Showing posts with label Journal. By Angela M. Kneale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal. By Angela M. Kneale. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

2nd draft with melody notes

 This is the song in Treble clef. However, I'm still deciding on mix since I'm more comfortable as an alto.

Things to note for other instruments: 

1. It is in D Mixolydian

2. I wrote for piano and voice.

3. The lyrics open on an ascending minor seventh (a bit unusual)

The range is B3-F5 for this version... and due to deciding the accompaniment, it's not the 100% placement of all the notes yet. I originally sang while vamping in my head voice everything is an octave lower except the scale in line 2. The song is written for Bruno Groening in the Music group. Have a lot to do since there's no Midi keyboard here.   Chord progression with melody is simple without accompaniment. It's in 

The word Groe-ning is on a downbeat with my accompaniment.

The Lyrics and melody...basically - not finished version.

Basic Lyrics after the vamp sesh. - there's more.. yet not needed.

Photo in My Mind

I've been with Bruno Groening for some time
His photograph etched in my mind
And doing Einstillen is his way
I take in heilstrom everyday

Bruno Groening my old friend
(Original:) Through loneliness and grief  (substitute:) Through love we are so blessed
Find my way to the healing wave
(Original:) That God made heilstrom (substitute:) God so made us blessed

And then one day someone asked me
Can I have a ride with you, my friend
I don't have what it takes 
To get there doing what I can

Through the help of some one I adore,
 that is what they meant by love
And many blessings came 
to take away the pain and suffering too

I held your photograph in my hands one day
And my heart it stood so still
The healing came quick one day
After I had prayed many hours and months and years

I've been with Bruno Groening for some time
With his photo etched in my mind
God sent the divine

Find my way to the healing wave
That God so made heilstrom

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Pali Entity & Orbs in daylight

Self painted rough illustration of Daytime Yellow orbs & magenta orb I saw at the Pali outlook.
Just a quick rough  illustration of what I saw at the Pali during Daylight. Later I learned that the entity who spoke with me was probably a Hawaiian Mo'o The energy was peaceful that day, however the wind was so strong I could lean back on my heels and it kept me from falling. The reddish orb was actually more magenta color and more floaty feel like a rainbow light intense deep magenta color cloud. The yellow orbs were over the walkway as well as beyond the railing and over the cliff floating. It was where I had previously seen Hawaiian warriors pushing each other during a pre-dawn darkness exploration at the Pali.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Green Paper - Private Shipping - Disaster Recovery vs. Old Grid living

my personal Notes: While going through some urbanesque (urban-like) survival, some environmental concerns do come to the forefront with Supply Chain. I want to see a less toxic personal home use supply chain that may succumb to extreme loss for a period of 80-100 years with global population growth.

For my private shipping Goals;- elimination of unnecessary weight in cargo
elimination of unnecessary product shipments while natural disasters ensue

Global Initiative Goal:  Make metals recycling of containers & appliances UNNECESSARY in public use.

Vegilogi's Goal: 
Eliminate use of metal cans & related mined materials for daily use food pantry item foods from the supply chain. Replace with least toxic storage option.
  • Shorten Product warehouse storage time on daily pantry items - 
    • Shorten Expiration and move product out of warehouse as "stock" mandatory 2 year minimum on warehouse stored product with 3.5-3.9 year total shelf life from production. 
    • Reduce warehouse storage time on unnecessary food items such as Candies to holding stock for less than 1.5 years
    • Increase warehouse storage facilities for survival goods in cans to 15+ years with more subsidies to warehouse canned food stocks.
  • Shorten Product to Retail Purchase
  • Change packaging for fish, meats, seafood, pet foods, soups - impress dehydrated foods as storage method. 
  • Refocus on hydration supply to re-hydrate such foods - Hydrators.
  • Can be interpreted as moving "healthy/ natural foods"
  • Increase reuse incentive of plastic containers that house dry goods;- supplement powders, grains, dehydrated edible plant matter & other protein based nutritional sources.
  • Promote shipment of personal water filtration bottles & reduce any canned hydration or recreational drink stocks.
  • Reduce number of personal kitchens with pots, pans, and metal cooking utensils. 
    • Reduce public sales of personal use/household metals
    • Increase disaster recovery stock of portable personal cooking burners (solar or gas @warehouse storage) 
      • note:# urban survival burner can: make a 30min heat sourced burner from tuna/pet food sized can with tightly rolled corrugated cardboard inside, minimal candle wax (prolong burn), and long burning wick to start.can be placed in a larger empty coffee can to warm things and trap some heat.
    • implement used/broken pot/pans & utensils collections to prevent landfill burial
The use of Cans - BPA-Free or not should be a "Survival Only item" rather than a storage method for daily pantry items that need short storage. Acid based foods that deteriorate packaging need to be reduced as well.  One of the most pertinent issues then becomes continual transport of non-hazmat goods and use of shipping systems geared towards transport of food/liquids. This is in part to reduce EX-IM liability of potential terrorist threats that could easily be hidden in metal container packaging.
I cannot insure the integrity of entire team that I would have to rely on. I have had to consider the requirements of the goods I would ship. I looked at the US GOVT as a model;- and their requirements are different and allow metal items to be shipped domestically & internationally as single packages with personal liability on the sender.
However, as a larger company;- I would not want to incur that liability of metal items being sent.
China & other nations that take actions against democracies, have engineered plastics to resemble weights, densities and textures of natural materials and also disguised toxins as food ingredients.
My focus has been to set the HULOTOXIGEN standard high. This lends itself to a perishable cargo or a cargo that is not haz-mat or chemically complex of human design. Use of mobile refrigeration container units and their storage could be employed across Grids as plug-ins and singular vending sites (with solar compatibility as a mandatory requirement).
To reduce the cost to the shipper and insure a sufficient number of the units, there needs to be a demand. Current American home kitchen standards do not support this type of business to exist with profitability to maneuver the current economic platform in North America. Globally, this type of business has potential to reach even more remote communities with a sufficient power supply;- even a solar converter, to provide the community with a weekly-bi-weekly fresh food source and cooking station for dry/ preserved foods.  

A more extreme viewpoint (or more living like a New Yorker) that I have concluded so as to develop my company values. I don't believe that every home deserves or needs what has become commercial/restaurant quality kitchen equipment in comparison to food standards from 70 years ago using most famous cookbooks from 1950's7 60's as a basis. The reality of old or uncleaned and thrown away kitchen appliances is the loss of metal resource and landfill space used.

Goal: Eliminate large personal kitchen appliances in private condo/homes
or America (specific): Government subsidies for kitchen appliance use & maintenance (purchase, utility, shipment) of large personal/family kitchen appliances to process & cook foods for families with children.
1. To reduce Shipping Insurance damages and loss of materials/goods
2. Redistribute cost of single person home appliances & depreciation (due to transience and unoccupied time) to support restaurant & convenience and vending services.
  •     Immediate cost of utilities also included in vending/ convenience store products
3. Kitchen square footage can be re-allocated to emergency shelter space without new construction (more for USA/Canada than Tokyo, Japan). Possible to implement Government payment or tax incentive for emergency shelter housing to participating homeowners.
4. Re-organize distribution of refrigeration units on the Grid - Small Convenience stores & grocery. - in power out, Grid power gone.
5. Re-train consumer habit of continual refrigeration for large quantities of sauces and condiments, the beer fridge, cold storage of "power/meal bars" includes installation of solar panels for pre-existing personal kitchen units.

2011 Vegilogi, LLC Product Needs:
  • Reusable &  plastic-flex see through packaging or bulk packaging for fresh or prepared food - oxygenated/ fresher needs to be reusable & strong for units. Vegetables/ Fruits requirements to be - 
    • Live enough to be taken out of the package at point of purchase
    • Stays fresh in H20/water for 3-5 days without any refrigeration.
  • contaminant free: wime barrel style to contain breakages (see through window) buoyancy

America Specific: 
USA refrigeration is mainly used for hydration, frozen veggies (that incur frostbite), desserts, sauces, beer, eggs, milk, Peanut butter, cheese, and incurs a large waste of fresh vegetables & fruits, breads, and luncheon meats & cheeses (speculative due to high volume of sandwich/sub/hoagie shops).
Even without a refrigeration unit in the personal home: Current  (not expired)  liquid  hydration/ Hydrators can be secured in aseptic packaging and reconstituted such as almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk. Non-vegan items could still include high-quality dehydrated eggs for omelettes, crepes, scrambled eggs for personal home use. Dehydrated eggs still serve as a protein source and would cook quickly over emergency burners on a downed grid. Traditional butter keeps out in a covered butter dish at a cooler room temperature and fresh oils could be used if there is still burner/ stove top cooking in the household with use of a thin pizza pan.

   2011 Vegilogi, LLC Product Needs*:  
  • high-quality dehydrated eggs (vegan equivalent)
  • Dehydrated Pepperonis (vegan possible?
  • Science adding oil to a dry parmesean style - mozzerella cheese type protein powder base (make stringy reconstitution) 
  • Spice packet for a dehydrated cauliflower or traditional crust
  • Dehydrated pizza sauce
  • Hydrators:- Requirements;- flavorful for addition to dehydrated proteins & foods, without refrigeration stays preserved in aeseptic packaging or other non-metal & contaminant free packaging.

 *Note: the above products should be able to be cooked on "basic" urban survival burner can
# urban survival burner can: make a 30min heat sourced burner from tuna/pet food sized can with tightly rolled corrugated cardboard inside, minimal candle wax (prolong burn), and long burning wick to start.can be placed in a larger empty coffee can to warm things and trap some heat.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bugging OUt

Bugging Out:- Belongings are critical and leaving them is not a good option. This can include the Car/ Vehicle as a solid and/or mobile Home base.

Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
Summer to Tropical Climate - Key is to Stay HYDRATED & Maintain Body temperature
  4. UNPLUG ALL USB/CHARGER DEVICES WHEN NOT IN THE VEHICLE  Can drain Car battery or start electrical fire.
  6.  KEEP A SUPPLY OF EXTRA FUSES in glovebox
Small Car Vs. Large Car/Truck
  • Using Bugout Vehicle - Limited Gas/Fuel Supply - Hybrid offers alternative power option.
  • A/C & Heating Valuable
    • Running AC/Heater - Need more fuel for Large Compartment
    • Tints are key in keeping temperature down & for sun protection
  • Small Vehicle- Offers an efficient way to save energy and stay mobile. 
    • Issue- Body Cramps from being in same position
      • Supplement supply that has Arginine 

  • Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
  • Sub-Zero Bug Out Car Camping
    • 2" Thick Acrylic Faux Fur Blanket (Queen Sized) - top single layer for sleep. Can be 2 Thinner 1/2"-1" Faux Fur Blankets Sewn Together. 
    •  Warm Clothes with 1 absorbent wicking layer closest to skin - from head to toes.
  • Sub-Zero Freeze temperature can be deadly. Even with a specialized  snowmobile, handwarmers, and layers of Extreme temperature gear, the ability to quickly make fires, and frequently is crucial when attempting to be on the move.

     Thick Walled Plastic Containers for Storage
      Metal Buckets can be set by a fireplace/ fire if the water freezes

Hot Tropical:
Plastic Deteriorates Fast in 3-6Mos of Constant Heat (despite Shade)
Use Bottled H20 sources 1st if no cool storage
if storage temp < Outdoor temp
Water Evaporates in Heat & Is difficult to cool without refridgeration or electricity

FACIAL WIPES:  help to reduce water use. They can be Dethawed with Body Heat. Have multiple uses and can be cut in half/ smaller pieces to prolong use.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: Sprayed on Seats/ Carpet to keep mold down (hot-tropical climate).
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (ACV)- Sprayed on Carpets & Seats also kills microrganisms (possible ringworm, mites, mold, keeps away cockroaches) in Heat. It will stink for 1-2 days until it dries out;- However the end result is amazingly Positive and Fresh smelling (hot-tropical climate). Also good for cleaning windows with a cloth.

Activated Charcoal pills - Can also use charcoal from burned out fire
Silver Gel
(Hydrogen Peroxide - see above/ Hygeine)
(Apple Cider Vinegar ACV - see above/Hygeine)
Bandaids small to larger sized.
EO Myrhh
Gauze & Tape
KT Tape

Bugging OUt

Bugging Out:- Belongings are critical and leaving them is not a good option. This can include the Car/ Vehicle as a solid and/or mobile Home base.

Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
Summer to Tropical Climate - Key is to Stay HYDRATED & Maintain Body temperature
  4. UNPLUG ALL USB/CHARGER DEVICES WHEN NOT IN THE VEHICLE  Can drain Car battery or start electrical fire.
  6.  KEEP A SUPPLY OF EXTRA FUSES in glovebox
Small Car Vs. Large Car/Truck
  • Using Bugout Vehicle - Limited Gas/Fuel Supply - Hybrid offers alternative power option.
  • A/C & Heating Valuable
    • Running AC/Heater - Need more fuel for Large Compartment
    • Tints are key in keeping temperature down & for sun protection
  • Small Vehicle- Offers an efficient way to save energy and stay mobile. 
    • Issue- Body Cramps from being in same position
      • Supplement supply that has Arginine 

  • Winter to Sub-Zero - Key is to Stay DRY everywhere.
  • Sub-Zero Bug Out Car Camping
    • 2" Thick Acrylic Faux Fur Blanket (Queen Sized) - top single layer
  • Sub-Zero Freeze temperature can be deadly. Even with a specialized  snowmobile, handwarmers, and layers of Extreme temperature gear, the ability to quickly make fires, and frequently is crucial when attempting to be on the move.

     Thick Walled Plastic Containers for Storage
      Metal Buckets can be set by a fireplace/ fire if the water freezes

Hot Tropical:
Plastic Deteriorates Fast in 3-6Mos of Constant Heat (despite Shade)
Use Bottled H20 sources 1st if no cool storage
if storage temp < Outdoor temp
Water Evaporates in Heat & Is difficult to cool without refridgeration or electricity

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal Entry. personal.

I've learned quickly, that my internet information that I receive on my phone manipulated and often inaccurate so that I am left "unsafe" (such as bus schedule access & being stranded, calling people, etc). I'd love to live a more predictable life and safe life, and am open to ex-patriating at this point in time. It's been a very very difficult time for me to stay in the USA for the past 8 going on 9 years, due to USA politics and many domestic people being dead set against any USA business interaction with Asia. I moved to Hawaii since there is a Japanese-American community here;- however I hate to burden anyone with the prospect of starting international business during this USA economic crisis. I will not be handed Japanese money to start a company and have my life compromised further in USA territory, as the USA business climate particularly around Philadelphia, PA;- Doylestown, PA;- Allentown, PA, Ithaca, NY, and Manhattan, NY has depreciated my status and tries to depreciate my international business connections by creating excessive legalities, not paying me the normal percentage for projects & contracts I have worked on, not putting me on an employee payroll, etc.

I have examined the potential of starting international business;- and only found one or two small groups of people over the past decade and a half on the east coast who are willing and able to do the work to create such a company, and have commenced on their own.

Most all of my 1st generation American Friends have also left the United States since (9-11 and in the past 3 years) there are few options and our future prospects in the USA looked slim, as policymakers write new American Policies that are designed to discriminate against our first amedment rights to exist in the USA. Those laws are then further justified by any US citizen to the point where certain locales in the USA are now "dangerous and life threatning" to cosmopolitan families. Except in the case where the USA chooses to manipulate foreign economies by allowing certain families to succeed.

Just a thought today...