Showing posts with label MKStargate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MKStargate. Show all posts

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Draft Quantum Blood & DNA genetic memory

I am certain that my genetics, not only my national origins of Japan, are a central part of discrimination and persecution I experience in my life. I possess some blood quantum of two tribal Asian indigenous DNA with Hyper Variable Region 1 (HVR1) of 10 different HVR1 mutations. While still in grade school my parents informed me that my DNA was patented. Also their attorney, the late Samuel Litzenberger, ESQ of Philadelphia, PA, communicated that I was considered property less than cattle in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. My parents swore by Litzenberger's word and justified the MK ULTRA ALICE protocol torture by his legal analysis. They viciously informed me of not having any rights within the United States while making me aware of my helplessness in MK ULTRA program from 1974-Present.  In any case, my DNA may have been used without my consent as a child, to the development of biological warfare. Due to a more resilient natural state of my DNA at 10 HVR1 mutations, I overcome disease quickly and or frequently encapsulate foreign invaders to my biological system. However, I was an unwilling test subject under the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) MK Ultra at birth.

I am a stolen and persecuted generation of innocents after USA A-bombed Japan. The US government would never explain my family ancestry as it has been published in Asian history books.  I am not the persecuted generation of Japanese Americans who lived through internment. I am a different and separate generation founded in the United States whether I like this fact or not, . And my persecution occurred before I was born, due to CIA and/or US Air Force that sought particular genetic lines to bring into United States and cultivate in such projects as MK Ultra and/or Military Abductions (MILABS) . I was well aware in childhood of the conversation my father and mother shared of different
U.S. military members or related cult members attempting to bring women in from places like the Congo to capture DNA from the coveted Dan Tribe among others. Tribes that were known to have psychic powers and long range tribal communications without modern technologies. 

So whether or not this was a United States covert and illegal trafficking of humans for their experiments remains to be tested. CIA & USAF were genetic hunters long before I was born. My mother and her family possess some of the last generation of pure Japanese Ainu bloodline. My Ojiisan ( grandfather) had given the Japanese government the extensive records another relative in Japan documented on the Japanese Ainu tribe. 

So, I may not have the cultural upbringing of Ainu people as one of the tribes within my family lineage, however it was a well-known fact that my Ojiisan gave family records to the Japanese government. It may be to this day why Ainu people are being protected in 2019 in Japan and are largely addressed as having affluent backgrounds despite this discrimination.

I am having issues laying claim to being Japanese within the USA, this is due to the United States interference in my Japanese language since age 10 and due to their tampering with records of my mother's immigration to the United States. To date, the Department of Homeland Security & Immigration and SBA refused my access or information of these records from them since 2006 and through 2011. This may be due to my 1997 discovery of being blacked out in the Social Security system with the attribute BLACK PLUMBER as my name. Additionally, my family in Japan is documented as merchants for over 3000 years in human history. For this reason, I believe the United States government targeted my mother specifically.

And, once I was born in the United States they delivered me & asserted any and all brainwashing activities on me through their MK Ultra program. This includes giving my name the initial based attribute of MK Ultra as, AMK for Alpha Mind Kontrol, the particular program that I mention started approximately 1978 and was connected to MK Ultra's Stargate sub project. I was still a toddler at this time. I overheard talks about Uri Geller in my highchair while eating dinner in the Chesapeake Bay.  Later in 1999, in Venice Florida, I met my elderly handler while concious, the late Dr. Joel Elkes , who was a prominent in modern psychiatry & headed up Neurosciences department at John Hopkins University.  

Though, the famed publicized stars of Stargate subproject generated swooning by the American women, mothers of a few of the children I knew, and an impenetrable front for the subproject. They had to the best of my knowledge, cultivated those of us with genetic lines linked to tribal or traditional marital arts long for experiments and long range psychic communication. They approached Asian martial arts training and spirituality in a supernatural European sense of thinking. They transposed non-European warring and spiritual arts to their supernatural and new age way to approach and understand phenomenon. Largely, it seems that CIA and its MKULTRA project subordinates lay claim to owning the cultural appropriation of Asian cultural traditions in the United States. They translated the cultural traditions to their predominantly Eurocentric languages and American mindset. And, they allow prolific practice of gross motor movement without requiring the average spiritual or martial arts practitioner to approach a level of communication that is highly literate in Asian writing and speech at any time.

Regardless of how much Quantum blood I have from a single indigenous Asian tribe, I possess Quantum blood from two Asian indigenous tribes of a natural state. when I say a natural state, I mean that my DNA came into being without medical DNA manipulation in a laboratory.  I think my blood Quantum is arguable since I should have 25% from one or both  tribes respectively; Sakha from Yakutia, Siberia and Ainu from Kurils, in normal human generational biology. However my high number of HVR1 mutations may reduce that expected percentage of Blood Quantum. And conversely my DNA does not prove that my parents are accurate since I am over 50% different genetically from each of them. The numbers unfold in a scary tale against my life.

Yet a single fact remains,  

I do not carry less genetic information of these expressions encoded in my DNA.

I am in a volatile position since the United States government has already done irreversible harm to my family and to violated my human rights in every sense that makes life precious. 

During college I became a animal rights organizer in 1993, due to severe infractions of my own human rights that continued in both the dormitory and classrooms. I was subject to multiple sex assaults in my 1st dormitory when I was 17yrs old in 1992. I was prevented from reporting to police by the Resident Assistant in the closed dormitory environment.  I think this was deliberate action somehow and a continuation of the Alice protocol.

In the mid 90's I met members of the Onondaga Nation who identified me as one of  'the old ones'. I did not completely understand what 'the old ones' at the time because I knew little about the cultures behind my  prolific genetic history on a conscious level.  I met them at a time when the US government the New York State Police had done a media blackout after sending hundreds of police officers to beat and harm people on their tribal land in upstate New York. Later in 2007 I met a Tibetan monk at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's monastery in Ithaca, New York. He addressed me from my other indigenous tribal lineage of being Sakha from Yakutia in Siberia. As in the similar frequency to Shakyamuni Buddha or Guantanamo Buddha. I also have ancient genetic history from Northern China where there was an extraordinary Buddhist monastery.  I also am genetically Japanese. I know that my family and ancestors, traded from China through to Japan the best wintering horses, weapons, fish. They relocated from China to a political sanctuary known as Akita  and remained separate from the Chinese & Japanese governments for over 600 years.

 So it is my understanding that Indigenous peoples of Asia and North America understand my presence. I can only guess that they participated in a conversation about my genetic tribal history and were aware of my presence from a young age, yet I have no single tribe with which I identify.
I have known persecution from the United States of America for the duration of my life due to my genetic history and USA's perception of the Japanese and United States union of my parents being offensive to them. And despite good people in the United States, those who are actively against my existence have already murdered my only siblings.

/////edited to here/////

August 2019

My notes of International Concern for Japanese Nationals in the USA, particularly East Coast: 

The human rights organizations I contacted in USA are inexperienced or discriminatory against Japan. The consequences are severe as I have witnessed my brother's suffering and torture that included American Civil Liberties Union in his life upon white supremacist attacks on him for receipt of a Scholarship to University of Pennsylvania. The loss of this case placed him in rural Susquehanna University in central Pennsylvania where he was clobbered with white supremacist attacks. He was stonewalled there and stayed with me in Ithaca, NY when he was in eminent danger. This ACLU intervention impacted his role in family business internationally and ultimately led to his depression, further persecution in Pennsylvania, and his unnatural death by age 26.
USA's East Coast,  New York and Pennsylvania severely lacks Japanese translators.  The USA attempts to recruit noone and shows little to no value for Japanese nationals lives. That is independent of those people who came to the United States to represent Japan politically. The United States encourages lawsuits against individuals, like my mother,  who do speak Japanese as their natural language by attempting to recruit them as translators and create multiple lawsuits abroad by USA ignorance of Japanese domestic laws. The United States has never provided a translator and has severely impaired my communications with my Japanese relatives and the Consulate of Japan.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Watching logan

So you steal their eyes you see what they see you've got every angle they see on me but it's mine

Called quantum quantum theory of mind

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Psychotronic Channels Unconsensual Testing in Ithaca, NY

End 2007-2008 i was tested over a period of 2-3 months. This time, with sheer data - images mostly and a bandwidth, and some 3 channels. Synthetic telepathy or data flow or v2k? Doubtful.... when they send a huge information Surplus to your brain and it's from digital sources electronic sources. I did not have a normal time frame to react to the images and information they came in so fast like a flood. What I mean by react, so when you see picture of a cat you have a certain emotion of happy, cute, fuzzy feeling. You know, good feelings. When i see pictures of war, I ee the continued grotesqueness of it. When I see a wedding I perceive the happiness of it.
When they started to inundate me with all of the political imagery, and other than just political imagery i'll say additional imagery and information flow &  I am  not used to it, I  had to find a way to manage it. And, for me it was very painful and it was why I was given heavy sedatives that were said to be able to rebalance me so when I woke up I would be rebalanced. The invega for the extreme situation where I could not come out of it on my own meaning I couldn't recover mentally I was some point shaking very disturbed from just the sheer amount of data coming in. And when I took the invega it made things very clear I was able to compartmentalize the information overnight with those sleeping pills.  I need like 5 or 6 hours of sleep in order to learn from whatever information I  receive. So,  imagine cramming for a normal test final exam will magnify by about 30 or 50x that easily. And that's what it was like for me with  a data flow weapon scalar beam v2K. Whatever it is flowing through my head and they're just sending data or information
I found a way to manage it with th heavy & fast working sedatives (preferred)  and about 5 Invega over a 2-3month time frame that was limited in quantity, & no refills for the prescription. I was involuntarily committed for being assaulted by an acquaintence & released Christmas Eve.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Stargate Example Alice Sync

(No Marionette)
  1. v2K command to online search {search term ie., Soulcatch #ti}

  2. Play Video result from search video play- trips more programming & specific v2k - Satellite 

  3. v2k syncs body with movement/ visual signal in video - Satellite sync

  4. Phone Call follow up - after sync - pre recorded - like synthetic Marionette.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Hunting for Manchurian Candidates by Stargate

I was frequently going to do mat sessions at a place in Honolulu. The mat that i used
was set to computer generated Schumann Frequency also known as Earth frequency.
And, I preferred the older version to the newer one for some time until I developed
sensitivity to the electric current itself.
So, one day at this place there are 2 mats for use. I was on one. Another older woman, with white hair was on the other. I was in some meditative state and when I returned back, I brought back that
there was an image of a beetle like scarab, overtop of another design some curved geometrical shape and in orange, red, golds. There are NO BUTTERFLIES !!!
I talked to the mat technician about this vivid image and it was simply blown off as probably something from someone else. So, my best guess is that the much older generation than me in their 60's has more of the original manchurian candidate programming. And, that somehow this image is connected to it.
I think people forget I'm Stargate. So, even my handlers get stupid because they forgot I can mindread them. After all, that is part of my program and part of how I developed "defiance disorder".

Sunday, August 06, 2017

MKstArgate Enochian

Enochian Coding through Magic Square - My Incomplete version

Project Stargate 1978-1995

Some of My personal outline of Project Stargate


(Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassination)

Project Stargate 1978-1995

  • Quantum Control
  • Telekinesis
  • Quantum Assassin
  • Psychic Assassin
  • Quantum Soldiers
  • Quantum Bodyguards & Scouts
  • Psychic Bodyguards & Scouts
  • Undetectable Psy Ops Mind Kontrol 
    • Quantum Chi MK Implant
    • Targeted Dream Manipulation
  • Foreign Countries Spy Techniques
  • Time Trave & Remote Viewers
  • Drug Shipment monitoring
  • Quantum Conciousness Memory Integrity
  • Undetectable Spyware

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Why I divulge this now.

I suppose most naive readers think that this is a pity party. Its simply to document, for my relatives in Japan part of what happened to us.
I realize that it is upsetting material, as if I like to grovel lower than American household pets. Because I don't. My distaste for American style forced on me has only increased. Especially for those other Asian Americans who immigrated and buy into the USA games in order to fund their new national existence. In fact, Asian accented/ serviceable language makes me cringe as a resonance of abuse.

Growing up Japanese Dual national USA 1980's

One of the issues that I had being programmed, well several issues. The main one was that I had to endure daily ritual abuse of some sort. It included being put into speech therapy and forced to stop being bi-lingual in Japanese ( despite being born a Japanese national). They don't torture people this way even at Guantanamo. It was complete community abuse directed at me 24/7. My father, my school teachers, other students especially were given instructions by their parents to physically hurt me during school... This made me suicidal by age 10. It was a crux.

It was the crux of me justifying staying alive because my brother, he was at least very happy most of the time and knew I would take blame for him. The other thing I came to decide was that;- if I used my time how I wanted or whether I did what they said, I would still be tortured. and, like other intelligent kids being abused elsewhere (I learned later in life) looking for a breathing room, just a small space to survive, I began to fail at things. The blatant failures took out the expectations. The normally high performance only encouraged them to dish out more torture to push me a step beyond and above that top end. It was "defiance disorder" in a sense in the Program. I let them win. They tortured me every day regardless of my consistant "good" behaviors. In order to live (quite literally stay alive) I had to stop trying to compete with everyone. I learned they all sucked. They were all quite rotten. Not one of them had an ounce of compassion. That the friends were "fake" and they played the side to push me to an abusive trap with other schoolmates. This was the lesson my brother learned and pages for dearly as the abuse stacked up. We had no relatives who loved us in the USA. Just our parents. I did chores for my dad's relatives and was rewarded with $5-$30 (even for birthdays) or a Klondike bar. I never had a big Christmas. We spent most of our holidays with our neighbors instead of our relatives.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Stargate, Alice, MK Ultra, MRA's & Shaman Dna

Angela Meredith Kneale
July 19, 2017

I was born in the 70's.  My mother came from Japan because she is a Japanese National.
My Birth certificate:
So, Found a birth certificate with my baby stuff. It was the one they write your name on before it gets registered with the government. Mine read "Angela Merideath Knell".
Interesting ; -  at first I thought it was Philadelphia Experiment related.
Thought it was because of Knell. And, I had more reason to think that it was due to Philadelphia Experiment. My Great Uncle who had served on the USS Langley as a gunner and did battle at Iwo Jima, was like my United States grandpa. And, I saw him  almost every weekend, if not every other weekend for most of my entire childhood, Except for when I was in college.
And up until a year or so ago when he passed away. 

Um. So that's 2017 now so we're talking from the 70's till 2017.
But I didn't know about the MK Ultra program.
I was oblivious to it.  I Discovered MK Ultra programming in my late 20's.
But my parent's had frequently told me the story about how they were not permitted by the US government to name me how they wanted to name me.  My mom was very upset about this because she begged with them to give me a Japanese name, and they refused to let her.
I think my mom was already traumatized from when my sister was murdered at the hospital in front of her.  My mom was more apt to comply with them. Yeah, so
Both of my parents told me the story of how they were required to use the initials A.M.K.
And, yeah. my dad's family name does end in a K. But, yeah somehow, or other they were required to use those initials. And how they came to decide what my name would be. So I do remember that from early in childhood.

I guess that was of their way of communicating with me that they didn't completely agree with how I was to be raised. And um, that was part of my being raised and the MK  (Mind Kontrol) attribute.
And, the other problem with my name. I came across later in employment issues. Was in the Social Security database, when I went to receive unemployment, had my name as
'black plumber' (1997). So I found that out at the unemployment office in Ithaca, NY sometime in college. And I just, attributed that to my dad's time in the USAF. So, I just kind of blew it off and there wasn't much that I could do about it. And, I realized that I was marked and the US system,
um But then later when I discovered the program and then even later yet, that this Mengele guy was alive. And, I remember my mom telling me that she chose my name Angela and my brother's name Richard because she wanted to take us to Brazil. I don't know if that was a coincidence or if it actually because there is a high rate of Japanese in Brazil, mixed race in Brazil. So um, I know its not Argentina, but she wanted us in South America at some point. And,
she reminded me after my brother died (got killed in 2005) that was she had wanted. She even apologized to me knowing  I had wanted to grow up in Japan. Since I had a very, unfriendly childhood. I didn't have many if any friends.
My mom's friends' kids. They were Some friends to me, but not because they willingly wanted to be around me. Because, they seemed more embarrassed to be around me because I am not white. So it was really difficult and, um, those friendships were not there for me when I left the community and went to school. I didn't make plans to study or go to university with any of these people I went to High School with or anything. I mean things that are pretty much common (in friendship) anyplace on the planet.
Comes back to the Angel of Death himself (Mengele). My first name, Angela as in Angel
and my middle name being explained to me in the Disney sense. I used to watch the movie Sleeping Beauty. And there was MeriWeather, and there were the little fairy godmother in the Death sense so, MeriDeath, D-E-A-T-H. And so, if you do the numerology on it, it's a master builder number. so at the same time because I was learning a bit more about // I was growing up with my "kooky" neighbors, I mean when you grow up in a neighborhood that is just inundated with this
(6:53). craziness, you just think its normal. And you just get used to handling it and not making such a big deal out of it I suppose. So, my kooky neighbors also known as the Rosicrucian of the East Coast. Some of our Founding Fathers of the United States belonged to the Philadelphia Rosacrucians.
The one in my neighborhood is not the California branch, most likely fourth Reich.

My brother and I would get into fights with certain people in or hometown
There were 5-6 girls who would beat me up all the time. They would call me Donkey, which I don't know where it came from but it sounds kind of like MULE to me (elementary school).  I was a very innocent little girl as far as I can remember. And I had daily beatings at the playground and the teachers would watch and didn't have a problem with it because of their racism. & Then I would also get beaten at home and in the Program. And so, my mother did most of the but they also did a surgery on my mother that tampered with her spinal cord. An area near her spinal chord and it tampered with the anger rage control part of her brain. She still has a scar  She was gone a long time.
She came back, she told me she had neck tumors.
I remember I got a warning from my dad telling me she wasn't the same mom I knew anymore.
And she immediately started flying into rage states that got very dangerous for me.
So, I think they did something to her back then. Because this wasn't (10:17)
a normal mom who used to take me for walks and I would sing songs, make up songs. And my father said that they destroyed her. But, I was the only one in the house who was in danger. So, I think she was programmed. So, whatever they did to my mom The doctor who had been in PA to do the cancer surgery is supposed to have moved to Hawaii. So, I don't know what the connection is to Hawaii but I'm sure there is a reason. OK
So that part's about my name & Stuff.
So the other part the MK Ultra Resume.

I grew up in Bucks County, PA outside of Philadelphia. Where Mengele might have been there but there were other Nazi doctors definitely.  In the summertime,(11:31) cause of the piano institute and everything I was taken to Canada each summer in elementary school. Later, late, later I would be going to Langley and then to McGregor bay. I only remember 1 of those trips. And then when I was growing up in Bucks County, I guess I fought with my parents immensely about going to
this teacher  instructor, Dr. Kiszely, in the Mainline and he had invited me to his studio. And now in retrospect now I understand...
Even though both my parents are mixed race themselves.
My dad being Russian-Pole & European
My mom being mixed with the Siberian Genetics that the Native American tribes know we have.
Dr. Kiszely had been a double agent for the United States fighting Nazi Germany. Much time for my lessons was him telling me about his time as a double agent fighting the Nazi's. So he was kind of like a dad to me for a while, since neither of my parents performed like regular parents do. They were not attached to what I did and not involved. They facilitated me making money so that I could do the things that I actually wanted to do (mow lawns, dog sit, cat sit, horse sit, teach piano). They actually refused to pay for alot of things that I wanted to do and instead put the efforts into my brother.
When I was 17, when I went to go graduate from H.S., my mother and father decided I should go to  Ithaca, NY another place where there are MK Ultra handlers controllers in psychology. Some were at  Ithaca  College and  Cornell University.  I remember starting an animal rights group (you know that whole PETA connection too). In 1994-1999 my Alice altar overrode my suicide programming, I guess. Well that's the whole "compete" part of the personality in the Alice Altar is that
they pile so much abuse on you that you either develop a vigilante personality or you' re going to self destruct and commit suicide. I mean, that's just how it works. I was assaulted. I had gone through many problems in the Co-ed experimental dorm that they put me in. I was not allowed to file/report anything. Of course its a private college with private police. They didn't want to deal with me directly they wanted to talk to  my parents.

After I crossed the age 18 barrier in the USA my parent's didn't want any legal obligations to do anything. So the college refused to acknowledge my legal standing;- and in fact ignored it and continued the Abuse. It seems some of those things were pre-arranged.
But I took to my Animal Rights group and studied at least some Ethics and Philosophy about Free Will.
So in this whole conversation about MK. In the Later years there was a Fischer and Ravizza talk actually at Cornell University. Fischer Ravizza  writing, they wrote a book on free will and this idea of moral agency and it can in retrospect, yeah conveniently

So the Fischer Ravizza stuff I participated in ( in class) the Thinking mode.  I came up with this
Mathmatical Hole theory kind of looks like the Enochian representation of the Universe in the Enochian Physics. So um it is very similar. So, this Idea of Moral Agency that I don't hear being discussed in the MK Ultra program victims' dialogue... is that it's kind of likehow the modern legal system is based on Immanuel Kant's perception of individualism. But, the free will being that if someone is teling you to pull the trigger, you should not be responsible for that. Especially, if they brainwashed you. So, that is where the free will arguement comes in and people I see going to jail because of buried memories that resurfaced from this programming and structure;- it's not even being addressed.
I mean There is nobody out there addressing this issue of having free will completely over pulling a trigger on somebody when you are under a verbal command, a hypnotic command,
having all the altars installed. So the Deltas, the Super soldiers who now not only have the programming, the mind control programming that they are advertising and marketing as the new industry standard...For any business. If you don't have that type of altar, you're not going to be able to Run a business in the near future, according to the US government. But they have implants that shock you into combat. So, at that point, are you responsible if they shock you into pulling the trigger?
I mean that especially if they start using that in the civilian population.

But nobody is discussing those things. Because that is where the philosophy part comes into the MK Ultra. It's not so much saving the animals who are in labs, where there are maybe humans nearby. Oh BTW My hometown Quakertown, PA is at the top of the Humane welfare violations for how many animals they were bringing up and using. All the way up to primates,  in trafficking primates,sale of primates for medical lab testing. ALL THAT stuff came down in Quakertown, I realize in the Undertow. But the ironic thing I guess alot of the parents, even though they made money from the industry of  animal cruelty;
  • raising lab dogs for testing
  • raising  or killing animals for food
  • raising other animals for various types of experimentation.
They came to abhor it and instill my generation with some different values that we understood that was a thing that was really bad. And I don't think the rest of the planet accepts it. I think we in that community there's a certain group of us who accept that it was never a good thing. But it was what people did to get through. And then there are all the new people who haven't had to Live with the effects of animal slaughter, testing & being desensitised to animal cruelty industries.
Only thing you can do is to teach your children to do differently.

Anyway, the animal rights philosophies are there in part to refine how you think about being human.
So, some people are going to animatley hate that sentence I just said all together. But,
when you're talking about organisms and sentience -being their  pain tolerances,  and whether or not they have  self recognition - like when they see themselves in the mirror or something
and you have to start talking on a spectrum of, Ok this is the minimal, this is minimum that's required to fall into being a sentient being to the maximal being a full on human. Then how is it
the MK Ultra community keeps talks about themselves like they are robots. I understand there is this concept of programming. And I realize alot of us have had to live through being programmed in one sense or another.

For me, my programming for Stargate which involved remote viewing, when
I was a child and some other things I won't completely get into.  But being able to move objects with my chi a few feet away. You know you're being programmed, You know you're going through something, but, you can't define what it is. At least objects a few feet away sometimes.

Or I would go to bed at night Typically would start with Mr. Potato head stabbing me with needles all over and I would have this dream repeatedly before I went to bed.
So Mr Potato Head is not my favorite toy on the planet anymore.
And I associate it with needles so, I went to bed like that every night. And it was a really lucid dream.
I had Repeat dreams of what they call marine corps training. Where somebody opens the door and the floor is at this angle and there is this, that, or other thing, or nothing in the room and they enter with guns and where do you hide?

Like those were my childhood dreams. I think that was another form of programming.
I don;t remember having any combat training.  My mind was focused on my ability to quantum which I am very consciously aware of,  and my ability to bio locate (which i don't know if they actually made that happen or if it was a result of what they did. Also to spy, otherwise I wouldn't have had NASA information and Soviet Technology manuals laying around my bedroom. So you have to look at the MK, So I mean I think somebody needs to look at it , at which point are victims responsible or not responsible for pulling the trigger. There's some minor level of responsibility. But if you are actually drugged and have trigger words that put you into another altar. There should be some reasonable punishment for that and for the rest, the punishment should actually affect the handler.
Plenty of people are dying because other's have not chosen to take a legal stance, whether somebody is programmed and has a trigger that makes them kill someone.
Such as James Casbold who killed people under mental triggers and then you remember later. That's I don't think that's acceptable. I think somebody else should receive punishment for doing that. Doesn't seem fair he serves 15 years for somebody else commanded him to and he didn't remember. Should serve time and punishment.

But... Anyway
I went to college in Ithaca NY.
Then after that in my 20's with my ex's my ex-partner we never married (you can't really trace them) except his best friend from Syracuse University was a guy whose father started a securities company that got sold and changed names in 2000. So, I mean Securities as in Security Firm.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Biolocation to a Cloning room

February 10th, 2014 5:23pm Hawaii Time my waking time from Schumann frequency mat session.

Objective: possible instances of matching identical appearance
Laboratory was filled with displays like this, like a jewelry department at a mall.

Shells size of a large man's fist
Glass looking containment 2.5-3' high × 2-4 inches? Or feet diameter. I think was 2'foot radius.

Metal tube keeps H20 flowing in a tree display for the shells
Metallic lid

They are like caged rabbits.- reference to humans living on earth.

DNA ->chromatin v chromosomes
Uncoiled DNA wrapped around
histone protein cores
String of beads "nucleosome"
Cell reproductive process

Saturday, June 24, 2017

It sounds like a Chihuahua...

Decades of not special treatment is actually decades of especially awful treatment outside of the walls of Guantanamo (git-mo).

The premise of my existence in the USA post Hiroshima was highly politically motivated with a strong desire to avoid further nuclear warfare with the United States of America.  Aside from being surrounded and overwhelmed with careless political imbeciles and people who choose to ignore fundamental truths that would have possibly prevented warfare....I am literally at wits end. I mean, that is all in addition to what was the Craft persons who enable clandestine operations and international business to flow without damage.

Despite being manipulated by USA private securities industry;- I also must complain about the fact that my relatives abroad have chosen to add to my suffering by not intervening to make things more than minimal tolerable through friends and business contacts.