Showing posts with label Ithaca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ithaca. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Strange Skies

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back."~Carl Sagan

Thursday, November 01, 2018

where the Elephants weep

By Angela M. Kneale
Hypertext  Experimental poetry

where the Elephants weep

Rocks once
underfoot Man

has no Trust
rolling across
the Desert like an
armadillo might.

he Tears
supple young

Droplets of water
sliding down roughed
Trunks, Disappear

at the sight of
Small shady Trees

(only a mirage)
Crumble like glass made
from desert sand

Barren trees stand alone
in stark heat and
lizards sprint between
shady Rocks.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Hawaii State intended to harm me.

The flagrant abuse or torture of my family in the USA has been an issue for my Japanese National relatives in Japan for quute some time. Hawaii has many Japanese who like to harm me & claim that the Steel industry of Japan  had nothing to do with Hiroshima & Nagasaki being bombed. They basically try to  add harm & give depth to the USA attacks that they approve of by their outright acts of sexual harassment, community abuse & other instances against me. This is despite my Aunt who uses our abuse & deaths as her neices and nephew as justification of being anti-USA. 
This example which is sadly very real has torn me apart to no end over the past few years. I tried to contain it, however the huge disgrace Hawaii has caused internationally is not my choice and is not in my ability to fight alone. Regardless of my family's international relations.
So to be fair, and before I am forced suicided by anyone in Hawaii I am posting this traumatic story.

I had no choice but to file a Human Rights Complaint to leave a minor paper trail to denote the death threats from two millionaires of 4 different agents directed at me at the time. The collective actions of
Hawaii State & it's security/law enforcement, Liquor Commission, & Korean Israeli business woman had crossed way beyond a simple minor violation of my human rights. They not only threatened my life, but coerced & paid for the abortion of a child I was carrying near the 12th week.
It was not only painful, but I was also further abused.
The Human Rights commission in Honolulu switched investigators, never really interviewed me either and I assumed took a payoff from those being directly investigated.
This did involve:- A male Hawaii Business owner and ATF/HPD agent who later claimed he was looking for a big drug dealer in NY. This had Nothing to do with me, especially since I had left NY State 4years before my encounter with this HPD Nacotics agent. Also, a female Korean- Israeli Strip Club and Church owner who was known to run a full sting operation at her club. And outside, a male former personal assistant to Johnny Depp as well as another ex Federal agent of some branch I cannot mention.
The other male apparently had gone to rehab and reappeared months later giving a spoken visual facial recognition tour of Honolulu to some MS-13 looking tattooed friend of his from the rehab.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Psychotronic Channels Unconsensual Testing in Ithaca, NY

End 2007-2008 i was tested over a period of 2-3 months. This time, with sheer data - images mostly and a bandwidth, and some 3 channels. Synthetic telepathy or data flow or v2k? Doubtful.... when they send a huge information Surplus to your brain and it's from digital sources electronic sources. I did not have a normal time frame to react to the images and information they came in so fast like a flood. What I mean by react, so when you see picture of a cat you have a certain emotion of happy, cute, fuzzy feeling. You know, good feelings. When i see pictures of war, I ee the continued grotesqueness of it. When I see a wedding I perceive the happiness of it.
When they started to inundate me with all of the political imagery, and other than just political imagery i'll say additional imagery and information flow &  I am  not used to it, I  had to find a way to manage it. And, for me it was very painful and it was why I was given heavy sedatives that were said to be able to rebalance me so when I woke up I would be rebalanced. The invega for the extreme situation where I could not come out of it on my own meaning I couldn't recover mentally I was some point shaking very disturbed from just the sheer amount of data coming in. And when I took the invega it made things very clear I was able to compartmentalize the information overnight with those sleeping pills.  I need like 5 or 6 hours of sleep in order to learn from whatever information I  receive. So,  imagine cramming for a normal test final exam will magnify by about 30 or 50x that easily. And that's what it was like for me with  a data flow weapon scalar beam v2K. Whatever it is flowing through my head and they're just sending data or information
I found a way to manage it with th heavy & fast working sedatives (preferred)  and about 5 Invega over a 2-3month time frame that was limited in quantity, & no refills for the prescription. I was involuntarily committed for being assaulted by an acquaintence & released Christmas Eve.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

72nd of Hiroshima & personal update from Hawaii

Brief 10 minute update above. My mission was entirely peaceful to find others who were anti-nuclear weapons use in the USA. I was a simple Classical piano faculty member and  Business organizational development consultant prior to and during my vacation arrival in Honolulu. I spent decades of my activist life also becoming a Grassroots organizer.
  • I am seeking help from outside the USA since no one, especially USA politicians and other civilians,  internal to the USA is capable to help me.
  • I seek to regain what I call a respectable Life.  
  • I have been a targeted individual in Hawaii since I purchased my plane ticket in 2009.
    •  Senator Daniel Inoyue & Senator Daniel Akaka
    • I was targeted by a Delta Handler or aka Special Forces Combat trainer - he is allegedly connected to Chinese & Hawaiian Illuminati due to his heritage.
    • 3 blatant attempts were made against my life by 3 individuals with HPD knowledge. These attacks were intended to kill me and HPD covered up for the perpetrators.
  • I believe I was targeted due to my relative involved directly in Japanese Steel. I do not receive income or financial support from Japan. 
  • The United States & Hawaii State has forced me out of decent work and has created an international issue out of the work that has been available to me in Hawaii (which they are currently forcing me out of. ) I have an international audience & was involved in EX-IM.
Today, August 17th, 2017,  I wrote a letter to 2 Hawaii Senators. The letters were similar.  The following is what I sent to Senator Mazie Hirono via her website.

August 17th, 2017
Dear Senator,

I am writing just after this 72nd Anniversary of the Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. I apologize that I was not given a Japanese name at birth due to my father being ex USAF OSI at the time my mother was brought into the USA through Hawaii in the late 60's.

I arrived in Honolulu in February 2009 for a 1 month Vacation. Later I barely made it to attend APEC 2011 with knowledge of EX-IM intentions with my relatives in Japan. You see, my Uncle was an executive involved in Steel purchases for the Takenaka Corporation at the time as part of the founding family of that company.

I was targeted and entrapped by some of your federal agents and law enforcement when I arrived in the Islands. I even attempted to speak with you by my attendance at one of your campaign events. Instead, you looked at me with a scornful and hateful look.

I am writing to inform you that members of the Japanese military have approached me to quit working in Hawaii's clubs and bars. It was not a choice for me to stay in Hawaii. At age 36, I was targeted and coerced by a Federal agent. Due to his high level of security and his ability gain support of HPD and the  Town Association and families of Martial arts students;- I was coerced in FULL EFFECT as a targeted individual.

I was nearly murdered 3x and HPD was involved in covering up the seriousness of what happened each time. My life has been destroyed and my relatives in Japan and USA do not want the liability of having to handle the Special Operations backlash of the federal agent and his martial arts gang that are involved.

I however, would like to speak with you since the security in your State of Hawaii has caused such an international embarrassment for me. My role was very sensitive in EX-IM politics and I receive no compensation for such a huge failure, largely caused by your Hawaii state security officers and US Military members.

Please contact me if you have time to discuss any of this as a matter I am informing you about. I am out of time.

Angela M. Kneale


Friday, August 04, 2017

1999 Stargate Enneagram

 When I received the Enneagram, I was working on my last semester. I had recreational read Ishmael, and was working on my computer art and music, as well as still having involvement in the active Animal Rights (welfare) groups I ran and one a friend ran at Cornell University. My condo then was much closer to Cornell University. I in fact liked living on the C.U. side of the hill. And, previously in 1996 after returning to college in Ithaca after my organizer spout that took me from University of Montana, Missoula to Washington, DC as an intern I lived in a private home (with an outdoor heated pool, tennis court, basketball court) in legendary Carl Sagan's neighborhood.
Anyway, the Enneagram was a new thing to me and I had drawn it in a lucid state. I had to ask around a place where I worked in Ithaca (80% of residents have College degrees here at the time) and someone was able to tell me it was an Enneagram. I never received an explanation for it. Later in 99' I took to making it a kind of Earth logo and photoshopped a NASA topographical earth photo under the crosshairs and Epsilon. I was 25 at the time.

Later in 1999 I was to meet Dr. Joel Elkes, in Florida,  he was a professor also at John Hopkins University. I think this was the first time I remember my meeting with a programmer;- he told me that I have "Defiance disorder" because I would not do things they instructed me to do.  I met & briefly lived with Sally Lucke, who had been on the Board of Directors of the MOMA and she also was from a Chicago Export-Import family. I remembered just standing at the end of the driveway at my childhood home and "receiving" knowledge of taking care of an elderly woman. This woman later, was Sally Lucke's mother who was removed from the nursing facility. When I told Sally about my perception of this situation, she showed me her altar and told me it was her dream wish that she put out. I apparently was one who answered.
In hindsight, Dr. Elkes was her boyfriend. It's possible that I had been taken to the nearby clinic on Clymer Rd. or the cult also on the same road in rural Pennsylvania and programmed, and left at the end of the driveway.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Draft on managing data flow direct to skull

End 2007-2008 i was tested over a period of 2-3 months. This time, with sheer data - images mostly and a bandwidth, and some 3 channels. Synthetic telepathy or data flow or v2k? Doubtful.... when they send a huge information Surplus to your brain and it's from digital sources electronic sources. I did not have a normal time frame to react to the images and information they came in so fast like a flood. What I mean by react, so when you see picture of a cat you have a certain emotion of happy cute fuzzy feeling you no good feelings when you see pictures of war the grotesqueness of it when you see a wedding the happiness of it. When they started to inundate me with all of the political imagery, and other than just political imagery ill say additional imagery and information flow and you're not used to it , you have to find a way to manage it. And for me it was very painful and it was why I was given heavy sedatives that were said to be able to rebalance me so when I woke up I would be rebalanced. The invega for the extreme situation where I could not come out of it on my own meaning I couldn't recover mentally I was some point shaking very disturbed from just the sheer amount of data coming in. And when I took the invega it made things very clear I was able to compartmentalize the information overnight with the you know those sleeping pills so I need like 5 or 6 hours of sleep in order to learn from whatever information you receive. So if you're imagining cramming for a normal test final exam will magnify by about 30 or 50x that easily. And that's what you have when you got a data flow weapon scalar beam v2K. Whatever it is flowing through your head and they're just sending you information

I found a way to manage it with heavy sedative and about 5 Invega over a 2-3month time frame. It was intermittent.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Caucasian security dillemma

Disclaimer: I was raised in a very objective household. That is Being that there is no time for lawsuits and the USA attorneys are incompetent to handle the multiple attacks made against me as a lucid family member of the Japanese Imperial Security House. It also came with a duty to kill myself when things are so bad for me in The USA. My family never estimated a good outcome since USA prefers to do business with Japanese gangsters. This has held true with the death of my brother and sister. I still do not feel that a suicide on American soil is meaningful. Though, life here is not meaningful either as I can only witness those around me & their attitudes. I do not expect my life to continue much longer in Hawaii and it is why I write this.

 The point was that regardless of my 2 born blood nationalities, I had to learn to live with the surrounding community. That meant attending the churches they attended and making some, minimal friends due to the heavy racism and hatred of Japanese people I experienced. I went to school in a small town, for the American school year in a town that had helped hide the Liberty Bell that is a United States icon.

United States Citizens do not identify citizenship by blood;- rather, they identify by land, because they are American and want more land in other countries.

United States Citizens do not have respect for people, like me, who are born with an American parent and on USA soil especially while living on land that was in the American family for 3 generations.
This is not about Hawaii, which is a special case due to higher rate of the Asian-descent minorities who are 3rd and 4th generation Americans.

So, Americans have little exposure to multiple religions in Church, public school, or in any religious or World Cultures class. The amount of misinformation is huge and stagnates because Americans are rewarded by laziness and being easily controlled. This is why many of the Hate crimes that occur go unreported (also due to racially and nationally biased police forces). The hate crimes only insure that the old Caucasian cultural norms are maintained in the USA. Aside from US businessmen and military members hiring hookers, prostitutes of varying levels of intimacy, and "saving money" by shopping in other nations;- there is not much to be liked about mainstream USA men and the women who uphold and enable them generation after generation. The Caucasian American women as I have learned, teach their children to harm other girls who are not Caucasian as a method of promoting Caucasian hate crimes. Legally, the Caucasian hate families loose less by having a child do this because 1. they are supported by the rest of the Caucasian majority community and 2. even if anyone chose to tell them its wrong, a delinquent child would have less of a sentence than the parent.

Modern America still thinks INTER-RACIAL people aren't appropriate role models.
I have met many inter-racial (IR) couples who have fled cities like Philadelphia and their smaller hometowns in various states due to mass culture enforcing hate crimes on IR families. Many IR couples flee to New York City. So, this tells me that there are additional issues within the African-American community. A community that I have minimal interaction with because they have constantly expressed to me that they don't see me,
a half-Japanese woman as an appropriate role model when I was a Piano instructor at a Conservatory. The other reason being they send very large black men at me towering over 6' to try and force me into prostitution in the USA. I have had some African-American friends whose presence has allowed me to have some protection from this.

Donald Trump is like a maddened Diva or Buddha of some sense. What I have seen of his speech and behavior is in part a representation of different USA domestic mindsets from many different levels. He has been outspoken. He is only one person;- of the millions who have different facets and mindsets that he has portrayed in various speeches.

Another issue, is that people act offended if I choose not to respond to them in public. Typically they start by asking questions that are too personal to me and have security issues attached to them. They ask where I'm from, where I live, what part of the Island;- all of which have resulted in a barrage of thefts over the 7 years in Oahu;- not including numerous issues of Caucasian people stealing everything down to my college textbooks, music on CD's, and anything I needed for daily use such as shampoo and makeup when I was attending Ithaca College for Music.

From my point of view, most USA caucasian men are rapists and the women are enablers. Because they have a high opinion of themselves they mentally shield themselves from the fact that I do not even have a friendship with them. At Ithaca College, I was asked to be a speaker for a women's event for survivors of sexual assault on campus. "Loving and Surviving" had many posters up with speaker and contributor names. At that point I had survived over 26 on campus mandatory dormitory sexual assaults that the private college effectively hid from outside police enforcement. The president JJ Whalen was known for slandering Japanese women as even Professor Miecowski and his Japanese wife filed a lawsuit against the President for slander at a professional event.    I was unable to retain an attorney because the attorneys viewed me as a worthless minority in their social sphere and still a Japanese and USA citizen at the time before the Patriot Act.
I was 17 when I entered college, and had to beg to have a new dormitory that was not Co-ed. I was sexually assaulted many times before I turned 18 at Ithaca College. I was dragged by my hair across the boys side floor, dragged by my feet sometimes. One of my assailants was from Hawaii and told me i look like the scum he grew up with so I deserve it. Sometimes, my older roommates would just let guys in the room when I was trying to sleep. I was failing my 1st semester on Academic probation and begged my father to let me leave by the 1st fall break at the College. I was supposed to be one of the top 3 students at the Music School.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction for Seismic Arial triangualtion 
Triangulate and change direction

Hole argument is triangulation

Triangulate and change direction  triangualtion links: Earthquake + arial triangulation
Triangulate and change direction

Sunday, July 03, 2016

Third of July 3rd

Oahu fireworks- Magic  Island, in front of Ala Moana;- according to Travis from the Maui team... we will have a great fireworks display bombarded with ground level fireworks. There will be fewer high Ariel fireworks. 
Getting a good seat up front is key to this years fireworks display.

So, for the military members who are sensitive to Explosions due to PTS;- this will be a dimmer view from above. 

The North Shore, Haleiwa, is already setting up for their holiday block party that will run until 11PM tonite. The block party will include Salsa, dancing, food and drinks all in the parking lot area by the Wyland art Gallery and Cholos and Patagonia store. 

I'll probably be online? catching a 23rd year of fireworks from Ithaca community fireworks display, in NY, if possible. Or, looking forward to 360 drone footage of the display.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Personal check-in - a MK

Today, I'm just really angry. I suppose it's like my monk said after my meditations lead me to a complete center of pure rage, "maybe you need to feel anger". I tried to live  and peacefully control my moods every day. 

I lived in normal American environments, exposed to normal biological factors. The person who was my brother;- was exposed to the worst Irradiation. We are the World's actual test dummies for consumer stupidity and poor decisions. We are a test group of the biological actuality of nuclear weapons usage. I, have been asked to write "a book" since I was 21. Today I am in my 40's.

As a part of this civilian USA & Japan governments influenced social program called MK Ultra;- as well as genetical program after Hiroshima was bombed; – and sadly raised within arms reach of Rosacrucians cult leaders in Bucks County, PA. I'm infuriated at the people who are civilians who have profited from the government experiments that have so influenced my life in every aspect. 

For me, it has been a lifetime of psychological protocol from MK ultra protocols that I have been fighting.  My controllers know that I was able to create a conscious partition in my memory  to where i was able to store and thus able to clearly recollect otherwise "unconscious programming sessions."  They called this my defiance disorder when I was 25. I I survived Everything from protocol administered physical, psychological, and emotional torture to financial devastation. At 17, I entered a liberal arts college in Ithaca, NY as a dual major set to have 2 Bachelor's degrees by 21 and my 1st Master's degree by 22. Instead I went into my "Alice program protocol" and became an organizer who founded an active rights group & voted president of the environmental society. I delved into my own physical fitness and also visual arts including turn of century DIY computer animation at the advent of the 1st G3 computer. At which point my controllers from same town Cornell University sloppily implanted NLP enneagrams that I was able to express to the community with conscious awareness. It was a relentless battle for me at that time. 

Today, the public talks about MK Ultra as if it happens everywhere & to everyone like sliced bread. They tout killing the planet with their highly toxic lifestyles as "uncontrollable" because of their slave mentality. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Day 1 - A.M.K. Growing up first remembrances

Aside from perpetual torture for being put through MK uLtra protocols;- these are the beginning of notes that were demanded off me for 3decades of MK ultra protocol torture. This page is my Day 1. This did actually occur in Quakertown, Pa and since my life has been threatened with physical harm I see no difference in posting the atrocities.

1. Told me they killed my mother (who came back tortured) she has several scars on her neck/spine from Nazi-like experiments. I was told this was not the same woman I remembered and she immediately started to physically torture me her 1st day back from the hospital. my parents first tore me out of my bed and three me in the hall to sleep on floor.
They then went into a crazed and uncontrolled frenzy to try and hurt me more and literally dragged me down two flights of stairs to throw me out the door. 
Being dragged Down the stairs 18-20 stairs at a time became routine when they discovered I didn't have "visible bruises to go to school. Later over many years it resulted in my wearing neck braces from strained muscles since the technique changed to a backward hair drag out of my seat on to the floor and then down 1 flight of stairs. 
Later on when I was in Jr. High school, this specific torture included being thrown outside into the cold snowy and icy winter, without a jacket or shoes. Isomer ones for hours as I hid from them. It would be terror that turned into my mother's nice sweet voice calling me and as I found out several times, she would hit me more once I returned to the warmth of the house. Of course this was in the suburb "country" so only my Godparents across the street and no one else was close enough to hear or see the screaming and yelling. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I took the Middle Path

"Inspired by Buddhism, this philosophy stresses the "middle path" as an overriding principle for appropriate conduct and way of life of all people, at individual, community, business and government levels.Sufficiency means moderation, reasonableness and resilience to rapid changes."
From: International Herald Tribune "The wisdom of the 'middle path' Honor fit for a king"

My mother always, always told me to take the middle path for as long as I can remember. I was raised with Shojin ryori values before I knew anything about animal rights and veganism. The U.S. nuked Japan and it directly & severly impacted my life by the time I was 7.
Despite my growing up as a baptized & confirmed Lutheran (The St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church were the racist community values that taught me self-hatred due to my race & ethnicity;- though I had to show community participation as part of this lifelong cultural exchange.)

Here's the article about an action from a decade ago about my then "questionable & radical" behavior.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Google Earth images...

My Quick Review of Google Earth...

I just paroozed the planet. And, I discovered that there are mountainous areas that Google Earth does not have building info or high resolution imagery. Those places include; areas of Northern Japan where my Obasan & family lives. The input data did not have prefecture information on several locations. Also, the Ithaca, NY area was quite blurry. Though, Ithaca is where the clouds go to die.

I was impressed to see the University of Montana; but couldn't quite make out the Milltown Dam though, I saw the Marker for BFI where my group did our landfill recyclables study (see photo)and I spoke at my 1st official press conference at 21 years old. And... the M! I was not totally suprised, but happy to see the M again! Much Thanks Google Earth team!!!!

You can download your Google Earth 4.0 for Beta here

Ariel Snapshot of Tokyo

Click on the image for a larger ariel view of Tokyo.

the Sim Redmond Band is playing at the Duo Music exchange on November Mon, 13 of 2006 Tokyo.
Click here for more Info!

Sounds from My old hometown...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Halloween Pumpkins

Acorn Pumpkin (left) & Fairy Tale Pumpkins(right) are 2 different types for the holiday season. Making pastas, pies, and just having beautiful decoration are why these pumpkins are going for $15 to $30.00

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yes, I have Kimono Shoulders

Over many years of having to live in the predominantly Caucasian east coast, I have suffered greatly. One of the things that I must vent is my dismay with the physical therapy department at the college in New York which I attended for my Undergraduate music degree for piano. I was on a 4.5 year track, and one day my teacher told me that my shoulders looked tightened up to him.

Here I must get into my physical construct of being half Northern Japanese particularly. My shoulders slope naturally. I do not have the typically square shoulder construct of my European ancestors. My shoulders to not break into solid horizontal lines at any point in my shoulder line; and my shoulders are shaped much more like a typical wire hanger that one receives from the dry cleaner. My shoulders are what my mother said are "Kimono Shoulders". So, under my professor's instruction I went to the Musicians clinic at the PT department where they tried to break down my natural sloping shoulders to match their own. They claimed, inreference to me ,that "[I] you have overdeveloped traps". It was quite painful. They used to ice my shoulders and then sink their hands into them and then used an ultrasound device on my shoulders. I felt bad all the way around.

My mother taught me that I have kimono shoulders after the humiliating ordeals I went through in Middle school and High school in Pennsylvania; to be fitted for choir dresses that had shoulder pads. There were at least 2 instances where the fitters made a public example of me and called all the women in the choir over to marvel and laugh at my "no shoulders".

I still don't understand why people expect me to look at them in over 31 years of intolerance and ignorance with a smile. I have tried my best. Next blog; Why I started an "animal rights group" and changed some of the food choices at my undergrad college....hint 'I was getting ill on the food they served' and was eating shojin ryori style for nearly a decade prior to college dining hall food.

Much Peace,

Friday, August 11, 2006

Peace Lanterns Ithaca NY area

here are some of the photos from the Peace Lantern efforts of the week...
Wed. night in Ithaca with Monks from the Namgyal Monastery

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

No More Nukes and Commeration of Hiroshima

Click on View; then, Enlarge text size in your browser for easier reading of the image. Or, click on the image 1x and then again when the magnifying lens appears.