Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2022

Positive and Good

The positive, there were tons of great ideas. The negative, these great ideas fail to keep the world from destruction when used simultaneously. And what needs improvement-- is that the issue has become so overwhelming, we actually need real corrective actions - outside of more regulations that will fail us.

Look for the positive in everything and what is good. Ignore the dark tragedy and evil.
Leave duality of the universe. What have we left unscathed to change our "living on mother earth" framework?

I looked back at the racial tensions of the past decade, and did a mindfulness meditation to "remove that stress" from my  background mental chatter. Justified to find healing, I did what worked in the open and loving diverse environment I was in. Moving away from that environment, I expected similar treatment when I returned to the mainland USA. And my soul was deeply bruised for being misguided.
No, not all healing groups are the same in all places. Even under the same title. There is an interpersonal dynamic that chips away. 

Yesterday my meditation was on making peace with those who outrightly told me they hate Japanese, through the pandemic.
And my mind guided me to the thoughts about my "too quiet" demeanor. That I simply think to myself, I came here to heal. But you want to pick a fight with me, that is inappropriate. So I will leave the space and focus on my healing.
I've repeated this hundreds of not thousands of times in my life. And it's become a habit since few people have ever stood up for me to make a space for me, let alone in an appropriate way.

Changing religion to some light workers is like changing a burnt out light bulb. Yet, I /we are still in the room afflicted by the lighting-- no matter how many rainbow modes shine and linger. 

Thinking about the light workers I know-- religion has become a tool to socially network or a work around for complex persecution and systemic racism. It upholds the openness factor to different people and ideas, yet it fails to resolve the overall main issue-- having human rights upheld according to the State Laws, and UN Human rights acts. 

Switching lighting is a fun thing to take the mind off of otherwise obvious flawed society. And may provide some basic sustenance to quiet those who sell their wretched souls at the price of daily ,low maintenance contentment. 

How many times will nations reinvent themselves with social and economic theory, only to fail the people contained within their borders? Globalism, is a management style with a hint of consideration for how corrupt local governments can be manipulated. Globalism hardly rivals "well established" western families who essentially show the Globalists how laws are worked around in their local communities. And today, we see that concepts of equality only exist in dragging an opponent to the ground before throwing them off a cliff.

What is the good and positive? I started there and started shaming myself silently for stewing brashness-- and switching the lighting effect to focus on the bad and evil that taints it's duality in good.  There are some absolute rules that should be followed, to maintain and uplift ALL life on earth.  It is an absolute must.

While war casted shadows remain ghostlike, engulfing society like a dim mist. We have arrived at a point in time where the wings of protection surrounding us are unable to protect us from being burnt up from the closeness of the sun. We are all dying, with that one guarantee life has to offer -- death itself. It's time we save the natural world from a collapse upon us now, immediately. It s only for the worldcentric who understand the layers of focused niche experts whose collective inventions and researched applications have torn the fabric of the world apart.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

2nd draft with melody notes

 This is the song in Treble clef. However, I'm still deciding on mix since I'm more comfortable as an alto.

Things to note for other instruments: 

1. It is in D Mixolydian

2. I wrote for piano and voice.

3. The lyrics open on an ascending minor seventh (a bit unusual)

The range is B3-F5 for this version... and due to deciding the accompaniment, it's not the 100% placement of all the notes yet. I originally sang while vamping in my head voice everything is an octave lower except the scale in line 2. The song is written for Bruno Groening in the Music group. Have a lot to do since there's no Midi keyboard here.   Chord progression with melody is simple without accompaniment. It's in 

The word Groe-ning is on a downbeat with my accompaniment.

The Lyrics and melody...basically - not finished version.

Basic Lyrics after the vamp sesh. - there's more.. yet not needed.

Photo in My Mind

I've been with Bruno Groening for some time
His photograph etched in my mind
And doing Einstillen is his way
I take in heilstrom everyday

Bruno Groening my old friend
(Original:) Through loneliness and grief  (substitute:) Through love we are so blessed
Find my way to the healing wave
(Original:) That God made heilstrom (substitute:) God so made us blessed

And then one day someone asked me
Can I have a ride with you, my friend
I don't have what it takes 
To get there doing what I can

Through the help of some one I adore,
 that is what they meant by love
And many blessings came 
to take away the pain and suffering too

I held your photograph in my hands one day
And my heart it stood so still
The healing came quick one day
After I had prayed many hours and months and years

I've been with Bruno Groening for some time
With his photo etched in my mind
God sent the divine

Find my way to the healing wave
That God so made heilstrom

Sunday, September 20, 2020

New personal prayer for daily use

By Angela M. Kneale (Draft of New Personal prayer 9/18/2020) 

Dear God & Dear Bruno, 

I am grateful for my life today. And, I am grateful for all of the blessings and miracles bestowed upon me. I ask for my health and well being. Divine Insight Divine protection

I ask for my blood to be clean of parasites, mold, viruses, and any disease and uric acid crystals and other nanos. For my blood cells to be optimal and strong and healthy. For my  body to be alkaline and in Ketosis. For my digestive system to work perfectly and efficiently without the digestive enzymes. I ask for strength and longevity in my joints and skin and cartilage and for renewed collagen without need for animal products. For the vitamin C to cleanse my body, for the saltwater to cleanse  my digestive tract, and for all of the minerals, silica, and Amino Acids I require to maintain my optimal and best health and rejuvenated healing. For my blood sugar to be balanced and my mind to be clear and functioning properly, optimally all the time. I ask for your blessing of my food, nutrition, and hydration to maintain my body in completeness and for my best mindstate as much as possible.

I ask for complete healing of past injuries, traumas, and emotional attachments. For myself to be the best tuned human, spiritual, and quantum form. And for God's work to be done through me so that my actions are of God.  I ask for all of my DNA. 

I ask for the places on earth especially Oahu and Hawaii dearst to my heart. To be free from the evils of humanity and for the protection of the Honu, the Pueo, The vana, the birds, fish, sharks, whales, and all of the reef community. I ask for the surfers and divers who helped me. I ask for Da Hui and the community who protects(ed) me. I ask for the healing of the waters of O'ahu and Hawaii, the sand, the crabs, the shells, and all other ocean life in the Pacific. 

I ask for protection of my relatives who love me unconditionally and my home and belongings. I ask for my customers, friends, bosses, co-workers, businesses that supported my life. I ask for healing of the Earth. for all of the animals and creatures who love me unconditionally. I ask for blessings of the air I breathe, the water I drink, the land I walk upon, and all molecules and particles that support life in this form. 

Thankyou God, for my life and this experience on Earth. 

I ask for these things that I cannot attain on my own easily;- 

I ask for these people who I cannot help without you;- 

I ask for the Master healers and Bruno Groening who love me unconditionally.

I ask for the spirits who love me unconditionally. 

Thankyou God.

Sunday, February 03, 2019

Meditation changed my life

30 years ago, I used to just meditate. I never thought it was a cure. Since I started, I found It is a cure when done correctly.

Meditation 1st, takes away the societal stress the ego puts on our souls.

Meditation 2nd, focus creates a flawless place away for our soul to experience freedom.

Meditation 3rd, is where our soul & body can achieve healing;- let go of sickness & complications entirely. Give them to God to amend.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Gaslighting & MK Healing

I think the most difficult thing in trying to heal from Occultic Abuse & MK protocols is keeping my finances in reasonable status. I grew up in the countryside of Bucks County only about 1mile from the Rosacrucians Ceremonial Grounds & at the home of my late Great- Grandmother. The troughs & wells of traumatic memories do bring me into a downward spiral. I don't want to interact with others, I feel very underprivileged in life when I revisit the trauma. And then, my reputation at this point in my 40+yes of life has virtually been destroyed by the last handler & attempts on my life here in Hawaii.
Normal people just don't know how much sheer abuse it is to go through. Plus, there are an excessive amount of perps on the island. So the gaslighting that is predominant by the handler's & perps is magnified. My parent's actually seemed to get an energy rush for as long as I can remember from gaslighting me. Before I learned the term gaslighting, I used to tell people my parents lie to me about my own life. My mother used to tell me "they" told her what to say. Gaslighting that I was bad as a toddler deserving 50+ lashes from my father's 3" thick leather belt seemed to make him happy. Gaslighting that I didn't graduate from College, when my diploma was present & I was permitted to walk twice since I did an extra environmental organizing program at a different University & would have missed the friends I made in my planned graduating class.
My father didn't like me online & used gaslighting on me as I sat in the office at the house working on an accelerated Masters degree after I worked for IT entrepreneur Fred Gross at his home office on his 3rd IT startup and who created PeopleSoft.
My parents have been detrimental to my progress in life. They have stated they want me to lie for them like a reasonable person if I am to have anything. Their gaslighting and abuse has also resulted in my parents stealing an over $40k piano library I had expected to keep throughout my life, among many other things I worked and paid for. And, their insanity they impress on me has financially been detrimental.
I don't need to say my to MK  survivors who understand the sheer greed many parents have from putting their kids through MK protocols. It seems to be a common thread that parents somehow made financial gains by abusing their children for the program and we survivors and children of these lunatics are left without much to cope with in life.
In some sense our parents are victims of the program, however;- in attempting to recover from MK programs, it is a very Rocky road financially. To see who people are, to identify their addiction to less attractive & violent tendencies. The abuses I mentioned are just a couple of the daily ritual abuse I anticipated each day. No, hitting a toddler daughter with a belt till she blacks out is not a hand. Yet the abuse was relentless.
They don't love me, they never have loved me. And I hate to say this but there is no such thing as "tough love". There is no payment, there is no financial glory for the victim of MK. There is only trying to put an end to these programs. It included especially my 1st piano teacher in Quakertown who told my mother about veganism & keeping my brain functioning cleanly and to abuse me like Beethoven to be more successful with my life.  I do mean this program ran the course of my life in public and including the schools & churches. The teachers beat me in elementary school with paddles that were 3-5'long with holes for bad handwriting and threatened to beat my hands with rulers till they were red. They called me derogatory names in front of the class, they told me I'd go to hell at church and attempted to murder me at church, in earshot of my brother who they physically tortured. All the other children saw this as acceptable and participated in the group abuse. Noone ever stood up for me in my life. Noone.

The neighbors I had were an Irish national & English national couple, Rosacrucians family relatives, crazed right wing godparents who shot my cat. I mean really rotten people since I'm Japanese. They really lividly hate Japan and mocked my mother in my presence. Nothing was sacred. Nothing.
My mom's Atlantic City friends insisted on touching me and I refused, she told me I'd get extra beatings if I didn't comply. So, the daily abuse was not chemically induced. I remember much of it clearly.
My parents & their community have never treated me like a thinking, intelligent, human being. They simply pummeled me with gaslighting perceptions my entire life. Never arranged graduation parties or birthday parties and tried to force friendships on me with kids of parents they we're friends with-- probably from the program since I never saw these people together elsewhere, or at church, etc.

People don't have sympathy for people like me. Especially since my mom's family is abroad. I was brought up to be bait and attract the scourge of the Earth since I don't have a family or relationships with others that are friendships.

All of my friends in college backed away when they learned my partner of 9yrs who graciously stuck with me after I was drugged and gang raped by coworkers at a potluck;- that I had basically been adopted by the real NY Underground who owned cops in NYC and were connected to the Clinton Boys of major funding supporters. I was never permitted to keep my money I made from jobs/work to pay my bills. He controlled everything and I was to give him cash after cashing checks immediately. Any money I made with him on jobs with his company in Landscape architecture was controlled by him & his mother. When I finally had the guts to leave him, I was penniless.
I thought I had escaped though. I was wrong. I don't have much to look forward too, and my parents have no remorse for harming me. They revert to new forms of gaslighting & abuse when I'm around that have more recent years involved a gun. So, they are not reasonable people with me.
I know this diminished my financial health so badly, I'm not sure how to continue to live these days.
Hawaii is full of new Asian program refuse that enjoys being posited in handlers' positions. They see the money & benefits of being sex workers in part as unimpeded success. So the perpetrators, Gangstalking programs, pimps, DeepState law enforcement participation, judges, use of illegal Psychotronic weapons and more have been relentless here in Honolulu County.
I'd like to conclude this with some reasonable way to financially hold together while trying to heal. It's been 2years for me and I have little to show for the healing I've done, except that I am alive.
I don't have a partner out here in Hawaii. Noone is trustworthy in that sense since they plug the sex trade out here, plus they gaslight or bring perps into my space who gaslight. Difficult to heal with continued intruders.  Even the healing group was perped by the CIA and one foreign woman moved into a CIA owned home.

So, being outdoors has been the only way to get some peace (discounting the remote Entrainment I was trained to be aware of). HAWAII'S been awful, so instead of working at some hostess bar or strip club that won't allow me to heal;-
I've been at the bottom picking up randomly dropped gift cards to get a meal. Literally, I pray alot. And there isn't much to look forward too.

What has changed is that I can keep the MK trauma monkey mind under control a little better & let those thoughts float by with mindful acknowledgement. It does entail I take time away from the bad environments where money is a fast solution. I got here due to Entrapment. So, I have poverty or abuse to choose from.
The men that come my way normally aren't "rescuer" types. They aren't the type to include me in a social group to get connected with others & make friendships either. So, it has been a really lonely 8 years.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hawaii: Saving Stuff from Toxic Mold Spore exposure

Angela Kneale is a survivor of Toxic Mold aka Mycotoxin poisoning. What is contained in this page and blog is my personal experiences in living with and reducing symptoms of the Toxic mold strains in MY body and in my belongings. This is my personal journal as many have asked me questions about how I was able to get healthy from Mold Mycotoxin poisoning experiences. Also, I have a resurrection gene.

Several of the people who I meet have difficult emotional issues over the loss of their belongings to the Toxic mold.  So, many mold survivors in Hawaii seem to feel the need to keep clothes, furniture, and other household items. The cost of living for a meager life here is high. They move their belongings to a new location without attempt to use concrobium;- especially clothes & furniture. Financially and for health;- we all know it is better to just throw everything away. The emotional and irrational result is not the same. They positively cringe at the idea of throwing away all of their clothes. Even after putting the clothes in clear bags and seeing mold growth in the clear bag. Even after stating they experience more severe symptoms of toxic mold. 

Toxic Mold spores can be trapped in clothing.  Emitted mycotoxins from such clothing can contribute to external Mycotoxin exposure. These trapped spores can also settle in new homes and have potential to grow and proliferate in the new location.   

What I did, personally, is different. 

I met the Stachyobactrys & Aspergillius molds in a natural indoor/outdoors environment of a rain-forest. After meeting many other Toxic Mold survivors;- this makes my situation entirely different. The Toxic mold was not a result of any interior flooding, so not much indoors was exposed to mold growth. The front bathroom;- stored towels were left at the location. I didn't have contaminated furniture, and the furniture used was already at the location. I normally used a natural laundry wash like Ecos, but switched to the Melaluca Company brand. I purchased a new towel or two as I needed them, and learned not to keep too many towels. An unknown variety of Bathroom mold proliferates most of Hawaii's shower stalls. 

1st thing was to contain my things in see-through storage containers and bags. 
And, the outfit & slippers/flip flops I wore the day I left were thrown out. I got brand new & inexpensive clothes. I also cleaned up my car immediately, and normally clean it daily.
Back in 2014, Some of my things had been stored in a clean areas of the house, outside. 
The rest, from the indoors was packed in clear plastic tub containers. I left everything in storage for 3 months before revisiting it, when my blood was clear enough (though not entirely decontaminated). I threw away several tubs that had spots of mold in it, even small spots of mold. The interesting part was that the things that many of the things I expected to be contaminated weren't contaminated and the things I didn't expect to be contaminated were.  However, the location of the items was key. Many things that were closer to the open windows and bathrooms and wet areas, such as the kitchen were contaminated. Several, other containers were clean & clear. 

Animals with Toxic Mold growth:
I can't confirm that there weren't mold spores around as the dog would come inside from the contaminated walk and jump on the cloth covered couch and the bed. The sheets were washed regularly. Notable: The dog frequently wouldn't eat/touch the grain dog-food. Or, would eat it a bite at a time. The cat was on a grain-free diet, and the dog preferred her food. 

Others living at the Residence:-
There were up to 12 people tracking in and out of the residence at the time with their children and rich nanny. To me, it seems that the tenant manager at the property, who lived/lives at the same residence, had symptoms of mycotoxin exposure. But, even though I encouraged the manager to seek medical attention for their large tumor like growth;- the manager refused. I discussed it with my homeopath and was told that I can't make anyone go to the ER for the Mold and probably candida issue, they have to want to get better. Not much I could do, except take care of myself.