell me it was an Enneagram. I never received an explanation for it. Later in 99' I took to making it a kind of Earth logo and photoshopped a NASA topographical earth photo under the crosshairs and Epsilon. I was 25 at the time.
Later in 1999 I was to meet Dr. Joel Elkes, in Florida, he was a professor also at John Hopkins University. I think this was the first time I remember my meeting with a programmer;- he told me that I have "Defiance disorder" because I would not do things they instructed me to do. I met & briefly lived with Sally Lucke, who had been on the Board of Directors of the MOMA and she also was from a Chicago Export-Import family. I remembered just standing at the end of the driveway at my childhood home and "receiving" knowledge of taking care of an elderly woman. This woman later, was Sally Lucke's mother who was removed from the nursing facility. When I told Sally about my perception of this situation, she showed me her altar and told me it was her dream wish that she put out. I apparently was one who answered.
In hindsight, Dr. Elkes was her boyfriend. It's possible that I had been taken to the nearby clinic on Clymer Rd. or the cult also on the same road in rural Pennsylvania and programmed, and left at the end of the driveway.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Draft on managing data flow direct to skull
End 2007-2008 i was tested over a period of 2-3 months. This time, with sheer data - images mostly and a bandwidth, and some 3 channels. Synthetic telepathy or data flow or v2k? Doubtful.... when they send a huge information Surplus to your brain and it's from digital sources electronic sources. I did not have a normal time frame to react to the images and information they came in so fast like a flood. What I mean by react, so when you see picture of a cat you have a certain emotion of happy cute fuzzy feeling you no good feelings when you see pictures of war the grotesqueness of it when you see a wedding the happiness of it. When they started to inundate me with all of the political imagery, and other than just political imagery ill say additional imagery and information flow and you're not used to it , you have to find a way to manage it. And for me it was very painful and it was why I was given heavy sedatives that were said to be able to rebalance me so when I woke up I would be rebalanced. The invega for the extreme situation where I could not come out of it on my own meaning I couldn't recover mentally I was some point shaking very disturbed from just the sheer amount of data coming in. And when I took the invega it made things very clear I was able to compartmentalize the information overnight with the you know those sleeping pills so I need like 5 or 6 hours of sleep in order to learn from whatever information you receive. So if you're imagining cramming for a normal test final exam will magnify by about 30 or 50x that easily. And that's what you have when you got a data flow weapon scalar beam v2K. Whatever it is flowing through your head and they're just sending you information
I found a way to manage it with heavy sedative and about 5 Invega over a 2-3month time frame. It was intermittent.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Introduction - My beliefs
as well as Sprout Fuel from my blog, you can look up different things by Keywords
I've been blogging for a while and
Most of its been random notes on my TI (Targeted Individual) incidents for 15 years as
well as how things were done. I know I need to go back through and clean it up some, but I am
Cypress Shaman or Intergalctic Shaman or Rogue Galactic Shaman (RGS).
Supposedly was Stargate (MK) program. My Father being US Air Force OSI. My mom's family
I have an aunt and uncle who were in the Japanese steel industry also military
)JP_ family in some sense we were supposed to be here to promote a Peaceful understanding of each other
since there was not much representation for Japanese culture on the East Coast (USA). So, I am Japanese also, and I speak
English, so hopefully you can understand me and we can communicate.
Also, Shaman is a Siberian term. I am Mixed-Race. I've had mixed race blood which is part of why I was targeted for MK Ultra. My initials are A.M>K.
But, I have that Siberian blood, and Chinese Blood, along with Japanese Ainu
. A few Asian Tribes and my Japanese blood plus, some other mixes in there
that put me into the category of a new species.
So, I'm trying to use that as culturally appropriate as I can even though I feel the United States has tried to contort
what was a Spiritual tradition. But, today I'm just going to go through
some of what I've been studying and formulating for myself over many years.
I believe that HAARP is an electromagnetic sin against Heaven and
that our adaptability is what defers the negative impacts of stress.
Adaptability adds to mental stability, and it's adaptability prevents the accident
and illness.
It's important to reinforce Life Force also known as the electromagnetic biorhythm that is from heart and mind.
For other cultures and many traditions of Humans who have previously walked the planet and
spiritual traditions there has been time to meditate and focus on the life force
part of that they talk about the researchers in the United States. The English Language discusses life Force in the heart
mind connection as a shut off, as if we are
mechanism. I thing that if you study Animal welfare philosophy, you'll find that many people have argued away from the
body being a mechanism and that we are not robots.
There is a state of mind. There is a sense of will, a sense of individuality.
Maybe principality, like how to coordinate efforts on the planet are different. But, this heart and mind
focus a meditation. It's not a shut off of the senses. It is a focus on those things that drive the senses.
Just trust in simply being the state of being itself. Being in existence for the immediate
environment. So, taking time to take in the sounds of where you are, the wind, the direction the energy in completeness;- with eyes shut, with eyes open;- is
Just to trust in simply being in and of itself.
Our sound perception in these physical forms goes to high frequency and many people are
complaining about this phenomenon called HAARP on the planet. Predatory animals and animals with acute and sensitive hearing are
able to sleep. There are some spiritual advocates saying that humans can't sleep with high frequency.
Part of that (issue) is the adaptability. It is possible to level up sleep tolerance and accept that it is possible. I myself had hyperacusis. It was
what they reclassified "Super Hearing", meaning- I would perceive and I did perceive high -frequency sound waves
at 50% greater decibel levels than normal, normal people. So, when i took a shower, i could hear the water droplets breaking and it sounded like breaking glass, but in a different pattern. So, I had to learn
how to live in the environment and after reading a very long long, back in 1996, very long publication about HAARP going up
Back then in 1996 I was reading Popular Science and things as well. 1996,1999 came out.
But I was considered sound disabled hearing disabled. I'm just telling people that it is possible even
with electromagnetic interference and weapons that they have. It is possible to sleep, to put the mind at rest
and that sight perception goes up to Approximately 700 colors that have been documented so far. I know my father is
one of those people who can see very slight, the most minuscule shade gradations
so, this sight perception can improve as well, and I personally don't believe all psyche perception
is coming from the Ocular, eyes. I believe that the mind can perceive at a microscopic level. I would love to know how I could prove them wrong, that it's not impossible to see at a microscopic level
something: some creatures, some germs, microscopic life forms.
So, dynamic existence, I also believe the entire universe is moving as a molecular and atomic puzzle. In the study of giving light photon travel speed is 186,000 (186,282) 282 Miles per second that the quality of light itself is fixed and
That these two interactions trigger Super Force and light particles. So to me
me, material existence is a type of dynamic existence that has slowed and freezes. Some religious traditions are calling it
hardening - so that things become hard in your body. Those things you can't find ex-rayed or with a magnetic detector or something.
So there has to be some explanation for those things.
Slows and freezes the frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth. It slows and excuse me, slows and freezes the frequency of perceptible bandwidth.
So, I've always been into, down with it's just very hard for me to d
discuss with anybody since most people and I don't like mentioning names;-
but, I found Max Spiers super interesting because I was like YES, somebody knows what I like, I know what I thin on some levels on the bandwidth is one of them. Especially since I have so many
Genetic markers to use. It's always been understood in my life, since I was a child, that I have all these bandwidths to access. I have so many human genetic Bandwidths to access even through I may be New Species.
So, this idea of dynamic existence slowing and freezing. The frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth is how we have our material existence that is to me. I don't know how it works out exactly in the world of Quantum physics. But, I know what I am capable of doing . If I had time to be a
physicist,I'm sure I would have chosen that path.But I did what I needed to survive. I f I get another lifetime or two I would love to delve into that. So first remove space, remove patterning and remove force and that's part of what I believe. Outside of practical principles, So, if I sound crazy, that's all up to you to decide. I am all these little cards, i make.
Okay, so anyway, arigato for listening and
i'll see if this continues.
By Angela M. 菊地 Kneale
Friday, April 14, 2017
Oddities...Tiangong is tiny
Hexagonal space station that makes the alien ships in the movie "Arrival" look like a flea. This is not Taipang falling out of the sky. The entourage is a few stocky tigers beyond Parkour running with red (drone) scouts ahead of them. Big, small.
Traveler from Seattle...t-shirts black saltwater alligator, dolphin most interest, turtle, sunset of a brown cowrie turtle shell, hands malformed large, skinny brown green skin
Friday, February 03, 2017
Standing Wolf
Hold compassion
Empty iced white man stare
Tries to prove they need no other
the white man eradicates other life
I hope, black wolf takes mine
last breath of love & compassion
Will lightning, return for Wolf
last white man dies
Sees wolves standing
L8 Nite Keto Tea
1qt Boiling water
Juice of 1.5 lemons
1-2 Tbsp MCT oil
---Boil water
---thinly slice the Tumeric root and add to boiling water
---turn off heat after 1 min
---add MCT oil
--- let steep 10-15min
Strain out roots and add liquid to the fresh squeezed lemon juice (use citrus juicer)
let cool or drink hot, slowly.
Wednesday, February 01, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
Japan:-USA MK Ultra Hawaii
It's really difficult to try to exist for me here in Hawaii with the onslaught of MK program victims.
The Colonel, wouldn't communicate with me directly and instead took to hiding at least a handful of my personal belongings rather than returning them to me directly. Odd behavior for someone with a higher rank. The practicing Krishna is one of many who gaze onward at the Ford legacy. Both are mostly self motivated and not worldly motivated. Both have deeply insulted me as a woman of born Japanese nationality and descent. Both have admonished my Buddhist family history with repugnance of being equal to Satan worshipers. One deliberately placed dirty laundry over my Kalachakra (time Wheel or representation of OM in one glyph). The other again trying to force me into belonging to the Krishna cult and mindset (not the 1st time for ISKON in Hawaii).
I'm still lacking a safe home for myself as renting solo is extremely difficult, and is coupled with the plethora of Delta altar US military personnel and contractors, as well as the trained snipers and assassins that the USA MK Ultra Program has left on the Hawaiian islands. The islands seem to be a catch all for MK Ultra and related Mind Kontrol program victims whose families were promised some sanctuary for submitting their children (now encroaching on 50 years old). Most of the Mind Kontrol victims or participants I have met are approximately 50 years old, give or take a few years.
Some of them have definative altar changes and lack control and composure to stop and engage in a 2 way conversation. Others simply submerge themselves in their work at times, yet do not live normal family life and opt for partying daily on US military pay.
These programmed individuals do not claim responsibility for their actions. They do not show any remorse for their offensive actions. Rather, they make immediate attachment to the Rothschilds and the Military as excuse and refute their own individual freedoms as a form of denial. These people are very unlike those who are not programmed. Or, for those who were programmed and choose to make public through interviews the societal impact of the research that was conducted on them.
Regardless of any involvement my family may or may not have had. Most of the USA MK victims are quick to attach a "satanic" attribute to the program. They refuse to seperate the US military installation from the Rothschilds agenda. They also remain defensive of their family members particularly if they feel that they have a "special" or desirable European lineage that has potential to carry white Aryan (blonde hair, blue eyes, or light colored eyes & light hair as a dissapointing second). The use of India's Krishna religion is just one place where the tortured women reside, yet I am still uncertain if it is a choice or if it is the only religion that will give these women independent sanctuary and breeding partners (as it seems there are no marriages yet more "unfortunate children").
Seperate issue from the above and my living situation;- is that the USAF Stargate program is set to be a business and military industry standard acceptable conciousness (remote viewing & personal safety intuition) in 10-15 years.