One of the houses I was taken to as a child was very strange. It was a dirty farmhouse on one side, quite dingy and I walked into a kitchen with a round kitchen table. The F. Poust couple, gamblers my mom met, creepers to me even in early grade school sat at this table when I arrived. The follow up was my entry up a white Imperial Staircase with Prussian blue carpet up the stairs. There were a few large, gold leaf framed oil paintings.
They said maybe someday I would remember... Yet I never forgot.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Memory: Imperial staircase with Prussian blue carpet
Sunday, August 04, 2019
Draft Quantum Blood & DNA genetic memory
U.S. military members or related cult members attempting to bring women in from places like the Congo to capture DNA from the coveted Dan Tribe among others. Tribes that were known to have psychic powers and long range tribal communications without modern technologies.
Yet a single fact remains,
I do not carry less genetic information of these expressions encoded in my DNA.
In the mid 90's I met members of the Onondaga Nation who identified me as one of 'the old ones'. I did not completely understand what 'the old ones' at the time because I knew little about the cultures behind my prolific genetic history on a conscious level. I met them at a time when the US government the New York State Police had done a media blackout after sending hundreds of police officers to beat and harm people on their tribal land in upstate New York. Later in 2007 I met a Tibetan monk at His Holiness the Dalai Lama's monastery in Ithaca, New York. He addressed me from my other indigenous tribal lineage of being Sakha from Yakutia in Siberia. As in the similar frequency to Shakyamuni Buddha or Guantanamo Buddha. I also have ancient genetic history from Northern China where there was an extraordinary Buddhist monastery. I also am genetically Japanese. I know that my family and ancestors, traded from China through to Japan the best wintering horses, weapons, fish. They relocated from China to a political sanctuary known as Akita and remained separate from the Chinese & Japanese governments for over 600 years.
So it is my understanding that Indigenous peoples of Asia and North America understand my presence. I can only guess that they participated in a conversation about my genetic tribal history and were aware of my presence from a young age, yet I have no single tribe with which I identify.
I have known persecution from the United States of America for the duration of my life due to my genetic history and USA's perception of the Japanese and United States union of my parents being offensive to them. And despite good people in the United States, those who are actively against my existence have already murdered my only siblings.
/////edited to here/////
August 2019
My notes of International Concern for Japanese Nationals in the USA, particularly East Coast:
The human rights organizations I contacted in USA are inexperienced or discriminatory against Japan. The consequences are severe as I have witnessed my brother's suffering and torture that included American Civil Liberties Union in his life upon white supremacist attacks on him for receipt of a Scholarship to University of Pennsylvania. The loss of this case placed him in rural Susquehanna University in central Pennsylvania where he was clobbered with white supremacist attacks. He was stonewalled there and stayed with me in Ithaca, NY when he was in eminent danger. This ACLU intervention impacted his role in family business internationally and ultimately led to his depression, further persecution in Pennsylvania, and his unnatural death by age 26.
USA's East Coast, New York and Pennsylvania severely lacks Japanese translators. The USA attempts to recruit noone and shows little to no value for Japanese nationals lives. That is independent of those people who came to the United States to represent Japan politically. The United States encourages lawsuits against individuals, like my mother, who do speak Japanese as their natural language by attempting to recruit them as translators and create multiple lawsuits abroad by USA ignorance of Japanese domestic laws. The United States has never provided a translator and has severely impaired my communications with my Japanese relatives and the Consulate of Japan.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Start of my United Nations Complaint
Main contents of my Complaint Letter in short to
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
July 31, 2019
I was born in the USA in 1974, to a Japanese National mother who remained a Japanese National until the late 1980's after Japanese Nationality laws changed. . The USAF instructed my mother she was not permitted to name me with any cultural indicators. I was registered at birth in USA as Angela Meredith Kneale, and I am the aggreived complainant & last survivor of my known siblings who were murdered in the town of Quakertown, Pennsylvania in Bucks County, USA. Recently I filed a complaint at your United Nations form website where I completed the form to the best of my ability at a public computer at the Congressional Law Library. It is my individual complaint where I want to assert the United States of America & United States Air Force as well as individuals I name specifically, violated the following Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR);
Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, (9?), 12, 13, 15, (16?), 17, (18?), 20, 22, 23(1), 23(2), 23(3), 25, 26 (2), 27, 29(1), 29(2).
My purpose is to bring light to the abuses in an international setting. I am a grand-daughter and neice of well known Japanese Nationals who are or were involved with Japanese Security & infrastructure and/ or employed in Japanese government.
This is in addition to other articles where it seems USA violated my rights specifically to ensure Surveillance monitoring of my life & family such as;
Articles of the UN Convention against torture Art.4
Declaration of Right to Development Art 2 (4)
USCA 50 s1886 , 1881a(f)(2)
As well as forcing me into statelessness as perceived supranationally upon legal reading of the USA Patriot Act after the events of 9/11.
My complaint is extensive and spans my life to date of 44years.
One of the goals of my complaint is to present the United States of America as a non-benign & benevolent society who is likely criminal since they brought my mother to the USA via their military personnel and with ATS clearance. I also will refute that USA intended to entrap me with it's nationality laws so that I would be tortured and unable to choose & obtain my Japanese Nationality at any point within reasonable, natural, and normal means given my family relation also to my uncle Takenaka, Yoshitomo a now retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation. I fully believe that the United States of America trafficked my mother from Japan in order to torture her. And, that I was born an attachment to her as an additional trafficking victim.
My complaint against the United States, USAF, NASA, CIA, and it's state agents will also include normal tortures under war Tribunals as well as the illegal non-consensual testing of humans in CIA MKultra program protocol(s). This is of course after the basic fact that I was denied so many basic human rights due to my unique DNA which has, by some tests 10HVR1 mutations that span 10 distinct European, Asian, protected indigenous Asian, and Japanese markers. I feel They violated me in every way possible.
I do not have choice but to file this complaint independently due to the high number of CIA & Yakuza & MI5, MI6 perpetrators who have taken advantage of the weak USA public and further causing harm to my personal life. I hope you can understand that my Japanese family relation made me a target by USA since birth.
I will appreciate any assistance since I have been forced out of normal housing for safety liability, and financial reasons largely since my attendance at APEC 2011 in Honolulu, HI.
I was again threatened in 2019 by perpetrators & my father and my tortured mother who does not seem to understand legal complexities any longer.
I have little recourse and defense against the State of Pennsylvania or any other USA domestic perpetrator.
I have contacted Ithaca, NY Human rights organization however they have never had such a case. So, I am decidedly better off independently working with minimal need to know information I received from Japan years ago.
In light of the death threats I received since leaving Oahu, I am making my situation known publically online.
Angela M. Kneale
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Watching logan
So you steal their eyes you see what they see you've got every angle they see on me but it's mine
Called quantum quantum theory of mind
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
International Law & Legalities between HIC USA & Japan
Despite the High income Country classifications of both Japan & USA;- the USA and it's States of Pennsylvania & New York largely refused me legal right to report the following; assaults, abduction, rapes & many other human rights issues that forced me into destitution and homelessness. In fact, the United States & it's intelligence community, and some of its Military & it's actors have also made me an isolated, social outcast over my lifetime.
On these grounds collectively, they and the discriminating public treat me as a Japanese enemy of their Nation since birth. This is torture in every tier of my human development, not to feign my perceived torture of my mother & torture & state sanctioned murders of my 2 late siblings.
The USA and a sufficient number of it's actors & citizens have and still condemn me as a torture victim, whereas I am subject to perceived aleotoric violations of my human rights with Physical Financial, Societal, and Legal entrapment well within USA domestic borders. I feel that this is in violation of my US Constitutional Rights as US born citizen by land and jus sanguis in order to reinforce that I am not actually a US citizen entitled to human rights even under International Declarations of Human Rights for the type of HICs I was born into dually USA & Japan. It seems the overriding issue for the United States itself was to torture me, and to torture my mother on Japanese Visa well until I was 15yrs of age.
Later, I learned that some, not all of the torture I endured, fit into the macro structure of a CIA MKUltra protocol under "Alice in Wonderland" that was designed to suicide the torture victim or hinge the personality to a vigilante. The protocol itself included repeated sexual assaults over a long duration of time in order to normalize it. In USA this is not only "rape" but also statutory rape of a minor. It was not child trafficking from my perspective as I did not Witness any exchange of money. The heavy daily physical abuse I endured was not any type of martial arts program. In fact, when I attempted to defend myself or retaliate from the abuse with a single word, I was beaten till I stopped crying or blacked out. And, once I retaliated at age 14and was beaten till unconscious and was sent to school with half of my face black & blue. Since it was state sanctioned as many other freedom of speech violations occurred which prevented me from speaking to my mother or grandparents & cousins in Japanese over the phone or at home.
In anycase, Noone in the Pennsylvania community where I lived in Bucks County did anything to help me. They in fact were delighted that I was beaten up Japanese girl all of 5'2 and appx 108lbs.
I strongly feel and assert that at no point in time, I was considered an American citizen to my school teachers and that it was simply a farce so they could torture me. They also made the students patriotic by making fun of me and teaching my schoolmates that Japan and I am evil enemy that deserved death. This is well known from my time in US Cultures/History class in 9th/10th grade at high school.
Aside from this, FISA allowed my father who was veteran USAF & OSI which is USAF intelligence officer to justify my torture usually implicating my mother as she was the Non-US Citizen for most of my childhood. She was tortured also with invasive surgeries my father told me "destroyed her". Before these surgeries took place and I lost touch with the person/personality who was my caring mother;- she had told me that the USA was going to experiment on us. She also reminded me that I'm Japanese and should serve my Emporer, as well as telling me by age 4 that I would be raped by Americans and that I should suicide when I could not handle anymore. Those were my real instructions from my mother.
I am currently compiling my perspective with the reality of unenforced international laws between nations. This is with and without Japan's changed nationality laws and the fact that things have worsened for me with USA civilian & military population in interpersonal & court interactions from assaults made on me over the past 5 years.
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Gaslighting & MK Healing
I think the most difficult thing in trying to heal from Occultic Abuse & MK protocols is keeping my finances in reasonable status. I grew up in the countryside of Bucks County only about 1mile from the Rosacrucians Ceremonial Grounds & at the home of my late Great- Grandmother. The troughs & wells of traumatic memories do bring me into a downward spiral. I don't want to interact with others, I feel very underprivileged in life when I revisit the trauma. And then, my reputation at this point in my 40+yes of life has virtually been destroyed by the last handler & attempts on my life here in Hawaii.
Normal people just don't know how much sheer abuse it is to go through. Plus, there are an excessive amount of perps on the island. So the gaslighting that is predominant by the handler's & perps is magnified. My parent's actually seemed to get an energy rush for as long as I can remember from gaslighting me. Before I learned the term gaslighting, I used to tell people my parents lie to me about my own life. My mother used to tell me "they" told her what to say. Gaslighting that I was bad as a toddler deserving 50+ lashes from my father's 3" thick leather belt seemed to make him happy. Gaslighting that I didn't graduate from College, when my diploma was present & I was permitted to walk twice since I did an extra environmental organizing program at a different University & would have missed the friends I made in my planned graduating class.
My father didn't like me online & used gaslighting on me as I sat in the office at the house working on an accelerated Masters degree after I worked for IT entrepreneur Fred Gross at his home office on his 3rd IT startup and who created PeopleSoft.
My parents have been detrimental to my progress in life. They have stated they want me to lie for them like a reasonable person if I am to have anything. Their gaslighting and abuse has also resulted in my parents stealing an over $40k piano library I had expected to keep throughout my life, among many other things I worked and paid for. And, their insanity they impress on me has financially been detrimental.
I don't need to say my to MK survivors who understand the sheer greed many parents have from putting their kids through MK protocols. It seems to be a common thread that parents somehow made financial gains by abusing their children for the program and we survivors and children of these lunatics are left without much to cope with in life.
In some sense our parents are victims of the program, however;- in attempting to recover from MK programs, it is a very Rocky road financially. To see who people are, to identify their addiction to less attractive & violent tendencies. The abuses I mentioned are just a couple of the daily ritual abuse I anticipated each day. No, hitting a toddler daughter with a belt till she blacks out is not a hand. Yet the abuse was relentless.
They don't love me, they never have loved me. And I hate to say this but there is no such thing as "tough love". There is no payment, there is no financial glory for the victim of MK. There is only trying to put an end to these programs. It included especially my 1st piano teacher in Quakertown who told my mother about veganism & keeping my brain functioning cleanly and to abuse me like Beethoven to be more successful with my life. I do mean this program ran the course of my life in public and including the schools & churches. The teachers beat me in elementary school with paddles that were 3-5'long with holes for bad handwriting and threatened to beat my hands with rulers till they were red. They called me derogatory names in front of the class, they told me I'd go to hell at church and attempted to murder me at church, in earshot of my brother who they physically tortured. All the other children saw this as acceptable and participated in the group abuse. Noone ever stood up for me in my life. Noone.
The neighbors I had were an Irish national & English national couple, Rosacrucians family relatives, crazed right wing godparents who shot my cat. I mean really rotten people since I'm Japanese. They really lividly hate Japan and mocked my mother in my presence. Nothing was sacred. Nothing.
My mom's Atlantic City friends insisted on touching me and I refused, she told me I'd get extra beatings if I didn't comply. So, the daily abuse was not chemically induced. I remember much of it clearly.
My parents & their community have never treated me like a thinking, intelligent, human being. They simply pummeled me with gaslighting perceptions my entire life. Never arranged graduation parties or birthday parties and tried to force friendships on me with kids of parents they we're friends with-- probably from the program since I never saw these people together elsewhere, or at church, etc.
People don't have sympathy for people like me. Especially since my mom's family is abroad. I was brought up to be bait and attract the scourge of the Earth since I don't have a family or relationships with others that are friendships.
All of my friends in college backed away when they learned my partner of 9yrs who graciously stuck with me after I was drugged and gang raped by coworkers at a potluck;- that I had basically been adopted by the real NY Underground who owned cops in NYC and were connected to the Clinton Boys of major funding supporters. I was never permitted to keep my money I made from jobs/work to pay my bills. He controlled everything and I was to give him cash after cashing checks immediately. Any money I made with him on jobs with his company in Landscape architecture was controlled by him & his mother. When I finally had the guts to leave him, I was penniless.
I thought I had escaped though. I was wrong. I don't have much to look forward too, and my parents have no remorse for harming me. They revert to new forms of gaslighting & abuse when I'm around that have more recent years involved a gun. So, they are not reasonable people with me.
I know this diminished my financial health so badly, I'm not sure how to continue to live these days.
Hawaii is full of new Asian program refuse that enjoys being posited in handlers' positions. They see the money & benefits of being sex workers in part as unimpeded success. So the perpetrators, Gangstalking programs, pimps, DeepState law enforcement participation, judges, use of illegal Psychotronic weapons and more have been relentless here in Honolulu County.
I'd like to conclude this with some reasonable way to financially hold together while trying to heal. It's been 2years for me and I have little to show for the healing I've done, except that I am alive.
I don't have a partner out here in Hawaii. Noone is trustworthy in that sense since they plug the sex trade out here, plus they gaslight or bring perps into my space who gaslight. Difficult to heal with continued intruders. Even the healing group was perped by the CIA and one foreign woman moved into a CIA owned home.
So, being outdoors has been the only way to get some peace (discounting the remote Entrainment I was trained to be aware of). HAWAII'S been awful, so instead of working at some hostess bar or strip club that won't allow me to heal;-
I've been at the bottom picking up randomly dropped gift cards to get a meal. Literally, I pray alot. And there isn't much to look forward too.
What has changed is that I can keep the MK trauma monkey mind under control a little better & let those thoughts float by with mindful acknowledgement. It does entail I take time away from the bad environments where money is a fast solution. I got here due to Entrapment. So, I have poverty or abuse to choose from.
The men that come my way normally aren't "rescuer" types. They aren't the type to include me in a social group to get connected with others & make friendships either. So, it has been a really lonely 8 years.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Intro Background Interview with Ramola D
Angela: Hi, Thank you Ramola, thank you for your time & your dedication
Interviewer Ramola: And you're on a bigger island out there. (you're on one of the bigger islands in Hawaii 1:48)
Angela: I'm on Oahu. It's really beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D: Yeah it certainly looks it. And look at the weather my goodness, Everybody/Everyone on the East Coast is dreaming of Spring and you're full blown Summer.
Angela: Yeah it's beautiful out here.
Interviewer Ramola D.: So/And
Angela: Yeah it's very different than 2:29
Interviewer Ramola D: That's great, that's great, that's wonderful. A very outdoorsy kind of place it sounds like. Whales & Dolphins in the Ocean, do you see them?
Angela: Oh yes definitely, and the Turtles, every body's favorite.
Interviewer Ramola D.: Oh brilliant brilliant wonderful. So, Angela where did you want to start? Do you want to talk a little about 3:05 Your background in Pennsylvania & growing up there & your family.
So, your family is kind of a biracial family, right?
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale
Ramola D.: Great.
Angela M. Kneale: And so they lived out there.
Ramola D: Yeah and so Hawaii was a stop to get there. And your mother comes from a very fairly well known Japanese family?
Angela M. Kneale: Yeah, I don't get allot of information becaus, obviously with Hiroshima & the A bombings there's allot of sensitivity. So, my mom's family had been involved with National Security in a sense (trying to translate it the best that I can) for a very long time. I guess putting the word "merchants" on the family name. also merchants (5:02) mom's side also. guess the more modern part of it has evolved into my uncle being a retired executive of the Takenaka Corporation, his last name being Takenaka Ta-Ke-Na-Ka and founding family and he was a steel broker / steel purchaser also grew up in Pennsylvania near Bethlehem Steel, and I grew up around Bethlehem Steel Executives and people hauling the steel. (signal cutting out)
Angela: Because, Yeah, We're at about the same Latitude.
Interviewer Ramola D. : That's amazing, so you've Touched on a wide variety of neighborhood, and the fact they belonged to a cult, and perhaps maybe not the Rosacrucians you're talking about in your neighborhood, you know not that specific branch of the cult. There is some information on-line (11:27)I think about them. But you also talked about your brother being killed in 2005, did you want to talk about that? talk about that alittle bit.
Angela:(hesitant) Riight
Angela M. Kneale: So I knew
Ramola D.: Oh Wow.
Angela M. Kneale: they weren't even keeping my voting record private.
ramola D.: It's not hard to Follow, We can keep up with you. I thinkth kind of the stream of the Story over here. ok so I understand, So you were really drawn to stay away from Pennsylvania because of the Racism. from what you experienced (16:10) as a child, even as a child in Elementary school , and so forth.
Angela Kneale: no matter how severe
Ramola D: yeah yeah so you had a kind of a busy moving kind of life that sounds like. And, and what about the rest of your family?
I'm a little kid trying to grow up & I've got these two sets of family, families one on one side, one on the other side, that were like oil & water, literally. And, they told me not to get married or there would be a war. And, not to have children because somebody would kill them on one side or the other, or somebody else. And, I'm not anti, not completely anti-American. (21:50) But there is alot of BS out there with people fantasizing about who they are, you know they're not the people who killed at Iwo Jima, I know they're not my uncle, my Great-Uncle, who took me for a cheese steak. Either you know the person who pulled the trigger on the Japanse and my uncle was trying to make amends in a sense, you know and give me space from my dad's relatives. So, my personal perception is very different from the general American Public.
CIA's split apparently and the Rosicrucians people and the white supremacist had gotten so (22:31)aggressive They followed me home from one of the jobs that I had at a Telecom Company and up the driveway. And, I had gone in the house but I didn't know my mom was around the other side of the hous and they actually threatened my mother. I mean this is somebody on a motorcycle with confederate flag who was a service tech at the company Eastcom. And he came up our driveway and my mother & dad just told me I had to leave because I was atttracting the negative attention directly.
Ramola D.: 26:34 So there's opportunity you're saying for all sorts of entrenched Occultic Secret Society Abuse and Masonic Abuse perhaps and police who are not really on the up & up.
No, The police hacked my Facebook.They have done that I had posted an officer card because I had called the police on somebody in my family the last time I returned home. And, they hacked my facebook. I can't say that it was the police directly but most everyone I went to High School with, most of the ones who are kind of safer are on my facebook. um. and it got hacked and they took that information down.
Ramola D.: So alot of small town politics & intruige and entrenched secret society stuff going on.
Angela M. Kneale: Well yeah, I had also had bee.
one little part of it, but Bucks County going towards Doylestown where I worked & Newtown is one percenter community. So, there's also a very elite boarding school in that area. I mean the top notch elite go to that boarding school so I had worked on a customhome for somebody who had gone to that school and the buyers were somebody who Vice President of the probably largest cosmetics firm in the United States. We're not talking about a small stupid crowd of people.
Ramola D.: Right RIght, it wasn't rednecks so much as elitist and yet, very Occultic.
Angela M. Kneale: .Yeah I don't know all of the occult stuff because I feel I was somewhat kept out of it. I mean I have to unravel my own abuse, but everybody knew I was abused by the time I was in Jr. High. by th time I was in Jr. Hight.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: I didn't grow up like a normal Japanese girl. I was beatenup at school pretty much daily and in my elementary school years with the teachers watching. They approved it. I'd get really brown every summer, you know from being outside. So I pretty much got beaten up every single day. And then by the time I went to Jr. High & High School, um, the abuse coming from my parents it was kind of like all day, you know rrecess was abuse, verbal abuse from the teachers, i had every single day, it got worse at High school my US cultures teacher, Everybody knew was a ravist, h used to make fun of the Jewish
they did hire a jewish professor and they would make fun of that teacher as well as me infront of the entire class. So, i wasn't treated with any respect. It wasn't even being left alone or not causeing harm, it was intended, it was intentional. for a long time.
RAMOLA D: MMhmm I'm so sorry.
Angela M. Kneale: So if it weren't for piano I wouldn't have gotten through it, that was my sacntuary.
Ramola D.: MMhmmm.
80's to early 90's
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Mind is a battery
Sunday, July 23, 2017
MKStArgate training included;- cockpit
Part of my #MKstArgate training was to
Prove that I could stay with a downed aircraft in a cockpit most of the time, not to leave it.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Introduction - My beliefs
as well as Sprout Fuel from my blog, you can look up different things by Keywords
I've been blogging for a while and
Most of its been random notes on my TI (Targeted Individual) incidents for 15 years as
well as how things were done. I know I need to go back through and clean it up some, but I am
Cypress Shaman or Intergalctic Shaman or Rogue Galactic Shaman (RGS).
Supposedly was Stargate (MK) program. My Father being US Air Force OSI. My mom's family
I have an aunt and uncle who were in the Japanese steel industry also military
)JP_ family in some sense we were supposed to be here to promote a Peaceful understanding of each other
since there was not much representation for Japanese culture on the East Coast (USA). So, I am Japanese also, and I speak
English, so hopefully you can understand me and we can communicate.
Also, Shaman is a Siberian term. I am Mixed-Race. I've had mixed race blood which is part of why I was targeted for MK Ultra. My initials are A.M>K.
But, I have that Siberian blood, and Chinese Blood, along with Japanese Ainu
. A few Asian Tribes and my Japanese blood plus, some other mixes in there
that put me into the category of a new species.
So, I'm trying to use that as culturally appropriate as I can even though I feel the United States has tried to contort
what was a Spiritual tradition. But, today I'm just going to go through
some of what I've been studying and formulating for myself over many years.
I believe that HAARP is an electromagnetic sin against Heaven and
that our adaptability is what defers the negative impacts of stress.
Adaptability adds to mental stability, and it's adaptability prevents the accident
and illness.
It's important to reinforce Life Force also known as the electromagnetic biorhythm that is from heart and mind.
For other cultures and many traditions of Humans who have previously walked the planet and
spiritual traditions there has been time to meditate and focus on the life force
part of that they talk about the researchers in the United States. The English Language discusses life Force in the heart
mind connection as a shut off, as if we are
mechanism. I thing that if you study Animal welfare philosophy, you'll find that many people have argued away from the
body being a mechanism and that we are not robots.
There is a state of mind. There is a sense of will, a sense of individuality.
Maybe principality, like how to coordinate efforts on the planet are different. But, this heart and mind
focus a meditation. It's not a shut off of the senses. It is a focus on those things that drive the senses.
Just trust in simply being the state of being itself. Being in existence for the immediate
environment. So, taking time to take in the sounds of where you are, the wind, the direction the energy in completeness;- with eyes shut, with eyes open;- is
Just to trust in simply being in and of itself.
Our sound perception in these physical forms goes to high frequency and many people are
complaining about this phenomenon called HAARP on the planet. Predatory animals and animals with acute and sensitive hearing are
able to sleep. There are some spiritual advocates saying that humans can't sleep with high frequency.
Part of that (issue) is the adaptability. It is possible to level up sleep tolerance and accept that it is possible. I myself had hyperacusis. It was
what they reclassified "Super Hearing", meaning- I would perceive and I did perceive high -frequency sound waves
at 50% greater decibel levels than normal, normal people. So, when i took a shower, i could hear the water droplets breaking and it sounded like breaking glass, but in a different pattern. So, I had to learn
how to live in the environment and after reading a very long long, back in 1996, very long publication about HAARP going up
Back then in 1996 I was reading Popular Science and things as well. 1996,1999 came out.
But I was considered sound disabled hearing disabled. I'm just telling people that it is possible even
with electromagnetic interference and weapons that they have. It is possible to sleep, to put the mind at rest
and that sight perception goes up to Approximately 700 colors that have been documented so far. I know my father is
one of those people who can see very slight, the most minuscule shade gradations
so, this sight perception can improve as well, and I personally don't believe all psyche perception
is coming from the Ocular, eyes. I believe that the mind can perceive at a microscopic level. I would love to know how I could prove them wrong, that it's not impossible to see at a microscopic level
something: some creatures, some germs, microscopic life forms.
So, dynamic existence, I also believe the entire universe is moving as a molecular and atomic puzzle. In the study of giving light photon travel speed is 186,000 (186,282) 282 Miles per second that the quality of light itself is fixed and
That these two interactions trigger Super Force and light particles. So to me
me, material existence is a type of dynamic existence that has slowed and freezes. Some religious traditions are calling it
hardening - so that things become hard in your body. Those things you can't find ex-rayed or with a magnetic detector or something.
So there has to be some explanation for those things.
Slows and freezes the frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth. It slows and excuse me, slows and freezes the frequency of perceptible bandwidth.
So, I've always been into, down with it's just very hard for me to d
discuss with anybody since most people and I don't like mentioning names;-
but, I found Max Spiers super interesting because I was like YES, somebody knows what I like, I know what I thin on some levels on the bandwidth is one of them. Especially since I have so many
Genetic markers to use. It's always been understood in my life, since I was a child, that I have all these bandwidths to access. I have so many human genetic Bandwidths to access even through I may be New Species.
So, this idea of dynamic existence slowing and freezing. The frequency of Perceptible Bandwidth is how we have our material existence that is to me. I don't know how it works out exactly in the world of Quantum physics. But, I know what I am capable of doing . If I had time to be a
physicist,I'm sure I would have chosen that path.But I did what I needed to survive. I f I get another lifetime or two I would love to delve into that. So first remove space, remove patterning and remove force and that's part of what I believe. Outside of practical principles, So, if I sound crazy, that's all up to you to decide. I am all these little cards, i make.
Okay, so anyway, arigato for listening and
i'll see if this continues.
By Angela M. 菊地 Kneale
Thursday, December 08, 2016
Friday, April 01, 2016
Cults & "Salvation Syndrome" pt. 2
Continued from previous posts:
My Goal=Trash Structure of Salvation Syndrome: - 3. The Way, 2. The Ideal, 1. The Problem
- Possession within cultural norm or something like normal possession
- Normal possession is an expression of Stress/Anxiety for functional clarity of Mind within Slave Structure.
- Destruction of Energy/Soul Vs. Preservation/ Restructure (Resurrection) of Energy/Soul
- Sound, Frequency, Vibration attracts slaves of like mind
- There is no breaking free of this existence - Humble thyself and accept it.
Cults & "Salvation Syndrome"
A Cult to for me to Study:
Create Biological Confusion = Toxic Mold = Incurable Doom
Catharsis = Obey Homeopath (Ritual) = Impassioned/Elated Existence
Salvation = Living & without most food = Extreme Phenomena
Follows a pattern that fits into ritual cult abuse protocol:
- Exposure to Electro Schumann Frequency therapy
- Change Diet to Minerals & Chlorophyllins - not as sports drink
- Eliminate "spiritual contaminants" from normal food that grows on planet.
- Coerced into receiving "light" and harassment by cult member(s)
;- they claimed I was going through a deep "spiritual cleansing" while I attended "light" sessions for 10months as a non-member. Despite cult members adversely affecting my life, being chased out of my home within a month;- becoming homeless with huge "nutrition" bills, I finally joined the Cult for a short period 2/22/2015-8/2015. I officially resigned 8/2016 and turned in my @ Spiritual level 1 omitama due to their ensuing manipulations/coercion and acute/deadly physical trauma attempts on my head & spinal chord.
The other personal side-note about this cult is that the founder made the cult of a hodgepodge of Asian occult practices and was kicked out of other more established Asian/Japanese cults. The new cult members, as well as those at the Homeopath's office are heavily laden in Network Marketing products as well as having backgrounds in promoting old Nazi value systems such as Skull manipulation and grading, biological blood classification, and financial exploitation of less educated ethnic minority populations. They are English speaking figure heads who have had a dislike of my tribal Asian background from Siberia & the Kurils. Coincidentally, places where their "light giving" okiyome practices began from my tribes shamanic traditions.
My notes on "Salvation Theory" after reading the 1980's publication "DOJO: MAGIC & EXORCISM IN MODERN JAPAN" I ordered shortly after joining the cult. I ordered the book because many of the spiritual dojo members quickly changed behaviour after I "joined" and took the initiation course & ceremony. They began to behave abusively and malevolent spiritually. Their behaviour was similar to other cult behaviour I experienced in my childhood. The quickly confirmed and explained the main ideas that were enveloped in their particular "Sect."
- The main Criticism of the Cult members were that they are all "high" on themselves (Ideal Ego) to be giving the "light of God to people."
- The positive was that a person is able to "Bless Food" that is animal derived even though they are striking hypocrites.
- There was much hypocrisy of words & actions in between and little logical continuity.
"Possession in Western Culture is considered pathological behaviour due to the Legal System" (Dojo: Magic & Exorcism in Modern Japan, Page 127).
- Sodium Amylobabitone for functional organic/biological confusion
- Post-Hypnotic Confusion
- Denial of Actions & Refutes responsibility of Actions (common in Delta altar)
- Hypnotic Behavior
- Hypno-Sociodrama
- Catharsis
- Psychic Abreaction
- Electro or Insulin Convulsive Therapy - (Typical in Hawaii)
- Sodium-Amytal
- Sodium Pentothal
- Orgasm / Sex - (Typical in Hawaii)
- Religious Ritual - (Typical everywhere)
- Hyper-Arouse
- Hypnotic Lethargy
- Semi-Meditative Tranquility
- Psychogenic Stupor - Extreme cases only.
- Spiritual Seizure - is not hypnotic, it comes from Repressed Guilt aka Symbolic form of "evil" spirit.
- Actual Ego compartmentalizes Repressed Guilt/ "evil" spirit to balance the Ideal Ego
- aka. Compartmentalize is to hide the disassociation of a deviation from the
U (Unbearable Dread/Fear) + I (Endless Realm of Hope) = A
U :- First, is created by placing an uncompromised importance on a concern/object/ideal/movement/practice. A deviation from that First is assigned an Harmful & No compromise Consequence.
I :- The Endless Realm of Hope - Prayer, Practice, Spells, Giving Light with God,
independent disassociation from the Value System leads to perceived placement in Exceptional meritorious sphere/Realm.
Most people who gravitate towards cults do so because they have experienced childhood with some religious setting. The religious setting may have been one of the most peaceful times to interact with "strangers". If there was a meditation or other prayer time, this is a very powerful feeling because there is a sense of safety and trust in closing one's eyes and diminishing senses while reciting a prayer. Many times, all of these basic elements in a person's life are gradually overcome with hectic modern life. Unlike other regression periods, participating in religious or "Spiritual" groups is a socially acceptable adult practise.
OFFERING by the Cult, Religious faction or Spiritual group
- (Mission Statement) An inclusion in the group whose members have a Value System that is based on the appreciation of a common denominator;- singular (noun) Object, Ideal, Person.
- (Participation) The ability for members to participate in a supportive environment that supports the Value System.
- (Acknowledgement) Since many people are not going to give large sums of money (Pirates), the Social Acknowledgement from group must have a high value for the person's ego.
It is from this last portion the Social Acknowledgement that the Cult gains it's momentum and control.
Mind Control and Ego are common facets of Total Environment. Symbology has evolved in similar ways throughout the world;- yet homogenization of Symbology in meaning/definition is not uniform throughout the world. I'm not talking about any traditional college courses here. These are attributes that I am attempting to define from my point of view at the organizational level of a Cult or group that is "Spiritually" inclined.
Actual Ego + Ideal Ego = Destruction or Resurrection of Ego
The Actual Ego, is the Ego in itself with it's natural flaws and understanding of Sin, Good & Evil.
When the Actual Ego enters the Cult, there is a significant impact of feeling "unworthy", due to dedication of time to values, that may be impressed on the individual. This unworthy feeling may be kept supressed by the new member. Some Cult members call this the testing period, other's use it as a crux for bending a person to surrender themselves to the Cult for fear of further rejection.
The Ideal Ego, (ie., the Divine person who is with God);- This is to say, some fantasized version of what life is like as a human, within human social constraints living perfectly with the Spiritual Value System. However, attached to the Ideal Ego is a typified Ultimate Personage. The Ultimate Personage is the spiritual version of Ideal Ego that is meditated upon and used for Actual Ego comparison check-in.
Destruction of Ego;- In fact, once the Prayer/Check-in with God/Meditation/Spell/Healing Energy is made the Actual Ego goes through a small, or large, destruction (aka to Humble oneself). In extreme cases, the Actual Ego is annihilated/destroyed as a show of unworthiness in this realm of existence;- ie., Waco, Suicide bombers, Mass suicides. In a normal case, slight correction of an unbecoming behaviour or circumstance & attributing the correction to the Ultimate Personage/ Thaumaturgy/ God.
- The Cult already knows that most people "will believe in" the 10% they hear that is good.
- This Destruction of Ego is a small eye opening to see & change the 90% undesirable with the Cult's Value System.
Resurrection of Ego;- The Actual Ego attains a "Theta state" while accepting the Cult programming. The Overall corrections to the Value System are comprehensive and emerge as to fit the desires/needs of the Cult. On a spiritual level, the Actual Ego has relaxed within the Cult environment and is attuned to the Value System in entirety and can insert pentagram to dictate change.
The Comic/Movie Deadpool uses the "Salvation Theory" justification theme
Incurable Death + Ultimate Cure = Deadpool
Spiritual Cults work on a similar platform.
write more later;- bedtime....m still sorting out all of this... groan. My worse than a vampire problem has subsided Skinwalker Navajo & Rosacrucians. Time taken over by retired? DELTA altar Military Contractor, Add back in JP Cult members tied to Yakuza gangs, and minus one Nutritionist who hates me who has White supremacy background and a huge Isis tattoo splayed on her back. I NEED SLEEP!!!!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
I am Plant
We are beings of the Great Divine Light and life-giving force.
The variations that make our unique human body are part of our physical gift from God.
My human form, is gifted with being able to sustain itself on minerals, water, some plant matter, and chloryphillins as well as on plant life and filled with the Great Divine Light and of God's creation.
My next task, as others have indicated is for me to switch my human form to a light-based diet of light alone. We may see the future as humanity as sustainable if this is accomplished.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Breathing Meditations
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Me with that look-- are you kidding me?!!!!! again. |